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IS IT TRUE? October 9, 2011 Part Two


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 9, 2011 Part Two

IS IT TRUE that SNEGAL has finally been officially notified of being published in the Urban Dictionary?…that the official definition is “Sneaky but Legal”?…that the word is already in use in certain circles in Evansville but will certainly catch on across the country as Evansville does not have the market cornered of SNEGAL activities?

IS IT TRUE that the New York Times reported Sunday in an article on the national economy that the United States still enjoys advantages that no other country, including China, does?…that these advantages are the world’s best venture-capital network, a well-established rule of law, a culture that celebrates risk taking, an unmatched appeal to immigrants?…that as Evansville goes with respect to that list of advantages all we can really claim a part of is to be subject to the well-established rule of law as we clearly do not have a venture capital network, we do not celebrate risk taking, and large blocks of immigrants seem to be flocking to other places by choice?

IS IT TRUE that there is a very simple way for the Vectren Corporation to diffuse the petitions that are circulating asking first for the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission to hold all hearings in the affected areas and to refuse rate increases until our neighboring utilities catch up to Vectren’s rates?…that this simple solution is for Vectren’s corporate officers and directors to SIGN THE PETITION?…that this simple act would not serve to cause any harm to Vectren or their shareholders and would go a long way toward establishing credibility among the regular everyday people who have signed the petitions?…that a good time to do that and to be on camera doing so would be at the meeting of the Evansville City Council that we hope that they will agree to speak before?

IS IT TRUE that the “Occupy Evansville” group is having an organizational meeting tomorrow night at the Four Freedoms Monument at 6:00 PM?…that the number of times that the “like” button has been clicked on the two webpages is now over 1,300?…that like the groups across the country this group just seems to think that whatever we have is not serving us well?…that as long as this stays the domain of healthy discontent with a spirit to change that favor will cast a glance their way?…that maybe a token of goodness like cleaning a park or two by “Occupy Evansville” would go even further toward making a positive impression on the many people who are watching curiously?

IS IT TRUE that in a short 30 days we will all know whether it will be Lloyd Winnecke or Rick Davis who will become the Mayor that will assume responsibility for executing the decisions that are playing out right now?…that that there are 83 days remaining in the Weinzapfel Administration?

IS IT TRUE that there are now 385 days remaining in the two years that the EPA had given the City of Evansville to present an acceptable solution to the Combined Sewer Overflow problem?…..that this plan is an expensive and complex endeavor that needs immediate attention to avoid the embarrassment and expense of another round of fines?

Letter to the Editor Regarding the Indoor Tennis Courts by: Martha Crosley



As you may well know, the Evansville Community Tennis Association (ECTA) has received approval from the Evansville Parks Board to build a 43,000 sq ft (one acre) building containing 6 tennis courts and amenities on the large open green space adjacent to the existing tennis courts in Wesselman Park. In addition, they also plan to build 6 more concrete courts plus a paved parking lot.

Many people, including a BIPARTISAN group of elected city and county office holders and candidates in the upcoming election, people in ward 3, and others in the community, find this proposal TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE. We do not object to the sport of tennis. We do find the location for this large construction project and business venture very inappropriate and find that ECTA would receive considerable advantage over the city and its people. Please consider the following:

1. The land proposed for the ECTA courts is the LAST REMAINING LARGE OPEN GREEN SPACE in the park which can be used for unstructured activities (creative play and personal pursuits vs organized sports). These inventive activities play an important role in child development and adult health. The ECTA efforts will turn multiuse public land into single use for a VERY SMALL NUMBER of Evansville’s citizens. The current courts sit UNUSED most of the time.

2. A BUSINESS WILL USE THESE FACILITIES to teach tennis lessons. A business on public land produces many inequalities and advantages when compared to other businesses. Such a mix of public and private rights and obligations can be CONFUSING AT BEST AND UNLAWFUL AT WORST.

3. The ECTA will build and maintain these structures and rent the land from the city for $1.00 per year. Meanwhile the ECTA will teach classes, hold tournaments, operate concession stands, and derive money in other ways while GIVING NO MONEY BACK to the people of Evansville. The CITY WILL PAY the electric, water, and sewer bills for this facility. The ECTA will have their facility and a private business will continue to make money ALL AT THE PUBLIC EXPENSE while the public will have lost a valuable piece of park land that can NEVER be recovered and will CONTINUE TO LOSE MONEY as utility rates climb.

