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SPOOKY FRIDAY: Halloween Special


Happy Halloween Weekend!

IS IT TRUE? October 28, 2011


LA may have Lindsay Lohan but Evansville has Lindsey LawsuitGate

IS IT TRUE? October 28, 2011

IS IT TRUE the Cardinals came through last night with a hometown boy (St. Louis) driving in both of the runs to force extra innings and then knocking that ball out of the park for the winning home run to force a 7th game in the 2011 World Series?…that the CCO is pleased as we are sure that nearly everyone in Evansville is who does not happen to be a native Texan?…that this sounds like a great night to go out and stimulate the economy at one of our enjoyable restaurants that will be showing the game?

IS IT TRUE that the lawsuit that David Mosby and Randall Whitehouse recently lost and appealed against Al Lindsey and the Vanderburgh County Election Board has allegedly been dropped?…that this whole legal battle about where Lindsey lives and has lived is just another one of those weird little things that keeps being a Democrat in Evansville confusing yet interesting?…that there have been more sideshows within the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party in the last year than any carnival has offered for many years?…that this sideshow now includes BoothGate, FloatGate, EndorseGate, and now the perpetual Mosby vs. Lindsey LawsuitGate may have finally ended?…that Los Angeles may have Lindsey Lohan to keep the curiosities piqued buy she can’t even touch Lindsey-LawsuitGate for keeping Evansville’s interests at an all time high?…that we can’t wait to see what kind of a GATE opens up this weekend?

Charlie Sheen
IS IT TRUE that Los Angeles may have Charlie Sheen but Evansville has the Sheenius of the Vanderburgh Democratic Party to keep the tiger blood pressure up?…that we just can’t wait for another Manic Monday in Evansville

IS IT TRUE that 6th Ward Democratic candidate for Evansville City Council Al Lindsey has been forced to spend a substantial amount of money to defend where he lives so he can run for office?…that the Vanderburgh County Election Board found in his favor?…that a court found in his favor?…that still the appeal was filed?…that Mr. Lindsey has had to deal with people stalking him and keeping notes with respect to his comings and goings?…that most sane people put through this would most likely file a countersuit to recover all of the cost associated with this litigation plus loss of sleep, damage to reputation, disruption of a campaign, and who know what else?…that we are quite suspicious that the last entertaining moments from the never ending merry-go-round ride that we now christen Lindsey-LawsuitGate have not yet been heard?

IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party has drafted a document of support and gratitude to Connie Robinson for her years of service to the City of Evansville and to the Democratic Party?…that they have expressed support for her to retain her Vice Chair position in the Vanderburgh Democratic Party and that Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel put his own John Hancock onto the letter of support along with 22 others?…that Mayor Weinzapfel has signed a vow of silence with respect to making comments on the upcoming election?…that at-large City-Council candidate Jonathan Weaver hinted strongly that he will not be able to work with Democratic Mayoral candidate Rick Davis?…that we look forward to seeing the letter of support with all of the signatures on it as soon as possible?

Winnecke Supplemental Finance Report 10-27-2011


Lloyd Winnecke

Republican Mayoral candidate Lloyd Winnecke disclosed today that he has raised an additional $4,500 to supplement his campaign to become Mayor of Evansville. The complete disclosure in on the following link.

Winnecke Supplemental Finance Report 10272011

Sheriff Eric Williams’ Halloween Safety Message


Sheriff Eric Williams

Vanderburgh County Sheriff Eric Williams urges everyone to be safe this Halloween and offers the following advice to all you ghost, goblins, and parents out there.

Sheriff Eric Williams’ Halloween Message

Vanderburgh Sheriff Releases Details of Fatal Scooter Accident


An accident when a scooter was struck from the rear by a passenger car has resulted in the death of the man driving the scooter on Inglefield Road.

Full Report on this Link:

Vanderburgh Sheriff Releases Details of Fatal Scooter Accident

IS IT TRUE? October 27, 2011 Special Evening Edition


IS IT TRUE? October 27, 2011

IS IT TRUE that Evansville’s favorite Major League Baseball team the St. Louis Cardinals have a chance to force a series deciding 7th game if they can tune their bats up tonight and take this home game from the clutches of the warm weather loving Texas Rangers?…that we are all hoping that the Rangers have the balls to throw strikes to Albert Pujols instead of punking out and walking the big fellow every time he steps up to the plate?

IS IT TRUE that next Tuesday November 1, 2011 is not only the one week countdown to the elections it is the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission?…that we are eagerly anticipating the agenda so that we can learn if there are line items scheduled with respect to the McCurdy Hotel Project and a progress report on the vetting being done by Hunden Strategic Partners on the two bidders to build a downtown Convention Hotel?…that City Centre Properties assured everyone at the last ERC meeting that they spoke at that by October 31, 2011 (next Monday) that they will have their financing closed and will be ready to start construction in November?…that the whole town is watching?…that the CCO suspects that the answer to that financing dilemma is already known?…that in being consistent with past announcements that we expect a smiling picture of a triumphant Mayor Weinzapfel and his friend Mr. Scott upon any closing of the financing deal?

