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IS IT TRUE? October 6, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 6, 2011

IS IT TRUE that some people from Boonville showed up unexpectedly at the offices of John Friend and Associates to get a copy of the petition that he is gathering signatures for to request that IURC meetings be held in Evansville and that Vectren should have no rate increases until neighboring areas have caught up with Vectren’s rates?…that the asked permission to use the words and to modify them for Warrick County?…that Councilman Friend said yes and that they said they will start gathering signatures tomorrow?

IS IT TRUE that this new group called “Occupy Evansville” has doubled its traffic in one day?…that it seems as though this group is going to march in sympathy for the protesters on Wall Street, Boston, and other American cities?…that such a gathering in Louisville yesterday attracted only around 200 people?…that we have it on good authority that there are many people associated with the Tea Party who are planning on joining this group for their march on Saturday?…that other than marchers are free to dress as zombies very little else has been stated about the reason or nature of this gathering?…that we shall find out at 1:00 pm Saturday at One Vectren Square?…that we encourage all who attend to be peaceful and respectful of the property of others?

IS IT TRUE that the Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that the EPA will be announcing an ease of their restrictions on the amount of pollutants that can be emitted in 27 states?…that the allowable discharges are reportedly to be increased by between 1% and 4%?…that the states that will be having these changes have not been released but it is expected that these states will be the ones that burn predominantly coal to generate electricity?…that Indiana and Kentucky are both highly dependent on burning coal to generate electricity?…that relaxing EPA standards could be somewhat of a game changer for the expected rise in electricity prices caused by high capital improvement costs?…that this could create a real competitive quandary for places like Evansville where the expenses have already been incurred and passed on to rate payers if the close neighbors are let off of the hook to follow suit?…that the article is on the link below and that we will be watching for follow up news as it develops?


IS IT TRUE that the campaigns for the City of Evansville offices are heating up and that especially the Mayor’s race is turning into a game of dueling press releases?…that we have been treated to policy statements from both Lloyd Winnecke and Rick Davis this week and we anticipate that there will be more?…that the whole Vectren petition, Zombie Walk, bundle of energy is positive and has the potential to elevate the awareness and understanding of the area if all involved are respectful in their endeavors?…that the first week of 40 Days of Hell has lived up to its billing and that we only have 33 days to go?…that in that 33 days we will surely know if this reincarnation of the McCurdy project crashes and burns and we may even know if and who will be selected to take on the task of the downtown Convention Hotel?…that we will most certainly demand the WHY in both cases?

IS IT TRUE that we have been advised that a high profile member of the GOP is strongly considering making a public endorsement of Rick Davis for Mayor of Evansville?…that the next couple of weeks will be quite interesting?

Steve Jobs: 1955 – 2011


Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak with the Circuit Board that Started the Fire

Steven Paul Jobs, co-founder, chairman and former chief executive of Apple Inc., has passed away.

A visionary inventor and entrepreneur, Steve Jobs’ impact on technology and how we use it exceeded everyone of his generation. Apple’s mysterious leader did more than reshape his entire industry: he transformed how we interact with technology. He made gadgets easy to use, beautiful to behold and essential to own. He made things we wanted, long before we even knew we wanted them. Jobs’ dedication to how people think, touch, feel and interact with machines dictated even the smallest detail of the computers Apple built and the software it wrote.

Jobs was born in San Francisco on Feb. 24, 1955, and adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs of Mountain View, California. He was a techie from a young age, often sitting in on lectures at Hewlett-Packard in Palo Alto while attending Homestead High School in Los Altos. He eventually landed a summer job there, working alongside Steve Wozniak.

The two of them launched Apple in 1976. Their first project, the Apple I, wasn’t much to look at — just an assembled circuit board. Anyone who bought it had to add the case and keyboard. But it was enough for Jobs to convince Mike Markkula, a semi-retired Intel engineer and product marketing manager, that personal computing was the future. Markkula invested $250,000 in the fledgling enterprise becoming the Angel that launched Apple.

