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Zoeller, top experts discuss ways to protect military while they protect us


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – As Indiana prepares to deploy more than 3,000 National Guard troops in the coming months, Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller gathered local, state and national leaders to discuss ways to protect servicemembers from financial scams.
Zoeller hosted the second Annual Civil Justice Summit, “Consumer Protections for Military Personnel and Their Families,” on Wednesday at Indiana University School of Law in Indianapolis.

“Members of our armed forces and their families have different financial needs and can fall victim to fraudulent businesses looking to take advantage of servicemembers’ steady paychecks,” Zoeller said. “Our goal is to help provide financial education to those families and also crackdown on scams that prey on our vulnerable servicemen and women. It’s important we use the resources available to protect those that we ask so much of.”

Summit participants received an overview of the consumer protections in place to protect military personnel from financial scams and addressed ways to strengthen the legal assistance programs available to them.

Holly Petraeus, director of the Office of Servicemember Affairs for the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, was among the featured speakers. A longtime advocate for the military, Petraeus promotes financial education for those who serve and their families.
“I am pleased to be here with Attorney General Zoeller to speak about consumer protection for military families,” Petraeus said. “Servicemembers have volunteered to serve our country and often face unique financial challenges while doing so. The Office of Servicemember Affairs is dedicated to seeing that military families’ financial concerns are heard at the consumer agency and we are happy to work with state officials on military issues.”

Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, who also serves as a captain in the Delaware National Guard, joined the summit to address the various consumer protections provided under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) and state law.
“We have a duty to protect those who protect us,” Biden said. “The men and women who serve our country should not have to worry about losing their home while they are overseas on military duty.”

The federal act mandates that military personnel on active duty in wartime are entitled to mortgage relief, including a lower interest rate on their mortgages and foreclosure protection. Biden also discussed ways to strengthen the SCRA and expand the protections it gives to servicemembers and their families.

Zoeller has been working with the Indiana National Guard and Adjutant General R. Martin Umbarger, who also joined the summit, to protect Hoosier servicemembers from identity theft while they are deployed. Zoeller recently launched a website, www.indianaconsumer.com/military, giving military families easy access to resources.

EVSC Kids Provide Meal for Salvation Army


What: Harrison High School’s Center for Family and Community Outreach
Partners with Salvation Army to Provide Meal and Bring Awareness to Salvation Army
(innovative use of regular English class uses Project Based Learning to teach
students practical applications of their knowledge, and help others in the process)

When: Friday, Oct. 21
11:30 a.m. (meal served)
(Other photo/video ops at different times listed below)

Where: Salvation Army
1040 N. Fulton Avenue

A student team comprised of three girls in Erinn Jankowski’s English 12 class at Harrison High School will be deep in chicken pot pie and cookies this Friday, as they see their dream project come to fruition.

The team is part of the Center for Family & Community Outreach that Jankowski started to help students truly engage with the subject of English and realize the practical applications of their learned knowledge, and then put it into action helping non-profit organizations in this community. This is a regular English class, taught in such a way as to incorporate all of the objectives of the English core curriculum, but in a very practical Project Based Learning environment. Last Friday, the student groups met with 11 non-profit organizations they have partnered with and did official presentations of what they would like to do for the organizations they had selected, after having performed site visits and interviews.

Now, the presentations are becoming reality. The students in this team said they went to the Salvation Army and were surprised at the many needs that they could help with. While there they cleaned, folded clothes, worked in the kitchen, and bussed tables – realizing that there are many ways to make a difference – but the biggest is to “give of their time.” Their desire with this project is to bring awareness to the Salvation Army, what it does, and what its needs are. Sandra Appler, director of development, after seeing the presentation to her organization last week said, “it was amazing how much they have done in nine weeks. One student said she learned ‘it’s not about cans (all the can drives that are done for their soup kitchen) it’s about people and giving of ourselves!’”

