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“FloatGate” Approved for Publication in Urban Dictionary


Democratic Parade Float

This morning the City County Observer submitted the term “FloatGate” for consideration to be included in the online dictionary called Urban Dictionary. This afternoon we received notification that this word will be joining Snegal (sneaky but legal) as the second word that has been formed as a result of the CCO reporting on the antics of politics in Evansville.

The approved definition and example are as follows

FloatGate: An orchestrated political event created when a prominent political leader is removed from a float in a parade conspicuously so as to cause embarrassment for a candidate for office.

Example: When the policeman called for a warrant to be served on a local democratic official during a parade at the time that the official was on a float, his public handcuffing attracted enough media attention that it became known as FloatGate.

EPD Makes Arrest for South Kerth Meth Lab



Date of Release: October 13, 2011
Approving Supervisor: Rob Hahn, Assistant Chief of Police


On October 11th, Ryan Galloway was arrested for Class B Felony Manufacturing Methamphetamine. Galloway gave a home address of 1716 S. Kerth which is owned by his grandmother. On October 12th, the grandmother called the police for a “standby” so officers could check her rental home at 1716 S. Kerth, since her grandson had been living there. Uniform officers observed several items associated with the manufacturing of meth inside the home. Members from the Meth Suppression Unit and JTF responded to the scene. Over 100 “one pot” meth labs were recovered inside the house. EPD Crime Scene, Evansville Fire and ISP Meth Suppression were also called to the scene which lasted several hours to pull items safely out of the house. The Health Department also tagged the residence as uninhabitable. Ryan Galloway will be charged with a second count of Manufacturing Methamphetamine.

IS IT TRUE? October 13, 2011 What the CCO Polls Indicate


IS IT TRUE? October 13, 2011 What the CCO Polls Indicate

IS IT TRUE that the poll being run today indicates and has indicated since we put it up that about 5% more people believe that Lloyd Winnecke won last night’s mayoral debate?…that if that is an indication of the outcome of a general election that the margin would be 52.5% to 47.5% in favor of Mr. Winnecke?…that we are certain that the margin of error for our non-scientific poll is greater than 5% and that the election is still too close to call?

IS IT TRUE that yesterday’s poll titled “The real story behind the FloatGate handcuffing of Alex Jarvis is…” drew a lot of opinions?…that of the opinions offered the leading vote getter was that the Democratic Central Committee did some dirty tricks followed closely by the Davis campaign did some dirty tricks?…that about half that amount thought the police were just doing their job, and a few attributed it to the planets aligning against Mr. Jarvis?…that the only things we are sure of about FloatGate is that a puppetmaster was involved and that the Vanderburgh County Democrats turn into the Hatfields and McCoys when they eat Fall Festival food?…that we can’t wait till next year?

IS IT TRUE that the voters in our polls are so fed up with the delays and incompetence exhibited in trying to Vet the two bidders to do the downtown Convention Hotel that they voted by a 50% margin to just let the next Mayor of Evansville do this because the decisions of the current Mayor have yielded negative and embarrassing results?

IS IT TRUE that our voters reject the concept of putting an indoor tennis center in Wesselman Park by a 3 to 1 majority?

IS IT TRUE that our voters by a 20 to 1 margin support a petition to attempt to force the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission to hold any hearings that involve a Vectren rate increase in Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that our voters by a 90 to 1 margin support Councilmen John Friend and Dan McGinn’s efforts to get full public disclosure of the legal bills of the City of Evansville?…that this is the largest majority that we have ever seen in any poll that the CCO has conducted?…that this indicates that our readers are four times more upset about the lack of transparency in the legal expenses of the City of Evansville than they are with a Vectren rate increase?

IS IT TRUE that in our last recent poll and the one that has drawn the most votes that an overwhelming percentage of the voters (66%) think that both Lloyd Winnecke and Mayor Weinzapfel are being less than honest regarding what really happened with the secret meeting where the Homestead Tax Credit was indeed taken away?…that in Mr. Winnecke’s defense his was deemed to be honest by a 4 to 1 majority over the number of voters who expressed the opinion that Mayor Weinzapfel was being honest?…that every time this comes up that a little more information comes out and it is finally becoming clear?…that we have had several messages stating that they think that Mr. Winnecke and the other Republicans in the meeting really did get bamboozled by the all Democratic contingency from the Evansville City Council led by Mayor Weinzapfel?…that like FloatGate and BoothGate we may never really know for sure?

Local Student Veteran Organizations Collaborate for First Annual Vets Day 5K


Student veteran organizations at the University of Evansville, University of Southern Indiana, and Ivy Tech Community College are proud to announce the first annual Vets Day 5K Walk, Run, Roll on Sunday, November 13 at 8:00 a.m.

