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Finding Funding for Nonprofits workshop at library


Evansville, IN – Nonprofit organizations can learn how to identify funding opportunities using the Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library Foundation Center’s online resources on Wednesday, November 2nd, at 9:30 am. The workshop will be held at McCollough Branch, 5115 Washington Ave., and will last approximately an hour and a half.

The workshop will focus on the Foundation Directory Online, a database which is updated weekly, that contains profiles of over 98,000 grantmakers, including local and regional funders. Other topics covered will be the print resources available to nonprofits in the EVPL Foundation Center.

The EVPL Foundation Center is a part of Business Central located on the second floor of Central Library. Computer work stations, microfilm and microform readers, copiers, meeting rooms, and the library’s reference and nonfiction collections are conveniently nearby. Can’t make it to the workshop on November 2nd? Free orientation sessions on the use of the EVPL Foundation Center are available by appointment by calling 428-8218.

The EVPL Foundation Center is a cooperating collection of the New York-based Foundation Center.

Registration for the November 2nd workshop is required by calling 428-8236 or visiting evpl.org.

Take That: October 27, 2011


Take That: October 27, 2011

IN RESPONSE TO: Democratic Power Brokers Hold Strategy Session

“When an obvious Central Committe operative like Clovis uses terms like “devious individual or brain dead nitwits” to describe sources, you can be assured the CCO got it right. Sounds just like the John Edwards love baby denials, the Mayors press release that a joint bi-partisan decision was made to not renew the homestead tax exemption at the Mayor’s April Fools day conference room meeting and Clinton’s finger wagging I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” JoeBiden

“Furthermore, why weren’t committeemen/women invited? I know I certainly was not! But if I had been, this is the message I would have delivered: ENOUGH!! Grow up! Democrats have chosen their candidate, and you should be respectful of that and ashamed of your recent behavior. Mr. Owen, if you have any decency left, resign immediately and take Alex Jarvis with you. I hear the Terry White campaign is hiring.” All4_1

“Clearly the topic of endorsing Winnecke was discussed. Connie Robinson’s endorsement was the reason for the meeting.” BigPappa

“Electing Davis will have two very positive benefits for Evansville:
1) The Machine will be finally, irrevocably dismantled. A new, principled Democratic party will rise in its place.
2) The Republicans will finally have to start standing on principle, too. They will no longer be able to cut backroom deals for scraps off the Machine’s table.
This may be the most important election Evansville has ever had.”

“This is pathetic! A house of cards tumbling down, blown over by the very children who are its caretakers.” 292

“Johny’s legacy across this state will be how he destroyed the democrat party in southern Indiana.
Mosby clan– Red is rolling in his grave.”

“I’d say this is the death rattle of the machine.” Blanger

“Perhaps this is the death knell of the political careers of some of the attendees. Me thinks some of these politicians should seceed to private life.“ satireevv

IS IT TRUE? October 27, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 27, 2011

IS IT TRUE that we would first like to thank and congratulate the candidates last night for not pulling any SNEGAL cards from the bottom of the deck or resorting to any dirty tricks?..Thumbs Up!

IS IT TRUE that last night’s City Council debates on WNIN held very few surprises and at times seemed more like a love fest filled with GROUPTHINK than such a debate ever should?…that the format chosen for the debate did not really lend itself to having opposing candidates mixing it up with each other or at each other and thus there was very little direct interaction that lead to exposing differing philosophies among the candidates?…that many of Evansville’s current problems from the budget to dilapidation to messes in the parks have come about because of block voting City Council’s that have functioned like partisan GROUPTHINK TANKS where deliberation and cognitive thought are at best tolerated and occasionally scoffed at?…that debate formats that diminish the potential for rebuttals really do not serve the purposes that they could if the City Council was treated as though it is just as important as the Office of the Mayor?

IS IT TRUE that of the 14 people who took the stage that there were some who still seem to drink the Team Weinzapfel Kool-Aid of “oh gee our parks are not bad”, “our jobs base is growing”, or even “it’s a great place to raise kids”?…that these are the sort of things that the propaganda pieces for attraction seem to tout in every city in America but that informed people seem to be able to expose quickly?…that the vast majority of the people in the debate do seem to get it and have little remnant of ever having consumed any of the Kool-Aid?

