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Downtown Today: 10/12/2011


Time 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the second Wednesday of every 1 month effective 10/12/2011 until 10/12/2011 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
TINA OWEN @ 7897
Categories ROOM 301

Time 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location 307
Recurrence Occurs the second Wednesday of every 1 month effective 10/12/2011 until 10/12/2011 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 307

IS IT TRUE? October 12, 2011


Mole #3 Nostradamus of Local Politics

IS IT TRUE? October 12, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the life of a political candidate must be a bit surreal?…that the beauty of friendships is that a person really does have the privilege of choosing who their friends are?…that political supporters are more like family?…that means that you do not get to choose them and that everyone running for office has to deal with that overzealous supporter that does something that is so far off the reservation or even outside the law that it causes what may be called “second hand embarrassment”?…that if Charles Manson were a free man that next year he would have to take sides in the presidential election?…that neither candidate would want to be seen with Manson, have a picture in the paper of Manson holding their sign, or have anything to do with him at all?…that the candidates can’t choose that?…that in every race for anything there will be surrogates that take matters into their own hands and that we hope that is what happened with the incident that we are now calling FloatGate?

IS IT TRUE that the handcuffing incident is just to staged to have been random or even to be the EPD just doing their job?…that in the sea of probabilities that a person with an outstanding warrant would be on the Democratic float, at exactly the right moment that the EPD was notified, and have available officers in place to serve the warrant that this probability is well below 1%?…that this was political theatre and that our readers seem to be evenly divided on who orchestrated it?…that at the time of writing that the readers of the CCO that have voted are favoring the choice “Democratic Central Committee Dirty Tricks” by a small margin over both “Davis Campaign Dirty Tricks” and “Police Just Doing Their Job” that are statistically tied?…that in last place is the “Planetary Alignment” option?…that it surely seems like a dirty trick?…that we hope that someone gets to the bottom of who pulled the dirty trick?

IS IT TRUE that the University of Evansville Aces held an open house at the Ford Center yesterday and that every comment that we have heard or been sent is very positive about the opulence and the beauty of the interior?…that the only complaints are that it is obviously a “hockey” arena and of course that it is downtown?…that the best advice that we have is “don’t take it out on the team because you don’t like the downtown location”?…that Aces fans need to get out and support the team and enjoy the games as they always have even if they did not support the arena?…that Aces games are a part of the enjoyment of life and being aggravated with the Arena as a whole is no reason not to support the Aces?

IS IT TRUE that while this is not a Mole #3 tip, but we have gotten some information that a certain “Material Girl” who spent a summer in McCutcheonville while filming “A League of their Own” may be making a return visit?…that the last time this person spent time in Evansville she is quoted as saying that Evansville reminded her of Eastern Europe?…that was before Eastern Europe was the chic place to visit?…that some locals took offense to her comparison?…that having never been in Eastern Europe that we reserve comment but that we may just attend the concert if Madonna really does get on the growing roster of entertainers at the Ford Center?…that we are still waiting for that first act that could not have performed at Roberts Stadium because of the load bearing capacity of the ceiling?

Pigeon Township Vectren Bill Assistance Increases by 27% this Year


Mary Hart the Pigeon Township trustee reports that requests made by residents of Pigeon Township have increased by 27% from a year ago to just over 1,300 requests.

The dollar value of assistance requested has risen to $491,000 with only $198,000 that funds were available to provide relief for.

IS IT TRUE? October 11, 2011 Special Evening Edition


IS IT TRUE? October 11, 2011 Special Evening Edition

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer will most certainly be setting records today for pageviews, absolute unique users, and for time online?…that some folks would think that it is the stories about the Evansville City Council and Vectren that would be driving the traffic but then one would be wrong?…that our mid morning IS IT TRUE about FloatGate is what is driving the traffic?…that the other story that still has wings is Andrew Smith’s letter of endorsement for Rick Davis that was published Sunday?

IS IT TRUE that excluding police reports that the most read IS IT TRUE ever is now the story about the young lady who was tricked by a faulty Vectren electric meter into thinking here use was affordable only to find out later that they were billing her for power that she never knew that she used and still isn’t sure that she used because their gear was defective?…that we have since learned that the contract out the reading of meters but they still have not admitted to or accepted any fault?…that perhaps this sort of behavior is why Councilman John Friend and Candidate for 2nd Ward City Council are circulating petitions and why Occupy Evansville is putting Vectren on the same list that they have banks and government on?

IS IT TRUE that there is a spoof organization that is being bantered about online that is calling itself “VACATE EVANSVILLE”?…that if there is such a thing that it has been in existence since 1960 and has chapters that meet regularly in progressive cities with plenty of job opportunities all over America?…that the best way to be invited to join is to get a bachelor’s degree from any of our good local universities?…that they will sign you up for the Alumni Club that is otherwise known as “Vacate Evansville”?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #8 tells us that Justin Alex Jarvis ran as a Republican for public office in 1994?…that specifically Mr. Jarvis ran for pigeon township advisory board?…that he also managed the campaign office for Lori Frary when she ran for mayor in 1995?…that if this sounds a bit strange that you can confirm it yourself on the following link to the Courier and Press Archives


IS IT TRUE that reading that article is a strong reminder that Evansville may not be very good a recycling garbage but it sure is good a recycling politicians?…that even then names don’t seem to change?…that when we sing “old boss same as the new boss” or “same old story same old song and dance”, it really is the same old boss and the same old song and dance?…that it is no more apparent than in the Office of the Mayor of Evansville where we can honestly claim to have 52 years, 13 administrations, and 4 last names?…that even the deepest darkest hollers of Appalachia are more diverse?

