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CVB Chairman’s Report on the Future of Tourism for Evansville


Tourism Progress – EVCB Update

On behalf of the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau (ECVB), I would like to update the community on our efforts to assist the tourism industry.

Over the past 10 months, the ECVB Board of Commissioners has built upon past success to provide sound management and fiscal responsibility to promote our region.

In June, Bob Warren moved to our area as the new ECVB executive director. His 25 years of tourism experience in four states (Texas, Florida, Illinois and now Indiana) is having a positive impact on our agency.

A new set of policies and procedures have been approved to ensure management and the Board has full control over appropriate expenditures. The Board has improved our organization’s transparency, accountability and fiscal responsibility to the lodging tax collected and used for the promotion and marketing of our region.

Following the overhaul of policies and procedures, a complete review of our organizational structure, budgeting, staffing, market segments and destination product was completed to refocus efforts on attracting visitors.

Through our analysis, it is clear that the leadership of our county and city have done an outstanding job of developing this product as a destination. We have year-round quality special events, a great convention center, the new Ford Center, museums, history, visual, cultural and performing arts, the LST, the Mesker Park Zoo, Casino Aztar and an incredible Riverfront, just to name a few. Our inventory audit found the opportunity is in marketing – we must tell our story to people who will come.

With the support of the Vanderburgh County Council we have identified existing financial resources to launch an aggressive marketing strategy to assist us in attracting a new leisure market. Not surprisingly, we discovered 29% of our annual lodging or 375,634 available room nights annually are weekend inventory. If we successfully market and promote our weekends to leisure travel and special events we could generate an additional $15.2 million in lodging sales annually.

The ECVB Board recently approved the adoption of a new Special Events Policy that will allow our organization to assist existing and new special events with the financial resources necessary to properly market and promote events. Our goal is to make certain the events grow in size, scope and length, making them more profitable for the host organizations while accomplishing the ECVB mission of attracting overnight visitors.

An important point to relay is that our organization is currently developing criteria to utilize when funding requests for large-scale projects are presented. The EVCB Board is intent on evaluating these projects to ensure a solid return on the investment with the ability to provide a firm justification before appropriation of funding.

Our industry represents $490 million in annual expenditures attracting an estimated 4.2 million visitors annually employing more than 6,100 employees who contribute in our economy. While annualized occupancy is at 58%, that number can be improved using proven industry techniques, sound marketing strategies, and effective direct sales in various markets.

As the president of the ECVB Board of Commissioners, I would like to recognize and publically thank our Board; Barbara McCarty, Rita Bauer, Mike Roeder, Ward Shaw, Donna Leader and John Montrastelle for their service and dedication to the tourism industry. They are serving with the energy, enthusiasm and a professional attitude that is required for success. It is our commitment to strive for continued success in this important industry we call tourism.

Steve Schaefer
Evansville Convention & Visitors Bureau Board of Commissioners

IS IT TRUE? October 23, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 23, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer’s prediction that the Indiana State Democratic Party would be coming on board with the Rick Davis campaign only took about a half a day to play out as true?…that our prediction on what the subject matter (Homestead Tax Credit) of the ad campaign was going to be about was also a bull’s eye?…that the dollar amount of the effort has not yet been disclosed but that the CCO expects that in addition to campaign materials that the media buy will be in the $70,000 range?…that Mr. Davis finally seems to have found some mainstream Democrats that want to see him succeed Jonathan Weinzapfel as Mayor of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that we also have in on very solid authority that Mayor Weinzapfel is “livid” over the decision by the Indiana Democratic Party to provide the bridge financing that the Davis campaign needs to compete during the next two weeks?…that this same quite reliable source tells us that Vanderburgh County Democratic Central Committee Chairman Mark Owen is also madder than a hornet over this “outside meddling”?…that being a fly on the wall or a Mole in the woodwork of the adrenaline fueled conversations among the so called “machine” democrats of Evansville would have been a most illuminating experience?…that Mayor Weinzapfel for one set himself up for this by sending out an email blast extolling the state’s Democrats to donate generously to the coffers of Democratic Mayoral candidates all over the state?…it seems as though they did exactly that and that they are doubling down on the Davis Campaign that Team Weinzapfel has never supported but has stayed out of the public fray about?

IS IT TRUE that we seriously are confused about why lifetime political people would hesitate about expressing their preference for any candidate for any office?…that if Mayor Weinzapfel, Mark Owen, and any of the other “machine” Vanderburgh County Democrats wish to support Republican candidate for Mayor Lloyd Winnecke that they should take an honesty pill and do so enthusiastically?…that there is nothing wrong with breaking from party loyalty when one’s preference is really with the other candidate?…that at least former resident and lifetime Republican Andrew Smith had the courage to make it known that he is endorsing Rick Davis for Mayor and why?…that we all should be independents and should act that way?…that non-branded elections are the wave of the future because the red team and blue team are so polarized that nothing ever seems to get done?…that the CCO encourages any and all who have been working in the shadows to come out in the following two weeks with public statements of support for the candidates that you prefer and why?

