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Text of John Friend’s Press Release to Petition Vectren to Freeze Rates Until the Rest of Indiana Catches Up to SW Indiana


October 3, 2011 (812) 499-3620

Finance Committee Chairman and City Councilman John Friend Launches Petition to Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission (IURC) and Invites all Other Candidates and Current Officials to Become Sponsors to Stop Job Killing Rate and Fee Increases by Vectren

Evansville, IN- Today Evansville City Councilman and the Chairman of the Finance Committee has announced that he is launching a petition drive to admonish the Indiana Utilities and Regulatory Commission to refuse to consider all electricity rate increases by the Vectren Corporation until the average electricity rate in the State of Indiana have caught up to the SW Indiana areas served by Vectren are paying. Councilman Friend also is asking that all hearings brought before the IURC by Vectren for the purpose of seeking a rate or fee increase be held in SW Indiana where the requested rates would go into effect.

Citing an increase of over 20% in the electrical charges incurred by the City of Evansville and the recent record bills reported by residents of Evansville, Councilman Friend said that “having electricity rates that are the most expensive in the State of Indiana by 50% and over 100% higher than neighboring areas is not only a financial burden on the people of SW Indiana but a job killer”. “Our best efforts to attract jobs to the area and stop the population shrinkage in the City of Evansville are blunted by the high rates we already pay for electricity”, Councilman Friend continued.

Councilman Friend emphasized that “this petition is non-partisan effort and that he welcomes additional sponsors for this petition from all candidates for local offices and presently serving elected officials at both the local and state level.”

“Competitiveness with other locales in critical infrastructure and maintaining a favorable cost of doing business is of utmost importance as Evansville and SW Indiana governments work hard to become a preferred location to live and work. Having competitive rates for all utilities in both industrial and residential rates is one of the basic requirements for growing an economy and a population”. Councilman Friend concluded.


John Friend Starts Petition to Keep Vectren from Raising Rates: Cites Local Rates as Job Killing


Evansville City Councilman and Budget Committee Chairman John Friend sent out a press release today calling the rates for electricity in Evansville and surrounding areas of Evansville “job killing” and cited the 20% rise in the City of Evansville’s bills as evidence.

Councilman Friend states in his release that he is inviting candidates of both parties and existing office holders to join him in sponsoring this petition. He also demands that all public hearings for increases in the future be held in SW Indiana where the rate increases requested will be felt by the rate payers both corporate and individual.

Councilman Friend in a phone interview has made it known that anyone wanting to help gather signatures can contact him at the email address on the press release for instructions. He reports are that Saturday efforts netted over 500 signatures in a matter of a few hours.

The following link is to Councilman Friend’s press release

John Friend Vectren_news_release

IS IT TRUE? October 2, 2011


600 Block of East Franklin Street: The Pile of Rubble is Still there!!

IS IT TRUE? October 2, 2011

IS IT TRUE that Arek Sarkissian of the Evansville Courier and Press has authored a well informed article that questions the quality of life in Evansville and actually departs from the typical cheerleading posture taken by local officials?…that his interviews with both long term and short term residents accentuates some of our most apparent problems like filthiness and being 20 years behind the civilized world with respect to public health laws?…that the only disenchanting part of this article are the last several paragraphs when one of the interviewees delves back into the empty cliché’s that have permeated our attraction brochures forever?

IS IT TRUE that parroting empty phrases like “Evansville’s a great place to raise kids” or “we have a great quality of life” are quite meaningless without the substance that should follow?…that what we really need answered is the question “if this is such a great place to raise kids, then why do they all leave”?…that another good question would be “if the quality of life is so great then why do we live in filth and lead the nation in suicide”?…that when those kinds of questions and a hundred others that test the empty foundations on which the leaders of Evansville have built their delusions of quality, then and only then will Evansville really be in a position to move forward in a prosperous way?…that with reporters like Mr. Sarkissian exposing the flaws and tireless advocates of public beauty like our own Joan of Arc Ann Ennis leading the charge of a growing legion of people who are tired of the same old same old, we may just get to a better place after all?…that we want all of our readers to read Mr. Sarkissian’s article so here it is?