IS IT TRUE that it has now been 1,642 days since the announcement was made on May 14, 2007 that the McCurdy Hotel was to be refurbished into luxury apartments?…that it has now been 1,495 days since the Evansville Redevelopment Commission at the request of Mayor Weinzapfel approved the spending of $603,000 to purchase the parking lot?…that City Centre Properties and Scott Kosene the developers of the McCurdy project are both listed as contributors to the Weinzapfel for Mayor committee for 2010?

IS IT TRUE that in a short 12 days we will all know whether it will be Lloyd Winnecke or Rick Davis who will become the Mayor that will assume responsibility for executing the decisions that are playing out right now?…that that there are 65 days remaining in the Weinzapfel Administration?

IS IT TRUE that there are now 367 days remaining in the two years that the EPA had given the City of Evansville to present an acceptable solution to the Combined Sewer Overflow problem?…..that this plan is an expensive and complex endeavor that needs immediate attention to avoid the embarrassment and expense of another round of fines?

IS IT TRUE that the Smokefree Communities are having a comedy show to raise money for cancer featuring comedian Rene Hicks?…that Ms. Hicks does comedy shows all over the country and since Evansville no longer has a comedy club that this is a great opportunity to enjoy a different form of entertainment and help out a great cause?…that tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door and that this will be happening on Saturday night October 5th at 9 PM at the Events Center?… that you can contact Martha at (812-303-7378) or Casey at (812-686-9373) to get your tickets?

The Makings of Pride: Getting Evansville back on Track By: Alan Leibundguth


Alan Leibundguth

The Makings of Pride: Getting Evansville back on Track.

There are projects on the Ward 3 “to-do” list that just aren’t getting done, issues just not getting resolved. This is problematic and is unacceptable for a city on the road back to greatness.

Like a great sports team on the way to the playoff games, our Evansville City Council needs ‘major league’ representation putting forth a ‘major league’ effort. For Evansville to take the next major move forward, we need this kind of major league effort.

This Ward has everything; it is the heart of the city with diverseness that is hard to understand. A major league effort is needed here to re-connect with the people and give them the sense that someone in city government cares. Enough of governing in-absencia. Let’s change direction and get the governing body and the citizens involved with each other once again.

Too Typical 3rd Ward Home
There are two things on my mind concerning problems that are left unfinished:

1. The 600 block of E. Franklin – the pile of rubble remains into the 4th or 5th month since someone promised resolution. This lot is blighted and says something like ‘you don’t matter’.

Oregon and Garvin Intersection
2. The giant sink-hole at the corner of East Oregon and Garvin in front of ‘Buster and Becky’s’ remains into the seventy month with the streets all dug up. That establishment has been in the neighborhood for over 30 years and the owner has never seen anything like this. This is perhaps the third cave-in, and yet the problem persists.

There will be no ‘Trick-or-Treat’ on East Oregon this year. It is impossible for parents to navigate this mess with their little ones. This place is dangerous in the daylight, not to mention after dark. What does the city leadership tell those poor residents who have no access to their property except by one sidewalk and no street parking?

I would be really upset if I lived on Oregon next to the sink hole. I would feel like my voice did not matter anymore and that this is what life was like in Evansville; this is how it is going to be. If you listen to the people, you hear discouragement in their voices.

Where is the pride of ownership in this city? It has to come from leadership or it will come from nowhere. Strong leadership will motivate the people. There has been too much of politics and laziness in the past. This city needs change and do it quickly.

Pride of ownership is the attitude of the heart. The city needs heart to lead effectively. Leadership has to recognize that it will take heart to govern effectively. City leaders must lead with their hearts first. The attitude of the heart leads the head to get things done.

I have a big vision for the 3rd Ward and for the city. I offer leadership in the right direction and leadership with heart.

When I am elected to City Council:
· the rubble pile on East Franklin will be removed quickly.

· the miserable sink-holes on East Oregon Street will be repaired and the streets restored to the residents once again. These are my first two priorities. I will be on the streets every day until these two projects are completed.

· Then I will follow-up on the tips I have been getting from residents about drug deals on the streets and meth labs in the neighborhoods. Concerned citizens know what is going on. Can we tolerate any more for our cities’ children to grow up in neighborhoods where conditions like these exist?

· Next I will help to organize some of neighborhoods in Jacobsville block-by-block using my leadership skills and ministry know-how to get things moving again. I hope someday to introduce a program called Community One into several Ward 3 Precincts which will offer solutions for rehabbing and restoring savable houses and putting them back on the market.