One of the students in the group has a desire to one day be a pastry chef, and she also attends culinary arts classes at the Southern Indiana Career & Technical Center. So, they decided to also partner with the students there to cook the food for the Salvation Army. All food was donated by the Fresh Market. For additional information go to: mrsjankowski.weebly.com

7:40 a.m.: Culinary Arts class begins preparation of the meal (1901 Lynch Road, Southern Indiana Career & Technical Center – contact there: Chef Ed Ellis)
10:15 a.m.: Culinary Arts delivers meal to Salvation Army location, 1040 N. Fulton Ave.
10:30 a.m.: Workers served lunch
11:30 a.m.: Lunch served to individuals and families coming to the kitchen

Downtown Today: 10/20/2011


Time 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Subject IBTR
Location 318
Reminder 15 minutes
Tiffany Collins @ 5269
Categories ROOM 318

Time 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs every Thursday effective 10/6/2011 until 10/27/2011 from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Sharon Evans @ 4982
Categories ROOM 301

Time 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the third Thursday of every 1 month effective 10/20/2011 until 10/20/2011 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
KATHIE @ 5228
Categories ROOM 301

Vectren Petition & Rates Subject of Press Conference


State Representative Gail Riecken, City Councilman John Friend, and County Commissioner Stephen Melcher held a press conference in the Civic Center today to announce that the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission will be holding a hearing with respect to a rate request made by Vectren to install dense pack technology in two turbines at their A.B. Brown Generating Facility.

Also attending the meeting and available for questions was Mr. Don Mottley, a disabled American Veteran who has been collecting signatures on a petition initiated by Councilman Friend to bring meetings of the IURC to Evansville and to hold Vectren rates flat until other utilities “catch up” to Vectrens when EPA compliance upgrades are installed. Vectren officials have consistently stated that other areas will equalize with Vectren that was a voluntary early adopter of EPA requirements.

Mr. Mottley stated today that over 90% of the people that he has asked to sign the petition have done so and that the only people refusing to sign have been Vectren employees or Vectren contractors who fear losing their work if their signatures are discovered on this petition. He also raised the issue of how campaign contributions from utility companies are made to the Governor who then appoints members of the IURC who seem to favor utility positions. Mr. Mottley agrees with Commissioner Melcher that these positions should be elected.

Councilman Friend responded to questions from the audience that SW Indiana ratepayers pay more than 60% higher rates than the average across Indiana and that across the money saving bridge in Henderson residents only pay about 38 cents on the dollar what Evansville families do for electricity. He expanded that Vectren’s rates keep property values down and that in the commercial area for every dollar of utility payments that local government loses 30 cents in taxes due to lowered valuations.

Representative Riecken said that she hoped that over 500 people will attend the hearing on November 28th at 6 pm in the Locust Room at the Centre.

IS IT TRUE? October 19, 2011 Gang Solutions and Acknowledgement


Blood's Hand Sign

IS IT TRUE? October 19, 2011

IS IT TRUE that as gang violence is on everyone’s mind there are some things regarding Evansville that we would like to make known to all?…that there is a website that tracks mainstream media news releases about gang activity all over America?…that there are 29 entries for the State of Indiana thus far in 2011 and that 7 of those are about incidents in Evansville?…that these gang activities range from drug distribution for out of town cartels all the way up to murder?…that the number of incidents reported on in Evansville constitutes 24% of the reports in all of Indiana?…that Evansville has only 2% of the population of Indiana within its borders so to say that we have our share of gang related issues would be a gross understatement?…that this is a problem that is in need of a solution and that denial is not part of any solution?…that Republican candidate for Mayor of Evansville Lloyd Winnecke took a step forward in that war yesterday by validating the problem and putting a plan forward?

