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IS IT TRUE? October 17, 2011 Part 2


Snegal: Sneaky but Legal

IS IT TRUE? October 17, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer is pleased to announce that we had a record week for internet traffic in every category measured?…that in the often watched category of pageviews that we exceeded our previous record by a full 18% and added a similar number of first time visitors?…that we would like to thank the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party for the ridiculous antics now known as “FLOATGATE” that helped accelerate the growth of the City County Observer’s readership?…that we also had the highest weekend readership ever and that thanks are in order for our “Moles on the Ground” at the Four Freedoms Monument whose dedication to making the United States better kept the phone calls and text messages coming in all through the night?…that we assure you that our “Moles on the Ground” and the people who participated in Occupy Evansville do not as a majority support the 13 goals published by the Courier and Press and authored by Neil Barnett last week?

IS IT TRUE that Alexa.com a third party internet traffic monitoring service reports that the City County Observer has expanded its reach by 40% in three months and time on site by 24% to an all time high of 97 minutes and 25 seconds per visitor?…that Steve Jobs predicted in an interview with the Wall Street Journal in 2005 that print media would not exist by 2012?…that while we agree that at some point in the future that print media will disappear that once again Mr. Jobs is ahead of the curve?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville’s de-facto home team in Major League Baseball, the St. Louis Cardinals are heading to the World Series after pulling themselves from the jaws of not even making the playoffs a couple of weeks ago?…that the series starts in St. Louis on Wednesday night and that the Tri-State area will be tuned in and watching?…that we hope that WOW actually takes the time to pay attention to the details of their guide so that we do not miss the first inning because of their mistakes again like many people did yesterday?

IS IT TRUE that a small company from Indianapolis that was just an idea and a dream three years ago had a very big week last week?…that if Angel Capital or Venture Capital would have been available in Evansville three years ago that this business would very likely be thinking of a new headquarters and engineering center right here in Evansville?…that alas the money did not come but some Evansville people may just be in for a big pop in equity for having seen the potential and made the investments of both time and money in this fledgling technology company?…that the City County Observer shall be the first to make the formal announcement of the fruits of last week when all permissions are granted?

IS IT TRUE that there is a meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission tomorrow and that the published agenda seems uninteresting from a downtown Convention Hotel or McCurdy start date point of view?…that is any shenanigans are on the agenda they must be in the category called “other business”?…that the Vanderburgh County Assessor’s Website finally really does show that the taxes are up to date?…that it also shows that on November 10, 2011 that the fall installment of $10,268.66 will be due?…that by that time the financing should be in order, permits should be pulled, and construction will have begun if City Centre Properties LLC is correct in its last presentation to the ERC?…that we wonder for all of this to really proceed according to statement that there must be a plan somewhere with renderings and a timeline?…that we would love to see the layouts and renderings and to be able to confirm that permits have been pulled to get this party started?

IS IT TRUE that speaking of shenanigans and SNEGAL activity we have a mole alert coming regarding some of the behind the scene manipulations within local government to grease the skids for the Wesselman Park Indoor Tennis Court Proposal?…that there will be much more on this published this week?

Downtown Today: 10/17/2011


Time 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs every Monday effective 10/3/2011 until 10/31/2011 from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 318

Time 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Location 307
Recurrence Occurs the third Monday of every 1 month effective 10/17/2011 until 10/17/2011 from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 307

Time 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs every Monday effective 10/3/2011 until 10/31/2011 from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
LYNN BUHR @ 4993
Categories ROOM 301

IS IT TRUE? October 17, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 17, 2011

IS IT TRUE that this morning the City County Observer would like to ask each of our readers to say a prayer or think positive thoughts for its owner Mr. Ron Cosby as he undergoes surgery to remove his gall bladder starting at 9 am?…that we thank you in advance for your good wishes?

IS IT TRUE that we are as surprised as any to learn that the recently dedicated Martin Luther King that cost American taxpayers $120 Million was made in China?…that the master sculpter of the King Memorial is also famous for two gigantic likenesses of Chairman Mao Tse-tung?…that some sourcing decisions just make ones head spin?…that we wonder with the cost to transport the 1,600 tons of granite from China to Washington DC would have made this more cost efficient to do in America with American granite?…that the love of task that would have been enjoyed and passed down for generations by American artisans is lost forever?…that the personalization of the next generation of Americans several of whom could have said “my grandpa or grandma worked on the King Memorial” is now lost forever?…that the statue looks good and meets all of the specifications but there is no specification that will ever capture that unification and pride that could have come from the shared labor of this national monument to have been “Made in America”?

IS IT TRUE that the new San Francisco to Oakland Bridge is also being made in China?…that the bridge will be made in Shanghai and shipped to the Bay Area in sections to be assembled from ship to pylon?…that this is another one of those lost pride of workmanship opportunities?…that living in the Bay Area for a while it is impossible not to run across someone even today that proudly states that “my grandparent worked on the Golden Gate Bridge”?…that we learned both of these facts when a reader sent us the article below from a British news outlet?…that US media has not really trumpeted these facts?


