The following public legal documents are made available without edit, opinion, or bias.
The following public legal documents are made available without edit, opinion, or bias.
This survey contains information on the rates for electricity charged by 22 Indiana providers. Vectren is shown as having the highest pricing at every use level studied by a wide margin. This is a nine page report that we have made available on the link below.
It must be noted that our neighbor to the south Henderson, KY has rates that are below every Indiana city in this survey.
Today the legal notice for a prehearing for Vectren’ request for a timely recovering of capital costs and operating expenses associate with the installation of dense pack technologies that were described in the news a couple of weeks ago was published.
The prehearing will take place on October 25, 2011 in Indianapolis at 9:30 AM. The publication of this prehearing comes just hours after the Evansville City Council voted to postpone an invitation for Vectren officials to come before the City Council on October 24, 2011 the day before the prehearing.
The IURC contact phone number is (317) 232-2701.
IURC, PNC Center
101 West Washington Street
Suite 1500 E
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
Cause No. 44067
Legal Notice of a Prehearing Conference and Preliminary Hearing
Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission
In a meeting of about 150 people last night at the Four Freedoms Monument on the Evansville Riverfront, the group calling itself Occupy Evansville settled on Saturday October 15, 2011 as the day to pitch their tents and occupy the public area adjacent to the monument. The call followed by the familiar chanting was for peaceful assembly and for respect to be given to all law enforcement officers.
The leader of the meeting who does not want to lead asked for people to break away into groups to discuss the kinds of issues that they would each like to see addressed. The “labor” group broke off to caucus with a leader who was middle aged and was wearing a union shirt. The “abolish the fed” group which has taken a page from the Ron Paul playbook was gathered together by Brad Linzy and was also made up of both middle aged people and young adults who exhibited an unexpected level of knowledge on the subject of economics. The largest group to break off was the group that was what could be referred to as “the discontented but not necessarily focussed” group.
After the caucuses there was more discussion of general rules like no bull horns in the City of Evansville, and a group occupying a sidewalk must keep moving, stay on public property, etc. were discussed. It was also stated where the closest porta potties are so Evansville will not have to deal with human waste. The Occupy Evansville group expressed displeasure with Vectren, the Government, and Banks without articulating any demands.
The group communicates through Facebook and is planning to secure all permits required and comply with all laws including the bullhorn ban which was not enforced when Rich Trumka came to town to protest the closing of Whirlpool. Occupy Evansville’s bullhorn is chanting in unison.
Michael Raisor, deputy chief operating officer at the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation, was approved by the EVSC Board of School Trustees to become the executive director for operational excellence for the corporation.
Operational excellence is a philosophy of leadership, teamwork and problem solving resulting in continuous improvement throughout the organization by focusing on the needs of the customer, empowering employees, and optimizing existing activities in the process.
Raisor, along with nine other leaders in the EVSC, will soon receive his Master of Business in Operational Excellence from the Fisher College of Business of The Ohio State University. Raisor will be tasked with introducing the concepts of operational excellence throughout the corporation.
Raisor earned his Ph.D. in educational leadership from the Bayh College of Education at Indiana State University. His dissertation, “What Highly Effective Leaders Do During Difficult Times†identified the habits, behaviors, and leadership philosophies of Indiana’s most effective superintendents during the 2009 budget cuts. He is an alumnus of Harvard University’s National Institute for Urban School Leaders and the University of Virginia’s Turnaround Leadership Program. In 2007, he was recognized by the Indiana Association of School Principals as one of Indiana’s assistant principals of the year for his work at Harwood Middle School.