IS IT TRUE that one may agree or disagree with what was in Winnecke’s plan but the first step in solving a problem is to acknowledge it which he did?…that it may just be the case that the experience, the knowledge, and the equipment that are appropriate for Evansville’ gang problem are not here?…that if that turns out to be the case then the next Mayor had best be doing the research and finding that expertise soon?…that in our online poll most of the respondents think that gang activity in Evansville has started in the last 8 years, a large number think it started before that, and nearly no one thinks this is a new phenomena?…that our readers once again seem to get it that Evansville has gang problems?…that Winnecke deserves a thumbs up for the research that he did to put a plan out there?…that it will need some changes but that the dialog is now started?…that we would like to warn Mr. Winnecke that gangs are not really famous for collaboration skills so don’t give too much credit where it is not due?

IS IT TRUE that everyone who seems to have had a hand in “FloatGate” is back from vacation and that it is time to get to the bottom of what happened once and for all?…that we wonder if police protocol was broken?…that we wonder if the call from Sgt. Hubbard was encouraged by anyone else?…that these are two simple things that should be easy to figure out using police techniques?…that we are also interested in who else knew about this before it happened?…that as funny as this whole incident was that any and all of the people who were in on it need to be exposed so that the voters know this before November 8th, and so the next Mayor has this information at his disposal when considering appointments?

IS IT TRUE that the most disturbing thing to come from FloatGate is the fact that there are over 7,000 active warrants walking the streets of Evansville and Vanderburgh County?…that we realize that many of these may be for petty offenses and that the hunted are not really a danger to society?…that the guy (Alex Jarvis) who was hauled off of the float at the Fall Festival does not seem to be much of a threat to anyone either so as we concluded before, he was singled out for political purposes by someone and police resources were squandered in serving that warrant at just the right moment?…that what rather than worrying about 7,000+ warrants what is needed is a targeted plan to go after the 10% or so of those who really are violent threats to society as was done in Chicago yesterday when a killer from Evansville was apprehended?

IS IT TRUE? October 19, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 19, 2011

IS IT TRUE that it was announced this morning by State Representative Gail Riecken and Evansville City Councilman John Friend, CPA that they will be holding a news conference to discuss the just scheduled Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission (IURC) hearing in Evansville regarding Vectren Corporation’s recent application for a fee increase?…that the City County Observer is thrilled that the IURC has actually agreed to come to Evansville for this meeting that will be in the Locus Room at the Centre on November 28, 2011 at 6 pm?…that our Indy Mole Nation tells us that there will be opportunities to discuss both the proposed dense pack technology upgrade and “other” issues of concern to the citizens of Evansville?…that there will be a sufficient contingent of people to offer one-on-one time for people who would rather express their grievances in private?…that this meeting is a big win for Evansville and SW Indiana and in all fairness it is a win for Vectren too?…that we think they will be supportive of local hearings?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer would like to challenge and admonish the people of Evansville to get out of the house and attend this meeting?…that by our presence we can make our concerns and our commitments to be engages as citizens known?…that after these elected officials have demanded this, the CCO has continually called for this, and even Vectren is supportive of this that the least we can do is “densely pack” the Locust Room for this meeting?…that the days of the people of Evansville being complacent about the issues that determine what our community is need to come to an end?…that we call upon everyone who spends time moaning and groaning about Vectren to put this on your schedule and pack the house?…that admission is free?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO would like to thank and congratulate the officers, the board of directors and the new shareholders of the Evansville Commerce Bank for doing what it took to acquire the shares back from the Michigan company that held them and establish what is now Evansville’s 2nd bank that is locally owned?…that this effort is precisely the kind of effort that is needed over and over in Evansville so that local wealth is built and channeled for local good?…that this people is precisely what is meant by Angel Investment?…that while we still have no formal Angel Investment Group or Venture Capital Firm that this share buy-back should be an example to rally around to light that entrepreneurial fire that we certainly hope is smoldering?

