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Councilman H. Dan Adams: Letter to the Editor regarding Vectren


Dr. Dan Adams

Dear Editors:

It is the local perception by many that Vectren’s rates are too high for what they deliver. Without letting them explain why their rates are three times per kilowatt-hour than those from across the river, we seem to be rushing to judgment in this pre-election-charged, hyped up element…. perhaps looking to a cause for November 6th’s vote. I believe that in an attempt to stem noxious gas emissions and become very green that Vectren has gotten too far out in front of their surrounding colleagues with their charges. But I would want them to have the opportunity to explain the discrepancy before rushing to judgment.

Our air needs help without a doubt. I would think having an open dialogue with Vectren and discussing multiple ways to curb its corporate spending that could translate back to savings to the average customer is a worthy endeavor. By retaining O.25% of their share’s dividend toward that goal, by adjusting downward their internal, company-owned subsidiary unit charges …perhaps asking too much of the parent for coal and such, and by curbing their maybe-too-admirable efforts of give money to local projects, Vectren could stop trying to be all things to all people outside of electricity delivery.

By getting back to basics, they could save more money by being more of a meat-and-potatoes power company. Vectren needs to create a free, open forum to explain itself. Internally, Vectren is a black box to us all. And I am not a follow-the-leader guy, rather I find myself constantly trying to find my own way. As much as I want lower electric charges as anyone, without deep data, I will not sign a petition that has not much clout.

H. Dan Adams, MD MBA, Evansville City Councilman, At-Large

Commissioner Melcher Joins Councilman Friend’s Petition to Reign in Vectren’s Price Increases


Vanderburgh County Commissioner Stephen Melcher today is announcing both is support and sponsorship of John Friend’s petition to freeze all Vectren rate increases until areas in direct contact with SW Indiana have caught up and to require all IURC meetings regarding rate increases to be held in the areas affected.

Melcher has been pushing toward localized meetings and recently spoke on the subject.

At the September 27, 2011 Vanderburgh County Commissioners meeting under Public Comment: Commissioner Stephen Melcher asked to have representatives of Vectren Corporation attend a Commissioners meeting. Commissioner Melcher made that request in response to Carl Chapman’s letter in the Courier & Press and the City County Observer where he stated that “Vectren wanted to speak with all of the different civic groups in our community”. Melcher said that the Commissioner’s meeting is on TV live and that the community would have the opportunity to watch. He also said the public and businesses should be there to voice there concerns.

Stephen would like the Commissioners to have 2 or 3 public meetings with Vectren representatives to answer questions about utility bills. He believes the Governor’s appointments to the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission should change to being” elected” positions by having one member from each of the four corners of the state and one from the middle of the state. They should be elected from their area only. All requests for an increase in rates would be heard in the district to be affected (not in Indianapolis). Vectren’s rates would be held in Evansville with our elected Utility Commissioner representing us.

After the County Commissioner meetings with Vectren, Commissioner Stephen Melcher will ask The County Attorney to draw up a resolution for the County Commissioners to vote on and send it to the House of Representatives and the State Senate to draw up a bill in 2012 for the change from “appointed” to “elected” Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission.

IS IT TRUE? October 4, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 4, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission is meeting this morning and that small snippets of both the McCurdy Hotel apartment conversion and the VETTING contract for the downtown Convention Hotel are on the agenda?…that while the VETTING may be taking longer than expected the fact that a change order is on the agenda and that the process is taking what seems like forever is a good indication that real VETTING is really going on?…that when a recommendation is issued by Hunden Strategic Partners that the CCO hopes to be able to publish the entire study that lead to the recommendation?…that learning about VETTING is a good addition to the skill set of local people and that someday when new members are seated on the ERC maybe just maybe we won’t have five people who apparently have never even heard the word?

IS IT TRUE that speaking of VETTING we wonder if any VETTING like activities have begun on the capacity of City Centre Properties LLC?…that we surely would expect something as simple as making sure that the real estate taxes have been paid on the property before granting an extension of any kind to this development company?…that the CCO dutifully checks every day to see if that has happened?…that someone on the ERC should have the Vanderburgh County Treasurers Office on speed dial to learn if the taxes have been paid?…that no legitimate lending institution will fund a loan without the taxes being paid?… ?…that the ERC who has embraced VETTING for the hotel should extend that sane and correct activity to the McCurdy?…that the mantra for today’s ERC meeting for the taxpayers of Evansville to be properly served should be “NO TAXES NO EXTENSION”?…that keeping things simple has never been so easy?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer has been checking everyday to see if the real estate taxes have been paid on the McCurdy Hotel? …that on the morning of October 4th, parcel #82-06-30-020-005.002-029 also known as the McCurdy Hotel and located at 100 SE Riverside in Evansville, IN indicates that there is still a delinquent tax amount of $12,274.76?…that if we can report that the taxes are paid on this property that the CCO will become more enthused about the proposition of this project moving forward?…that it has now been 14 full days since Mr. Steve Scott was advised that the taxes on the McCurdy Hotel have not been paid?

