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5th Ward Candidate Brent Grafton Speaks out on Vectren’s Rates, Questions Pass Through Charges


Vectren Rates

Vectren Energy is a publicly traded company that is given special consideration by our government to help guarantee a stable power supply and delivery system. In this time of increasing fees and political rhetoric, the details are being lost in the hyperbole.

Recently, when Brad Ellsworth called Dan McGinn to set up an appointment to explain Vectren’s’ rate increase, Dan invited him to come to City Council and give his presentation in front of the Council and the citizens of Evansville, their customers.

I believe that this is an effective and respectful way to give Vectren an opportunity to speak straight to their ratepayers.

If Vectren takes Dan up on this offer, I would encourage my opponent to use his training as a CPA to ask Vectren some of the following questions:

1. What percentage of our electric bill reflects depreciation expense for the capital investments that Vectren has made in becoming more “green?” And how much of that expenditure was paid to companies owned by Vectren?

2. Recently, we learned that Vectren “buys” coal from itself to sell to us. What percentage of our electric bill reflects the cost of coal that is dug out of the ground by Vectren, processed by Vectren, and burnt by Vectren to make energy to sell to Vectren’s’ customers. How does the “pass through price” that we pay for this coal relate to the open market price for comparable coal from other non-Vectren owned sources?

3. What percentage of our electric bill reflects depreciation on the capital invested in coal mines that were overbuilt to sell coal to other utilities? Did it ever occur to Vectren that other utilities were not going to buy their primary feedstock from a competitor? Are we paying for this misjudgment in our electric bills?

I believe that our residential electric rates are too high, but I also recognize that Vectren employs a large number of people in our region both as direct employees and as construction workers, many of whom belong to Unions that have endorsed my opponent. Vectren deserves the opportunity to explain their rates and explain the decisions that they have made that affect these rates.

I do not believe that is good public policy or wise for any public official to attempt to provoke an “Arab Spring” public response to any of our institutions. At this time in world history, there is way too much possibility for such a response to get out of hand, fast.

I hope that Vectren decides to attend a City Council meeting and take the opportunity to answer some of the tough questions. I also hope that someone on City Council will ask those questions.

I will not sign my opponent’s petition, but if elected, I will find a public forum to ask Vectren these kinds of questions, and I look forward to hearing their response.

2nd Ward Candidate Businessman E. Lon Walter’s Joins Vectren Petition Army


For Immediate Release on October 4, 2011

From: E. L. “Lon” Walters, Candidate for City Council 2nd Ward
(812) 305-4768

On Sunday, October 2, 2011, I started a petition online stating as follows: We the People petition the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission to reject any rate increases to Vectren until the rest of the state catches up with us on pricing.

As I stated in my jobs position paper posted in the City County Observer in June that our Vectren rates are too high, and in my Chamber of Commerce interview last month, that our local utility rates are too high when compared to the rest of the state. The rates we pay are 50% higher than anywhere else in the state and more than double what they are in neighboring areas like Henderson County. One of the big reasons Toyota located in Gibson County was because of Gibson Power. The high Vectren utility rate is a jobs killer, and is a big burden to enticing new businesses to Evansville. We need to attract new jobs to the area and the people of Evansville are suffering from the high cost of their utility bills. I believe standing up and speaking my mind to the Chamber of Commerce about the burden Vectren rates are to creating new jobs cost me their endorsement. This is a non-partisan issue and one that everyone should support for the betterment of the city of Evansville.

The online version of the petition is available at:

A written version is available for anyone who wishes to sign it. I will be at the Fall Festival all week with the petition if you would like to sign it. Just look for the person in the E. L. “Lon” Walters for City Council shirt.

Downtown Today: 10/5/2011


Time 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the first Wednesday of every 1 month effective 10/5/2011 until 10/5/2011 from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
SANDIE @ 5791
Categories ROOM 301

Time 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the first Wednesday of every 1 month effective 10/5/2011 until 10/5/2011 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 301

Time 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Location 307
Reminder 15 minutes
CINDY @ 5297
Categories ROOM 307

Time 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the first Wednesday of every 1 month effective 10/5/2011 until 10/5/2011 from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories Must Attend, ROOM 318

West Terrace First Graders Become Engineers for the Day Thanks to a Visit from Project Lead the Way


Today, Oct. 5
8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
West Terrace Elementary School, 8000 West Terrace Dr.

Today, first graders at West Terrace Elementary School will become engineers for the day with the help of Andrea Groslin, chief operating officer for Project Lead the Way. Groslin will be at the school from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. today leading activities for students to introduce them to engineering.

Not only will students learn what kinds of things engineers do and the different types, students will work in groups to design a rocket out of common materials and safely launch their astronaut, which in this case is a fragile egg, up in the air.

By participating in the lesson, students will experience the principles of design – trial and error – and learn what it takes to make an idea a success. School officials also hope to increase the young students’ interests in engineering and engineering-related projects.