4. The natural field in Wesselman Park on which the ECTA project is to be located is an excellent STORM WATER containment system. Should this proposed building occur, this natural system of water absorption will be negated and more load will be put on our ALREADY STRESSED SEWERS. It goes without saying that this would DISRUPT THE SURROUNDING NATURAL ENVIRONMENT of both plants and animals. The ECTA shows us NO ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES to support their position.

5. Although the ECTA states it will bring tourism to our city, the CVB did not see the possibility as significant enough to invest in the project. The EFFECTS ON TOURISM WOULD BE MINIMAL.

6. The AESTHETICS involved in placing a building which covers an acre of land, and concrete paving that would cover an additional acre plus is not acceptable. This would not fit with the natural beauty of the park that the citizens of Evansville now enjoy. In fact it would look UGLY AND OUT OF PLACE.

THURSDAY OCT. 20, 2011 at 4:00 PM


IS IT TRUE? October 9, 2011


IS IT TRUE? October 9, 2011

IS IT TRUE that former Republican candidate for Evansville City Council and the champion of the “Sewers Before Stadium” campaign has endorsed Democratic candidate Rick Davis for Mayor of Evansville?…that in his endorsement letter to the City County Observer and the Courier Press that Smith did not discuss the proposals of either Mr. Davis or his opponent Republican Lloyd Winnecke?…that what Mr. Smith discussed was instead the once in a generation presence of a candidate for Mayor of Evansville that is not part of the “machine” politics that he gives credit for the 50 year decline of the City of Evansville?…that there has been much written and said this year regarding the “machine” that supposedly has run Evansville for most of our lifetimes?…that the most common name for the “machine” is the good old boys network?…that Mr. Smith is clear in his letter that he likes Mr. Winnecke but that taking that once in a generation opportunity to break the machine makes his endorsement the right thing for him to do?

IS IT TRUE that Mr. Smith has reason to want to see the “machine” removed from power?…that in his run for Evansville City Council when he extolled the people of Evansville to his battle cry of “Sewers Before Stadium”, he most certainly ran into the obstructive capacity of powerful people in both parties who very badly wanted “Stadium Before Sewers”?…that Mr. Smith never ever said that an Arena was a bad thing to do?…that he simply advocated for Evansville making the conscious choice to repair the sewers which are under EPA court order to be done before maxing out the City of Evansville’s credit card to build a stadium?…that if one is living in a home that is in need of a complete plumbing repair job for the toilets to work yet one chooses to spend that money on an expensive toy that most people would consider that to be poor judgment?…that “Sewers Before Stadium” was prudent, it was necessary, it was logical, and it was the right thing to do?…that there was indeed a bi-partisan group of powerful community leaders assembled to advocate for “Stadium Before Sewers” and by-golly that is what we are doing?

IS IT TRUE that of all of the things that has been done in Evansville in recent history that the Arena Committee worked with precision and efficiency?…that they were successful in having all of the public meetings to provide cover for the decision to proceed, hiring a consulting firm to sanction the Arena as a “need”, construct pro-formas that eliminated the need for a referendum, and placing the Arena downtown?…that if such an effort of capable people was directed at stopping brain drain, attracting outside investment that results in job creation, or helping existing businesses to expand that Evansville could probably have both the Arena and repair the sewers in a timely manner?…that going downtown last night made it abundantly clear that the sewers are in terrible condition?…that between Kentucky Avenue and the Museum on Southlane Drive that is one of the Gateways to the City of Evansville, the kind of stench that was present last night is becoming more and more commonplace?…that often the smell is annoying but not enough to make one gag?…that last night was just awful and that we hope that today’s last couple of miles of the Evansville Half Marathon are not fouled by the same conditions?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville does often seem to be run by some invisible force that pushes for things that do not serve the people of Evansville well?…that doing the same things over and over and expecting different results is the commonly accepted definition of insanity?…that if there is indeed a “machine” in Evansville that is quietly controlling the events that shape our lives that this machine most certainly has the face of a Democrat and the heart of a control freak?