IS IT TRUE that if these 14 people plus the unopposed incumbents Dan McGinn and Connie Robinson are true to their word with respect to a stronger or even comprehensive smoking ordinance that a comprehensive smoking ban will pass in early 2012 by at least a 6 – 3 vote?…that if one certain set of candidates is elected that a smoking ban will be passing by a 9 – 0 vote?…that as nearly 80% of people polled by Smokefree Indiana indicated a support for a comprehensive ban that it seems as though most of the candidates had been listening to the will of the people as opposed to the will of a tavern master or two?

IS IT TRUE that nearly every candidate expressed support for finding some positive use for Roberts Stadium AND that small businesses and entrepreneurs are the key to economic prosperity and the creation of wealth?…that the candidates seem to agree that despite all of the claims of the government of the City of Evansville being business friendly that it is NOT?…that most of the candidates support the concept of consolidation yet believe that the proposal that is being voted on in next year’s referendum barely touched the surface on efficiency?…that one candidate quoted a savings from consolidation of $700,000 which is only 0.2% of the combined city and county budgets?…that is the equivalent of the average family in Evansville cutting their weekly budget by $1.31?…that if we all can’t agree that this is an easy task and that the current proposal has not even given real lip service to economic efficiency?

IS IT TRUE that the candidates except for some Kool-Aid drinkers agree that urban blight and just general dirtiness are serious problems that are a result of a lack of civic pride among the population?…that Councilman John Friend stated that the City of Evansville is pretty much at its credit limit with only a $3 Million margin remaining so General Obligation Bonds are really not an option for any of the many infrastructure projects that Evansville is in need of?…that means that only sustainable and cash generating projects that pay for their own maintenance are possible in the near future?…that Friend also stated that METS is operating at a $3.7 Million annual loss?

IS IT TRUE that one of the unknowns going into the debates was the electability of 6th Ward candidate Shaun Short as he is a newcomer to politics?…that Mr. Short is fighting a clear uphill battle in the 6th Ward which had a 6 to 1 ratio of Democratic straight tickets to Republican straight tickets in 2007?…that it will take a miracle for Mr. Short to overcome such a partisan bias but that if he were running at large he would have most certainly been on the medal stand in last night’s debate?…that if Mr. Short sticks with it this 33 year old may just have what it takes to compete for Mayor someday?…that we hope that if the overwhelmingly Democratic 6th Ward elects Al Lindsey who held his own in last nights debate that Mr. Short will not be discouraged from trying again some day?

IS IT TRUE that we hope all of our readers watched the debate or will watch the replay?…that we hope as 5th Ward Candidate Brent Grafton stated last night that the most important job of the City Council is to keep a Mayor from wrecking the bus called Evansville is something that the voters realize and will vote for a strong, independent, and deliberative City Council without regard to party?

Some Democrats Dispute Claims


Update: Correction Statement


Several Democrats who participated in this mornings meeting at the Vanderburgh Democratic Headquarters have disputed our earlier report that any discussions were held regarding secession from the Indiana Democratic Party or endorsement of Republican Lloyd Winnecke for Mayor of Evansville.

The City County Observer has multiple statements from direct participants on both sides of these issues. As one of the reasons for calling the meeting was to offer Democrats an opportunity to express confidence in 4th Ward City Councilwoman Connie Robinson with regard to her recent endorsement of Mr. Winnecke we are quite confident that an endorsement discussion did take place.

With respect to succession from the Indiana Democratic Party, as strange as this may seem we can still report that people are supporting both that it was discussed and that it was not. No official agenda of the meeting has been released to the press nor have the meetings minutes been released.

Democratic Meeting did not Violate Sunshine Laws


A comment was posted today on the City County Observer regarding the possibility that Sunshine Laws may have been violated by the meeting this morning at the Vanderburgh County Democratic Headquarters. The premise behind the comment was that six Evansville City Council members were meeting in an unannounced meeting that was not advertised to the public.