A Little Dueling Banjos for Old Times Sake

Democrat Jarvis Shown to have History of Ignoring Warrants


The following public legal documents are made available without edit, opinion, or bias.


Indiana Utility Rate Survey for 2011: Handed out at Evansville City Council Meeting


This survey contains information on the rates for electricity charged by 22 Indiana providers. Vectren is shown as having the highest pricing at every use level studied by a wide margin. This is a nine page report that we have made available on the link below.

It must be noted that our neighbor to the south Henderson, KY has rates that are below every Indiana city in this survey.

Indiana Utility_Survey_2011

Vectren Fee Increase Prehearing at IURC Set for October 25th


Snegal: Sneaky but Legal

Today the legal notice for a prehearing for Vectren’ request for a timely recovering of capital costs and operating expenses associate with the installation of dense pack technologies that were described in the news a couple of weeks ago was published.

The prehearing will take place on October 25, 2011 in Indianapolis at 9:30 AM. The publication of this prehearing comes just hours after the Evansville City Council voted to postpone an invitation for Vectren officials to come before the City Council on October 24, 2011 the day before the prehearing.

The IURC contact phone number is (317) 232-2701.


IURC, PNC Center
101 West Washington Street
Suite 1500 E
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

Cause No. 44067
Legal Notice of a Prehearing Conference and Preliminary Hearing
Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission


Occupy Evansville to Launch Occupation of Four Freedoms Area on October 15 at Noon


In a meeting of about 150 people last night at the Four Freedoms Monument on the Evansville Riverfront, the group calling itself Occupy Evansville settled on Saturday October 15, 2011 as the day to pitch their tents and occupy the public area adjacent to the monument. The call followed by the familiar chanting was for peaceful assembly and for respect to be given to all law enforcement officers.

The leader of the meeting who does not want to lead asked for people to break away into groups to discuss the kinds of issues that they would each like to see addressed. The “labor” group broke off to caucus with a leader who was middle aged and was wearing a union shirt. The “abolish the fed” group which has taken a page from the Ron Paul playbook was gathered together by Brad Linzy and was also made up of both middle aged people and young adults who exhibited an unexpected level of knowledge on the subject of economics. The largest group to break off was the group that was what could be referred to as “the discontented but not necessarily focussed” group.

After the caucuses there was more discussion of general rules like no bull horns in the City of Evansville, and a group occupying a sidewalk must keep moving, stay on public property, etc. were discussed. It was also stated where the closest porta potties are so Evansville will not have to deal with human waste. The Occupy Evansville group expressed displeasure with Vectren, the Government, and Banks without articulating any demands.

The group communicates through Facebook and is planning to secure all permits required and comply with all laws including the bullhorn ban which was not enforced when Rich Trumka came to town to protest the closing of Whirlpool. Occupy Evansville’s bullhorn is chanting in unison.

Raisor Named Executive Director for Operational Excellence


Michael Raisor, deputy chief operating officer at the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation, was approved by the EVSC Board of School Trustees to become the executive director for operational excellence for the corporation.

Operational excellence is a philosophy of leadership, teamwork and problem solving resulting in continuous improvement throughout the organization by focusing on the needs of the customer, empowering employees, and optimizing existing activities in the process.

Raisor, along with nine other leaders in the EVSC, will soon receive his Master of Business in Operational Excellence from the Fisher College of Business of The Ohio State University. Raisor will be tasked with introducing the concepts of operational excellence throughout the corporation.

Raisor earned his Ph.D. in educational leadership from the Bayh College of Education at Indiana State University. His dissertation, “What Highly Effective Leaders Do During Difficult Times” identified the habits, behaviors, and leadership philosophies of Indiana’s most effective superintendents during the 2009 budget cuts. He is an alumnus of Harvard University’s National Institute for Urban School Leaders and the University of Virginia’s Turnaround Leadership Program. In 2007, he was recognized by the Indiana Association of School Principals as one of Indiana’s assistant principals of the year for his work at Harwood Middle School.

VHS Pet of the Week: “Montgomery”


Say hello to Montgomery, a 4-year-old, neutered DSH. Montgomery is a very laid back cat who loves to be the center of attention. He enjoys the company of other cats but will do well if he is given the starring role in your family. Montgomery loves to chase toy mice and laser lights. He also loves to hang out and watch what’s happening around him. A home with a big window to look out of would be ideal for this awesome cat. Montgomery will do well in a home with children but will also make a great companion for a single person or a couple . For more information on Montgomery, call (812) 426-2563 or visit www.vhslifesaver.org