State Representative Gail Riecken’s Latest Vectren Related Press Release


State Representation Gail Riecken

INDIANAPOLIS —— Outraged by yet another rate hike request from Vectren, State Rep. Gail Riecken (D-Evansville) will press the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) to proceed with a public hearing in Vanderburgh County to give residents a full opportunity to register their concerns.

“Today we get the latest word about the unchecked greed demonstrated by Vectren: another dollar a month from local families to pay for construction costs at its Posey County plant,” Riecken said.

“Like a spoiled child, this company shows no shame in its behavior,” she continued. “It’s certainly apparent that Vectren is not content with simply charging the highest electric rates in the state for residential customers. It must go back month after month and ask for residents to pay for more and more and more.

“I know that the current administration and its appointees at the IURC have been fond of enabling this kind of behavior, but it is far past time to stage an intervention and teach Vectren that it has to live within its means, just like the rest of us,” Riecken said.

The legislator said she has received assurances from IURC Chairman James Atterholt that the commission will come to the Evansville area to give residents a chance to speak about the problems they have encountered in paying their utility bills.

“We need to have a public forum to shed some light on the utility’s broad-based arrogance in customer relations, concerns that stretch beyond unchecked rate increases to include Vectren having a generally poor attitude toward anyone who might have a legitimate problem with service,” Riecken said.
“With this recent news, I have to think that there is an added urgency toward scheduling some type of hearing in the very near future,” she noted.

“I believe that most folks are unaware of their rights as ratepayers,” Riecken said. “They often feel that they have no place to turn when they have reached an impasse with the utility. In fact, they may have more rights than they believe. All they need is someone to explain what can be done on their behalf.”
A public hearing would give IURC staff a chance to listen to grievances and provide a clear and a precise definition of the steps they can take to file a complaint, Riecken stated.

“I believe the value of a public hearing in Vanderburgh County that focuses on these issues is important simply because many people do not have the time to drive to Indianapolis to testify at IURC hearings,” she said. “A lot of residents I talk to feel the hearing process is weighted toward the company, and local appearances will give them a better chance to make their feelings known.

“The fact that Vectren is choosing to raid the wallets of taxpayers for the umpteenth time only makes this local hearing a greater necessity, and I will work with the IURC to get it on the calendar as soon as we possibly can,” Riecken concluded.

“Occupy Evansville” Planning “Zombie Walk” for Evansville on Saturday


A previously unheard of organization calling itself “Occupy Evansville” has announced a “Zombie Walk” similar to the daily protesters in New York City and in cities that have branches of the Federal Reserve Bank.

The group is organizing this event for Sunday October 16, 2011 at 1:00 pm at 1 Vectren Square. The group that seems to be new has the following message on their website. A link is below.

WE are not Left.
WE are not Right.
WE are the 99%.
and WE will prevail!


IS IT TRUE? October 4, 2011: Vectren’s Persuasion Campaign Begins


Brad Ellsworth, Vectren Corporation

IS IT TRUE? October 4, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the latest Evansville City Council members and candidates to pledge support for Budget Committee Chairman John Friend’s petition to force all Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission meeting regarding Evansville to be held in Evansville and to freeze Vectren’s rates at the current level until all of our closest neighbors rates have caught up with ours are City Councilwoman Connie Robinson (D), 6th Ward Candidate Al Lindsey (D), and 2nd Ward Candidate Lon Walters (R)?…that in spite of calls for one-on-one meetings with Vectren officials these elected officials and candidates for office have committed to join Vanderburgh County Commissioner Stephen Melcher and District #75 State Representative Gail Riecken in supporting Councilman Friend’s petition?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #3 tell us that some members of the Evansville City Council have been called personally by Vectren employee and former Vanderburgh County Sheriff Brad Ellsworth to be discouraged from signing or supporting Councilman Friend’s petition?…that Mr. Ellsworth is also a former member of the United States Congress having served 2 terms representing the people of Indiana’s 8th Congressional District in the US House of Representatives?…that now Mr. Ellsworth clearly represents his employer, Vectren Corporation?

IS IT TRUE that all of the members of the Evansville City Council and candidates for City Council seats are being asked to meet individually with Vectren PR people to be counseled on Vectren’s position on why the rates are triple what they are in Henderson and how the people of Evansville are better off for paying this premium?…that some members and candidates are accepting these appointments and others are not?…that Councilwoman Robinson and Councilman Friend in particular prefer not to meet one-on-one with Vectren but prefer that Vectren should come before the Evansville City Council to make their case before a live TV audience and what will surely be a packed house?

IS IT TRUE that all of the elected officials, economic development leaders, and community leaders who spoke in favor of “letting the people” decide the fate of the consolidation proposal had better take a long look in the mirror before they decide not to support a petition that while having no legal means can certainly raise the awareness level of the people of Evansville?…that to support the right of the people to vote on consolidation but blunt the efforts of some elected officials to give the people of Evansville a voice through this petition is hypocrisy?

