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Evansville Redevelopment Commission Agenda: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 – 8:30 am


Evansville Redevelopment Commission
Tuesday, March 6, 2012 – 8:30 am
Civic Center Complex – Room 307

1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes of February 22, 2012
3. Approval of Accounts Payable Vouchers
4. Design Review

327 Main Street – Modish Clothing/Patti Tetherow – new signage
5. Downtown Redevelopment Area
12-ERC-09 – Authorizing Change Order No. 3 for the Downtown Traffic Flow Changes Phase 2
12-ERC-10 – Authorizing an Agreement for Use of Property for the Downtown Farmer’s Market
6. Other Business
Authorize signing of EPA cleanup letters – Dream Park
7. Adjournment
* This preliminary Agenda is subject to change. The final Agenda will be posted at the entrance to the location of the meeting prior to the meeting.

IS IT TRUE: March 5, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE: March 5, 2012

IS IT TRUE that Evansville’s Signature High School is in the news again for academic excellence?…that this time it is not for being named a TOP TEN high school in the nation?…that this time it is for setting an Indiana state record for the percentage of graduating seniors who pass an Advanced Placement test?…that 90% of the 61 seniors passed one of these tests that often result in college credit being granted to the student who passes the test?…that passing one AP exam that is recognized with 3 credits by a university saves that child or their parents between $500 and $5,000 depending on what college the kid goes to?…that the performance and ranking (7th in the United States) of Signature High School should be a badge of honor that everyone in Evansville wears proudly?…that just as we all rallied around to cheer on the Mater Dei girls basketball team to a state championship we should celebrate the academic achievements of Signature School?…that the following link is to the national rankings?


IS IT TRUE that this Olympic level of academic performance from this downtown public high school does not seem to please everyone?…that there are many people in Evansville and especially within the ranks of teachers and administrators at the other public schools who openly detest Signature School?…that envy really does make for some strange statements?…that when educators start speaking poorly of academic achievement that it is time to shuffle the deck at the old schoolhouse?…that there is a valid point to be made regarding the admission process stacking the deck in Signature’s favor but there is some process in place that always seems to produce winners in wrestling at Mater Dei, football at Reitz, and basketball at Bosse?…that good programs attract good students and the same is true for Signature?…that any teacher or even private citizen of the Evansville community that denigrates the Signature School for excellence needs to have their priorities questioned and maybe even need their mouth washed out with soap?…that it is not a fluke that is able to maintain a national ranking for academic performance in Evansville, it is a process?…that the next highest ranked school in Indiana is ranked #153 and that only 5 make the top 500?…that if you want to use that phrase “it’s a good place to raise kids” as a business attraction tool for the area, that Signature School validates that claim to the kind of people that Evansville needs to attract and retain?

IS IT TRUE that the ball field idea for the Roberts Stadium location is eliciting the same negative reactions from the public at $8 Million that it did when it was $18 Million?…that even if a genie could grant the CVB and the former Mayor three wishes and go “poof there are ball fields for free” that a very large number of the people of Evansville would be opposed to them?…that the real ruckus that drives the opposition is the “magic of place” that Wesselman Woods has always had right in the middle of an urban setting?…that it is time for these ball fields that are harder to kill than Gregory Rasputin need to find another home and leave Roberts to the committee and Mayor Winnecke?…that the parrots singing the ball fields praises are beginning to sound like “the song that never ends” from Romper Room?…that Miss Peggy would be saying “Romper Stomper Bomper Boo, What does it take to get through to you” to the proponents of these ballfields.

Evansville: Evolution of a City


On March 27, 1812, Hugh McGary purchased 200 acres of land that became known as Evansville. This exhibition – a part of the Bicentennial celebration that recognizes Evansville’s 200-year existence – includes historic documents and artifacts relating to the early years of Evansville.

Click here to read more

TSGS (Tri-State Genealogical Society) Meeting Notice – 3/13/2012


When: Tuesday 13 March 2012
Time: 7:00 PM
Where: Willard Library – 2nd. Floor
What: Monthly Meeting

A drawing for an attendance prize will be awarded at close of meeting… you must be present to win.

