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Downtown Today: 9/26/2011


Time 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs every Monday effective 9/5/2011 until 9/26/2011 from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 318

Time 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs every Monday effective 9/5/2011 until 9/26/2011 from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
LYNN BUHR @ 4993
Categories ROOM 301

GasBuddy.com: Your Place to Find the Best Gas Prices


GasBuddy.com is reporting today that the average price of a gallon of regular unleaded is $3.447 and rising. The lowest price reported was at the Sam’s Club East for $3.25 and the highest price was $3.99 and we assume that our readers do not care where that is.

Henderson, KY continues to offer gasoline at a substantial discount to Evansville with the average being reported at $3.07. Quite frankly there was only one station that was not reporting a price of $3.07

The two Kentucky stations on the north side of the Ohio River offer substantial savings as Marina Point has gas priced at $3.12 and the Trocodero across from Ellis Park is at $3.07.


IS IT TRUE? September 26, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? September 26, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer will be checking everyday from now until Halloween to see if the real estate taxes have been paid on the McCurdy Hotel? …that on the morning of September 26th, parcel #82-06-30-020-005.002-029 also known as the McCurdy Hotel and located at 100 SE Riverside in Evansville, IN indicates that there is still a delinquent tax amount of $12,274.76?…that if we can report that the taxes are paid on this property that the CCO will become more enthused about the proposition of this project moving forward?…that it has now been 6 full days since Mr. Steve Scott was advised that the taxes on the McCurdy Hotel have not been paid?

IS IT TRUE that we learned of a job search that ended for a gentleman who had been searching for a job for an extended period with no success?…that a critical decision was made by this man to alter his resume’ down so as not to be eliminated from consideration due to over-qualification?…that the key to this person’s successful job search was to purge the fact that he had earned a master’s degree from his resume’?…that for a place that cries about brain drain this is truly a tragic story?…that we do however congratulate this man on finding employment and his employer on getting a bargain?

IS IT TRUE that the young lady with the Vectren issue that we profiled on Saturday has informed us that she is now in her Chicago apartment?…that this apartment and its neighborhood are comparable to the one that she had in Evansville?…that the Chicago apartment’s rent includes all utilities?…that her cost of housing will be lower in Chicago that it was in Evansville when the cost of rent and utilities is included?…that it also seems that her base compensation increased by nearly 100%?…that it is not good for this region’s future prospects for our best and brightest young people to have these kinds of experiences?…that it is even worse when long term residents who wish to stay have to understate their qualifications to even get a job interview?

IS IT TRUE that we wish to reiterate our praise for Carl Chapman the CEO of Vectren for his willingness to offer speakers to the community fee gratis?…that we hope to see the many neighborhood association take advantage of this opportunity?…that we hope that these speakers are prepared to answer questions to go along with what we are sure will certainly be well crafted powerpoint presentations?…that this sounds sort of like the town hall meetings that Mayor Weinzapfel has held?…that in the early days the town hall meetings were seen as interactive and productive meetings but as time passed many were poorly attended and opposing points of view have been dismissed?…that we hope to see Vectren emulate the early town hall meetings and not dismiss the tribulations of the people who attend as trivial?

IS IT TRUE that we would like to congratulate GAGE president Debbie Dewey for publicly expressing the intention of GAGE to get on to the business of incubation, tech transfer, promoting downtown development, and business assistance?…that just so people do not forget that this is exactly what GAGE was designed to do at its founding in 2007?…that putting this train back onto the track that it was designed to run on has the potential to promote positive economic benefits as GAGE had until 2009 when the Freedom Festival was placed there?

IS IT TRUE? September 25, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? September 25, 2011

IS IT TRUE that it is refreshing to read the Community Comment article by Vectren CEO Mr. Carl Chapman today where in the end he commits to send a Vectren speaker to any civic organization, church, neighborhood association, or other concerned citizen group to explain Vectren’s position on pricing, EPA compliance, and we suppose everyday life in the Vectren service area?…that transparency and honesty are admirable traits and that speaking to the community as opposed to having closed door meetings with political appointees for rate increases is a positive step?…that Vectren has had a “request a speaker” button on their webpage for a long time and that this service may have always been an option?…that this time due to the publications over the last year that have brought the people of Evansville to a state of heightened awareness Vectren will finally have to get serious about selling their customers on what they have already done?

IS IT TRUE that we look forward to attending one of these meetings and hearing Vectren address the following questions?
• It has been widely published that Vectren has been a leader in implementing EPA regulations and that is the reason for the fact that electricity is the highest in the state and 212% higher than Henderson? Estimates from utilities in other cities range from 30% to 70% increases coming in the future when they implement hardware to meet the EPA regulations? Explain how in the case of Henderson where a 70% increase would still result in a rate of between $0.08 and $0.09 per kWh leaving Vectren with at least a 50% higher rate assuming that there are no rate increases until Henderson catches up?
• Vectren recently asked for a $1.08 per month fee increase to justify investing in dense pack technology. Vectren projects after some misunderstanding that each rate payer will get back between $1.15 and $1.38 per month from the resulting savings. As a ratepayer and shareholder it would seem as though Vectren would be better off by just doing this and adding the extra $0.07 per month profit to their own bottom line? Why bother to ask for $1.08 then do a bunch of calculations to give us back $1.15 when it would be in Vectren’s best interest to just do this on its own?
• Evansville and SW Indiana share the same airport, roads, workforce, etc. with Western Kentucky. Please explain a scenario where an advanced manufacturing plant that is a heavy user of electricity would be well served financially to choose SW Indiana over Henderson or Owensboro as a location and how Vectren would sell them on that proposition?