IS IT TRUE that long time Democratic City Councilwoman Connie Robinson is one who has finally made her preference known for Mayor and that she is supporting Republican Lloyd Winnecke?…that she is not only throwing in moral support but putting up her money too?…that Councilwoman Robinson is self funding a radio spot in support of the Republican?…that this may just be an Evansville first for the 4th Ward City Council person to endorse a Republican for Mayor?…that we thank her for being open and honest and look forward to learning all about the substance behind Councilwoman Robinson’s decision?

IS IT TRUE that much of the content today came to us from Evansville City Councilman Curt John?…that we appreciate his candor and his willingness to own up to his words?

IS IT TRUE? October 22, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 22, 2011

IS IT TRUE that yesterday’s release of the campaign finance reports by the two candidates for Mayor of Evansville certainly touched off a rising tide of speculation and spin among our readers?…that all of that aside that we would like to congratulate both of the campaigns on timely and accurate disclosure documents that are easy to read with no glaring questions that are left unanswered?…that we would especially commend the Winnecke campaign for self publishing the finance report and sending the announcements and links to everyone on their email list just after midnight on the due date?…that this is a case of blatant transparency which has been needed for a long long time?

IS IT TRUE that the rumor mill has been spinning all week about the anticipation that the Indiana State Democratic Party will be making a substantial financial commitment to the Davis campaign for the final two weeks of this election cycle?…that we have been told by moles and others that the amount will be in a range of $40,000 to $100,000?…that Rick Davis himself has been quoted as stating that an announcement will be made on Monday?…that the combination of all of the rumblings within the Mole Nation, insider speculation in both campaigns, and a forthcoming announcement do point very strongly that some cash infusion from the State Democratic Party is about to feed the fury of the final two weeks?…that we shall be awaiting Monday’s announcement?

IS IT TRUE that a couple of weeks ago Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel who is sitting on $700,000 plus in his “Weinzapfel for Mayor” campaign fund sent an email blast to Democrats across the State of Indiana?…that Mayor Weinzapfel’s email blast encouraged the Democrats of the State of Indiana to dig deep into their pockets and make contributions so that DEMOCRATS CAN KEEP THE CONTROL OF THE MAYORAL OFFICES STATEWIDE?…that maybe some of the Democrats took Mayor Weinzapfel’s advice and sent in some contributions to try to keep the Office of Mayor of Evansville in Democratic hands?…that as Mayor Weinzapfel’s name did not appear on the donor list to the Davis campaign that he should be quite surprised if he turns out to be the biggest statewide fundraiser for Mr. Davis through his little showboating email blast?…that of all of the unintended consequences that we hear about nowadays this one has to be an instant classic?

IS IT TRUE that there are also rumblings of a very well produced negative ad that will be coming with whatever cash the Indiana Democratic Party endows the Davis campaign with?…that we are going out on a limb here and speculating that such an ad will pay at least some attention to secret meetings about the Homestead Tax Credit?…that we hear that this ad has been in the making for some time by would-be opponents of Mayor Weinzapfel had he chosen to run for Governor of Indiana in 2012?…that only the name in the narrative needed to be changed in this negative commercial which would have worked quite effectively against a resurrected Team Weinzapfel?

IS IT TRUE that by now most of the people of Evansville seem to understand exactly what went on in that secret meeting but a repeated message may inspire Republican candidate Lloyd Winnecke to take that final step that he has come so close to and just come out and say “Mayor Weinzapfel did it”?…this last little twist if nothing else will be a complete repudiation by the Indiana Democratic Party for the petty infighting and die hard machine politics that the Vanderburgh County Democratic Central Committee has been so blatant about playing out in the streets, on floats, with spousal contributions, and silent fundraisers during the 2011 City of Evansville election cycle?

Democratic Power Brokers Hold Strategy Session to Address Cross Party Endorsements and Secession from State Party


Democratic Power Brokers Hold Strategy Session

This morning at 8:15 am a select group of Democratic officeholders were invited to a closed door meeting at the Evansville Democratic Headquarters to discuss the recent fracturing of the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party and the controversy over Democratic Vice Chair Connie Robinson’s recent endorsement of Republican candidate for Mayor Lloyd Winnecke. The meeting was called by Alex Jarvis and reportedly went out after midnight to the invitees.

