Indiana House Democrats will conduct a field hearing in Evansville on Sunday, January 8th to allow area residents to make their feelings known on the proposed “Right to Work†legislation currently before the Indiana General Assembly.
The hearing will be from 2-4 p.m. Sunday in the CK Newsome Center, 100 E. Walnut St., Evansville.
The hearing will be led by State Reps. Gail Riecken (D-Evansville) and Kreg Battles (D-Vincennes).
“To date, there has been no effort to give the people of Indiana a chance to speak out on this radical idea that will cost us jobs, reduce worker pay, and make workplaces unsafe,†Riecken said. “This hearing will allow the people who will be most affected by the idea to discuss its impact upon them.â€
For more information, contact Rep. Riecken at 812-568-9505.
IS IT TRUE that sometimes in a trip driving across the United States that there are special and unexpected treats that happen if you listen to local radio and stop to participate?…that yesterday this writer had one of those things happen?…that yesterday was the 100th anniversary of statehood for the State of New Mexico and celebrations were going on at nearly every public place and bar in the state?…that for the most part the celebrations were all about being glad to be included in the union and the attitude was patriotic?…that the particular sports bar that this guy decided to watch the Cotton Bowl in had a very large faction of people who were not exactly expressing their pleasure with the centennial celebration?…that unknowingly the Avalon stopped for dinner and a ball game at a sports bar in which this writer was the only person in the place that was not a member of the Navajo Nation?…that the celebration if one might call it that was about Navajo culture with maps of their nation prior to 1912 and that some were even speaking in Navajo?…that this was a very good experience and that I met a new friend named Sammie C who is the owner of Sammie C’s in Gallup, New Mexico?
IS IT TRUE the Vanderburgh County Commissioners, County Council and the Evansville City Council shall begin the New Year with new members and officers to lead us through challenging financial times? …that the CCO staff and the citizens of this fine community not only wish but pray that our elected officials shall make honest, well inform decisions for the betterment of the community they serve? …we sincerely wish soon to be elected President of County Commission, Marsha Abell and President of the Evansville City Council, Connie Robinson only the best this coming year?
IS IT TRUE that New Mexico is a smokefree state and that includes a sports bar frequented by the Navajo?…that Indiana made the national news yesterday for the introduction of a statewide smoking ban bill and that the wording of the article made us seem like the captain and crew of the Titanic?…that Indiana also is making national news for the advancement of the Right to Work bill through the state senate?…that the eyes of the nation are upon Indiana this year for the same reasons that they were last year?
IS IT TRUE that cleanliness matters to the image of a community and the economic prosperity as well?…that thus far the states of Oklahoma and New Mexico and much of Texas have been for the most part LITTER FREE which is noticeably different than the streets of Evansville?…that the real exception for yesterday was the City of Amarillo, Texas which made me feel at home yet a bit dirty since litter was blowing in the streets like snow?…that I had planned to stop for lunch in Amarillo but changed my plans because of the unkempt look of the place?…that I opted instead to drive another hour to Tucumcari, NM where it was not only clean but there was a FREE classic car museum that I was treated to?…that image matters, that Evansville needs some improvement in that area, and that Mayor Winnecke is leading his first official weekend of cleaning this morning so get out and do your part people?
The Historic Preservation Commission’s first regular meeting previously rescheduled for Wednesday, January 11 at 5:30 pm in room 318 of the Civic Center located at 1 N.W. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Evansville, Indiana 47708 has been cancelled.
The next meeting will be held Wednesday, February 1 at 5:30 pm in room 318 of the Civic Center located 1 N.W. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Evansville, Indiana 47708 and is a regular scheduled meeting.
Due to further scheduling conflicts and the desire to ensure appointment of all Commission members to the Evansville Redevelopment Commission (“ERC”) by the Mayor’s Office and the City Council are made by the first meeting in 2012, the special meeting called for Monday, January 9, 2012 has been cancelled.
The first meeting of the ERC in 2012 will now be held on a date in the week of January 16th, 2012 which will be announced during the week of January 9th, 2012. Both the Mayor’s Office and the City Council apologize for any inconvenience that may be caused by these changes.
An off duty police officer made the call that lead to the arrest of two patrons of Fast Eddie’s who were involved in a shooting inside the Riverside Drive Bar.
Derrick Vincent McGuire and Kem Anthony Duerson were arrested later during an attempted getaway with McGuire being charged for the shooting and Duerson for driving the getaway car. A loaded Glock piston was found on Duerson who was reported to appear to be intoxicated.
Both men have previous police records from previous actions.
This incident comes on the heels of the New Year’s Day shootings that occurred outside of Score’s Gentlemen’s Club which is on the north side of The District.
The EVSC and EVSC Foundation will officially name Harrison High School’s new track as the Charlie Siesky Track at a dedication ceremony planned for Friday, Jan. 6, at 7:25 p.m., in Harrison’s gymnasium immediately preceding Harrison’s home basketball game. The event, which is open to the public, will include remarks by EVSC Superintendent David Smith, Kevin Eastridge, chair of the Siesky Track committee, and Charlie Siesky.