IS IT TRUE that Mayor Weinzapfel has invited that brilliant old curmudgeon Morton Marcus to come to Evansville for a personal tour of the downtown?…that our Mayor believes that if he escorts Mr. Marcus around and provides the right narrative that Mr. Marcus will certainly see Evansville in a better light than his article last week indicated?…that Mr. Marcus has been here many times with and without a “Tour Guide in Chief” to escort him?…that the only way for Mr. Marcus or anyone else to really get to know Evansville is do see it at the street level without a “Tour Guide in Chief” bending his ear every time he glances at an empty store front or trips over a soda cup?…that Mr. Marcus saw Evansville as it is and reported on it?…that visitors and unescorted site selectors will see what Mr. Marcus saw as part of their investigation process?…that it is a good thing that Mr. Marcus was not here in the winter or he may have busted his butt on un-shoveled downtown sidewalks and been even more critical?…that maybe if only in the 6 blocks known as downtown that our litter laws were enforced as well as our 2 hour parking rules are then Ms. Ennis would not be having bad experiences with litterbugs intentionally piling cigarette butts up next to KEB’s ash cans?…that being a “Tour Guide in Chief” for a day is no substitute for being an inspiration for public pride every day?

IS IT TRUE that both candidates for Mayor acknowledge that Evansville needs a bath?…that both have acknowledged the litter problem and that Mr. Winnecke has been not only vocal but has been leading teams of people into the street to actually pick the litter up?…that like the team of Parks Department personnel who have found that there are more slop hogs who litter than they can possibly pick up after, dirtying up Evansville, our next Mayor will be faced with a challenge much bigger than having volunteers cleaning up neighborhoods?…that the lifestyle of sloth is practiced and enjoyed by too many people to pick up after?…that the real answer is to crack the nut that instills civic pride in the slop hogs so that they change their ways?

IS IT TRUE that the rubble pile at 600 East Franklin Street is still there?…that it has been there for over a month now since the CCO exposed it and called for its removal?…that civic pride starts at the top and that the leaders responsible for getting this rubble cleaned up are not doing their job?…that there seems to be no accountability for filth even at the top of local government and thus the filth shall continue until there is?

Take That: October 1, 2011


Take That: October 1, 2011

IN RESPONSE TO: Press Releases not on City of Evansville Website

“At the very least, it seems there has existed, over time, a very “comfortable” relationship between Jonathan Weinzapfel and Lloyd Winnecke. Show me where the two have ever butted heads on anything Weinzapfel proposed. That is what leads people to believe that Winnecke could be a continuation of Weinzapfel’s administration of the city, possibly even keeping much of Weinzapfel’s staff.” Pressanykey

“I bet Weinzapful set this thing up and stuck Winnecke with the blame. One thing for sure is that one of those guys is lying through his teeth. My bet is that the liar/manipulator is the current Mayor as opposed to Mr. Winnecke. Sometimes being a team player can get you burned and that is what is getting Winnecke burned on this meeting. …Watergate Jonathan done took those records down from the city’s website. I wonder how many other things that make Watergate Jonathan look bad have been removed?” RevJeremiahWright

“I concur with the RevJermiahWright that either Weinzapfel or Winnecke is telling a bold faced lie about this meeting. Winnecke, whom I support needs to get our it front of this thing and settle this thing with truth. Did Winnecke call the meeting? If the answer is yes, then why did he call this meeting and how were the invitees chosen. This all still looks strategic and sneaky to me. Next how is it that the Mayor can issue a statement that a decision was made and have every republican in the room including Winnecke dispute it. Please Mr. Winnecke tell us who the liar is?” The Architect

“The suggestion to not renew the homestead credit was implied at the meeting and tacit approval was inferred by the attendees. No need for motions. No need for votes. With a wink and a nod, taxes were raised and no one ever knew until the deed was done.” Mole #411