The Apple I begat the Apple II in 1977. It was the first successful mass-market computer, and easy to use, too. That would become a hallmark of Apple under Jobs.

Still, Apple was by any measure a success. By the time Jobs was 25 in 1980, he was worth more than $100 million. Not that it mattered to him.

“It wasn’t that important because I never did it for the money,” he once said.

At a 2005 commencement address at Stanford University, Jobs shared the philosophy that drove him.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life,” Jobs said. “Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

If there was ever a person that inspired the entrepreneurs and techie dreamers of this world, Steve was that person. He came to epitomize success and the American dream. Steve Jobs did not make his fortune or establish his impact by getting in the middle of a group of transactions and capture commissions from the commerce created by others. Steve did not make his mark on the world by feeing people to death. Steve Jobs earned every dollar and accolade that he has now passed on to his children the old fashioned way, he out invented and out marketed everyone on the planet and he did it routinely. Steve preferred jeans and a turtleneck to Brioni suits and Nikes to Bruno Magli’s. He was real, he was one of us, he was my friend, and now he is gone. Rest in peace Steve, JJ

IS IT TRUE? October 5, 2011 Special Evening Edition


IS IT TRUE? October 5, 2011 Special Evening Edition

IS IT TRUE that the weather with week is about as perfect as any fall week on record?…that we could not have dialed up a better forecast for the Fall Festival and that we encourage all of you who are inclined to eat the adventurous fare offered at this West Franklin Street classic to head on over and spend your $20 bucks because there will never be a better day or night than this one to go?…that today may be equaled and that may happen tomorrow but it shall never be exceeded?

IS IT TRUE that our federal government and some economists are in a frenzy because American businesses have amassed over $2 Trillion in cash that they are not investing?…that investing this money would create the much needed jobs that the elected parrots keep squawking about?…that the reason that the $2 Trillion is staying on the sideline is because the owners of these businesses are not able to find investment opportunities that are worth investing in?…that one of the worst things that a CEO can ever do is to under-invest and be left sitting in the dust by a competitor with more nerve and better intelligence?…that this money will only be invested when the people who control this money have the expectation of profit from any investments?…that the uncertainty associated with taxes, regulations, overzealous redistribution schemes, and the inability of our government to make much of anything happen is what is causing this money to be parked and inactive?…that business will only wait so long to invest this money and if the USA is not deemed worthy to invest in the money will leave the country?…that if you don’t believe that ask Mr. Jeff Immelt, the CEO of GE how much he is putting into China?…that if you don’t believe that you should ask the CEO of Boeing what he thinks of the shabby way our Justice Department is treating him for investing in South Carolina?

IS IT TRUE that the Ford Motor Company that did not take any bailout money is now rewarding its workers with a $6,000 bonus?…that we applaud both Ford and the workforce of Ford for weathering this economic storm without panhandling for government money?…that if it were General Motors or Chrysler handing out bonuses that the CCO and many other publishers would be crying foul as loud as we could?…that when the stock of GM triples from its current level that the US Government can be said to have broken even?…that until that happens there should be no bonuses for anyone working there?

IS IT TRUE that the musical voice of Monday Night Football ole Bocephus let his mouth overload his backside on camera last week?…that what we all should know by now is that to compare Hitler to anyone at all and especially the President of the United States really evokes a negative emotional response?…that ole Bocephus is an emotion driven character himself and realizes the error of his ways?…that he has apologized and should know better than to do it again and that we hope to hear his familiar voice asking us “Are You Ready for Some Football” next week?…that Michael Moore never was called out or penalized for wagging his finger and shaming President Bush and he didn’t apologize either?…that in the spirit of equality we say to wash their mouths out with soap and let them continue to entertain their audiences without political tampering with their products?

IS IT TRUE that more than one Mole has now told us that there are some efforts to shove big ticket projects through the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau and that some of the new board members are having their arms twisted to go along with these projects?…that we encourage these board members to think deliberatively and to resist whatever coercion that may be coming from people who will be out of power 87 days from now?

