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VHS Pet of the Week: “Blaze”


Hello from Blaze, a 5-year-old Chow Mix. Blaze is a super sweet girl who would prefer a quieter home with older children. Blaze has a bit of an independent streak in her but at the end of the day there’s no place she’d rather be than cuddled up with her favorite person. Blaze has lived with other dogs and might be interested in sharing her space and her person with a K9 buddy, but she would like to meet them first just to make sure that they’ll make great roommates. Blaze has been known to wear out the squeaker in her favorite toys but her laid back, lazy nature will give your ears a break from time to time. For more information on beautiful Blaze, visit www.vhslifesaver.org or call (812) 426-2563.

CCO Word of Today: Illiterati


Illiterati: The opposite of the Illuminati, who take pride in their high level of knowledge and learning. An Illiterati takes pride in the fact that they are ignorant and refuse to learn (adjust their paradigm)often to the severe detriment of those around them.

Thought of this today but someone beat me to it.

IS IT TRUE? February 20, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? February 20, 2012

IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Council didn’t directly include funds in their 2012 Budget so they can join the City of Evansville to pay for a much needed Information Technology Assessment Audit? …we are pleased that the City of Evansville directly put funds for this Audit in their 2012 Budget? ….we join 5th Ward City Councilmen and Budget Chairmen, John Friend-CPA call for this City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County funded department begin to do a long overdue and detailed financial assessment of this little known but important publically funded department? …we now are awaiting to see if the past Budget Chairmen and newly elected President of the Vanderburgh County Council, James Raben shall put the money on the table so this extremely important Assessment Audit can begin?

IS IT TRUE that there is a move underway to have Evansville and SW Indiana officially designated as a “HIGH DENSITY DRUG TRAFFICKING AREA”?…that regretfully that this label is absolutely positively true and has been for several years now?…that wearing this badge of shame may contain a silver lining since by getting this designation extra money for enforcement may be made available to Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Nick Hermann who openly states that this designation is needed and the other prosecutors in the region?…that it is only through owning up to the problems at hand that solutions of the magnitude that are needed to really make a dent in the meth problem will ever be possible?

IS IT TRUE that the time is now for local elected officials to get together in a bi-partisan manner and demand that the State of Indiana allow Evansville and SW Indiana to make pseudoephedrine based products require a prescription?…that surely some of these people can agree that “meth is bad” and we need a proactive solution to disrupt the supply lines?…that if some elected official or candidate for office or even a group that would stand together with a petition to the State of Indiana to make pseudoephedrine a prescription based substance that the City County Observer would help in publicizing the effort to the limit of our ability to do so?

IS IT TRUE that Councilman John Friend turned some heads with a petition to challenge Vectren’s proposed fee increase?…that blunting the scourge of meth in SW Indiana is much more important to the future of the area than an extra $1.25 per month to Vectren?…that from a livability perspective the substantial elimination of meth from SW Indiana is the most important issue on the table?

IS IT TRUE that other publications are finally picking up on the “news” that the funds collected by the Weinzapfel for Mayor Campaign that were supposedly given to be used in a run for a third term as Mayor or even a shot a Governor have been transferred to a new POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE named “WEINZAPFEL FOR INDIANA”?…that with $508,000 in seed money that the former mayor will have at least a small toehold in doling out bucks to his preferred local candidates but really does not have much money when it comes to statewide office?…that it will be most interesting to see just where he spends this money?…that funding a campaign to aid in the elimination of one of the biggest problems that magnified during the former mayor’s time in office would be a most worthy place for this money to go?…that many people will sit up and take positive notice if the WEINZAPFEL FOR INDIANA PAC made a substantial donation to some effort to lobby the State of Indiana to make pseudoephedrine a prescription based substance?

New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art presents “Forms of ID”


The New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art will present “Forms of ID,” an exhibition of work by five artists: Gray Lyons, Morgan Ford, Ben Duke, Steven Labadesa, and Christopher Olszewski, February 18 through March 17. A free, public reception will take place from 4 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, March 10.