IS IT TRUE that there is something very wrong with the governance of the City of Evansville and it has been that way for a very long time?…that the wrongs are not always the doings of elected officials?…that Mr. Smith is correct in his assertion that the “machine” must go?…that the City County Observer would like to encourage both candidates for Mayor of Evansville and all of the candidates for Evansville City Council to do as Apple’s Steve Jobs said and to “THINK DIFFERENTLY”?…that to think differently is only the first step?…that we have seen “Thinking Outside the Box” before?…that it is having the courage to “Live Outside the Box” is where Evansville comes up short?…that the BOX referred to in those expressions is the MACHINE?that Thinking and Living Outside of the Box whether you are in Evansville or any other town is the difference in growing an Apple and losing a Whirlpool?

Andrew Smith Endorses Rick Davis for Mayor of Evansville


Mark Twain once wrote, “When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Kentucky, because everything there happens 20 years after it happens everywhere else.” Sadly, he could just as well have been talking about Evansville.

While the rest of the nation has come to expect at least a small measure of transparency in government, Evansville remains a place where important decisions are made behind closed doors by the same group of insiders who have presided over the city’s long economic decline. To call this group a “machine” is a grave insult to machines everywhere. Machines are efficient. Machines get things done. Machines have an off switch. Can any of those things be said about the ruling class in Evansville politics?

This year, the people of Evansville have a rare chance to do something shocking. By electing Rick Davis, they can finally defeat the machine and reclaim control of their own political and economic destiny.

Rick Davis is the first viable mayoral candidate in living memory who is truly independent. He is not owned by anyone, which is precisely why the machine is so threatened by him. He had the audacity not to ask their permission to run for mayor. To make matters worse, he has openly criticized both the sitting mayor and the Republican nominee for their roles in a closed-door meeting at which they planned to eliminate the homestead exemption.

This is not how things are done in River City!

The entrenched powers on both sides of the aisle are determined to teach him—and the voters—a lesson: “We’re in charge, here. Don’t even think about opposing us.” The stakes could not be higher. If Rick wins, it will be the political equivalent of blowing up the Death Star. If the machine wins, they will consolidate their control over city affairs for a generation.

Rick’s opponent is a decent man, and a member of my own political party. I have no quarrel with him. But the instincts he showed during the homestead exemption fiasco represent the status quo. Evansville needs more transparency and openness, not less.

Politicians are fond of asking voters: “Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?” In Evansville’s case, it should be “Is our city better off than it was 50 years ago?” If you believe that we are, then by all means cast your vote in favor the status quo. But if you if are interested in genuine change, whether you are a Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent, I encourage you to “Pick Rick!”

IS IT TRUE? October 8, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 8, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the well known Republican that we wrote of that is strongly considering endorsing Democratic candidate Rick Davis for Mayor of Evansville may be revealed as early as tomorrow?…that this endorsement if or when it comes is very likely to have some legacy reasons published to explain the endorsement?…that such cross ideological endorsements seldom happen and always give cause to think?

IS IT TRUE that there is a movement within the Evansville City Council to issue a formal invitation to the president and CEO of Vectren Corporation, Mr. Carl Chapman to come before the Council to explain exactly how Vectren arrives at its rate structure?…that Mr. Chapman very publicly offered to send speakers to civic organizations of over 10 people and for him to back up his words by speaking before the most civic of local organizations will set a great example for his employees who will most certainly be accepting invitations to speak at our local Kiwanis, Optimists, and neighborhood associations over the near term?…that Vectren actually has always offered speakers but that is only known to those who have read over most of their website?…that the people who request speakers for civic organizations probably should know that already but we bet that many don’t?…that Vectren could have been reaching out to these people aggressively all along but they probably didn’t?…that open and honest communication coming from all directions is a good thing and that the CCO encourages this kind of dialog on a continual basis?

IS IT TRUE that the petition efforts of City Councilman John Friend and 2nd Ward Candidate for City Council E. Lon Walters are reported to be exceeding expectations?…that there are over 30 groups and individuals collecting signatures?…that a worker at one location where signatures are being gathered reports that about 90% of those offered the opportunity to sign are doing so enthusiastically?…that the only notable group that is declining the opportunity to sign are employees of Vectren who are all afraid of being fired if they have their name on the petition?…that they should first know that freedom of expression is protected and that Vectren really needs its valued employees so their signatures should never even be an issue as long as they continue to do a good job?…that the CCO does understand how fear can be a motivator to inaction even when it is fear that is self generated?

