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IS IT TRUE? October 7, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 7, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the two petitions that signatures are being gathered for to request that IURC meetings be held in Evansville and that Vectren should have no rate increases until neighboring areas have caught up with Vectren’s rates are picking up steam?…that we have confirmed that the Chairman of the Vanderburgh County Republican Party, Wayne Parke has placed his signature on the online petition that 2nd Ward City Council Candidate E. Lon Walters originated?…that Chairman Mark Owen of the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party is supporting City Councilman John Friend’s petition?…that City Councilwoman Missy Mosby just back from a vacation is considering signing both petitions?…that the Vanderburgh County Tea Party is collecting signatures for both petitions both in person and online?

IS IT TRUE that it seems as though the Republicans, the Democrats, and the Tea Party have finally found something that they all can agree on?…that both petitions essentially say the exact same thing?…that merging the petitions into a single petition with the support of both parties and the Tea Party would be a quite unifying gesture and would send a true message?…that for Republicans to choose Walter’s petition and Democrats to choose Friend’s petition without supporting the other is just silly?…that they say the same thing?…that an electric bill that is triple the amount for the same thing in Henderson doesn’t see the political leanings of the ratepayers?…that it seems odd that people who should be thought of and called customers are widely referred to as ratepayers?…it must be the lack of a free market for the commodity of electricity that feeds such a mindset?

IS IT TRUE that the new movement of discontent that refers to themselves as “Occupy Evansville” has two Facebook sites and that the “like” button has been selected by well over 1,000 people?…that there appears to be a beginning of some organization as the date for their “coming together” has been changed to Sunday October 16, 2011 at 1:00 pm?…that this little move implies enough organization to start planning and to minimally effect downtown traffic and commerce?…that while the “Occupy” movement is largely led by youth and has a limited agenda they have chosen One Vectren Square to gather?…that like Wall Street in New York City, the Bank of America and their FEES in Boston, the Evansville group has a focus and that focus seems to be shaping up to be Vectren?…that for the most part that the “Occupy” groups have been peaceful and that the CCO supports freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, and freedom of personal property rights?…that One Vectren Square is the property of Vectren and that Vectren’s property should not be harmed or defiled in any way?…that respectful assembly is what we hope this is in Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that we have it on good authority that there is broad support for “Occupy Evansville” within the Tea Party as long as there is real focus with a defined message to send?…that if people wish to dress like Zombies that should add some spice to the protest?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO would like to remind “Occupy” that while they may be calling out Wall Street for amassing huge profits by leveraging gatekeeper positions to get commissions or fees that are largely based on the industriousness and innovations of others, there is a personal tribute going on worldwide for Steve Jobs who passed away Wednesday?…that Steve Jobs died richer than any of the “commission and fee” brigade from Wall Street?…that he earned his wealth through the power of ideas expressed as excellent products?…that Steve was really a very driven and visionary regular guy?…that the jeans and t-shirts were always who he was and that he never changed who he was for anyone?

IS IT TRUE that Steve was even fired from Apple once by a corporate type who was brought in to bring order to the creative chaos that Apple was and is now?…that we needed the assistance of Google to remember the name of the person who fired Steve Jobs as the creativity stopped when the suits took over?…that we want to encourage “Occupy” to remember that their movement like the products of Apple want to change the world?…Apple did and the people who led it became very rich?…that we all became very better for the efforts of Steve and his teams?

Think Differently Today!

County Commissioner Marsha Abell Speaks out on Wesselman Tennis Court Request


Marsha Abell

I have been following the fiasco regarding tennis courts at Wesselman park. I plan to attend the meeting on October 20th at 4:00 PM and give my opinion which is as follows:

I am a true capitalist and believe that if government will get out of the way business will flourish and people will be employed. I do not believe that government should grant an unfair advantage to any one group of people. To allow this area of public land to be used by a private group to build an indoor tennis court is against everything government represents. If we as government allow this then we should suspend charging property taxes to the Tri State Racket Club and reimburse them the money that they spent to purchase the land on which to build their facility so that they are on an even playing field with the private indoor tennis courts built on public land. Since it is public land, there will be no real estate taxes because government does not pay real estate taxes. If, however, this is truly a part of a public park then anyone can have access to play on the courts at any time, free of charge. Then this would beg the question of who will pay to maintain this facility since there is no money in the city parks department for such an expenditure and if it is truly a public park then there would be no private company to handle the maintenance at their cost. Obviously, what I have just written sounds ridiculous and that was done deliberately to make a point. It is ridiculous for government to grant public land to anyone for any purpose other than that which all public land is intended. Public land means that all of us own it and if the “owners” do not want to give away the land on which this facility is to be built, then government should listen. Of course, the parks board is “government” making policies but it is not “government” elected by the people. The parks board is appointed and as such does not answer to the taxpayers. Seems taxation without representation is alive and well in Evansville. The effort should be defeated and if the tennis club wants an indoor court I am sure there are many land owners willing to sell them proper land on which to build their facility.

