IS IT TRUE? November 7, 2011 Breaking the Machine
IS IT TRUE that regardless of the outcome at the top of the ticket tomorrow that the City County Observer wishes to be the first to congratulate the winner and to cross our fingers for four years of getting the City of Evansville on track for a 50 year run toward prosperity and relevance?…that whether we are governed by a Mayor Davis or a Mayor Winnecke that we know that this is a difficult job and that the more people that are pulling in the right directions the better our probability for success will be?…that regardless of who wins the Office of Mayor we hope very much that by the time that the oath of office is administered that every last vestige of the old boy network that has been derided by both candidates for mayor as “the machine†is rendered incapable of keeping the new mayor and council from doing positive things?
IS IT TRUE that as many articles have stated this year there is something very wrong with local government and there has been for many years?…that by many years we mean longer than many people who are on the ballot this year have been alive?…that “the machine†is so much a part of Evansville that people who are affected by it are unaware because they have never known life in any other way?…that for the first time ever in the words of one local attorney this election and the lame duck period from tomorrow to New Year’s Day has the potential to reset the clock and to remove the machine from power?…that the last thing our next Mayor needs is to have the albatross of a political machine around his neck from day one?
IS IT TRUE that we want to reiterate what we wrote yesterday that when each person is considering who to vote for to please make it a point to think about whether either candidate is a tool or a puppet for “the machineâ€?…that when there is a machine candidate against a candidate with no machine history we encourage you to choose the candidate that seems to be the least likely to succumb to the temptations that “the machine†offers?…that if both candidates in your mind are machine tools please consider leaving that contest with no vote to send a solid message that the candidates are not acceptable?…that we see no contests that fit that description but your vote is your vote?
IS IT TRUE that “Breaking the Machine†really just starts with tomorrow’s election?…that during the period leading up to the inauguration there will be transition teams formed and that much of the core principles of the next administration will be put in place during that time?…that the best people to be on any transition team or to be brought into senior positions is even somewhat dependent on the outcome of the City Council elections?…that there are four potential partisan make-ups that can happen with the Mayor-Council relationships and each combination will carry with it a different optimization criteria?…that the key will be for the new Mayor and Council to be the best that they can for the people of Evansville as opposed to the best for themselves?…that this has not seemed to have been the case for many years now?
IS IT TRUE that with Mole #7 replacing Mole #3 and with a new administration that will be more transparent by virtue of both candidates campaign promises we do not expect there to be nearly as many “closed door eruptions†as there have been with the Weinzapfel Administration, especially in the 2nd term?…that we understand that the next mayor will be in clean up mode both figuratively and literally for at least the first year?…that the CCO will continue to be diligent in calling out things in need of improvement and holding our new government’s nose to the grindstone?…that most of all we hope for wisdom, knowledge, honesty, fidelity, and positive action from the next administration?
IS IT TRUE that with that positive message that we urge all of our readers to do their part tomorrow to help our next Mayor launch from as solid of a platform as possible by making the personal choice to do as much damage to “the machine†as you can possibly do within the confines of the voting booth?…that if we do not do so, there may not be another chance for another 50 years?…that this would be a good memory to tell our grandchildren about the day “when all the king’s horses and all the king’s men could not put the machine back together again”?