Upon seeing the follow on comments the CCO sought legal opinion on the Sunshine Laws as the pertain to party meetings. The laws as were explained to us exempt party caucuses from Sunshine Laws. We have confirmed with Democratic officials that this was indeed a party caucus and that no official City of Evansville business was discussed. That being the case we conclude and have been advised that Indiana Sunshine Laws were not violated.

The comment section of this and other publications is a reader’s forum. We do from time to time remove posts that have fowl language or make threats. We along with other publications can not control what someone posts. We can only respond with corrections as we have in this case or with deleting information that is blatantly offensive. For a comment poster to ask that particular question was not deemed to merit removal. We are please to be able to clarify the answer.

IS IT TRUE? October 26, 2011 The City Council Debates


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 26, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the only chance that any of us will have to see a televised debate of the candidates for Evansville City Council will be tonight?…that WNIN will be televising these debates tonight from 7 PM until 9:30 PM?

IS IT TRUE that the fight card tonight should include a first bout between Republican Lon Walters and Democrat Missy Mosby?…that the principle differences that these two should be debating are the positions that Walters has taken with respect to Vectren’s highest rates in the state and his support of strengthened smoking ordinance?…that Ms. Mosby has been silent on the Vectren rates and actually collected signatures for a petition to keep the smoking laws as they are and carried her petition to a meeting of the Evansville City Council in 2010?…that Walters has a petition too but his is to question all future rate increases requested by Vectren?…that he has over 1,700 signatures and actually met personally with the IURC yesterday?

IS IT TRUE that the next bout will be Democrat Stephanie Brinkerhoff Riley vs. Republican Alan Leibundguth for the 3rd Ward?…that this bout should make it pretty clear that Riley is a classic national Democrat and that Leibundguth is quite Republican in his views?…that this is probably the most well defined difference in ideologies in this year’s election?…that the people of the 3rd Ward who are liberal will most likely side with Riley and those who are conservative will find Leibundguth to their liking?…that the 3rd Ward is overwhelmingly Democratic in registration but seems quite conservative in their ideology?…that this will be an interesting debate and election and that there may be many people crossing party lines for the vote?

IS IT TRUE that the 5th Ward that is politically balanced and always seems to be decided by less than 100 votes?…that this bout will pit Republican Brent Grafton against Democrat John Friend?…that these two gentlemen have a very different style with Grafton being cerebral and deliberative while Friend likes the spotlight?…that these two in spite of style differences share much ideology and that both are entrepreneurs with some local government experience to bolster them?…that one clear difference has been their difference on the smoking ordinance with Friend taking an “all or nothing” stance while Grafton is open to some exemptions if that is the only way to strengthen the ordinance?…that they even seem to agree on the accountability of Vectren with Friend pushing the position with a petition and Grafton with a position paper on accountability?

IS IT TRUE that the bout for the 6th Ward pits Democrat Al Lindsey who has spent more time and money fighting lawsuit after lawsuit filed by other Democrats about his place of residence than he has spent campaigning against a young Republican named Shawn Short?…that both of these gentlemen seem poised to do a good job if elected but that tonight is the opportunity to see what their differences are as both have been poorly funded and doing their campaigning by wearing out shoes?

IS IT TRUE that the at-large debate promises to be a replica of the recent Republican Presidential debates with 6 candidates fighting it out for 3 spots?…that the candidate range from young and aggressive to retired and cerebral?…that this may provide the most illuminating of all of the debates as the only candidate with a well known ideology and demeanor is Democrat Dr. H. Dan Adams?…that Dr. Adams in spite of party affiliation has been a very independent thinker during his first term on the Evansville City Council?

IS IT TRUE that we hope that tonight’s debates exposed differences that the people of Evansville can use to make informed decisions with respect to the kind of City Council that the prefer?…that editorially speaking the current 8 – 1 City Council with the GROUPTHINK mentality that has been shown has not served Evansville well?…that if the people of Evansville like Secret Meetings, Sweetheart Deals, Excessive Spending, Rotting Parks, and Selective Enforcement then what they should do is elect another 8 – 1 block of GROUPTHINK types?…that if the people of Evansville are tired of the same old bull then they should seriously consider voting for the most independent and thinking people seeking to serve on the Evansville City Council?