IS IT TRUE that tonight is another Evansville City Council meeting and in particular the meeting when the 2012 budget is up for approval?…that there are some people on council that are opposed to voting yes based on the fact that there is no contract in place for the firefighters?…that some others should be upset because of the supposedly “non-budgetable” status of the legal costs?…that Councilman Dan McGinn has been asking for this breakdown for what seems like a couple of years to no avail?…that Councilman John Friend, CPA has been stating recently that the electric bills for the City of Evansville have increased by 20% in the last year and as high as 47% in certain categories?…that last week the Evansville City Council punted the discussion over rates with Vectren until after the election?…that some members of the Mole Nation are telling us that Councilman Friend may be bringing up the October 24th date for the Vectren meeting again tonight in view of the fact that every member of the City Council was unaware that Vectren would be publishing a hearing on that increase for October 25th right after the Evansville City Council kicked the can down the road?…that we shall know tonight if the Evansville City Council knows or appreciates the fact that they got the wool pulled over their collective eyes on that one?…that we shall also know if the Evansville City Council cares enough about getting bamboozled to reverse last week’s decision on the invitation to Vectren to speak before council on the 24th?

IS IT TRUE that the disclosure statements for all of the candidates for office must be filed by Friday?…that we will secure these reports at our first opportunity to do so and will make them available online?…that seeing where each candidates money is coming from may just illuminate where their future allegiances will lie?

Herman Cain’s Resume’: Can a non-politician be qualified to become President?


Herman Cain’s Bio:

■ Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics.

■ Master’s degree in Computer Science.

â–  Mathematician for the Navy, where he worked on missile ballistics (making him a rocket scientist).

â–  Computer systems analyst for Coca-Cola.

â–  VP of Corporate Data Systems and Services for Pillsbury (this is the top of the ladder in the computer world, being in charge of information systems for a major corporation). All achieved before reaching the age of 35. Since he reached the top of the information systems world, he changed careers!

■ Business Manager. Took charge of Pillsbury’s 400 Burger King restaurants in the Philadelphia area, which were the company’s poorest performers in the country. Spent the first nine months learning the business from the ground up, cooking hamburger and yes, cleaning toilets. After three years he had turned them into the company’s best performers.

■ Godfather’s Pizza CEO. Was asked by Pillsbury to take charge of their Godfather’s Pizza chain (which was on the verge of bankruptcy). He made it profitable in 14 months.

■ In 1988 he led a buyout of the Godfather’s Pizza chain from Pillsbury. He was now the owner of a restaurant chain. Again he reached the top of the ladder of another industry.

â–  He was also chairman of the National Restaurant Association during this time. This is a group that interacts with government on behalf of the restaurant industry, and it gave him political experience from the non-politician side. Having reached the top of a second industry, he changed careers again!

â–  Adviser to the Federal Reserve System. Herman Cain went to work for the Federal Reserve Banking System advising them on how monetary policy changes would affect American businesses.

â–  Chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank. He worked his way up to the chairmanship of a regional Federal Reserve bank. This is only one step below the chairmanship of the entire Federal Reserve System (the top banking position in the country). This position allowed him to see how monetary policy is made from the inside, and understand the political forces that impact the monetary system. After reaching the top of the banking industry, he changed careers for a fourth time!
■ Writer and public speaker. He then started to write and speak on leadership. His books include Speak as a Leader, CEO of Self, Leadership is Common Sense, and They Think You’re Stupid.

■ Radio Host. Around 2007—after a remarkable 40 year career—he started hosting a radio show on WSB in Atlanta (the largest talk radio station in the country). He did all this starting from rock bottom (his father was a chauffeur and his mother was a maid). When you add up his accomplishments in his life—including reaching the top of three unrelated industries: information systems, business management, and banking—Herman Cain may have the most impressive resume of anyone that has run for the presidency in the last half century.

And just a few more things, Mr. Cain has been married to the same person for 43 years.

Occupy Evansville Stays at Four Freedoms Overnight Without Incident


In what is a great example of cooler heads prevailing, about a dozen of the protesters with Occupy Evansville did indeed continue their occupation of the Four Freedoms Monument well beyond the 11:00 pm curfew that they had been told would be strictly enforced. The Evansville Police Department while remaining vigilant about driving by chose not to forcefully remove anyone and in many ways protected the people who occupied the monument overnight from outside elements that may have taken advantage of sleeping protester. Both Occupy Evansville and the EPD deserve commendation for a day of freedom of expression and assembly without incident.

Occupy Evansville has announced intentions to rally the group again today for more discussions and possibly another march at noon at the Four Freedoms Monument.