Say hello to Montgomery, a 4-year-old, neutered DSH. Montgomery is a very laid back cat who loves to be the center of attention. He enjoys the company of other cats but will do well if he is given the starring role in your family. Montgomery loves to chase toy mice and laser lights. He also loves to hang out and watch what’s happening around him. A home with a big window to look out of would be ideal for this awesome cat. Montgomery will do well in a home with children but will also make a great companion for a single person or a couple . For more information on Montgomery, call (812) 426-2563 or visit
Time 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the second Tuesday of every 1 month effective 10/11/2011 until 10/11/2011 from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
SARAH @ 7825
Categories ROOM 318
Time 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the second Tuesday of every 1 month effective 10/11/2011 until 10/11/2011 from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
KATHIE @ 5228
Categories ROOM 318
Time 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the second Tuesday of every 1 month effective 10/11/2011 until 10/11/2011 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 318
Time 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the second Tuesday of every 1 month effective 10/11/2011 until 10/11/2011 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Scott Bedwell 812-882-1292
Categories ROOM 301
Time 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the second Tuesday of every 1 month effective 10/11/2011 until 10/11/2011 from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 318
Time 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs every Tuesday effective 10/4/2011 until 10/25/2011 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
KRISTIN @ 5241
Categories ROOM 301
The Evansville-Vanderburgh County Joint Drug Task Force served a warrant on at 7400 Hogue Road resulting in taking down a meth lab and arresting Derek Hart. Full story posted below.
IS IT TRUE? October 11, 2011 Mid-Morning Edition
IS IT TRUE that we have finally learned through both direct calls and from other media that the person taken off of the Democratic Party float at the Fall Festival was Alex Jarvis?…that the incident was over an outstanding warrant for what is typically considered to be a minor offense?…that the timing of serving this warrant certainly made for some serious and unnecessary drama as Mr. Jarvis can be found in his office at the Democratic Central Committee Headquarters in downtown Evansville nearly any day of the week?…that this whole Fall Festival drama takes us back a year to Boothgate which happened at the 2010 Fall Festival?…that maybe local Democrats should avoid pronto pups and chocolate covered grass hoppers because strange things are seeming to be normal for the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party come Fall Festival time?
IS IT TRUE that no City County Observer Moles have contacted us regarding the circumstances that lead to Mr. Jarvis being taken off of the Democratic Float over an outstanding warrant?…that there has been no shortage of calls and emails from people who would like to influence us in reporting this story?…that these calls and emails from well known members of both parties have been trying to influence the CCO to conclude that the Rick Davis campaign was behind this embarrassing scenario?…that we have no reason at this point to make such a conclusion?…that we can also not reach that conclusion from any of the other reporting that is available to the public?…that there are also those that are saying that opponents of Davis staged this so that the Davis campaign could be blamed for creating drama at Mr. Jarvis’ expense?…that we have no reason to conclude that either?…that we are a curious as the next publication and are open to anyone with rock hard evidence to prove either theory of why after a full year with an outstanding warrant that this specific time and this specific place was chosen to handcuff Mr. Jarvis?
IS IT TRUE that upon full reflection we are also curious as to how Mr. Jarvis could have had an outstanding warrant on him for as long as he had without it being served on him as has happened with many citizens?…that as Mr. Jarvis seems to be a likeable guy with a regular job and that most people know where he works that a simple phone call would have probably sufficed to get his attention and compliance?…that we wonder why that call was never made and why a visit to his home or office some time ago never happened?…that we wonder if there was some cloak of protection over Mr. Jarvis?…that he certainly does not seem to be a person that lives outside of the law?…that there was a much better way to handle this and that it was not done?…that the high drama created by serving a warrant at the Fall Festival certainly seems orchestrated by someone for some purpose?…that given the size of the crowd at the Fall Festival that it is highly likely that literally a few thousand of the attendees has some warrant of some kind outstanding?…that to our knowledge exactly one was served and it was served at a most opportune time?…that this smells about as rank as Bee Slough did last Friday night?