The following Democrats have been confirmed to have attended:

1. Indiana State Representative Gail Riecken
2. Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel
3. Councilman Curt John
4. Councilman John Friend
5. Councilwoman Connie Robinson
6. Councilman Don Walker
7. Councilwoman Missy Mosby
8. Councilman Dr. H. Dan Adams
9. County Councilwoman Stephanie Terry
10. Vanderburgh County Surveyor Bill Jeffers
11. Vanderburgh County Recorder Z Tuley
12. Vanderburgh County Coroner Annie Groves
13. City Council Candidate Jonathan Weaver
14. City Council Candidate Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley
15. City Council Candidate Conor O’Daniel
16. Vanderburgh County Democratic Chairman Mark Owen
17. Private Citizen David Mosby

It is to be noted that Vanderburgh County Sheriff Eric Williams, City Councilwoman Wendy Bredhold, City Councilman B. J. Watts, Vanderburgh County Treasurer Rick Davis, County Commissioner Stephen Melcher, and City Council Candidate Al Lindsey were not in attendance. It is not known at this time whether or not they received invitations.

It has been reported that this was an opportunity to unify the party that neither Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel nor Party Chairman Mark Owen chose to pursue.

Sources have advised the City County Observer that the discussion rapidly became a series of negative statements aimed directly at Democratic Candidate for Mayor Rick Davis and City Council Candidate Al Lindsey. The statements were allegedly so acidic that some may constitute slander.

Furthermore our sources (Mole 3 surrogate) have told the CCO that somewhat serious discussion was held regarding the possibility that the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party will consider withdrawing from the Indiana State Democratic Party.

Dr. H. Dan Adams is reported to have advised Councilwoman Connie Robinson that she absolutely has the right to free speech and that she may endorse anyone that she wishes but that doing so while Vice Chair of the Democratic Party may be a violation of State of Indiana Party Policy.

A letter of endorsement for Republican Candidate for Mayor Lloyd Winnecke to be signed by any of the invitees who wish to sign it was also discussed according to CCO sources.

Councilman Adams and State Representative Riecken reportedly left the meeting early expressing that they have no interest in supporting the withdrawal of the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party from the Indiana State Party.

This is a developing story so check back as more details emerge.

Occupy Evansville to Assemble Again Tomorrow at Four Freedoms


The Facebook page for Occupy Evansville touts a second gathering at the Four Freedoms Monument on the Evansville Riverfront. The occupation will be taking place tomorrow October 22nd from noon until 3 PM.

According to Occupy Evansville this gathering is to reach consensus on pending issues and discuss new proposals, reaching consensus if time permits. This will also be the time that Working Groups report in on their progress, needs, etc. and when any group decisions will be made.

So for the committed and the curious head on down and see what this movement is all about. Our experience covering last weeks occupation was positive and the Occupy Evansville group is substantially different in demographics and demeanor than the Occupy Wall Street protesters that we are familiar with from television news. Holding that thought the group on Wall Street are probably very different than the mainstream media is presenting them to be as well.

IS IT TRUE? October 21, 2011 Special Evening Edition


Tasty Indulgence: Fit for a President?

IS IT TRUE? October 21, 2011

IS IT TRUE that one our readers has advised us that they sent a letter to Indiana State Senator Jim Tomes asking that he join in the sponsorship of the Vectren petition that Evansville City Councilman John Friend and Indiana State Representative Gail Riecken are circulating?…that the response that our reader received from Senator Tomes was that he was declining to do so until he had enough information to understand what is going on?

IS IT TRUE that the Steve Jobs the late founder of Apple Incorporated and one of the most prodigious creators of wealth and consumer products in recent history is reported to have advised President Barack Obama that he is on a path to becoming a one term president?…that it took five days for the two to even agree to meet?…that Mr. Jobs also advised the President that unless the teacher’s union is broken that any efforts to reform education will not succeed?…that he also gave the President a lecture on how the United States is not a business friendly nation and that the Obama Administration needs to be more business friendly?…that he also scolded the President for the United States being uncompetitive due to excessive regulation and unnecessary costs?…that even in choosing the meal that Mr. Jobs pronounced the proposed menu to be too opulent but was overruled by the White House because “the President loves chocolate truffles”?

IS IT TRUE, Mr. President that when Dr. Einstein offers advice on physics you should listen and when Steve Jobs offers advice on entrepreneurship and what the government needs to do to promote business that this is an area where he has a proven track record and you do not?…Mr. President that when a private citizen arranges for your dinner that good manners is to eat what is offered as opposed to asking for a personal indulgence?…that as personal indulgences go Mr. President that you could learn a thing or two from the aftermath of an Opus One party thrown with public dollars right here in Evansville, IN?