IS IT TRUE? October 16, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 16, 2011

IS IT TRUE that in the contract that Hunt Construction has to complete the construction of Ford Center there is an interesting line item in Exhibit F, Item 1?…that the line item of which we speak has to do with a reduction in bonus and reads exactly as “if Owner still is able to hold its first event on or before November 1, 2011, earn a reduced incentive of $125,000”?…that the allowing of non-profits to hold events for free in the Ford Center during the month of October may be the best example of brilliant planning to secure that $125,000 bonus ever concocted?…that local non-profits get the use of a nice venue (though not yet finished) AND we the taxpayers get to give Hunt Construction $ 125,000 incentive money whether a the Ford Center is finished well enough to host a revenue producing event on time?…that now that the public announcement has documented that the first event has already been held that Hunt will most certainly qualify for the $125,000 bonus?…that this seems like more SNEGAL tricks to us and that we would like to suggest that this bones should be distributed equally among the Evansville based charities like the Dream Center who unknowingly helped so secure this bonus for Hunt Construction?

IS IT TRUE the new $128 million arena has already become a pigeon roost? That over 100 pigeons can be seen in late afternoon at the top of the arena on the 6th street side of the building? That this does not bode well for the appearance of the Ford Center as the new gem of downtown Evansville?…that we wonder if the hawks that have done such a good job of controlling pigeons by eating them have gone on strike?…that we wonder if some of these Ford Center Pigeons may have relocated from the McCurdy which is so close to having construction crews busy on the building if Centre City Properties can really close their loan this time around?…that the bats can’t be far behind?…that pigeons and bats give new meaning to the words “downtown loft”?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Water and Sewer Utility Department showed up on yesterdays EPD Activity Report as a victim?…that someone went into the Civic Center and paid their water bill with two counterfeit $20 bills?…that this may be a crime but that it may just be a consumers way of protesting the counterfeit water and the counterfeit sewer that happens from time to time here in Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that the folks at Vectren have another legal notice published today under the signature of Brad Ellsworth that we really need a translator for?…that legal notice excluding the introductions reads as follows?

“Vectren Energy filed with the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission in Cause No. 44093 their Verified Emergency Joint Petition requesting approval of necessary and temporary alterations to the alternative regulatory plan under which Vectren Energy operates the Universal Service Program pursuant to Indiana Code 8-1-2-113 and extension of said alternative regulatory plan beyond its current termination date pursuant to Indiana Code 8-1-2-72 and 8-1-2.5-6(e)”

IS IT TRUE this is some fancy words coming from the former Vanderburgh County Sheriff who was known for a good down to earth demeanor and language that most Evansvillians can understand?…that seems to just be a request to request for a small change and an extension?… that a simple explanation would be appreciated?…that this reminds us of the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz when he proved that he finally had a brain?

Occupy Evansville Ordered to Vacate Four Freedoms by 11 pm or be Removed by Force:


Do Not Let This Happen Here

It has been reported by members and observers of Occupy Evansville that they have been notified by the Evansville Police Department to leave the Four Freedoms Monument by 11:00 pm or that they will be forcefully removed.

Update: It has been reported by people at Four Freedoms that the electricity to the monument has been turned off and that the occupation will continue in the dark. It is also reported that the next march scheduled will be in November and that the focus of the march shall be the Vectren Corporation.

It is truly ironic that on public property in a monument to freedom that right here in Evansville that this groups freedom to assemble is being taken away. The City of Evansville is in the midst of an election and our nation is in the worst economic recession since the great depression.

The last thing that is needed is to have a civil rights lawsuit to deal with. It is difficult to understand why this group can’t sit peacefully at the Four Freedoms Monument if they wish to.

This is a developing story and will be updated as more information is gathered.

Occupy Evansville Assembles and Marches Peacefully on Day One


Occupy Evansville drew a diverse group of people of all ages and races to its initial occupation of the Four Freedoms Monument. The gathering was on time and the description of the amplification techniques and protest etiquette was communicated clearly right up front. The crowd was made up of children with their parents, young adults, and a large contingent of older veterans waving America flags. In the first two hours there were no altercations and barely any rudeness.

The group came spoiling for a march on something and after nominations of Vectren, Fifth Third, the Arena, Old National Bank, and the Ford Center, a consensus opinion was reached to march a lap around Vectren and to go back to the Four Freedoms Monument to caucus. There was an elderly veteran in a wheel chair that was collecting signatures for John Friend’s petition for Vectren to freeze rates and for the IURC to hold all meetings involving Evansville in Evansville who was doing a brisk business.

The march around Vectren while serving to burn off some energy met no resistance and no unruliness happened. All of the marchers stayed on the sidewalks and kept moving as they had been directed. There was little talk of mass demands as have been reported in other sources and there were no chants of soaking the rich. Thus far day one just seems to be a gathering of patriotic people as evidenced by the flags who happen to be disappointed with the way that our country is being run. There were some signs that had the look of what we have been seeing on TV but no meanness was vented.

It is worth noting that Vectren was in fortress mode with police cars circling and guards inside and out. Plenty of cars driving by would honk in approval with an occasional fist salute held aloft from the windows. All in all this seemed to be a healthy exercise in democracy. We hope that it stays that way.