IS IT TRUE that we get tips all of the time about things that are perceived by the tipsters to be political malfeasance?…that sometimes these tips are real and sometimes these tips actually are sent to us for political purposes?…that we try to err on the side of preserving peoples integrity when there is uncertainty?…that the CCO has first-hand experience with exposing and seeing political malfeasance in action that is much worse than last week’s FloatGate incident?…that if hard evidence is brought forward to either candidate for Mayor of Evansville to this incident that we will not hesitate to take them to task?…that if hard evidence is brought forward to tie any operatives of either campaign to this incident that we will call upon the candidates themselves to dismiss the operatives from the campaign and remove them from consideration for any appointment?…that until such hard evidence comes forward we shall continue to believe that both candidates for Mayor of Evansville are men of integrity and that Alex Jarvis is a fellow who forgot about his warrant and became the victim of a dirty trick?
IS IT TRUE? October 11, 2011
IS IT TRUE that many of the good people that live in the neighborhoods that have been plagued by gang violence held a candlelight vigil in the streets last night to stand together against senseless violence?…that one of the problems in all neighborhoods that attract drug dealing and violence are an abundance of abandoned homes?…that abandoned homes are a magnet for gangs and drug dealers that do not tend to be home owners?…that some very prominent members of the Southside community like the Reverend Adrian Brooks and City Councilwoman Connie Robinson have been busy consoling the people of this neighborhood that seem to be in a state of shock?…that one vocal lady called upon the City of Evansville to get on with the business of demolishing these abandoned and unrepairable structures that are being used as bases of operation for gangs, prostitutes, and drug dealers?
IS IT TRUE that Tom Barnett, Mayor Weinzapfel’s Director of Metropolitan Development has oft been quoted that there are literally thousands of dilapidated structures in the City of Evansville?…that in spite of that the City of Evansville has insisted on continuing and even expanding the Front Door Pride program that spends over $200,000 building homes in neighborhoods that have long been plagued with crime, drugs, prostitution, and failing schools?…that these $200,000+ homes languish on the market at $135,000 for years?…that as the City County Observer has stated on many occasions the first step to reclaim a neighborhood is to eradicate the crime followed closely by getting the local schools up to a level of passing?…that we wonder just how many bullets will have to fly and how many more people will have to die for this simple but tried and true solution to get through the thick head of local government?
IS IT TRUE that right now all housing dollars available need to be directed to demolition of these rotting homes?…that removal of all of the unwanted and economically infeasible structures will at least serve to eliminate fortresses and hiding places for the perpetrators of violence?…that there should not be one public dollar invested to build new housing in an area that is in such need of basic services and cleanup that people are afraid to leave their houses?…that squandering public money to build expensive houses in crime ridden areas has finally been proven as a failure right here in Evansville?…that all efforts to save this neighborhood and the ones surrounding it need to be on making it a place that people really want to be?
IS IT TRUE that the power of the closed door meeting seems to have played itself out at last night’s meeting of the Evansville City Council?…that in a move that seemed to have stunned Councilman John Friend that the letter of invitation for Vectren to speak before the City Council regarding their rate structure was postponed until after this year’s election?…that Vectren has been inviting members and candidates for City Council to its headquarters for one-on-one closed door meetings every since Councilman Friend and 2nd Ward Candidate Lon Walters began circulating petitions regarding rates and the IURC?…the punt motion was proposed by Councilman Dr. H. Dan Adams and seconded by Councilman Dan McGinn?…that the punt to the lame duck City Council session was approved without so much as a question or protest?…that while this was going on 8 blocks away at the Four Freedoms Monument a group calling itself Occupy Evansville was having an organizational meeting?…that the three things mentioned at the meeting as objects of their discontent were Vectren, Banks, and Government?…that those among us that wonder why groups like Occupy Evansville are popping up all over the country they need look no further than the decisions to PUNT that are made in Civic Centers, State Houses, and Congress?
IS IT TRUE that 3rd Ward candidate for City Council Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley has published a position paper regarding the Vectren petition and has advised us that she does not intend to accept an invitation to a closed door meeting with the Vectren team?