Siesky, coach of Harrison High School’s Track & Field and Cross Country programs from 1967 through 1999, accumulated a number of records and accolades during his tenure of both programs, including being named to the Indiana Track & Cross Country Coaches Hall of Fame; winning 93 percent of dual meets and 50 percent of city, conference and sectional titles; and accumulating 68 straight dual meet wins from 1979 – 1992 and 51 straight wins from 1970 to 1979. Siesky also coached three state champions during his tenure including Bob Winchell, Vaughn Wedeking and Don Sellers. In addition, Siesky accumulated:
• A Track Dual Meet Record of 198-14-2
• 37 City Meet Titles
• 33 SIAC Meet Titles
• 29 Sectional Titles
• 9 Regional Titles, 3 – 2nd place titles and 5 – 3rd place titles
“EVSC and EVSC Foundation are proud to honor an individual who had such a great impact on many students during his 32-year tenure,†said David Smith, EVSC superintendent. “His record speaks for itself, but maybe more importantly Coach Siesky served as a great role model for students. His legacy will live on through the naming of the track.â€
Nick HermannOne thing the CCO didn’t mention to its’ loyal readers during Tuesday’s awards ceremony was the marquis event: the Public Servant of the Year Award. Who was this year’s recipient? Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Nick Hermann. The CCO selected Hermann from a slew of qualified candidates as the cream of the crop. This selection can be attributed to any number of reasons, not the least of which being the increased productivity of the Prosecutor’s Office. Mole 7 has learned that Hermann instituted a number of cutting edge and well thought out changes to increase the efficiency of his office.
Changes made include a switch to Vertical Prosecution, meaning attorneys are assigned cases immediately upon filing. This provides accountability for cases, has improved communication with law enforcement officials and victims and has had a positive effect on overall case management.
Additionally in 2011, Hermann took steps to join forces with the United States Attorney’s office and formed a joint initiative to combat violent crime. Deputy Prosecutor Levi Burkett has been assigned the role of Special Assistant and works closely with the US Attorneys fighting the worst of the worst in local crime.
Hermann fought hard for the rights of single parents in 2011 as well. Under Hermann, child support collection rates rose above the state average despite being severely understaffed: his agents carry a caseload that is 64% higher than the state’s average. Also on the child support side, the undertaking began to eliminate paper files with the institution of a new paperless system that will allow agents to access the over 15,000 active cases electronically and thus lead to further efficiencies.
Over the past year, Hermann recognized and took on one of the area’s largest criminal foes, methamphetamine. He began a series of Public Service Announcements aimed at combating this epidemic. The PSAs have led to increased community awareness and involvement.
Additionally, Hermann and his office have been active in support of several local charities whose missions are directed toward mentoring youth. Hermann recognizes that the youth are the future of this community and his office is being proactive in attempting to give them the best future they can have by supporting programs that provide them opportunities that give them a chance to lead lives free from crime
Seeing a need for appropriate case resolution, Hermann and his office got outside “the box†and revamped a wide array of programs geared toward finding appropriate resolutions for offenders such as Infraction Deferral, Pretrial Diversion, Drug Court, Juvenile Drug Court, GPS monitoring, In-home drug testing, and Veteran’s Court. These programs offer creative and effective solutions.
One of the biggest changes the CCO noticed from prior years was Hermann’s aggressive approach to the prosecution of repeat offenders. In 2011, the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor’s Office filed over 400 Habitual Offender or Habitual Substance Offender Counts, a marked increase over the 10 filed in the prior year.
USIBroadway veteran Nora Cole will give four performances of “Voices of the Spirits of my Soul†January 16-18 in the Mallette Studio Theatre at the University of Southern Indiana. In the one-woman performance, Cole traces the history of her family from its time in slavery to the present through dramatic characters and song.
She based the work in part on family letters, photographs, and stories passed down through the generations. It also includes pieces from other sources that have had such a lasting impression on her that she was compelled to share them.
Performance times are 7 p.m. Monday, January 16, and Tuesday, January 17, as well as 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 17, and 1 p.m. Wednesday, January 18. The Mallette Studio Theatre is located in the lower level of the Liberal Arts Center.
The performances are free and open to the public through support of the Provost and the Department of Performing Arts.
“Ms. Cole can have a profound effect on an audience,†said Elliot Wasserman, chair of the Department of Performing Arts. “I have seen her great talent and had the pleasure of working with her. She will provide a very memorable and inspirational experience.â€
2. Opening Items
2.01 Roll Call
2.02 Pledge of Allegiance
3. Organization of the Board of School Trustees
3.01 Election of President, Vice President, and Secretary of the Board of School Trustees for the period of January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012
4. Opening Items (con’t)
4.01 Good News
4.02 Public Comment Cards
5. Consent Items (Dr. David Smith)
5.01 Consideration of Minutes of the December 12, 2011 Board meeting
5.02 Consideration of Allowance of Payments
5.03 Consideration to purchase items from Extracurricular Accounts
5.04 Consideration to submit four grant proposals
5.05 Consideration to appointment a treasurer and deputy treasurers of the Board of School Trustees for the period of January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012
5.06 Consideration to approve the agreement between EVSC and University of Southern Indiana
5.07 Consideration to approve the agreement between EVSC and EVSC Foundation
5.08 Consideration to renew the contract between EVSC and Hahn Realty
5.09 Consideration to approve the agreement between EVSC and Dream Center
5.10 Consideration to approve the agreement between EVSC and Leadership Evansville
5.11 Consideration to approve the agreement between EVSC and Pel Industries, Inc.
5.12 Consideration to approve the change orders regarding the New North Campus
6. Consideration of Personnel Recommendations (Pat Tuley)
6.01 Personnel Recommendations
7. Action
7.01 Transfer to Rainy Day Fund (Tuley)
7.02 Peck Road Right of Way Agreement (Cameron)
7.03 Peck Road Utility Easement (Cameron)
8. Information
8.01 General Fund Monthly Review (Tuley)
8.02 Monthly 5% over expended report (Tuley)
8.03 Summary of Cash Balances by Fund (Tuley)
8.04 Expenditure Ledger Summary by Function and Object (Tuley)
8.05 2 Year Revenue Comparison (Tuley)
8.06 Interlocal Agreement for Provision of Services between EVSC and Vanderburgh County (Cameron)
9. Public Comment
9.01 Public Comment
10. Continued Business (Dr. Smith)
10.01 Continued Business