IS IT TRUE that if dollars were voting in the race to become Mayor of Evansville that the election could be called today?…that when the smoke cleared around the campaign fund disclosure forms that Republican Lloyd Winnecke has attracted about three times as many dollars as Democrat Rick Davis has?…that both campaigns have raised substantial sums of money and that it appears that the City of Evansville may be in for a MILLION DOLLAR CAMPAIGN?…that with the 2007 turnout that this campaign will be approaching $100 per winning vote at the rate things are going?…that is sort of astounding that two men can attract over $1 Million between them for a 4 year stint as Mayor that pays less than $100,000 per year?

IS IT TRUE that President Obama has announced that he will be proclaiming the end to the war in Iraq very soon and will begin the full withdrawal of American troops?…that this is good news for all of the brave fighting men and their families?…that the war per se may have been over for a while now as there has not been an organized army that we have been fighting for some time?…that for quite a while the United States has actually been in OCCUPY IRAQ mode and that we are equally thrilled that this occupation is about to end?…that now is the time to see if Iraq will be a better place and a better trade partner with the USA that it was before this war began?…that we wish the Iraqi people good fortune in pursuit of a life and system of liberty?

Davis Campaign Releases Campaign Contribution Report


Rick Davis

The Davis for Mayor Campaign released its campaign finance report today showing that it has raised a total of $174,493 during this reporting period bring the full year total to $250,499.

The top 10 contributors to the campaign are as follows:

Evansville Professional Firefighters: $25,494.50
Danks and Danks: $15,000.00
Scott Danks: $10,000.00
Danny Spindler: $7,850.00
Shawn Oglesby: $6,809.10
IBEW Local 702: #6,000.00
Rodney Miller: $5,000.00
Dr. H. Dan Adams: $4,950.00
Bill Denton: $4,610.51
Rick Davis: $4,581.41

Link to Entire Report:


Mosby & Whitehouse Appeal Decision Regarding Al Lindsey’s Eligibility to Run for Evansville City Council


David Mosby and Randall Whitehouse have appealed the final judgement of the Warrick County Superior Court where Al Lindsey and the Vanderburgh County Election Board recently prevailed. The attorney for Mosby and Whitehouse is Robert R. Faulkner.


IS IT TRUE? October 21, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 21, 2011

IS IT TRUE that today is the day that the campaign finance reports are due from all of the candidates running for office in 2011?…that thus far exactly one has been made available to the public through an online distribution?…that Republican Candidate for Mayor of Evansville Lloyd Winnecke published a link to his website with the report sometime during the night?…that it is available on the City County Observer for anyone and everyone to dig through to their heart’s desire on the following link?


IS IT TRUE that Indiana Smokefree Communities held their last meeting before the election yesterday at the Central Library?…that at this point both candidates for Mayor of Evansville and every candidate for Evansville City Council has been offered the opportunity to state their position and their case?…that both candidates for Mayor have spoken as have 10 of the 14 candidates for the city council seats that are opposed?…that even the unopposed candidate from the 1st Ward, Councilman Dan McGinn sent in a written statement?…that the unopposed candidate from the 4th Ward, Councilwoman Connie Robinson left no room for doubt about her support for a stronger smoking ordinance with her “I am my brother’s keeper” speech prior to casting her yes vote the last time this came up?…that there will be a position paper released soon that will let everyone know exactly who the preferred candidates are to strengthen the City of Evansville smoking ordinance?

IS IT TRUE that in a short 19 days we will all know whether it will be Lloyd Winnecke or Rick Davis who will become the Mayor that will assume responsibility for executing the decisions that are playing out right now?…that that there are 71 days remaining in the Weinzapfel Administration?…that if you thought the first 21 days of 40 days of hell were nasty just stay tuned for the last 19 days of hell?

IS IT TRUE that there are now 373 days remaining in the two years that the EPA had given the City of Evansville to present an acceptable solution to the Combined Sewer Overflow problem?…..that this plan is an expensive and complex endeavor that needs immediate attention to avoid the embarrassment and expense of another round of fines?

IS IT TRUE that in only 10 days we shall know whether the McCurdy Hotel project is a GO or just another case of NO GO?…that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission will be meeting again on November 1, 2011 and that may just be the last day of reckoning for City Center Properties or it may be time for a legitimate celebration?…that the status report by Hunden Capital Partners with respect to the downtown Convention Hotel Project seems to be in a coma?…that not a word has come out for over a month and that we are wondering if the two bidders are in danger of being Vetted to Death?…that as long as this has been dragging out that the decision really should be deferred until the next Mayor takes office?…that this will be the only way to bury the stigma of four years of standing confused at the starting line?…that the next Mayor’s signature on a hotel contract will bury that stigma?