IS IT TRUE that if Vectren is so certain that they are correct in their assertions that all of our neighbors will catch up in pricing and that they are fully compliant with EPA regulations then Vectren should have no fear of taking their campaign to the people either?…that we will be very interested to see if Vectren employee Brad Ellsworth who is a former US Congressman will be making an endorsement of any local candidates for office?

City Councilwoman Connie Robinson Expresses Support for Petition to Deny Vectren Rate Increases

Councilwoman Connie Robinson

Citing high levels of unemployment and staggering utility bills of her 4th Ward constituents, Evansville City Councilwoman Connie Robinson today has announced that she is supporting Councilman John Friend’s petition to the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission to hold all rate increase request hearings from Vectren in Evansville where the rates would impact Hoosiers and to deny any and all rate increases until such time that neighboring areas have caught up to Vectren’s prices.

Councilwoman Robinson repeated her mantra from supporting the smoking ordinance in 2010 with her recognizable quote “I am my brother’s keeper”. Robinson stated that she is always going to look out for her constituents who are among the most affected by excessive utility costs due to the age of the housing stock in her ward.

Councilwoman Robinson has also expressed support for Vectren to speak before the Evansville City Council to explain their positions as opposed to accepting the offer of a one-on-one meeting with Vectren PR people.

IS IT TRUE? October 4, 2011: Is this Cairo or is the America?


Federal Government Minister of Awareness

IS IT TRUE? October 4, 2011

IS IT TRUE that last spring during the Arab uprisings that toppled several oppressive regimes that the City County Observer opined that such things could easily happen in the United States if the economy did not improve?…that we were chided by some of our readers for making such a rash statement?…that the economy has not improved, that stagnation is a good term to describe what is going on, and that the street protests that the City County Observer predicted are now on American soil?…that the parade of over a thousand young people and middle aged but out of work professionals that started out as a tent city near Wall Street has grown and expanded?…that American people who are discontent over the state of the economy have been pepper sprayed and that 700 have been arrested?…that the non-violent but in your face movement has now spread to other cities from Maine to Seattle to Los Angeles and seems to have some representation at nearly every Federal Reserve Bank?…that the only other local voice to join the City County Observer’s prediction of what was coming to our shores if things did not get better was 5th Ward Republican candidate for Evansville City Council Brent Grafton?

IS IT TRUE that all cities in America do not have Wall Street or a branch of the Federal Reserve to make their frustrations known before?…that if and when this movement of discontentment moves to smaller cities like Evansville that the gathering places are likely to be local government buildings or private businesses that serve as proxies for Wall Street?…that we do not see a solution in sight that will diffuse this discontentment?

IS IT TRUE that there are those who appear to see the future and those who are afraid to look?…that there are those with the courage to recognize the potential for uprisings and those who are afraid to see?…that there are those who are willing to lay it on the line in by stating what to them is highly probable and there are those who cover their eyes, their ears, and their mouths in “three wise monkey” style or bury their heads in the sand?…that all progress starts with awareness?…that those who are unaware or those that refuse to acknowledge the obvious have no business leading anything?

IS IT TRUE that street protests are one of the things that happens when idle time is available to masses of people?…that unemployment increases idle time?…that unemployment added to a belief that the system is not working and stoked by the cries of “CLASS WARFARE”, “ENVY”, and “HATE’ coming from the nation’s leadership has the very real potential to backfire in a Kent State kind of way?…that as the lovely fall weather turns cold and unemployed people exhaust their extended unemployment benefits, heat has to be set on 40 degrees, there is no money for Christmas and Hanukkah presents and the Holiday turkey turns to a chicken or a can of spam that we may truly have a Arab style uprising?…that the CCO is not predicting blood in the streets and that we hope with all of our hearts that it will never come to that but we acknowledge that the powder keg is in place for disaster?…that we just hope that if the powder keg is lit that it is not our own government that lights it?

IS IT TRUE that just this morning in an article in the Courier and Press about the “Zombie Marches” in New York and other cities that some postings appeared to be trying to organize a “Zombie March” on Vectren?…that the CP disabled the posting option for that story?…that we support the CP’s decision and that private comment forums are not the place to allow the organization of “Zombie Marches”?…that if the aspiring Zombie Marchers want to organize they can do that on their own?

McCurdy Extension Granted to City Centre Properties LLC


In an expected move the Evansville Redevelopment Commission has extended the time for City Centre Properties to October 31, 2011. In an unexpected but appropriate twist the ERC made that extension contingent upon the payment of over $12,000 of delinquent real estate taxes owed by City Centre Properties. There was no mention of an additional tax bill looming of over $10,000 that will be due in early November.