The Vets Day 5K, a chip-timed race held during UE’s annual Homecoming weekend, will start and finish at the USS LST Ship Memorial grounds at 1801 Waterworks Road. The race route follows the Downtown riverfront, passes war memorials, and continues down the riverfront corridor of the greenway. Back at the LST 325, participants will gather for race results, awards, and a family festival with live music and food.

Race proceeds will benefit Lucas Place II, which provides housing and support services for homeless veterans with disabilities in Vanderburgh County.

All pre-registered participants receive a Vets Day 5K long-sleeve shirt, water and snacks, and discounted LST tickets (available for $8 each). Advance registration before November 1 is $20. Registration after November 1, including race day, is $25.

Source: evansville.edu

Arts Council Exhibition – Call for Entries


Click here to download the digitized brochure from the Arts Council Call for Entries

Best of Show: $500
1st Place: $300
2nd Place: $150
3rd Place: $100

Downtown Today: 10/13/2011


Time 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the second Thursday of every 1 month effective 10/13/2011 until 10/13/2011 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 318

Time 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs every Thursday effective 10/6/2011 until 10/27/2011 from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Sharon Evans @ 4982
Categories ROOM 301

Time 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Subject ITAC
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the second Thursday of every 1 month effective 10/13/2011 until 10/13/2011 from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
GARY HECK @ 2468
Categories ROOM 318

Time 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the second Thursday of every 1 month effective 10/13/2011 until 10/13/2011 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
KATHIE @ 5228
Categories ROOM 301

IS IT TRUE? October 13, 2011 Mid Morning Addition


Snegal: Sneaky but Legal

IS IT TRUE? October 13, 2011

IS IT TRUE that Mole #99 tells us that another employee was let go at the Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana yesterday?…that no name was reported but that the title reported is that of an events coordinator who also did work for the Small Business Development Corporation?

IS IT TRUE we wonder when 1st Ward City Councilman, Dan McGinn going to make it public his findings on the total cost to run the City of Evansville Law Department?

IS IT TRUE that is reported by reliable sources that 5th Ward City Councilman and Budget Chairmen, John Friend, CPA petition drive aimed at Vectren high electric rates and at forcing IURC meetings regarding Evansville ratepayers to be held in Evansville has massed over 7,000 signatures in one week? …that Councilman Friend sent out 147 petitions to individuals that requested them?

IS IT TRUE that we reported on information from a credible and valued source that Evansville City Councilman Curt John who decided not to seek re-election has joined several others in accepting an invitation for a private meeting with Vectren officials?…that Mr. John called us to advise us that this was indeed not true but that he will sign Councilman Friend’s petition?…that perhaps if Councilman John had been able to attend the City Council meeting three days ago that he could have blunted the move that resulted in punting the Vectren meeting beyond the election?…that if the City Council members who supported moving that meeting knew that on the very next morning that there would be an announcement of a fee increase hearing at the IURC in Indianapolis that they would have reconsidered punting the meeting?…that this issue may just be brought up again before October 25th, and that there is a move afoot to organize a bus trip to Indianapolis to attend the meeting at the IURC?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #243 advises us that a handful of members of an organized group that has made an endorsement in the contest for Mayor of Evansville is organizing a bonfire meant for the campaign signs of the opponent of the candidate that they endorsed?…that the central theme of this homecoming style bonfire will be bring in a sign, burn it, and get a new sign for the other candidate?…that no date, time, or place has been announced but that we encourage this group to refrain from stealing signs and to have the proper permits required for a bonfire?…that people with outstanding warrants would be best served to stay away from any such bonfire?

IS IT TRUE that a whole host of poster names disappeared from the Courier and Press comment section a couple of days ago?…that the story of FloatGate and all of the comments following seem to have brought out the worst in some people?…that when it was pointed out that a group of six names were all established in a two day period in January and that they seem to all advocate for the same candidates that they all magically disappeared along with their entire comment history?…that catjones, fourwheeldrive, bullettooth, Labor215, EvillResWest, and EleanorRugby all vanished into thin air just after TenBears speculated that the entire complement of names may be coming from the Democratic Party Headquarters?…that there are only two posters that have ever been banned by the CCO and that both of those were as a result of making threats of violence against one of our authors?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer has submitted the word we invented to describe the handcuffing incident at the Fall Festival “FloatGate” to the urban dictionary?…that this will be our third word submitted but that our all time best is still SNEGAL “sneaky but legal”?