IS IT TRUE that we are sure that there will be many more questions that are flat out personal and will tug on people’s heartstrings such as the tale of the young lady we profiled yesterday who is expected to pay for Vectren’s mistakes?…that there have been reports of people moving from Evansville to Henderson over the difference in their utility bills?…that to a working class family the difference in having a $200 utility bill and having a $600 utility bill can be the difference in eating peanut butter or having an adequate grocery budget?…that as much as we and others are likely to understand and believe that Vectren’s rates are higher due to early compliance with the EPA that having better emissions control at the power plant is of little consequence to people who are struggling to survive?

IS IT TRUE that the irony of the situation is that the particulate readings for the air we breathe when compared to Henderson shows no real difference?…that today the Air Quality Index for Henderson and Evansville are identical and are barely within the band considered to be “GOOD”?…that having similar readings are the way it is when it comes to the air that is shared between Henderson and Evansville?…that even with the air we breathe that mixing distributes the particles in a way that there is little difference?… that to have perfect air to breathe (which we don’t) but to still be under EPA order to clean up the Combined Sewer problem is sort of inconsistent?…that this is a case where the stewards of the air may be trying to do their best but the stewards of the sewer are far behind?…that the City of Evansville is the steward of the sewer?

IS IT TRUE that while the City of Evansville has done everything possible to prolong implementation that Vectren forged ahead?…that if we were a wealthy city where several hundred dollars per month made little difference to anyone that paying for both clean air and water is a good investment in lifestyle?…that we are once again faced with a dilemma when it comes to attraction?…that if we assume that the air is clean then we must explain why it smells like a sewer?…that from a homeowners perspective that we seem to have paid for an expensive ionizer to clean our air and neglected the fact that our toilet is overflowing?…that these are serious problems and that we encourage Vectren and the new city administration to work together with others to achieve an affordable balance that really can lead to Evansville being an attractive place to live and work?

Gas Price Map of the United States: Evansville Gas Prices Slow to Go Respond to Drop in Barrel Price


See Just Who Gets Hosed and Who Catches a Break

We all have a real sense of the fact that taxation differences always seem to keep gasoline between 5 cents and 10 cents cheaper in Henderson, KY than they are in Evansville, IN. There is essentially no instance where it is worth the time and the gas to make a special trip to Henderson to save that $1.50 but if we are crossing the money saving bridge for other purposes, most all of us gas up before coming home.

The map on this link shows on a county to county basis what the gas prices are all over the United States. Greenville, SC has the lowest average prices and Chicago is the highest. Evansville as always comes in at exactly the average of the averages at $3.76 per gallon.

Henderson is currently only $3.55 per gallon much more that just the difference in taxes from Indiana to Kentucky.


IS IT TRUE? September 24, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? September 23, 2011

IS IT TRUE that a young educated female professional who is moving to Chicago today contacted the City County Observer regarding her Vectren bill which will be her last?…that she has been living in a one bedroom apartment in the historic district for the last year?…that all last winter her Vectren bill was in the $120 – $150 range and that she kept her thermostat at a comfortable 70 degrees?…that she was pleased with this amount as it fit her budget and she was able to keep as warm as she wanted?…that her most recent Vectren bill was a record $380 for a month that she was only home about 70% of the time?…that she thought something had to be wrong and placed a call to Vectren regarding the bill?

IS IT TRUE that the explanation that she was given was that for the entire time she had been living in her apartment that Vectren’s meter had something wrong with it that resulted in her being undercharged for the entire time?…she was told that Vectren discovered that the meter had been incorrect recently and back billed her for all of that time into a single bill?…that if she had known that the bill was really as high as it was she would have turned the heat down to make sure that her Vectren bill was within her budget even if it meant turning it down to 62 degrees and wearing a coat in her apartment?

IS IT TRUE that we are somewhat confused as to how Vectren could have had a broken meter for that long and been able to figure out exactly the number of kWh that they had under billed her for?…that this broken meter was never the less consistent in its readings and that the amount of the bill for all of the winter was about what her landlord had told her that it would be?…that seems like having a car with a broken odometer, keeping no written records, and then declaring a year later what the exact mileage that was driven was?…that Vectren is somewhat clever and may have some way of knowing exactly what was used when a meter is repaired so let’s assume that the number of kWh that she has been billed for is correct?…that even accepting that this young lady was tricked by the bad meter into using more heat than she could afford and that some compromise on Vectren’s part is entirely appropriate?…that without a compromise this young lady who is leaving Evansville will have this memory of Vectren making her pay for their mistake as she gets on with her life?…that this may influence any future decision to move back to Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that she does report that the Vectren customer service representative was courteous and offered to set up a payment plan but was not compromising in the least when it came to the amount of the balance?…that the rate charged seemed to all be at the new rate?…that given this case that the electricity that was used last winter before Vectren’s rate increase went into effect was billed at the current rate?…that some downward adjustment in this young ladies bill is in order?…that in all fairness it was Vectren’s broken gear that sent her the false signal that 70 degrees is affordable so the honorable thing to do is for Vectren to accept what she paid as payment in full, fix the meter, and accept responsibility for their dysfunctional meter instead of sticking a 24 year old with the bill?

