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IS IT TRUE? November 7, 2011 Breaking the Machine


IS IT TRUE? November 7, 2011 Breaking the Machine

IS IT TRUE that regardless of the outcome at the top of the ticket tomorrow that the City County Observer wishes to be the first to congratulate the winner and to cross our fingers for four years of getting the City of Evansville on track for a 50 year run toward prosperity and relevance?…that whether we are governed by a Mayor Davis or a Mayor Winnecke that we know that this is a difficult job and that the more people that are pulling in the right directions the better our probability for success will be?…that regardless of who wins the Office of Mayor we hope very much that by the time that the oath of office is administered that every last vestige of the old boy network that has been derided by both candidates for mayor as “the machine” is rendered incapable of keeping the new mayor and council from doing positive things?

IS IT TRUE that as many articles have stated this year there is something very wrong with local government and there has been for many years?…that by many years we mean longer than many people who are on the ballot this year have been alive?…that “the machine” is so much a part of Evansville that people who are affected by it are unaware because they have never known life in any other way?…that for the first time ever in the words of one local attorney this election and the lame duck period from tomorrow to New Year’s Day has the potential to reset the clock and to remove the machine from power?…that the last thing our next Mayor needs is to have the albatross of a political machine around his neck from day one?

IS IT TRUE that we want to reiterate what we wrote yesterday that when each person is considering who to vote for to please make it a point to think about whether either candidate is a tool or a puppet for “the machine”?…that when there is a machine candidate against a candidate with no machine history we encourage you to choose the candidate that seems to be the least likely to succumb to the temptations that “the machine” offers?…that if both candidates in your mind are machine tools please consider leaving that contest with no vote to send a solid message that the candidates are not acceptable?…that we see no contests that fit that description but your vote is your vote?

IS IT TRUE that “Breaking the Machine” really just starts with tomorrow’s election?…that during the period leading up to the inauguration there will be transition teams formed and that much of the core principles of the next administration will be put in place during that time?…that the best people to be on any transition team or to be brought into senior positions is even somewhat dependent on the outcome of the City Council elections?…that there are four potential partisan make-ups that can happen with the Mayor-Council relationships and each combination will carry with it a different optimization criteria?…that the key will be for the new Mayor and Council to be the best that they can for the people of Evansville as opposed to the best for themselves?…that this has not seemed to have been the case for many years now?

IS IT TRUE that with Mole #7 replacing Mole #3 and with a new administration that will be more transparent by virtue of both candidates campaign promises we do not expect there to be nearly as many “closed door eruptions” as there have been with the Weinzapfel Administration, especially in the 2nd term?…that we understand that the next mayor will be in clean up mode both figuratively and literally for at least the first year?…that the CCO will continue to be diligent in calling out things in need of improvement and holding our new government’s nose to the grindstone?…that most of all we hope for wisdom, knowledge, honesty, fidelity, and positive action from the next administration?

IS IT TRUE that with that positive message that we urge all of our readers to do their part tomorrow to help our next Mayor launch from as solid of a platform as possible by making the personal choice to do as much damage to “the machine” as you can possibly do within the confines of the voting booth?…that if we do not do so, there may not be another chance for another 50 years?…that this would be a good memory to tell our grandchildren about the day “when all the king’s horses and all the king’s men could not put the machine back together again”?

Updated 4 PM Voting Totals Now at 18,806 passing 2007 total


Total ballots cast in the 2011 City of Evansville elections have now exceeded the total of the votes cast period in the 2007 election. The counts registered thus far by ward are as follows:

Ward 1: 4,455

Ward 2: 2,848

Ward 3: 2,146

Ward 4: 2,201

Ward 5: 4,456

Ward 6: 2,700

Total Voters: 18,806

IS IT TRUE? November 7, 2011


IS IT TRUE? November 7, 2011

IS IT TRUE that against the wishes of the City County Observer that Mole #3 very firmly requested that the comments be turned off on his farewell letter to Evansville and the readers of the CCO?…that without Mole #3 that much secrecy in the government of the City of Evansville would probably never have been discovered?…that without the CCO that even if the secrets, the malfeasance, and the outright bumbling were discovered and leaked to news sources that they would not have had the courage to report the stories?…that the stars aligned four years ago when Mole #3 and the CCO hooked up to heighten the sense of awareness of the people of Evansville?…that the CCO would like to thank Mole #3 for all that it has brought to us in hopes of making Evansville a better place?…that few people really have the presence that the first action in making a house full of rats habitable is to find and eradicate every last rat but that Mole #3 understands this?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO would like to thank Mole #3 for coming to the CCO with the information that exposed the secret meeting that resulted in the lapsing of the HOMESTEAD TAX CREDIT?…that exposing this egregious disregard for local homeowners lead to Governor Mitch Daniels overruling the Weinzapfel Administrations actions AND saved the homeowners of Vanderburgh County over $5 Million per year?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO would like to thank Mole #3 for the tip that lead to the discovery that the Weinzapfel Administration hatched a scheme to deceive the Evansville City Council about the compensation of Director of DMD, Mr. Tom Barnett?…that this information was leaked to the mainstream media who CHOSE NOT TO REPORT IT until the CCO took the lead?…that today GAGE is no longer paying Mr. Barnett and that his salary is paid by the City of Evansville as it should have been all along?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO would like to thank Mole #3 for the information that the Executive Inn Parking Garage and the Executive Inn itself were seismically not up to modern standards?…that prior to this leak that the powers that be were either completely oblivious to such things or were concealing this information so as not to anger the public about the cost of the beginning of the hotel project?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO would like to thank Mole #3 for all of the information regarding the joke of a downtown Convention Hotel project and for the insider tips on just how much of a financial disaster the McCurdy is?…that Mole #3 as his last act has provided the CCO with a couple of other bombshells that will be reported when the time is right to do so?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO would like to thank Mole #3 for the courage to risk a career to expose insider deals that if allowed to continue would perpetuate the mediocrity that has kept the City of Evansville bouncing off the bottom for years?…that without Mole #3 that many of the issues in this year’s campaign for Mayor of Evansville would still be secrets?…that every town in America needs a Mole #3 and a CCO or something like them as Evansville does not have the market cornered on SNEGAL actions, insider deals, backroom meeting, and self serving elected officials?…that even though Mole #3 has expressed an intention to move to Florida that we are sure that there is a need for Mole #3 in Indianapolis or Washington D. C.

IS IT TRUE that the CCO will miss the midday phone calls and the anonymous emails?…that Evansville is the real loser but that Mole #3 has chosen its successor?…that Mole #3’s successor shall be called Mole #7 and that Mole #7 is younger, faster, and maybe a bit bolder than Mole #3?…that Mole #3 liked to work in the shadows but Mole #7 could care less?…that if Mole #3 could be characterized as a keeper of the peace and an exposer of that which is bad, Mole #7 wants to see the bad destroyed as well as exposed?

IS IT TRUE that we shall raise a glass to Mole #3 tomorrow night and hope that many of our readers do too?…that Mole #3 thinks that the Infinity Mole must have been drinking when all of those picks were made for tomorrow’s elections?

It’s More Important to be Real than Nice: By: Alan Leibundguth


It’s more important to be real than nice. Evansville’s future is at stake.
We do not need Softball Pitches in a Major-League Game.

“At a time like this it is more important to be real that it is to be nice. Being real takes a different language than being nice.” Leibundguth – WNIN debate.

Governing for this current administration, Mayor and City Council, is essentially over. Lame Duck. With elections pending, all eyes and anticipations are leaning to the new administration and how they will govern from here.

The WNIN debate is behind us and we found that there were too many nice questions and not enough probing ones. The questions could have been much more challenging and a better job could have been done to find out who each candidate really is, how they think and how they would respond to future problems. Seeking a City Council seat has to be more than just doing a little side-business.

Each candidate has a web site. Each candidate has made public statements about local issues. Some of these statements should be challenged, highlighted and questioned. None of the questions were specific to the different Wards. All the questions were city-specific.

Evansville is a not a one-size-fits-all city. Even in the 3rd Ward, where we have 14 Precincts, there is no way that a 3rd Ward Councilman can address issues covering the entire Ward in a few one-minute sound bites. This Ward is so diverse it will amaze you, and yet, I think this Ward is the heart of the city.

I would like to see Ward 3 lead the way to reclaiming Evansville to a family-friendly environment by cleaning up the streets, homes and quality-of-life issues in the areas where attention is desperately needed.

My Democrat opponent was a part of the October 26th secret meeting addressing issues about the crumbling Evansville Democrat party, a party that is currently in disarray. It was her own campaign manager, Alex Jarvis, who was the man fingered in ‘Floatgate’, who chaired this meeting. Why does her party still look to him for leadership?

Third Ward voters need to ask themselves a question, why would they trust her to manage this city when she and her party leaders cannot come up with management solutions to keep peace and unity in their own party? She finally under pressure openly supported her own party’s candidate for mayor, Rick Davis. Has Davis ever spoken publically in support of her? Does she embrace his ideas for change to this city? She did mention turning Roberts Stadium into a natatorium, which is a multi-million dollar failed idea from the beginning. Her support of Davis seems to focus only on the fact that he is the head of the ticket, that’s all.