· Along with these efforts, I will head to Precincts 11 and 12 where the sewer stench is horrific and I will work there until we come up with a plan to end this miserable condition for good.

· I will sign a petition to stop the Vectren rate hikes and then work to make sure the citizens of Evansville are treated fairly with respect to paying for utility services.

· I will be joining Lloyd Winnecke on the streets picking up trash and cleaning alleyways.

· I will volunteer to take the lead in solving the Roberts Stadium riddle and try to get that facility moving in the right direction. With a Masters Degree in Business, Marketing, I have the background to oversee such a venture.

As a candidate for City Council in Ward 3, my wife and I have personally walked the neighborhoods and spoken with residents in this area. I usually asked them, “has a City Councilman ever knocked on your door before?”, to which 95% reply “No”.

We have personally knocked on over 2,000 doors in Ward 3 in the past 11 weeks. We do not send others out to do our work for us. We do not just throw a flier on the porch, we try and talk with each resident. The Third Ward is the heart of this city with some fine citizens living there. I want the Third Ward to lead the way back to pride of ownership, so I challenge the other Ward Councilmen to match efforts in their Wards as compared to this Ward, to bring that same pride back into their Wards as well.

When elected, I plan to continue to walk the streets and continue to meet the people, to stir up interest, to bring back pride of home ownership and to remind them that someone at City Hall cares about them and cares about their neighborhoods.

Alan Leibundguth
City Council Candidate, Ward 3

Clarification and Correction on Democrat Power Broker Meeting


Yesterday the City County Observer published an article on the words of sources that have in the past been reliable and accurate. The information that we were given and published yesterday was lets just say pushed the limits of truth too far. There were a number of postings that challenged the statements and a large number of back and forth posting took on a little too much of a life of its own.

Our sources for the information have all softened their words and the City County Observer has spent many hours in conversations with other people who should know so that we believe we have a handle on what went on.

First, there was no official letter of support for the Winnecke for Mayor campaign on the agenda nor was there a serious discussion about issuing one. What went on as should not be surprising is that there were a number of attendees who expressed aloud in non-official discussions that they intended to vote for Winnecke and that they as individuals support the Winnecke for Mayor campaign. It is also of note that some of the attendees support the Davis for Mayor campaign.

With respect to leaving the state democratic party, this was once again not an agenda item. There were conversations among some attendees where frustration with the Indiana State Party’s funding of some Davis for Mayor campaign expenses were expressed and even some questioning about what the State Party actually does for the local Party other than of course ask for money.

The CCO is contrite over the inaccuracy of the information and spent much time confirming with others after the fact what was real. As is our policy we are issuing this correction and clarification.

Quotes from the City Council Debates


Some Defining Quotes from Last Night’s City Council Debates

“Show me the Money, the consolidation plan as written does not do that, therefore I cannot support consolidation in its present form” E. Lon Walters (R) candidate for 2nd Ward

“The 2nd Ward parks are in good shape,…tavern owners should be able to choose what to do about smoking in their own establishment” Missy Mosby (D) incumbent candidate from 2nd Ward

“It is more important to be real than it is to be nice”…”consolidation is inevitable but this proposal does not go far enough to find efficiencies” Alan Leibundguth (R) candidate for 3rd Ward

“Blight is all over the 3rd Ward, the parks have been underfunded for years and are disgraceful, public private partnerships may be necessary to eliminate dilapidation” Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley (D) 3rd Ward candidate

“Evansville is in the Rust Belt”…”A client from California was not even sure if Evansville was worth consideration because the city website is so poor” John Friend (D) incumbent 5th Ward

“When something has functional value you find the money to maintain it”…”during the last 4 years the City Council has been ramrodded by the Mayor, government should be open and user friendly” Brent Grafton (R) candidate 5th Ward

“Jobs are a national problem, people have no jobs, no money, and their Vectren bills are too high”…”I am basically against government interference in people’s lives but a smoking ban is inevitable and 80% of the people don’t smoke anyway” Al Lindsey (D) candidate for 6th Ward

“Entrepreneurs and business will lead any economic comeback”…”Roberts Stadium holds many memories but actions should not be taken because of memories, there must be a cost’benefit analysis for all projects and the City Council should vet any ideas before acting” Shaun Short (R) candidate for 6th Ward

“I think you all know that I support a comprehensive smoking ban” Dr. H. Dan Adams (D) incumbent at-large candidate

“We have been committeed to death”…”How’s the committees working out for you Evansville?” Bill Kramer (R) at-large candidate

“Evansville is not exactly known for progressive anything, we have to do things incrementally” Conor O’Daniel (D) candidate at-large

“We have too many committees already, we have been commiteed to death” Jonathan Weaver (D) candidate at large

“people should be proud to call Evansville home” Michelle Mercer (R) candidate at large