IS IT TRUE that we wonder if this was an isolated random occurrence or if this happens often?

Davis Blasts Vectren Fee Hike Request


Rick Davis

Davis Blasts Vectren Fee Hike Request

(Evansville, IN) Declaring that citizens have been squeezed too much, Vanderburgh County Treasurer and Evansville mayoral candidate Rick Davis today announced his opposition to Vectren’s proposed fee increase. The company last week asked the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission to approve an increase of $1.08 per customer to pay for a $32 million project at its power plant in Posey County.

“Today I am sending a letter to the public utility commission asking them to deny this increase”, Davis said. “In addition to the burden it imposes, the increase fails to factor in the fact that the company’s operating costs will decrease as they use less coal to provide power with the new technology.”

Davis said that Vectren’s rates–the highest in the state–are already too high and criticized their demand for a guaranteed 7.3% return. “It is totally unrealistic of Vectren to demand a 7.3 percent return in this economy,” Davis said. “Families are struggling to make ends meet. Many people simply cannot afford yet another Vectren rate hike.”

Davis also questioned the fairness of the proposed fee hike. “Why should the person living in an apartment or small house be asked to assume the same burden as someone living in a mansion? It is simply not fair,” Davis said. “The person in the mansion benefits more from the use of less coal than the person in an apartment.”

Davis pointed out that Vectren’s high rates are undermining Evansville’s competitiveness as a place to live and do business. “Vectren’s rates have been escalating for the past decade to the level that they are significantly higher than our neighboring cities. It is time to put the breaks on this alarming trend because it is undercutting our ability to attract new business to Evansville.”

Davis said he plans to appear before the Utility Regulatory Commission to testify against the proposed rate increase when it holds hearings. Dates for such hearings have not yet been set. At the request of State Representative Gail Riecken, the Commission has indicated it will hold hearings in Evansville.

Davis also criticized his Republican opponent, Lloyd Winnecke, for failing to join in the fight against Vectren’s rate hike, noting that former Vectren CEO Niel Ellerbrook is a big donor to Winnecke’s campaign. Ellerbrook donated $5,000 to Winnecke’s campaign in the Primary Election and also hosted a fundraiser for Winnecke this summer.




Contacts: Krista Lockyear, Co-Chair
Jeff Mulzer, Co-Chair


EVANSVILLE, Ind. (September 23, 2011) – The Jobs for Southwestern Indiana Political Action Committee (JPAC) announced their endorsements today for the elections of Mayor of Evansville and Evansville City Council.

JPAC is endorsing the following candidates based on their support of The Chamber’s top priorities:

Mayor: Lloyd Winnecke
“Lloyd has experience as a public official and as a business manager; he has proven executive skills and has been a leader in the government consolidation process,” stated JPAC Co-Chair Jeff Mulzer.

City Council, 2nd Ward: Missy Mosby
“We are encouraged by Missy’s passion for public service, her hands-on commitment to her constituents and her accomplishments, especially bringing about extensive sewer upgrades in the 2nd ward,” Mulzer stated.

City Council, 3rd Ward: Alan Leibundguth
“Alan brings a unique skill set with his long and significant record of military service and his business education (MBA),” Mulzer stated.

City Council, 5th Ward: John Friend
“John understands the need to streamline local government, particularly the construction-permitting process to encourage business expansion, and he brings no-nonsense financial skills from his experience as a CPA,” stated JPAC Co-Chair Krista Lockyear.

City Council, 6th Ward: Shaun Short
“Shaun has a strong accounting background. As a newcomer, he has a good understanding of the issues facing the City that the Council will need to address during his term,” Mulzer stated.

City Council, At-Large: Bill Kramer
“Bill is a business owner that is actively involved with non-profits. He will bring his business sense to bear on Council issues,” Mulzer stated.

City Council, At-Large: Michelle Mercer
“Michelle has demonstrated a commitment to quality of life issues that will make Evansville a healthier community, and an ability to work within budgets to accomplish goals, while maintaining fiscal responsibility,” stated Lockyear.

City Council, At-Large: Conor O’Daniel
“Conor has a good grasp of how government operates and where improvements can be made; his extensive experience as an attorney provides him with skills that will serve the Council well,” stated Lockyear.

During this election cycle, The Chamber surveyed candidates for city office. The video-taped interviews can be viewed at www.ccswin.com.

The Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana created JPAC in 1996 as a separate organization to support pro-business candidates for local and state offices. JPAC is an 11-person, bi-partisan board co-chaired by a republican and a democrat who serve on The Chamber’s Board of Directors.