At the FOP Candidates Night, my opponent, Ms. Brinkerhoff-Riley publically stated that she would shut down the city of Evansville, not pass the budget, not pay the city employees or city workers, in order to get the union(s) the contract she thinks
they deserve. Ms. Brinkerhoff-Riley, how will you answer the voters in the 3rd Ward who ask you about valuing them as equals to the unions? The fact that most residents do not belong to a union will have them asking questions about why you are you showing favoritism to the unions and union deals over the residents of your Ward. Do you intend to spend tax payer dollars on unions first, and then whatever is left over to the quality of life issues in your Ward, like fixing sewers and sink holes?

The point is this, the debate was too nice and did not uncover issues that the voters need to know about. There were too many softball questions in this major league game. There are clear ideological differences between me and my opponent, how we think and how we approach problem solving. It is a disservice to the voter to think that we are both alike and choosing either one is not that big a deal for them or for Evansville. It is time to stop being nice and start being real.

Here is a very real example.

During most of the public forums and this WNIN debate, every candidate agreed that Roberts Stadium should succeed and every candidate agreed that we need another study committee to figure out what is needed. My opponent wants another committee to study it.

The people of this city do not want another study committee. They want action.

I have a Masters Degree in Business with an emphasis in Marketing. I volunteered to take the lead, get to work and find an agency that will start promoting Roberts Stadium and do it quickly. Open the doors and let the people back into their Stadium to attend events that they are interested in and can afford the price of admission. The city can host a few really inexpensive events just to get things moving again. Later, we can finalize any ideas to raise the floor, remove some seats and eliminate the underground water problems.

Evansville has a whole list of commissions, committees and councils. There are many decisions being made that have what seems to be very little interface with other committees. In public debate, my opponent machine-guns off a whole litany of boards and committees she has served on. Was all this effort for finding and working for real change? If she had any influence in the past five years as Ward Leader, why is the area seeing more blight, more crime, more meth labs, sewer issues, rubble clean up and sink holes issues?

I present myself to you as the Candidate who would spend tax dollars wisely, who is prepared for difficult challenges ahead for Evansville, in an emergency, who would respond correctly to a local crisis helping organize people and resources, who would best approach making cuts to the budget where cuts are desperately needed, reordering budget priorities, who would rally the city and county together around the common cause of consolidation, and who would best connect with and influence the voters of this Ward.

I openly supported and have vigorously campaigned for Lloyd Winnecke for Mayor in my Ward because he is the clear manager, leader and visionary in this Mayoral race. He has the presence of a Mayor. I am looking forward to working with him making changes in this city.

And my credentials precede me with military service to my country and in regular ministry service. I have a proven track record of making sound decisions under pressure and communicating ideas to get positive results. Agree with me in this election for leadership in the right direction.

Alan Leibundguth
Candidate for City Council, Ward 3

Letter to Editor: Perry Township Trustee Rick Riney Blasts “Machine”


Rick Riney

Perry Township Trustee Rick Riney Supports Rick Davis

I know from personal experience that it is very difficult to hold an elected office as a Vanderburgh County democrat when you are not part of the Central Committee inner circle. I was elected to the Perry Township Trustee’s Office last fall and was sworn in January 1st of this year. I was not invited to the recent meeting that was called to decide the future of Connie Robinson’s position in the party. This is not the first meeting or event I have not been invited to. Maybe this is because, had I been invited I would have voted to relieve Mrs. Robinson of her responsibilities as the Vice Chairperson of the Local Democrat Central Committee immediately. Dissention is not something this group of people deal with well.

In my opinion Connie Robinson has been an embarrassment to all democrats, especially her constituents who have worked hard to support her by giving their time, money and long time loyalty. Previous leaders of our party dedicated themselves to building a strong Central Committee that could keep the party united and support its candidates. Mrs. Robinson’s violation of State Democratic Committee rules has brought shame and embarrassment to our local party. It is really sad to me that she and many more of our current party “leaders” have recently turned their backs on their mayoral candidate. They have also turned their back on the democrat base of Evansville. Rick Davis is who the base wants and they made that very clear in the primary when they voted him in by a very large margin.

There are many questions needing to be answered about Connie Robinson and her motivations. Allow me to propose just a few of them for you to ponder: Does she indeed have a contract for supplies with Casino Aztar? If so, how long has she had this contract? Has anyone else ever bid against her for the contract? Or even been allowed to? Is it possible that her 16 year tenure on the City Council has somehow allowed her to maintain the contract? Is it a coincidence that Casino Aztar opened its doors 16 years ago?

More recently Connie Robinson has placed bids for contracts with the Evansville School Corporation and VenuWorks, the management company for the new Ford Center. Her connections and her public support of the people that award these contracts undoubtedly provide her an enormous advantage. It would not be surprising if these contracts have already been promised to her. She has already announced that this will be her last term. My guess is that she will not have time due to the rising demand of her business.