The Tri-State Genealogical Society will have a brief business meeting followed by a presentation by:

Becky West, TSGS Program Chair, has announced that the program will feature

Stanley A Schmitt will speak about “Civil War Evansville.” Stan holds a Degree in History
and has researched numerous historical and genealogical subjects over the past 30 years. He
is currently Vice-President of the Vanderburgh County Historical Society, Advisory Board
Member of the Canal Society of Indiana, member of the history committees for the Pigeon Creek
Greenway and the Evansville Bicentennial. His interest in Evansville during the Civil War is the
result of long time research of Willard Library’s newspaper collection. Some of this information
will be the basis of an online joint project by the Evansville Courier and the Vanderburgh County
Historical Society for the Civil War Sesquicentennial. Stan had four Great, Great Grandfathers
who served in the 38th., 42nd. and 44th. Indiana Regiments during the Civil War.

On 8 November 2011 Stan gave part one of this program, when time ran short, he agreed to
come back so that we could hear as Paul Harvey would say “The Rest of the Story”.

This is a program you don’t want to miss, we will be looking forward to seeing you at the meeting and
enjoying a very interesting and informative program.

You do not have to be a member to come and learn at the society’s monthly meetings.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This time of the year, weather conditions may cause the society to cancel
meetings… the decision to cancel usually is determined the day of the meeting, providing short notice.
Since a bad weather system may develop later in the day (or that night), check our blog (http://
tsgsblog.blogspot.com/) for cancellation notice or call Willard Library (812-425-4309).

Don Counts,

TSGS President

IS IT TRUE: March 4, 2012 “Chevy Volt = Solyndra on Wheels”


President Barack Obama

IS IT TRUE: March 4, 2012

IS IT TRUE that in yet another example of why governments should stay out of private business General Motors has now halted production of the Chevy Volt?…that yes this is the same Chevy Volt that President Obama was essentially the celebrity spokesperson for?…that furthermore it is the same Chevy Volt that GM was handed scads of dollars by the government to produce?…that yes this is the same Chevy Volt that was handed award after award by magazines seeking the favor of the Obama Administration for their pandering editorials and awards?…that if it were not for the federal bailout of GM that there would be no Chevy Volt to suspend the production of?…that this is the same Chevy Volt that will get you a $7,500 federal tax subsidy if you actually decide to purchase one for $41,000?

IT IS TRUE that just yesterday on the heels that Volt production will be suspended to balance the inventory that US Representative Michael Kelly stated that “when the market is ready the Volt will not have to be subsidized”?…that even with federal subsidies at record levels on both ends of every Volt transaction that sales have failed to meet projections by nearly 50%?…that the Chevy Volt if it were a stand-alone business as opposed to the most subsidized product in the fleet of a company deemed too big to fail that it would already be known as “Solyndra on Wheels”?…that this is what happens when governments try to force products onto the market before they are ready to meet consumer needs?

IS IT TRUE that California even allows a lone driver of a Chevy Volt to drive in the HOV lanes and avoid traffic jams?…that someday when the Volt has the range to make that worth doing and the power to keep up with the other HOV lane traffic this might be practical?…that today is not that day and Sacramento is just trying to curry favor with the Obama Administration by passing this useless law?…that this makes about as much sense as allowing the three staffers of the CCO all of whom are incapable of dunking a ball to dunk as will?…that such exemptions to rules may sound good but they make no sense and change nothing about day to day life?

IS IT TRUE that someday this country will be filled with electric vehicles and solar panels?…that day will come when the technology meets consumer needs at prices that consumers are willing to pay for the perceived benefits?…that the day that both of these things happens will be further down the road because of the Obama Administrations impotent exercise to force products to market before they are ready?…that this government meddling has probably set the solar and electric vehicle industries back by at least 5 years because money that could have and should have been spent to further develop the products was pumped into premature manufacturing facilities and marketing campaigns for snake oil?…that we must ask just who is the Carnival Barker now?

IS IT TRUE: March 3, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE: March 3, 2012

IS IT TRUE that the most successful angel investment group in the United States was bombarded with just over 620 business plans last year from entrepreneurs seeking funding from their group?…that a full 500 (80.6%) of these plans were rejected without consideration?…that left 120 (19.4%) that were actually read in depth and given serious consideration?…that of these 620 business plans that only 16 (2.6%) or 1 of every 40 was selected to receive funding?…that 50% of those are expected by the investment group to fail during the early stages?…that the average investment is about $500,000 per business and that the largest of the investments was in the $1.5 Million range?…that nowhere in the investment criteria for this or any angel group of record is there a metric for the number of jobs created?…that the criteria is clearly that the investment needs to be within 50 miles of the investors, have a protected technical content, a coachable management team, AND a feasible exit strategy?…that the point we are making is that investing in start-ups is risky business that involves extensive technological vetting and financial vetting skills and even then the failure rate is over half?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville has no active visible angel or venture investor groups within 50 miles and thus local entrepreneurs are at a loss for where to submit a business plan?…that rightly so, that Mayor Winnecke made the formation of an angel investment group a priority during the campaign of 2011?…that angel investment groups do not access public money as a funding source and are not even particularly interested in government funding programs for their portfolio companies as such things often come with conditions and goals that are not compatible with a good business plan?