IS IT TRUE that on a national level that last night’s Republican Presidential Candidate’ Debate from Las Vegas nearly resembled a WWF smack down or a cage fight with things getting so contentious that pointing, touching, and yelling ensued?…that the night started out with the pack going after Herman Cain’s 999 plan like it was a 666 plan instead?…that the jackals (candidates) said everything they could short of calling 999 “the mark of Cain”?…that the question that we have about all of the official reports on how this plan is unfair, insufficient, etc, is “aren’t these the same people that said the stimulus would keep unemployment under 8%”?…that for the Washington economists and think tanks that gave their blessings to the economic policies of Presidents Obama and Bush to opine on any economic plan is just unnecessary?…that this is sort of like a 3rd Grader issuing a negative opinion on Einstein’s Theory of Relativity?…that it is actually worse because the 3rd Grader will not have lost credibility yet?…that most people should be able to do their own math with a simple plan like 999?…that either it works or it doesn’t?…that if the taxpayers of this country are incapable of simple multiplication by 9% then we really are beyond repair from and educational point of view?…that we wonder what percentage of 100 random people in the mall can correctly answer the question “what is 9% of 100”? Care to Guess?

12th Annual Main Street Trick or Treat Sunday, October 30th!


“Centre’d on Kids” Free Community Event!

Evansville, IN – The Victory Theatre and the Main Street Walkway will be the host of the 12th Annual Main Street Trick or Treat on Sunday, October 30! SMG with KISS, 103GBF, WKDQ, Superhits 105.3, WBKR, WOMI, CBS44 and Fox44 will provide a fun and safe environment for trick-or-treaters from Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to Second Street. Bring your little ghosts and goblins downtown from noon – 3pm for an afternoon of trick or treating. The kids can play games and win prizes, pick up free treats, have their faces painted and receive a Kids I-D packet.

Come in your scariest, most creative or patriotic costume so they can enter the costume contest at 1:00pm at the stage located at 6th & Main in front of the Victory Theatre. Winners for all 0-12 age groups! Participating sponsors will provide treats for all the ghosts and goblins.

Coloring Contest Sheets are also available at The Centre, Victory Theatre, Townsquare Media and CBS WEVV44 offices. Entries must be returned to point of pick-up by October 28th. Winners will be announced from the stage at 6th & Main on October 30th at 2pm. They will also be delivered to all schools in the area.

Main Street Trick or Treat was created by SMG in 1999 as a safe alternative to door to door trick or treating. Everything is free to the community. With attendance well over 11,000, MSTT is the largest event downtown “Centre’d” on Kids! Our 100+ volunteers and the generosity of our sponsors make this day possible.

Join us on Main Street Sunday, October 30th from noon – 3……rain or shine! This event is sponsored by SMG, CBS-44WEVV and FOX44, Townsquare Media stations WKDQ, 103GBF, WJLT, KISSFM, WBKR, WOMI.

Community Preview: Party Free Public Open House at the Ford Center 10/22/2011


(Evansville, IN)- You’ve seen it from the outside. Now see what the Ford Center looks like from the inside. A free open house will be held on Saturday, October 22, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Everyone is invited!

Visitors will be able to see the Ford Center’s public areas and areas that aren’t normally open to the public like the Aces and IceMen locker rooms. Come check out the view from the seating bowl, try out the wider, padded seats, and experience all of the great amenities the Ford Center has to offer. Also at the Community Preview Party:

ï‚· Face painting and balloon art by the Hadi Shrine Funsters
ï‚· Ace Purple & Blizzard (mascots for the Aces and the IceMen)
ï‚· $1 hot dogs, soft drinks and popcorn
ï‚· Music by Monte Skelton
ï‚· A free commemorative item to take home

Visitors to the Ford Center are encouraged to stick around after they tour the facility and enjoy downtown Evansville. Several businesses and restaurants along Main Street will be open during the community preview party from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. In addition, art students from Signature School, Central High School and F.J. Reitz High School will showcase their vision for downtown businesses in several storefronts along Main Street. The Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville (GAGE) will have walking maps and flyers available at the Ford Center.