IS IT TRUE that we have been privy to the information that one of the respondents to the RFP to build a downtown Convention Hotel has provided everything that they were asked for to Hunden Strategic Partners to be VETTED?…that we also hear that EB-5 financing for such a project in this location has taken a positive step forward?…that we have no information whatsoever regarding the other proposal?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO would like to offer to take columnist Morton Marcus on a tour of Evansville?…that the path we would follow would start in the downtown and meander through the Front Door Pride area?…that next we would be sure to show Marcus parts of the Southside, the Southeast Side, and the area in the 3rd Ward where that dangerous rubble pile still sets?…that only through seeing both the good parts of Evansville that a cheerleader or a “Cruise Director in Chief” would include in Marcus’s itinerary and the parts where the sewers are failing and as Tom Barnett so cleverly describes is “abandonment of houses is a growth industry” can Mr. Marcus really start to get a grip on why signs of life in the downtown just don’t match one’s paradigm for thriving and vibrant?

Disney Live ~ Three Classic Fairytales Comes To The Centre!


Saturday, February 18, 2012 prepare to step into a world of wonder where wishing is only the beginning and dreams really do come true in Disney Live! Presents ~ Three Classic Fairy Tales. Join Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy as they bring the timeless fairytale adventures of Cinderella, Beauty and The Beast, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to life right in Evansville.

Featuring dynamic storytelling, award winning music, stunning costumes and glittering special effects, audiences will be captivated by the humor, fun and adventure of these spellbinding stories. Dream with the princesses, cheer for the heroes as they conquer evil villains, and marvel as these classic tales are brought to life in a theatrical experience that’s pure magic.

Tickets go on sale Wednesday, October 5, 2011 at 10am. Tickets range from 22.00 – 48.00. Ages one and older must have a ticket. Groups of 15+ are eligible for a $3.00 a discount for the 3pm show only. Please contact The Centre Box Office at 812-435-570 x 211. For additional show information go to our website at www.smgevansville.com.


WHAT: Disney Live! Presents ~ Three Classic Fairy Tales

WHEN: February 18, 2012

TIME: Two Shows ~ Noon and 3pm

WHERE: The Centre’s Aiken Theatre

Downtown Today: 10/4/2011


Time 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Subject ERC
Location 307
Recurrence Occurs the first Tuesday of every 1 month effective 10/4/2011 until 10/4/2011 from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
SARAH @ 7825
Categories ROOM 307

Time 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Subject PTABOA
Location 301
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 301

Time 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the first Tuesday of every 1 month effective 10/4/2011 until 10/4/2011 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 301

Time 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Location 318
Reminder 15 minutes
CAROLYN @ 7803
Categories ROOM 318

Time 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the first Tuesday of every 1 month effective 10/4/2011 until 10/4/2011 from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories Must Attend, ROOM 318

Henderson Power and Light Electric Bill Estimator


We found a website for the electricity provider in Henderson, KY that will let you put in your monthly usage and it will then calculate your bill. Henderson has a different rate for summer than it has for winter. We put in the amount of 1,000 kWh that Vectren uses for a typical user. The results of the estimate are as follows:

June 1 – September 30: $61.13

October 1 – June 1: $49.63

The charge by Vectren for exactly the same amount of usage is just over $151 and does not vary with the season. This confirms the assertion of the City County Observer that the cost for 1,000 kWh of electricity is between 146% and 212% more than it is across the money saving bridge in Henderson.

Try out the calculator with your own input:


Disney Live Coming to the Centre


Media Contact: Kathy Embry
812.435.5770 x 212
October 3, 2011,

Disney Live ~ Three Classic Fairytales
Comes To The Centre!

EVANSVILLE, IN (October 3, 2011): Saturday, February 18, 2012 prepare to step into a world of wonder where wishing is only the beginning and dreams really do come true in Disney Live! Presents ~ Three Classic Fairy Tales. Join Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy as they bring the timeless fairytale adventures of Cinderella, Beauty and The Beast, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to life right in Evansville.

Featuring dynamic storytelling, award winning music, stunning costumes and glittering special effects, audiences will be captivated by the humor, fun and adventure of these spellbinding stories. Dream with the princesses, cheer for the heroes as they conquer evil villains, and marvel as these classic tales are brought to life in a theatrical experience that’s pure magic.

Tickets go on sale Wednesday, October 5, 2011 at 10am. Tickets range from 22.00 – 48.00. Ages one and older must have a ticket. Groups of 15+ are eligible for a $3.00 a discount for the 3pm show only. Please contact The Centre Box Office at 812-435-570 x 211. For additional show information go to our website at www.smgevansville.com.