Winnecke and Davis both Trash “the Old Boys Machine” in Mayoral Debate


Winnecke and Davis both Trash “the Machine” in Mayoral Debate

The candidates for Mayor of Evansville squared off again last night in what was the final of the three joint appearances that were agreed upon by the campaigns back in the summer. In a well moderated debate where both candidates appear to have a bit of “campaign fatigue” setting in only a few new things were brought to light by the candidates.

Lloyd Winnecke

The opening remarks set the stage for the evening as Lloyd Winnecke came out swinging accusing Davis of wanting to return to the “machine politics of the past”. Winnecke also gave proper credit to Governor Daniels for his leadership in restoring the now well known Homestead Tax Credit that was removed by the inaction of our local government. Winnecke emphasized that the decision to remove the Homestead Tax Credit was driven and controlled by City of Evansville officials who controlled sufficient votes to make this happen without consulting Vanderburgh County officials. Winnecke avoided naming names with regard to the intentional lapsing of the Homestead Tax Credit but most viewers read between the lines that Mayor Weinzapfel was driving that bus.

Davis countered Winnecke’s opening statement by stating that the “Good Old Boy” ways of sneaky closed door meetings will not be tolerated in his administration and that leadership is about more than style. The opening remarks it seems firmly establishes that both candidates have disdain for the “Good Old Boy Machine” that is becoming the scapegoat for the sins of the past in Evansville and that both think their opponent is part of “the Machine”.

Ford Center was the topic of the first question and both candidates expressed optimism and hope that the state of the art facility will bring enough prosperity to downtown Evansville to justify the $128 Million that it cost to build plus the added costs of associated projects. While Winnecke was very optimistic and stated that the Ford Center will complete the revitalization of downtown Evansville, Davis was more cautious and stated that 3,500 people per game for the Aces and Icemen will not be enough and that more than 10 concerts per year will be necessary. Both candidates will be in the stands when the Aces play Butler on November 12th.

The Local Option Income Tax increase was the next topic breached with each candidate vowing to concentrate more on reducing spending before considering raising taxes. The time allocated for this question was mostly spent on another volley regarding the Homestead Tax Credit where Davis actually called Winnecke a “Liar” over his interpretation of events. Davis did raise an interesting an often forgotten point that the Homestead Tax Credit actually was taken away from the people of Vanderburgh County and that he as Treasurer had to reissue the tax bills after Governor Daniels intervened to restore the credit. It was also mentioned that refunds were distributed to those homeowners who had paid their taxes in full before the Homestead Tax Credit was reinstated by the Governor.

Both candidates agreed on the following question that was directed at the recent incident where a citizen of Evansville carried a firearm to the Evansville Zoo. Both candidates expressed support for the 2nd amendment and see proper training of the Evansville Police Department as the solution.

Rick Davis
On the following issue of the Evansville City Swimming Pools not being open according to their schedule and being filthy the candidates agree that more money and/or better management is necessary to be able to provide public swimming facilities to the people of Evansville. The questioner brought up the issue that the Kiddie Pool had been closed for five years and both candidates were obviously ashamed of the cities performance in that area. The issue of the new Howell Pool being closed for filth was slightly addressed in a gentlemanly way without really attributing it to what really happened at Howell. What happened at Howell is that some of our most filthy citizens (probably litterers too) decided to relieve themselves (#2) in the pool. This is a problem that politics will never fix. Should we really need a “Don’t #2 in the Pool” sign?

On the subject of consolidation the candidates legitimately disagree with Winnecke supporting it and Davis opposing consolidation.

The subject of shutting down City of Evansville offices that are “useless” or redundant was next with Davis responding that he would like to hire the best department heads to run the city offices as a customer service organization.

Winnecke advocated for simplification and removal of red tape. He then relayed a personal experience with an unnamed City of Evansville employee where he took on the role of a “secret shopper” and was met with rudeness and disrespect. Winnecke then spoke of a project with a private development where the developer was served a $60,000 negative surprise after things were rolling on the project due to poor planning on the part of the City of Evansville. Davis’s rebuttal simply stated that he had never experienced rudeness in the Civic Center.

The subject of offering same sex benefits for City of Evansville employees was addressed the same way by both candidates with each expressing a willingness to consider this benefit if the economics of the situation could be justified.

The next to last question of the night was with respect to what each candidate would like to be looking back on after three years in office. Davis took the opportunity to state that he would like to see the Combined Sewer Overflow problem that is estimated to cost between $500 Million and $800 Million to be well understood stating that the EPA had busted the City of Evansville for not providing a sufficient sewer system to keep #2 out of the street when a “gullywasher” came down. He also stated that he would like to see the Evansville Aces in the Sweet 16 of March Madness and that lots of good and affordable concerts would be at the Ford Center.