Wesselman Park Tennis Courts Group to Seek Approval to Go Forward with Project


On Thursday Oct. 20th at 4:00 PM, the Board of Zoning Appeals will hear the request of the Wesselman Tennis group to grant permission for them to put an acre of beautiful park green space under roof and build indoor tennis courts.

This meeting will not be about financing the project and will only deal with permission to proceed.

UE’s Linguapalooza to Welcome 150 High School Foreign Language Students


A game of Jeopardy in Japanese, a tour of French cheeses, and a discussion of contemporary German music are just a few of the events planned for the seventh annual Linguapalooza, hosted by the University of Evansville’s Department of Foreign Languages.

On Thursday, October 6, approximately 150 foreign language students from 11 area high schools will attend Linguapalooza, where they will sharpen their foreign language skills by participating in cultural, conversational, and interactive sessions throughout the day.

“Linguapalooza is a great opportunity for high school foreign language students to spend a day immersed in their language of choice,” said Roger Pieroni, chair of UE’s Foreign Language Department. “Not only will they enhance their studies by working with UE’s outstanding foreign language faculty, Fulbright language teaching assistants, and foreign language majors, but through a series of workshops, they also will discover exciting attributes of the culture they have chosen to study.”

After a welcome in UE’s Ridgway University Center, students will begin the day by taking a campus tour in their studied language (French, German, Japanese, or Spanish), led by a UE student. They will spend the rest of the morning in sessions led by UE foreign language faculty members, who will engage students in activities and discussions ranging from Latin dancing to the music of Debussy. The final session will provide a “mini-lesson” in an additional foreign language (Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Indonesian, Japanese, Russian, or Wolof).

Source: Evansville.edu

Downtown Today: 10/6/2011


Time 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the first Thursday of every 1 month effective 10/6/2011 until 10/6/2011 from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 318

Time 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the first Thursday of every 1 month effective 10/6/2011 until 10/6/2011 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
KARI @ 7833
Categories ROOM 301

Time 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Subject DMD
Location 307
Reminder 15 minutes
Kim Josey @
Categories Important, ROOM 307

Time 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs every Thursday effective 10/6/2011 until 10/27/2011 from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Sharon Evans @ 4982
Categories ROOM 301

Time 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the first Thursday of every 1 month effective 10/6/2011 until 10/6/2011 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Reminder 18 hours
KARI 2 7833
Categories Anniversary, ROOM 301

IS IT TRUE? October 6, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 6, 2011

IS IT TRUE that some people from Boonville showed up unexpectedly at the offices of John Friend and Associates to get a copy of the petition that he is gathering signatures for to request that IURC meetings be held in Evansville and that Vectren should have no rate increases until neighboring areas have caught up with Vectren’s rates?…that the asked permission to use the words and to modify them for Warrick County?…that Councilman Friend said yes and that they said they will start gathering signatures tomorrow?

IS IT TRUE that this new group called “Occupy Evansville” has doubled its traffic in one day?…that it seems as though this group is going to march in sympathy for the protesters on Wall Street, Boston, and other American cities?…that such a gathering in Louisville yesterday attracted only around 200 people?…that we have it on good authority that there are many people associated with the Tea Party who are planning on joining this group for their march on Saturday?…that other than marchers are free to dress as zombies very little else has been stated about the reason or nature of this gathering?…that we shall find out at 1:00 pm Saturday at One Vectren Square?…that we encourage all who attend to be peaceful and respectful of the property of others?

IS IT TRUE that the Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that the EPA will be announcing an ease of their restrictions on the amount of pollutants that can be emitted in 27 states?…that the allowable discharges are reportedly to be increased by between 1% and 4%?…that the states that will be having these changes have not been released but it is expected that these states will be the ones that burn predominantly coal to generate electricity?…that Indiana and Kentucky are both highly dependent on burning coal to generate electricity?…that relaxing EPA standards could be somewhat of a game changer for the expected rise in electricity prices caused by high capital improvement costs?…that this could create a real competitive quandary for places like Evansville where the expenses have already been incurred and passed on to rate payers if the close neighbors are let off of the hook to follow suit?…that the article is on the link below and that we will be watching for follow up news as it develops?


IS IT TRUE that the campaigns for the City of Evansville offices are heating up and that especially the Mayor’s race is turning into a game of dueling press releases?…that we have been treated to policy statements from both Lloyd Winnecke and Rick Davis this week and we anticipate that there will be more?…that the whole Vectren petition, Zombie Walk, bundle of energy is positive and has the potential to elevate the awareness and understanding of the area if all involved are respectful in their endeavors?…that the first week of 40 Days of Hell has lived up to its billing and that we only have 33 days to go?…that in that 33 days we will surely know if this reincarnation of the McCurdy project crashes and burns and we may even know if and who will be selected to take on the task of the downtown Convention Hotel?…that we will most certainly demand the WHY in both cases?

IS IT TRUE that we have been advised that a high profile member of the GOP is strongly considering making a public endorsement of Rick Davis for Mayor of Evansville?…that the next couple of weeks will be quite interesting?