IS IT TRUE: August 27, 2011
IS IT TRUE that the names of two unopposed candidates for the Evansville City Council will not even be on the ballot in the 2011 election?…that 1st Ward City Councilman Dan McGinn is running unopposed and with therefore not have his name on the ballot?…that 4th Ward City Councilwoman Connie Robinson will not have her name on the ballot either?…that candidates for office in the State of Indiana are prohibited by law from having their names on the ballot?…that our esteemed Vanderburgh County Clerk Susan Kirk and the election board checked this out very intently and were advised that under Indiana codes IC 3-14-4-3 and IC 5-8-1-35 that they could all face Class D felony charges if they placed the names of unopposed candidates on the ballot?…that we guess that supporters of Councilman McGinn and Councilwoman Robinson will need to take a pen to the polls with them so they can write in their name?…that the City County Observer encourages the people of the 1st and 4th Wards to make a special effort to vote in the at-large, City Clerk, and Mayoral elections?
IS IT TRUE that there are finally beginning to be a large number of fundraisers organized by the local candidates for office?…that some of the more eager candidates have been raising funds for a month now but that the lion’s share of the money will roll in during the next two months?…that the issues for the candidates for Mayor of Evansville are taking shape but that attention is just beginning to be paid to the City Council issues of importance?…that two of the most important outcomes of the election will be the ideological make-up and party affiliations of the new City Council?…that if the Evansville City Council is indeed balanced to begin 2012 that it will be the first time in most people’s lives that this has been the case?…that it will be refreshing if we have a City Council that does not have a rubber stamp majority for our future Mayor?…that the CCO really desires to retire the words puppetmaster and blockheads from discussions regarding the Evansville City Council after January 1, 2012?…that we always reserve the right to bring these words out of retirement if back door meetings and groupthink take over the City of Evansville again?
IS IT TRUE that high school football is now in full swing and that if any of our readers are looking for an enjoyable Friday evening at a good price that high school football is one of the best values around?…that the only football playing high schools in all of Indiana that do not have their own stadiums are both in Evansville?…that in the next couple of weeks both Harrison and North will be opening their new stadiums?…that from an outside perspective both of these stadiums have a very good look about them?…that those seats need to be filled so get out and support your team?…that if you do not have a team then please find one?
IS IT TRUE that we are saddened to see that the Black Buggy restaurant in Washington, IN has become the latest casualty of the Great Recession?…that all indications are that the Evansville Black Buggy is completely independent of the flagship in Washington?…that we hope things are good with the Evansville Black Buggy since the City of Evansville has made a loan to them and it would be quite favorable if that loan is repaid so some other expanding business can use borrow those funds in the future?