WHAT: Disney Live! Presents ~ Three Classic Fairy Tales

WHEN: February 18, 2012

TIME: Two Shows ~ Noon and 3pm

WHERE: The Centre’s Aiken Theatre

Tickets go on sale Wednesday, October 5, 2011 at 10am.

The Centre Box Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 10:00am – 5:00pm
Day of Show: 10:00am – Showtime

Ticketmaster Charge-By-Phone: 1-800-745-3000
Online ordering: www.ticketmaster.com

Ticketmaster Locations:
The Centre Box Office
Evansville Wal-Mart West
Record Cellar Vincennes, IN

Mayoral Candidate Winnecke Announces Regional Neighborhood Network Conference


Lloyd Winnecke

October 3, 2011

For Immediate Release: Regional Neighborhood Network Conference

Our neighborhood associations are the backbone of our community. These institutions ensure that our neighborhoods remain connected, clean and safe. Knowing the importance of having well informed and resourceful neighborhood groups, our campaign saw fit to send a representative with the United Neighborhood of Evansville delegation to the Regional Neighborhood Network Conference in Cincinnati, OH.

This conference, titled “Building Bridges – Making Connections,” focused on connecting neighbors to neighbors and involving our youth in order to improve the quality of life. It will be our administration’s goal to bring people together to solve community problems, evolving together to improve our city one neighborhood at a time.

Our administration will look to share what we learned and help implement positive change from the ground up. Some of the ideas that we will be taking with us to the Civic Center are:

· Neighborhood Gateways: Our administration will propose partnering with the United Neighborhoods of Evansville, churches and youth programs to create gateway signs and public art defining our distinct neighborhoods. This program is a great opportunity to involve our residents, create public art and beautify our neighborhoods. It is also an opportunity to educate residents and visitors about the history of our city.

This program will also help to identify and develop future neighborhood and city leaders. Neighborhood youth would work with established leaders and the city on all phases of the project, from design to fundraising to implementation. Our administration will take an active role in teaching our children about collaboration and cultivating the future leaders of Evansville.

· Mock City Council: Our administration will partner with local schools to host a Mock City Council Session for local students at the Civic Center. Middle school and high school students will be selected twice yearly from each Ward of the city and sponsored by their City Council Representative. Each age group will be asked to address an issue facing local government and follow proper governmental procedure to form a resolution. Our administration will provide the Civic Center council chambers, format and any resources needed to make this a rewarding and educational experience for our city’s youth.

This program will allow our students to better understand how local government works and why it is important to participate. This program will also serve to involve our future leaders in the process now, teaching them listening skills and how to collaborate to solve a problem. We must find new ways to involve our youth in city government at a young age if we expect to grow our future leaders from within and keep the best and brightest here in Evansville.

As a community, we need to take an active role in developing our next generation of leaders. Our administration will create and present opportunities for our young people to get involved in their neighborhoods and in city government, whether it is a public art project or serving on a board or commission. We must give our future leaders a reason to care about Evansville.

Frederick Douglass said, “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” This quote not only applies to our youth, but to our neighborhoods, as well. Our administration will work to involve our young people, teaching them skills they can use when it is their time to lead. By making youth and neighborhood involvement a central tenet to our administration, we hope to give our future leaders a reason to stay in Evansville and keep our neighborhoods vibrant.

Evansville Redevelopment Authority AGENDA Wednesday, October 5, 2011 – 2:30 pm


Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Wednesday, October 5, 2011 – 2:30 pm
Civic Center Complex, Room 307
1 N. W. MLK, Jr. Blvd., Evansville, IN 47708

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Minutes of September 28, 2011

3. Approval of Accounts Payable Voucher #56

4. Downtown Arena
a) Resolution 11-ERA-17 – Authorizing Hunt Construction Group, Inc. sidewalk repair
b) Resolution 11-ERA-18 – Authorizing ATT temporary cell tower
c) Resolution 11-ERA-19 – Authorizing equipment for building authority
d) Resolution 11-ERA-20 – Authorizing Cripe Architects + Engineers contract extension
e) Resolution 11-ERA-21 – Authorizing naming rights signage

5. Other Business

6. Adjournment

* This preliminary Agenda is subject to change. The final Agenda will be posted at the entrance to the location of the meeting prior to the meeting

Smokefree Communities Announces Grants to Control Tobacco Use


Martha Caine, Indiana Smokefree Communities

Smokefree Communities of Vanderburgh County is pleased to announce the availability of grant funding to help organizations develop and implement tobacco control programs. The mission is to form community partnerships to educate and serve the citizens of Vanderburgh County regarding tobacco use prevention, intervention, cessation and reduction of exposure to secondhand smoke through improved policies. These grants will be awarded for a period of up to 18 months. Requests for application are due by November 1 and can be found online at www.smokefreecommunities.com or can be obtained by calling the Smokefree Communities office at 303-7378.