“Forgot to add that since Mr. Winnecke backed up Mr. Fluty’s version of the meeting in the Mayor’s office, they both challenged the Mayor’s Press Release which tried to blame the homestead tax grab on the Repubs. I believe both Mr. Winnecke’s and Mr. Fluty’s statements that someone else made the decision to eliminate the homestead credit.” Joe Biden

““HOMESTEADAQUIDDICK” The incident that has and will continue to haunt any and ALL who engaged in, or held in confidence or this despicable betrayal of The Vanderburgh County Residential Taxpayers.” Bubbageek

IS IT TRUE? October 1, 2011


IS IT TRUE? October 1, 2011

IS IT TRUE that there is a lovely quote in today’s Wall Street Journal that is attributed to a French woman named Brigitte Hautier?…that it is the kind of quote that we hope people attribute to the City County Observer’s demeanor as a publication?…that Mme. Hautier is a personal writer for people who need letters, resume’s, and other small writing tasks done who refuses to work for the government in such a job in order to have the freedom that comes with freelancing?…that her quote is as follows:

“There are people who want only free stuff, and others would rather pay and be free”

IS IT TRUE that it is truly a sad day in America, France, or even the former USSR when any government or business accumulates sufficient power over the lives of people to oppress the free flow of information?…that some people are humbled by an oppressive leviathan and others never will be?…that those in the “never will be” category founded the United States of America?…that the people that founded this country would roll over in their graves to see the power held by governments and big companies over free enterprise and the free flow of information today?

IS IT TRUE that the staff of the Governor of Kentucky was advised yesterday that due to poor and deteriorating economic conditions in the national economy that Kentucky is in for a tough economic time in the foreseeable future?…that even Governor Steve Beshear from nearby Dawson Springs was not immune from bad news?…that he is being called out for making claims to have created jobs that were announced that just never materialized?…that the whole country must be accustomed to politicians and their minions telling whoppers about job creation?…that we wonder what the statute of limitations is on an announcement about a magnificent number of jobs that never happened?…that if someone announces 500+ jobs that will be created and ten years later the number is 10 if they are liars or just suffered from delusion when the announcement was made?…that we do applaud the State of Kentucky for publishing their realistic outlook?

IS IT TRUE that there are now solar powered oil wells toiling away in parts of the earth where there is limited or no access to the electrical grid?…that we can soon expect a windmill power gas pump, or even a tidal powered drill rig?…that maybe our path to energy independence will be hastened by using alternative green energy to find or access traditional fossil fuels?…that this may be the most cost efficient use of alternative energy on earth today?

IS IT TRUE that it has now been 1,615 days since the announcement was made on May 14, 2007 that the McCurdy Hotel was to be refurbished into luxury apartments?…that it has now been 1,468 days since the Evansville Redevelopment Commission at the request of Mayor Weinzapfel approved the spending of $603,000 to purchase the parking lot?…that City Centre Properties and Scott Kosene the developers of the McCurdy project are both listed as contributors to the Weinzapfel for Mayor committee for 2010?

IS IT TRUE that in a short 39 days we will all know whether it will be Lloyd Winnecke or Rick Davis who will become the Mayor that will assume responsibility for executing the decisions that are playing out right now?…that that there are 92 days remaining in the Weinzapfel Administration?

IS IT TRUE that there are now 394 days remaining in the two years that the EPA had given the City of Evansville to present an acceptable solution to the Combined Sewer Overflow problem?…..that this plan is an expensive and complex endeavor that needs immediate attention to avoid the embarrassment and expense of another round of fines?