Candidate for Second Ward City Council E. L. “Lon” Walters Meets With IURC Regarding Vectren


October 25, 2011

Candidate for Second Ward City Council E. L. “Lon” Walters Attends IURC Vectren Hearing in Indianapolis.

Evansville — October 25, 2011 — Not knowing there was a motion made to postpone the IURC pre-hearing on the Vectren rate increase Monday afternoon, E. L. Lon Walters went to Indianapolis to presents over 1,500 signatures he personally obtained against the Vectren rate increase to the IURC. Instead, Lon met with Aaron Schmoll, Administrative Law Judge for the Indiana Regulatory Commission and presented him with the following information:

Vectren already has the highest rates in the state of Indiana and their demand for a guaranteed 7.3% return is unrealistic in today’s economy. I am a small business owner and in this economy, I cannot raise my rates without losing business. Yet we have a company with a monopoly like Vectren that can! Most families are struggling to make ends meet and many people simply cannot afford yet another rate hike. Vectren’s rates are 50% higher than any other Indiana utility.

Vectren’s high rates are undermining Evansville’s competitiveness as a place to live and do business. Just this past Saturday I talked to a mother who is planning to move to Henderson, Kentucky because of our high utility rates. She has reduced to the point that she has space heaters in each room and they only heat the rooms that are occupied. Vectren’s rates have been escalating for the past decade to the level that they are significantly higher than our neighboring cities. Across the river in Henderson County, Kentucky, the difference is in electric rates much greater than 50%. Lon Walters is asking the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission to do the right thing, and put the brakes on this alarming trend because it is undercutting our ability to attract new business to Evansville.

IS IT TRUE? October 26, 2011


3 Stooges: Evansville Style

IS IT TRUE? October 26, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the trouble with tribes, clubs, teams, fraternities, lodges, and political parties is that they are so steeped in the tradition of GROUPTHINK that there is no place for a dissenting voice even when that dissenting voice is the only voice of reason in a mindless mass of bricks in the wall?…that some such groups even resort to blood oaths, vows of allegiance, and arcane ritual to keep the membership in GROUPTHINK mode?…that the most recent local entity to have a “coming to Jesus” year for a half century of GROUPTHINK is the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party?…that the latest dust up in the increasingly comical fiasco is the endorsement of Republican candidate for Mayor Lloyd Winnecke by Democratic City Councilwoman and Vice Chair of the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party Connie Robinson?…that this endorsement has lead to a complaint being filed by a yet to be named Democratic precinct committeeperson asking that Councilwoman Robinson be removed as Vice Chair?…that the BLUE CLUB called the Indiana Democratic Party has a BLUE CLUB is on the following link?


IS IT TRUE that on Page 27 of the BLUE RULE BOOK is a section that deals with the Removal of Party Officers?…that the Grounds for Removal are well defined only as (1) Neglect of duty; (2) Willful violation of these Rules; (3) Conviction of a felony; (4) Disloyalty to the Democratic Party; or (5) Any course of conduct that does not promote the best interest of the Party or creates dissension within the Party?…that conveniently the tribunal to administer justice in this matter will not be able to meet until after the election?…that we encourage the curious to read this to your heart’s desire?

IS IT TRUE that all of this really started a little over a year ago when Rick Davis decided to break local party protocol and announce his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Mayor of Evansville without seeking the permission of the local Party Bosses including Mayor Weinzapfel, Mark Owen, and even Vice Chair & City Councilwoman Robinson?…that we do not recall any instance of any allegation of breaking the BLUE TEAM RULES at the time?…that Mr. Davis’s only crime was offending the Tribunal of GROUPTHINK by not kissing the ring?…that the people of Evansville and especially the rank and file members of the Democratic Party have now endured a full year of barnyard and playground antics that would actually make a decent movie if any producer is out there listening?…that at the very least this should be the topic of a future community play put on at the Reitz Home?

