October 3, 2011 (812) 499-3620
Finance Committee Chairman and City Councilman John Friend Launches Petition to Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission (IURC) and Invites all Other Candidates and Current Officials to Become Sponsors to Stop Job Killing Rate and Fee Increases by Vectren
Evansville, IN- Today Evansville City Councilman and the Chairman of the Finance Committee has announced that he is launching a petition drive to admonish the Indiana Utilities and Regulatory Commission to refuse to consider all electricity rate increases by the Vectren Corporation until the average electricity rate in the State of Indiana have caught up to the SW Indiana areas served by Vectren are paying. Councilman Friend also is asking that all hearings brought before the IURC by Vectren for the purpose of seeking a rate or fee increase be held in SW Indiana where the requested rates would go into effect.
Citing an increase of over 20% in the electrical charges incurred by the City of Evansville and the recent record bills reported by residents of Evansville, Councilman Friend said that “having electricity rates that are the most expensive in the State of Indiana by 50% and over 100% higher than neighboring areas is not only a financial burden on the people of SW Indiana but a job killerâ€. “Our best efforts to attract jobs to the area and stop the population shrinkage in the City of Evansville are blunted by the high rates we already pay for electricityâ€, Councilman Friend continued.
Councilman Friend emphasized that “this petition is non-partisan effort and that he welcomes additional sponsors for this petition from all candidates for local offices and presently serving elected officials at both the local and state level.â€
“Competitiveness with other locales in critical infrastructure and maintaining a favorable cost of doing business is of utmost importance as Evansville and SW Indiana governments work hard to become a preferred location to live and work. Having competitive rates for all utilities in both industrial and residential rates is one of the basic requirements for growing an economy and a populationâ€. Councilman Friend concluded.