IS IT TRUE that it was announced yesterday that the City of Evansville is making a substantial loan with an opportunity at sharing in future profits of a start-up energy company from Texas named Earthcare Energy?…that the big part of the announcement are the 120 jobs that may be placed in the Park 41 complex by Earthcare Energy when and if manufacturing is established?…that the company website shows a fairly impressive management team but refers to no product installations whatsoever?…that there is a short “white paper” describing the technology proposed that was apparently written by a company from Nevada named Langson Energy who is referenced as a granting a license to Earthcare Energy in a July 2011 press release?…that a search of patents and trademarks at the website for the United States Patent and Trademark Office under the name Earthcare Energy yielded no results?…that you may confirm this at www.uspto.gov?

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville is making a loan of $5 Million, covering 2 years of rent on 60,000 square feet that is worth approximately $250,000, and that the State of Indiana is kicking in $1.16 Million of incentives for what looks to be a full out start-up company?…that is has been reported that the CEO still has a day job as an airline pilot?…that Mayor Winnecke is breaking new ground with this deal and will either come out of this looking like a visionary or a fool with little margin for anything in between?…that the CCO hopes that the VETTING done on this company was 1,000 times better than the VETTING done by the previous administration on downtown convention hotel development?…that we wish this venture well and hope to see it succeed?…that this type of daredevil investing is necessary in places where there is no private investment entity willing to support entrepreneurship?…that we would be most curious to know if Earthcare Energy attempted to raise capital through private channels and what the results of the private VETTING efforts were?

Mayor Winnecke Announces Partnership between City of Evansville and Earthcare Energy


Lloyd Winnecke


March 2, 2012 Contact: Debbie Dewey
For Immediate Release 812- 401-4243

Earthcare Energy to Bring 120 Manufacturing Jobs to Evansville

(EVANSVILLE, IN) – Mayor Lloyd Winnecke announces Earthcare Energy, LLC (Earthcare), a new international renewable energy project developer and original equipment manufacturer, has chosen Evansville as the start-up location for manufacture of its unique Total Flow Gas Letdown Generator (TFG). The TFG extracts gas pressure energy from natural gas letdown stations and represents the lowest-cost power generation technology available in the market today. It is a renewable and clean energy source. A working prototype of the unit is in operation today, and immediate demand for the product is proven.

Over the next three years, Earthcare has committed to add more than 100 skilled manufacturing and manufacturing management jobs in Evansville. However, with more than 2 million natural gas letdown stations worldwide, the business growth potential is expected to yield many more orders and therefore has the potential to add many more jobs in Evansville. In addition to jobs at Earthcare, there will be opportunity for other local manufacturers to become component suppliers to Earthcare, adding the potential for even more local jobs.

Earthcare will start-up operations in the Park 41 industrial complex, becoming the newest tenant in this former Whirlpool manufacturing facility. The City of Evansville plans to provide a start-up loan and grant for Earthcare’s Evansville Headquarters. In addition to loan repayment with interest, Evansville will share in Earthcare’s success by receiving a share of profits from TFGs to be installed at a number of gas letdown stations. Vectren will partner with Earthcare Energy to help demonstrate the viability of the technology for other utilities.

This partnership between the City of Evansville, Earthcare Energy, and Vectren is unique and progressive. It brings manufacturing jobs; the opportunity to be the global center for this renewable, clean energy alternative; and a new revenue stream to fund future projects for the City of Evansville.

Inclimate Weather Closes The ZOO for Today


Due to the severe weather and anticipated storms coming through the tri-state, Mesker Park Zoo and Botanic Garden will be closed for the remainder of the day (3/2/2012).

Thank you,

Charlotte Roesner

Marketing Director

Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden

1545 Mesker Park Dr.

Evansville, IN 47720

Phone: (812) 435-6143 ext. 409