Evansville Redevelopment Commission: Meeting Agenda 10/4/2011


Evansville Redevelopment Commission
Tuesday, October 4, 2011 – 8:30 am
Civic Center Complex – Room 307

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Executive Session memorandum 9-19-2011

3. Approval of Minutes of September 20, 2011

4. Approval of Accounts Payable Vouchers

5. Downtown Redevelopment Area
a. 11-ERC-66 – Award Downtown Streetscape Improvements Project
b. 11-ERC-72 – Change Order No. 2 for Downtown Sidewalk Repair Project
Phase 1 (River Town Const.)
c. 11-ERC-73 – Granting Title to Real Property in the Arts District Redevelopment Area to HOPE of Evansville, Inc
d. 11-ERC-74 – Authorizing Third Extension of Development Agreement With City Centre Properties, LLC for the McCurdy Project
e. 11-ERC-75 – Authorizing Surveys for Property Surrounding Greyhound Terminal
f. 11-ERC-76 – Approving U of E Contract
g. 11-ERC-77 – Authorizing Amendment to Agreement with City of Evansville to Provide Technological and Communication Network and IPT Phone System Support
h. 11-ERC-78 – Confirming Resolution Awarding Contract To Hunden Strategic Partners for Review of Hotel Proposals

6. Public Hearing – Appropriation of Additional TIF Funds
11-ERC-79 – Resolution of the City of Evansville, Indiana, Redevelopment Commission Authorizing an Additional Appropriation of Downtown Tax Increment Finance Funds

7. Public Hearing – Appropriation of Additional TIF Funds
11-ERC-80 – Resolution of the City of Evansville, Indiana, Redevelopment Commission Authorizing an Additional Appropriation of Jacobsville Tax Increment Finance Funds

8. Other Business

9. Adjournment

* This preliminary Agenda is subject to change. The final Agenda will be posted at the entrance to the location of the meeting prior to the meeting.

IS IT TRUE? September 30, 2011 Special Evening Edition


IS IT TRUE? September 30, 2011 Special Evening Edition

IS IT TRUE that we understand that Vectren has held meetings with both candidates for Mayor of Evansville this week to discuss the excessive difference in rates that are paid for electricity in greater Evansville as compared to every neighbor that we have on both sides of the river?…that the recently misunderstood request for an increase of $1.08 per household to make coal burning more efficient was also discussed?…that we also understand that Vectren brought in the heavy hitters to sell their position including former Vanderburgh County Sheriff and House of Representatives member Brad Ellsworth?…that it is our expectation that after speaking with both candidates for Mayor that Vectren will find some way to convince both candidates that things are just fine in River City and that Vectren shall not be an issue of any kind in the upcoming elections?…that we will patiently wait for the October 21st campaign contribution disclosures?

IS IT TRUE that we have not heard many reports regarding the shape of the parks in Evansville in the last couple of months?…that we wonder if all is well in our parks or if people are just worn out with trying to do something?…that a small area of the south side has erupted with what is being attributed to a gang skirmish this week?…that there have been 3 instances of shootings in a period of 48 hours?…that with a very few exceptions that the neighborhood seems very reluctant to talk about who the shooters have been?…that some of these neighbors legitimately do not know but that others are afraid to talk about it?…that a very wise woman posted a quoted from the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. on Facebook today that goes like this?

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”

IS IT TRUE neighborhoods that fall into a pattern of violence do so very quickly?…that without the assistance of the neighbors in cleaning up crime that the police whose job it is to investigate and prosecute perpetrators of random violence have their hands tied?…that the mantra of nearly every police department in America is “to protect and serve”?…that we beg and encourage the good people of the south side neighborhoods who are victims of this senseless behavior to rise up and conquer their fears and to work with the authorities to make their neighborhoods to be the type of neighborhoods that all of the residents of Evansville will feel safe in and proud of?

IS IT TRUE that today’s Wall Street Journal reports that the fracking technique that is being used in oil and gas extraction may very well double America’s oil production in our lifetime?…through accessing federal lands and using advanced extraction methods like fracking there are some experts who are projecting that the United States may become self sufficient with respect to energy without supplementing our grid with what are now traditional alternatives like wind and solar?…that if people who SHOULD HAVE BEEN in the know 3 years ago would have actually been IN THE KNOW that misguided federal investments in things like Solyndra would never have even been considered?