In the exhibition, artists work in multiple disciplines and explore the construction of identity, perceptions of beauty, the relationship between text and image, and the intersection of art and culture. The work examines body image, identity on societal and individual levels, and the ways in which identity develops in our youth.

Lyons, of South Bend, Indiana, received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Savannah College of Art and Design and Master of Fine Arts degree from Towson University. Lyons is an associate faculty member of photography at Ernestine M. Raclin School of the Arts at Indiana University-South Bend.

South Carolina native Ford received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of South Carolina and Master of Fine Arts degree in photography from Texas Woman’s University. She resides in Vincennes, Indiana, where she is the director of the Shircliff Gallery of Art at Vincennes University.

Louisville, Kentucky, native Duke received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Maryland Institute College of Art and Master of Fine Arts degree in painting and drawing from the University of Utah. He currently teaches at Michigan State University in Lansing, Michigan.

Labadessa, of Joplin, Missouri, received a Master of Fine Arts degree in painting from the University of Pennsylvania. He is an assistant professor of drawing and painting at Missouri Southern State University.

Savannah, Georgia artist Olszewski received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Wayne State University and Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Kentucky. Olszewski is a professor of Foundation Studies at the School of Foundation Studies at the Savannah College of Art and Design.

The New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art is located at 506 Main Street in New Harmony, IN and is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. For more information, call 812/682-3156 or visit www.nhgallery.com.

Source: usi.edu

New Research from UE’s Peter Rosen: Using Facebook to Predict Success


Can Facebook be used to predict academic success and job performance?

That’s the question posed by Peter A. Rosen, associate professor of management information systems in the Schroeder Family School of Business Administration at the University of Evansville. Along with co-authors Donald H. Kluemper of the Department of Management at Northern Illinois University and Kevin W. Mossholder in the Department of Management at Auburn University, Rosen published “Social networking websites, personality ratings, and the organizational context: More than meets the eye?” in the February 2012 issue of the Journal of Applied Social Psychology.

“A rapid expansion of social media over the past decade has resulted in the use of social networking websites beyond their initial purpose,” Rosen said. “University administrators and hiring managers have begun to view this technology to evaluate students and employees, despite controversial legal issues associated with this practice.”

“Our research provides evidence from two studies that Facebook can be used by trained evaluators to reliably assess various personality traits, traits shown in existing literature to predict academic and job success and to be legally defensible for selection purposes,” Rosen added.

Study 1 included 274 Facebook users. Results conclude that Facebook-rated personality 1) correlates with traditional self-reported personality, 2) demonstrates internal consistency and inter-rater reliability for personality and hirability, 3) correlates with evaluator preferences to hire the Facebook user, and 4) correlates with supervisor ratings of job performance for a sub-sample of Facebook users who were employed.

Study 2 included 244 college students. Results conclude that Facebook-rated personality 1) correlates with traditional self-reported personality tests, 2) demonstrates internal consistency and inter-rater reliability, 3) is stronger than self-reported personality and IQ in predicting academic success, and 4) provides incremental prediction of academic performance beyond what was obtained from self-rated personality and intelligence tests combined.

Taken together, these studies provide initial evidence that information available on Facebook can be used to identify individuals who are more successful in college and on the job.

“Although further study is needed,” Rosen said, “perhaps when viewing applicant social networking profiles, there is more to it than meets the eye.”

The full article is available here.