Dr. H. Dan Adams Position Paper on What Evansville Needs


Dr. H. Dan Adams

Evansville City Councilman H. Dan Adams released a position paper today outlining where he stands on the issues facing Evansville that are at the top of his to do list. These positions include transparency in government, public safety policy, smokefree Evansville, and our parks. His entire paper is on the link below.

HDanAdams_PositionPaper pdf

VHS Pet of the Week: “Mickey”


Greetings from Mickey, a 7-month-old neutered Terrier Mix. Mickey is full of life and full of energy. He is looking for an active home that has a big yard he can run and play in. Obedience classes will help him to work off some of his energy and gain some basic manners. Mickey will do great with kids over the age of 10. His energy level will probably be too much for the little ones. Mickey loves to play with all kinds of toys and will need a basket full to keep him busy in his new home. At the end of the day, a warm bed will make him quite a happy boy. For more information on how to make Mickey a part of your home, visit www.vhslifesaver.org or call (812) 426-2563.

IS IT TRUE? October 5, 2011


The Mole #??
IS IT TRUE? October 5, 2011

IS IT TRUE that we are pleased to learn that Mr. Steve Scott of City Centre Properties LLC is reported to have paid the back taxes on parcel #82-06-30-020-005.002-029 also known as the McCurdy Hotel and located at 100 SE Riverside in Evansville, IN in the amount of $12,274.76?…that this action indicates at least that City Centre has the intention to do something that must be done to secure a loan to start the construction?…that this by no means is a guarantee of anything but that it does show that CCP is not planning to just dump the building after the election?…that there is another tax bill that is due on November 10, 2011 so we are now 36 days away from the next critical milestone in the payment of taxes?…that maybe given City Centre’s habit of staying one installment behind on real estate taxes that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission should craft some language that forces the payment of the November 10th taxes before any permits can be issued?

IS IT TRUE that it was the City County Observer that first raised the issue of back taxes with the McCurdy?…that we stayed on that issue relentlessly and now the May 2011 installment has been paid?…that if there is a commission payable for bill collection as there may very well be that we would like to donate the commission that we have surely earned to the Evansville community for some beautification efforts?…that we would appreciate it very much if the Vanderburgh County Treasurers Office would send our commission check to Ann Ennis at Keep Evansville Beautiful to use at her discretion?…that in all fairness we are glad to see that the Redevelopment Commission did the right thing and took our advice of “NO TAXES, NO EXTENSION”?…that we shout out GOOD JOB ERC?

IS IT TRUE that the “Protester Zombies” are hanging out in and around the Bank of America offices in Boston to call attention to the ridiculous $5 monthly FEE that B of A announced last week for using a debit card?…that while “Protester Zombies” are an annoyance and maybe even a source of free entertainment in an otherwise dull work day, it is the millions of Bank of America customers who are out in the blogosphere vowing to take their accounts elsewhere over this NIBBLING that will get their attention?…that it should also get management’s attention that the stock of Bank of America (BAC) has collapsed by a full 15% in the week since their FEE FEAST was announced?…that as Bank of America does not enjoy a government granted monopoly and that their customers are free to seek like services elsewhere that they will have to save themselves from their own usury practice?…that free markets work quickly and without mercy to correct bone headed decisions by private companies?…that while the “protester Zombies” get their faces on the nightly news it is the flight of cash that will determine the fate of Bank of America?…that their website was not hacked, it has been having difficulty for 3 months?…that it won’t even work well enough to accept a payment?…that comes from personal experience?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer encourages Vectren to accept the challenge that has been issued by a growing number of local officials lead by Commissioner Stephen Melcher and City Councilman John Friend to come before local governance to explain their pricing?…that this is something that each and every citizen that pays their rates should understand?…that taking elected officials into private meetings with high profile Vectren employees is not a transparent way to do business?…that one story before all while being subject to detailed accounting questions like the ones posed by 5th Ward Candidate for City Council Brent Grafton today is the right way to go for a business that enjoys the governmental protection of guaranteed rates of return?…that if a business is guaranteed a profitable business model and granted a monopoly by the government that this business should operate under the same kind of “sunshine laws” that the government itself does?