IS IT TRUE that a first significant installation of an energy management system designed and patented by an Indiana business took place this past week?…that this installation is an enabling technology that establishes this business as a gatekeeper in the alternative energy sector?…that if you want to use wind energy when the wind is not blowing or solar energy when the sun is not shining that this company’s product will help you to do that?…that this business has not gotten even one stimulus dollar?…that the people who had the foresight and fortitude to invest in this business during the last two years may be very well rewarded with Venture Capital rates of return in the near future?…that this could have been an Evansville business if a local firm had been available to have made what will be viewed as a small investment when this all plays out?…that some Evansville money and some Evansville brainpower is certainly part of the force behind this business?…that there will be more official news in the next couple of weeks?

City Council Invites Vectren CEO to Make Good on his Offer to Speak Before Civic Groups


The Evansville City Council is taking Carl Chapman, the CEO of Vectren up on his recent offer to speak before civic groups of over 10 people. The Evansville City Council plus the City Clerk is exactly 10 people and the crowd that will surely attend will number over 100. This is an appropriate forum for Mr. Chapman to address the Vectren pricing issues.

Here is a link to the letter from the City Council.


IS IT TRUE? October 7, 2011 “EPA Fallout, Demolition Tabs, and Vetting”


IS IT TRUE? October 7, 2011 “EPA Fallout, Demolition Tabs, and Vetting”

IS IT TRUE that it has now been reported that Vectren Corporation has officially opposed the relaxation of the EPA restrictions that was passed by the United States House of Representatives earlier this week?…that if this bill makes it through the US Senate (it is not expected to) and is signed by President Obama (he will do everything that he possibly can not to) that the utilities surrounding Evansville will be somewhat off the hook for a while longer when it comes to making large investments in scrubber technology?…that Vectren by virtue of this position all of a sudden finds itself aligned with the left wing of the Democratic Party, with Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, and with President Obama on this particular issue?…that the website opensecrets.org reports that Vectren’s political contributions in the 2012 federal campaign are thus far running 4 to 1 in favor of Republicans?…that politics and money make strange allies?

IS IT TRUE that tighter EPA rules are largely accepted as directing capital to compliance projects and away from consumers?…that the Great Recession is widely accepted as needing a serious infusion of consumer spending to get the economy out of the funk that it is in?…that when compared to Henderson’s typical electric bill, Vectren’s 142,000 ratepayers spend about $100 each more on electricity than our counterparts in Henderson?…that additional expense works out to $14.2 Million per month or $170.2 Million per year that is removed from the local economy to pay for the cleaner air that Vectren’s forging ahead to comply with EPA restrictions before they were due is costing us?…that we really wonder what a difference an additional $170.2 Million in consumer spending would make for SW Indiana this year?…that we wonder if the EPA restrictions are pushed out 10 years how much our economic development efforts will be impacted during that time?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #44 tells us the early next week there may be legal action initiated with respect to the fact that Klenck Construction has not been paid the $315,000 that they are owed for demolition work completed on the Executive Inn and its parking tower?…that we recall that the City of Evansville that owns the land on which that work was done has consistently asserted that they have no responsibility legal responsibility to pay for the work and that Klenck’s only course for relief is to collect from the business that hired them to do the work?…that it was mentioned in an ERC meeting in early August that Klenck would be paid and that the about face became apparent when project manager John Kish stated before the Evansville City Council that even though this is City of Evansville property and that the property has been improved that the terms of a private contract being satisfied are the only way that Klenck Construction will be paid?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #44 also advises us that the gathering of facts and the follow up questions with regard to the VETTING process conducted by Hunden Strategic Partners is nearing completion?…that there are only 5 more scheduled meetings of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission during 2011 and that will constitute the last 5 meetings under the Weinzapfel Administration?…that this hotel can has been kicked down the road enough already and that the most appropriate action right now may just be to seal the Hunden VETTING report until January and to let the next Mayor of Evansville’s Administration and a newly appointed ERC carry this ball to its conclusion?…that shoving a decision in favor of either bidder will not pass the smell test at this stage of the process?