IS IT TRUE? September 26, 2011
IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer will be checking everyday from now until Halloween to see if the real estate taxes have been paid on the McCurdy Hotel? …that on the morning of September 26th, parcel #82-06-30-020-005.002-029 also known as the McCurdy Hotel and located at 100 SE Riverside in Evansville, IN indicates that there is still a delinquent tax amount of $12,274.76?…that if we can report that the taxes are paid on this property that the CCO will become more enthused about the proposition of this project moving forward?…that it has now been 6 full days since Mr. Steve Scott was advised that the taxes on the McCurdy Hotel have not been paid?
IS IT TRUE that we learned of a job search that ended for a gentleman who had been searching for a job for an extended period with no success?…that a critical decision was made by this man to alter his resume’ down so as not to be eliminated from consideration due to over-qualification?…that the key to this person’s successful job search was to purge the fact that he had earned a master’s degree from his resume’?…that for a place that cries about brain drain this is truly a tragic story?…that we do however congratulate this man on finding employment and his employer on getting a bargain?
IS IT TRUE that the young lady with the Vectren issue that we profiled on Saturday has informed us that she is now in her Chicago apartment?…that this apartment and its neighborhood are comparable to the one that she had in Evansville?…that the Chicago apartment’s rent includes all utilities?…that her cost of housing will be lower in Chicago that it was in Evansville when the cost of rent and utilities is included?…that it also seems that her base compensation increased by nearly 100%?…that it is not good for this region’s future prospects for our best and brightest young people to have these kinds of experiences?…that it is even worse when long term residents who wish to stay have to understate their qualifications to even get a job interview?
IS IT TRUE that we wish to reiterate our praise for Carl Chapman the CEO of Vectren for his willingness to offer speakers to the community fee gratis?…that we hope to see the many neighborhood association take advantage of this opportunity?…that we hope that these speakers are prepared to answer questions to go along with what we are sure will certainly be well crafted powerpoint presentations?…that this sounds sort of like the town hall meetings that Mayor Weinzapfel has held?…that in the early days the town hall meetings were seen as interactive and productive meetings but as time passed many were poorly attended and opposing points of view have been dismissed?…that we hope to see Vectren emulate the early town hall meetings and not dismiss the tribulations of the people who attend as trivial?
IS IT TRUE that we would like to congratulate GAGE president Debbie Dewey for publicly expressing the intention of GAGE to get on to the business of incubation, tech transfer, promoting downtown development, and business assistance?…that just so people do not forget that this is exactly what GAGE was designed to do at its founding in 2007?…that putting this train back onto the track that it was designed to run on has the potential to promote positive economic benefits as GAGE had until 2009 when the Freedom Festival was placed there?