Source: Evansville.edu

IS IT TRUE? February 17, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? February 17, 2012

IS IT TRUE that yesterday’s news that a search firm has been recruiting Mayor Winnecke’s Chief of Staff to lead the Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce came as no surprise to people who know Steve Schaefer?…that the fact that he is wanted by other places is a testament to his effectiveness in the trenches for many years before emerging in 2011 as a very good leader?…that Mr. Schaefer worked behind the scenes in the shadow of others to facilitate the long awaited start of I-69?…that Mr. Schaefer when appointed to the Chairmanship of the Board of Directors of the Evansville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau moved quickly and ethically to cleanse some of the legacy of activities that were legal but not really palatable to everyday people?…that Mr. Schaefer also insisted on “doing the right thing” with respect to the politically driven fiasco that saw the previous Director of the entity let go in a tasteless and shabby manner?…that even in being dismissed from his long term position at the Chamber of Commerce of SW Indiana that Mr. Schaefer proceeded with grace into better positions?…that Evansville will feel it for years is Steve becomes a brain drainer?…that if the day comes that the Chamber of Commerce of SW Indiana ever seeks a new President and CEO that Mr. Steve Schaefer would be a most excellent choice?…that Terre Haute is not good enough for Steve but someday someone will come calling with an offer that is as excellent as Schaefer has been and at that time Evansville would be well served to step up and keep this mover and shaker from joining thousands of other talented individuals who have sought and found their fortunes elsewhere?

IS IT TRUE that in some of the private club circles that the passing of a smoking ban by the Evansville City Council is the equivalent of living under a dictator?…that statements like this just make one scratch their head in disbelief?…that to compare a smoking ban indoors to life under the jackboot of Adolph Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Josef Stalin, or Pol Pot is just astonishing?…that if one is to be taken seriously that one needs to make serious statements?…that this is something that needs to be accepted and learned to live with?…that in this particular case the majority has ruled?

IS IT TRUE that this winter continues to produce day after day of double digit crime reports?…that the crimes of stealing, drug dealing, and letting alcohol get the better of people’s judgment seems to be the rule of the winter?…that in a most bizarre twist this week that a body was found in a repossessed vehicle?…that this is the sort of thing that is entertaining on CSI but really raises eyebrows when it is happening right here in Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that it seems as though everyday brings more information about the Monday night after parties that a majority of Democrats on the Evansville City Council have been holding at the Maingate Bar for years now?…that it is most likely just a matter of time until someone comes forward with a deal that was agreed to at one of these after parties that made its way through the resolution process?…that when and if that happens hell is going to break loose for whomever made such deals and the Open Door Law enforcement may just make our former Mayor’s SNEGAL meeting to take away the Homestead Tax Credit look like a walk in the park?…that SNEGAL (sneaky but legal) tactics aggravate people but BRAZILEGAL (brazen and illegal) tactics utterly disgust people and have legal consequences?

EPD Seeking help Finding 3 Man Team of Cash Register Bandits


News Release

Type of Crime: Thefts
Date of Crime: Multiple
Location of Crime: Multiple

SUMMARYEvansville Police are asking for help identifying 3 people involved in at least 4 thefts from cash registers. The thefts have happened at 4 different grocery stores in Evansville.

Two of the suspects block the cashier’s view of the third suspect as he steals cash from an adjacent, unattended register. The thefts happen quickly and have gone undetected until the register is opened later by an employee.

Police are asking anyone who can identify the suspects to call 812-436-7979.

I have videos of the suspects entering a store and committing the thefts. The disks are in “quick time” format. They are large and will need to be transferred to your hard drive to view them smoothly. I am also trying to upload them onto the EPD YouTube channel.
The disks can be picked up from the Chief’s secretary.

Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra Presents:


Grammy nominee Elmar Oliveira, the only American violinist to win the Gold Medal in Moscow’s prestigious Tchaikovsky International Competition, joins your Philharmonic in one of the most electrifying works of the Classics season: Samuel Barber’s Violin Concerto. Music of Rossini and Puccini add spice and drama, and Mendelssohn’s spirited Symphony No. 4, “Italian” brings the evening to a galloping finish. Violin lovers – this concert definitely has some strings attached!

Rossini : Overture to Italian in Algiers
*Barber : Violin Concerto
Puccini : Crisantemi (Chrysanthemums)
Mendelssohn : Symphony No. 4, “Italian”

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