City of Evansville Legal Services Contracts


The City County Observer has obtained the Legal Services Contracts executed between the City of Evansville and the Law firm that was selected to take care of the City’s legal issues for 2011.

One of the contracts, linked below as the Independent Contractors Agreement is very straight forward with respect to duties and compensation. This contract calls for a total of flat fees paid monthly that adds up to $213,148 paid in equal monthly installments of $17,762 for the page of services listed in the appendix.

The second contract is an open ended contract to be billed at $150 per hour for other tasks and expenses set forth in the agreement. No where in this contract is it specified that Paralegal services are to be billed at a rate of $95.00 per hour. No rate whatsoever is specified for paralegal services yet legal support is mentioned beneath the section that states $150 per hour. As such it would appear that the City’s law firm is actually under-billing for paralegal services at $95 per hour with respect to what would be admissible under the terms of the contract.

There is no upper limit imposed on the number of hours that can be billed at the $150 per hour rate.


City of Evansville_Agreement_for_Legal_Services_Litigation

IS IT TRUE? September 30, 2011 “Press Releases: Is it Sloppiness or Banana Republic Tactics?”


IS IT TRUE? September 30, 2011 Part 2

IS IT TRUE that people seem to be confusing the position of the City County Observer with respect to Mayoral press releases posted on the City of Evansville’s website?…that we never claimed that the Mayor or anyone else removed any press release?…that we clearly have stated that all of the press releases from the Office of the Mayor and in particular two press releases about the Homestead Tax Credit ARE NOT ON THE CITY OF EVANSVILLE WEBSITE?…that our desire is for the City of Evansville to maintain an up to date and easy to use website that contains current and archival access to ALL press releases?…that we trust and expect that all press releases issued by the Mayor of Evansville or any other City of Evansville department are crafted and released for the purpose of informing the people of Evansville with information deemed worthy by our leaders to be released for wide distribution through the media?

IS IT TRUE that posting ALL press releases, notices of public meetings, agendas for meetings, and other important public domain documents is pretty much a basic requirement to be considered a modern city?…that the City of Evansville by either sloppiness or selective posting is not fulfilling this requirement?…that if this was entirely a result of sloppiness and inattention to detail that this needs to be corrected and retroactively implemented back to when the posting started?…that running a sloppy operation within local government makes us look like Mayberry RFD to potential businesses?…that if this was sloppiness then fix it and move on?

IS IT TRUE that if the missing press releases are missing from the City of Evansville website as a result of selective posting then we are dealing with a different situation altogether?…intentionally filtering public press releases for a public website that has the look and feel of a comprehensive archive is not acceptable for the Office of the Mayor of Evansville?…that intentionally keeping a press release off has the exact same effect for a public archive as posting it and then removing it later?…that this is absolute censorship and should not ever be tolerated or condoned?…that looking the other way or doing business by the nod and wink with respect to public information is the domain of the propaganda machines of Banana Republics and Totalitarian states?…that we could give examples of the names of people who have done such things but we choose not to?

IS IT TRUE that the obligation and the responsibility to inform the public is one of the most important functions of government?…that we expect that all elected leaders will take this seriously and will be cognizant of what is released to the press?…that sometimes a little fluff is okay but that important issues NEED to be addressed in the public forum by our elected officials?…that all that we want to see from Mayor Weinzapfel or any future Mayor of Evansville is a full and accurate public archive of all press releases whether the news reflects well or not so well on the person who releases it?…that to do less reflects well on all of us?…that this latest episode from one perspective looks like filtering, suppression, and censorship?…that from another perspective it just looks like sloppiness?…the either way this needs to stop and that in order to demonstrate a commitment to openness and transparency that Mayor Weinzapfel assure that all of his press releases are online and in the archive in chronological order before he leaves office?…that if he does not do this that his successor should?…that we as citizens of Evansville have looked sloppy and/or like a Banana Republic long enough?