IS IT TRUE? October 11, 2011
IS IT TRUE that many of the good people that live in the neighborhoods that have been plagued by gang violence held a candlelight vigil in the streets last night to stand together against senseless violence?…that one of the problems in all neighborhoods that attract drug dealing and violence are an abundance of abandoned homes?…that abandoned homes are a magnet for gangs and drug dealers that do not tend to be home owners?…that some very prominent members of the Southside community like the Reverend Adrian Brooks and City Councilwoman Connie Robinson have been busy consoling the people of this neighborhood that seem to be in a state of shock?…that one vocal lady called upon the City of Evansville to get on with the business of demolishing these abandoned and unrepairable structures that are being used as bases of operation for gangs, prostitutes, and drug dealers?
IS IT TRUE that Tom Barnett, Mayor Weinzapfel’s Director of Metropolitan Development has oft been quoted that there are literally thousands of dilapidated structures in the City of Evansville?…that in spite of that the City of Evansville has insisted on continuing and even expanding the Front Door Pride program that spends over $200,000 building homes in neighborhoods that have long been plagued with crime, drugs, prostitution, and failing schools?…that these $200,000+ homes languish on the market at $135,000 for years?…that as the City County Observer has stated on many occasions the first step to reclaim a neighborhood is to eradicate the crime followed closely by getting the local schools up to a level of passing?…that we wonder just how many bullets will have to fly and how many more people will have to die for this simple but tried and true solution to get through the thick head of local government?
IS IT TRUE that right now all housing dollars available need to be directed to demolition of these rotting homes?…that removal of all of the unwanted and economically infeasible structures will at least serve to eliminate fortresses and hiding places for the perpetrators of violence?…that there should not be one public dollar invested to build new housing in an area that is in such need of basic services and cleanup that people are afraid to leave their houses?…that squandering public money to build expensive houses in crime ridden areas has finally been proven as a failure right here in Evansville?…that all efforts to save this neighborhood and the ones surrounding it need to be on making it a place that people really want to be?
IS IT TRUE that the power of the closed door meeting seems to have played itself out at last night’s meeting of the Evansville City Council?…that in a move that seemed to have stunned Councilman John Friend that the letter of invitation for Vectren to speak before the City Council regarding their rate structure was postponed until after this year’s election?…that Vectren has been inviting members and candidates for City Council to its headquarters for one-on-one closed door meetings every since Councilman Friend and 2nd Ward Candidate Lon Walters began circulating petitions regarding rates and the IURC?…the punt motion was proposed by Councilman Dr. H. Dan Adams and seconded by Councilman Dan McGinn?…that the punt to the lame duck City Council session was approved without so much as a question or protest?…that while this was going on 8 blocks away at the Four Freedoms Monument a group calling itself Occupy Evansville was having an organizational meeting?…that the three things mentioned at the meeting as objects of their discontent were Vectren, Banks, and Government?…that those among us that wonder why groups like Occupy Evansville are popping up all over the country they need look no further than the decisions to PUNT that are made in Civic Centers, State Houses, and Congress?
IS IT TRUE that 3rd Ward candidate for City Council Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley has published a position paper regarding the Vectren petition and has advised us that she does not intend to accept an invitation to a closed door meeting with the Vectren team?