IS IT TRUE that is has only been FOUR YEARS since the Vanderburgh Republican Party had egg on its face because a primary that put David Nixon on the ballot as the Republican nominee for Mayor of Evansville?…that we do not recall any Republican Party leaders endorsing any of the Democratic slate of candidates in 2007 but we are quite sure that Mr. Nixon did not garner 100% of the votes of Republican Party officers?…that Mayor Weinzapfel’s 85% – 15 % margin of victory guarantees that many rank and file Republicans crossed party lines to vote Democratic?…that the current mess is not about the rank and file whom we encourage to read, think, and vote for the person instead of mindlessly voting a straight ticket (pulling the rooster)?

IS IT TRUE that this mess is about whether it is appropriate to hold office in the BLUE CLUB and endorse a member of the RED CLUB at the same time?…that if the Coach of the Packers was seen rooting for the Bears while the Packers were playing the Bears the this would be one fired Coach?…that if Republican Party Chairman Wayne Parke makes a public endorsement of Rick Davis or any other Democrat in this year’s election that Mr. Parke should be shown the door?…that if the CEO of General Motors is seen driving any other brand of car that he has no business serving as the CEO of General Motors?…that so it goes for Councilwoman Robinson?…that this is one place where playing both sides against the middle should not be tolerated?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer admires and defends Councilwoman Robinson’s independent spirit and freedom of choice?…that if Councilwoman Robinson is supportive of Lloyd Winnecke that she should be free to use her influence to help his campaign?…that she should not however use her position as an OFFICER of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY to do so?…that the right thing for Councilwoman Robinson to do right now is to resign her position as Vice Chair and then follow her heart and mind on how to vote and how to use her personal influence?…that holding a vote of confidence among the BLUEBOTS that oppose Davis yet control the local party is a meaningless exercise in a reverse kangaroo court?…that of course the “machine” will find confidence in her?…that such an idiotic ritual will not serve to heal the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party?…that it will just make the divide wider?

VHS Pet of the Week: “Kangaroo”


Say hello to Kangaroo, a loving 6-month-old male DSH. Kangaroo is ready to spring right into your homes and your hearts with his amazing personality. He is one of the most loving cats currently up for adoption at the VHS. He enjoys pouncing on toys and staring out of large windows. Kangaroo loves the company of other cats and will adjust nicely to a multi-cat home. Kangaroo would love a family with children that he can call his own. Kids of any age are bound to become best buddies with this really cool cat. His adoption fee is $30 and that includes his neuter, up-to-date vaccinations, microchip with national registration, sample bag of food and much more. If you would like more information on how to make Kangaroo a part of your family, visit www.vhslifesaver.org or call (812) 426-2563.

EVSC Presents at Indiana Computer Educators Conference


Seven EVSC educators recently delivered presentations at the Indiana Computer Educators “Focus on the Future” conference in Indianapolis. They included: Innovation, Curriculum and Technology Specialists (iCATS) Tim Wilhelmus and Jerrad Gleim; eLearning Coaches Brett Clark and Dianne Matheis; as well as Evans Elementary Professional Development Specialist Helene Blum, and Harrison High School teacher Brian Bennett.
Those individuals and 12 other members of the EVSC’s iTeam, comprised of all of the iCATS, and eLearning Coaches also attended the two-day conference.

Presentations included:
Tim Wilhelmus & Jerrad Gleim
“Beyond the Classroom and After the Bell: Using Podcasting and Blogging to Extend the Classroom”

Tim Wilhelmus & Brett Clark
“Building Your Network – Using Social Media to Enhance Professional Development”

Dianne Matheis
“Everything You Wanted to Know About Project Based Learning, But Were Afraid to Ask”

Helene Blum
“iPods in the Classroom: Tool or Toy?”

Brian Bennett & Brett Clark
“Defining the Flipped Classroom”

Tim Wilhelmus
“Building Playgrounds”

Members of the iTeam also made mini presentations during an evening “Smack Down” where individuals were asked to share Web 2.0 tips.

The Indiana Computer Educators conference is Indiana’s premier educational technology conference for K-12 teachers, administrators, and school technology leaders.