Winnecke also addressed the CSO issue while adding that he would like to have led the effort to eradicate litter in Evansville and will have begun to see tangible results from his jobs plan. He also stated that he hopes to restore a voice to the people of Evansville in how the city is run.

The final question of the night was regarding what should be done with respect to the flare up of gang activity in South Evansville. Winnecke responded first and spoke about a recent ride along that he did with EPD officers to the area of town that is plagued by gang violence. He admitted to seeing many young people just hanging out on street corners and that the atmosphere was simply not inviting. Winnecke stated that the people of the neighborhoods and the churches of the community should be heavily involved in a solution. He also spoke of some research he had done into how Peoria has handled a similar issue with an unmanned assault vehicle with cameras and other monitoring equipment being parked in these neighborhoods reducing the crime rates.

Davis cited how a bad home life leads young people to join gangs and that some of what we are seeing now is related to the bad economy. Davis also cited neighborhood associations, the ministry, and the Boys & Girls Clubs as important part of a solution to gang violence.

The closings were opportunities used by both candidates to bust on each other for being visionless, playing on fears, and being part of the “Old Boy Machine”. Davis in his closing produced a newspaper article that reported that Winnecke cast the deciding vote to end a Welfare to Work program while Winnecke stated his intention to maintain a positive attitude and demeanor going forward.

IS IT TRUE? October 13, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 13, 2011

IS IT TRUE that some of what seems to be a growing number of thieves in the City of Evansville reportedly stole several of the power cables that are used to get the electricity to the carnival rides at the Fall Festival?… the cables are solid copper and are 200 feet long each?…that a recent purchase of a single jacketed #6 copper cable with 3 wires and a ground that was 140 feet long cost well over $200 so these thieves made off with a pretty good haul?…that the gauge and type of cable that it takes to run a ride should be pretty rare in the scrap dealer market and that it good brains are turned on we bet these thieves will be caught?…that the crime of stealing seems to be getting completely out of hand along with other crimes?…that the City County Observer would like to encourage every person in Evansville to do two things each day?…that first pick up three pieces of litter and second please try to make it through the day without stealing something?…that yesterday there were 32 reported incidents of thieving just to the EPD?

IS IT TRUE that the whole Solyndra caper is beginning to really unravel not only as a politically motivated allocation of government loans to a private company but as testament to the long believed axiom that government money and good business just do not mix?…that one of the latest revelations that is being put forth in the investigation is that the Energy Department subordinated the debt that it issued to Solyndra to some existing private debt?…that it is being asserted that it is not legal to subordinate government debt to private debt?…that this is a particularly interesting plot that is thickening because the City of Evansville through the Evansville Redevelopment Commission has some debt on the books that is subordinated to private debt and the McCurdy Hotel and we suspect a few other places?…that we wonder if federal law and City of Evansville practice are in line with one another or do we have yet another law that is not up to date with laws of superior government entities like we did with the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution?

IS IT TRUE that the City Council of Topeka, Kansas repealed the local law that lists domestic violence as a crime?…that the entire motivation for taking such action was to save the cost of prosecuting such crimes?…that of all of the idiotic things that any governing body has ever passed this one takes the cake?…that next we can expect threshold exemptions for stealing and a whole litany of trip triggers that would save the City of Topeka some cash?…that we finally found something that makes removing light bulbs from street lights that was recommended by the President of the Evansville City Council look harmless?…that if you are having even a slight spat with your spouse then don’t go to Topeka for vacation or you might just get a whooping?…that this is a lesson in how NOT TO BRAND A CITY?

IS IT TRUE that Vectren put out an announcement yesterday that gas costs which are by regulation passed directly to the ratepayers at cost are down so heating bills are expected to be down in the service area by about $10 over the entire heating season?…that works out to 2.2%?…that natural gas spot market prices can be quite volatile and actually fell 3.5% yesterday?…that natural gas prices have trended down for a couple of years and have dropped over 40% in the last 2 years?…that Vectren actually makes its money on the delivery of the gas and that the price of the gas itself has no effect at all on Vectren’s earnings?…that we are glad to be saving the $10 and have already allocated that to one Kobe Beef Hamburger at the Bonefish Grill, but if you really want to give solid credit to the drop in natural gas prices that the “fracking” process deserves the praise for increasing the supply, the extractable reserves, and putting $10 in your pocket?…that Vectren has decoupling in its gas business and buys gas on our behalf, calculates the cost to do so and bills us at cost making all of its profits from the transmission and distribution?