Mrs. Robinson has had 16 years to file her Uniform Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement but just did so on October 5th of this year. Why now? Maybe the possibility of a change in power has instilled a little fear. I haven’t the time to go into her involvement with the Brownfield Corp, which I also find to be very suspicious. My message to you is that that I feel her endorsement of Mr. Winnecke is based on what is best for her personal future, not what is best for the future of the residents of Evansville.

Another sign that party lines have been crossed in the interest of self-preservation is Mr. Winnecke’s cooperation with Mayor Weinzapfel while serving together on the GAGE Board of Directors. They were both members of the Executive Committee in 2009 when they reported that the Freedom Festival that year lost $290,000. However, just last week Rick Davis received a copy of the 2009 financial audit from current GAGE Director Debbie Dewey. The audit suggests an actual loss of over $600,000 for that event. If this is accurate it means a difference of over $400,000 of taxpayer money lost and not reported. My question is how did something this important stay secret for so long (2 years)? Why has none of the local media ever reported this discrepancy? Were they made aware of it and somehow persuaded to keep quiet or was it just that well hidden? If Winnecke and Weinzapfel claim to be such transparent civic leaders why has no one ever seen this oversight? I feel this deception of the taxpayers was intentional and could only be done by these very powerful people in powerful positions. The apparent influence over the civil servants of Evansville and the media outlets we rely on for factual reporting needs to come to an end. Lloyd Winnecke has been involved in a major political cover-up, the Homestead Credit scandal. He must not be allowed to have the opportunity to continue these practices through the most powerful office in the city.

The “Machine” has had it out for Rick Davis since his first attempt at public office. When he announced his candidacy for Treasurer in 2009, the Central Committee democrats ran a man with Republican credentials against him in their own primary! Rick was victorious by a large margin. Under the same circumstances he was victorious in this year’s mayoral primary, and again by a very large margin. It seems clear what the public wants and it is not the same thing the power brokers want. I am reminded of my most recent victory against David Mosby. We started the process of dismantling the “Machine”. Now let’s help Rick Davis finish it.

Vanderburgh Democrat Party County Chairman Mark Owens, Vanderburgh County Democrat Party Vice-Chairperson Connie Robinson and the self-proclaimed “elder statesman” of the Democrat party Curt John are all backing Lloyd Winnecke, the Republican candidate. These three top leaders of the party are nearing the end of their political careers. They have nothing to gain politically with a Davis win but it would seem that they have much to gain both personally and financially with a Winnecke win.

Connie Robinson and Curt John have both publicly endorsed Lloyd Winnecke. Mark Owens has been quick to demonstrate that he agrees with their accusations that Rick Davis is too inexperienced and inept to lead Evansville into the future. Yet these same three people fought tooth and nail to give the taxpayers Ms. Linda Durham. If this is a sign of how they judge a person’s character, are you sure that their choice for mayor is the best choice for you?

If this political cycle is allowed to continue, our local government will resemble the political climate of Chicago by the end of the next term. Rick Davis is the man to pull our beloved Evansville out of this vicious tailspin. Please get out and vote this coming Tuesday. Vote for transparency and accountability in the Civic Center. Please vote for Rick Davis!

Thank you,

Rick Riney
Perry Township Trustee

Mole Predictions as they Submitted Them: Mole #3 to come Tomorrow


Mole Overview: If the Moles are correct then Lloyd Winnecke will be the next Mayor of Evansville and Alberta Matlock will be his City Clerk. The City Council will consist of Dan McGinn, Missy Mosby, Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley, Connie Robinson, John Friend, Al Lindsey, Dan Adams, Michelle Mercer, and the third spot is a tie between Pete Swain, Conor O’Daniel, and Bill Kramer.

The Infinity Mole that is a group of our readers is now completed with respect to the Evansville City Council and has chosen Dan McGinn, Lon Walters, Alan Leibundguth, Connie Robinson, Shaun Short, Dan Adams, Bill Kramer, and Pete Swaim while voting a tie for the 5th Ward between John Friend and Brent Grafton.

Mole 17 Predictions:

Mayor: Rick Davis
City Clerk: Alberta Matlock
Council at Large: Mercer, Adams, O’Daniel
Ward One: McGinn
Ward Two: Mosby
Ward Three: Brinkerhoff-Riley
Ward Four: Robinson
Ward Five: Friend
Ward Six: Lindsey

Mole 1 Predictions:

Mayor: Lloyd Winnecke
City Clerk: Alberta Matlock
Council at Large: Mercer, Adams, Swaim
Ward One: McGinn
Ward Two: Mosby
Ward Three: Brinkerhoff-Riley
Ward Four: Robinson
Ward Five: Friend
Ward Six: Lindsey

Mole 69 predictions:

1. Mayor: Winnecke
2. Clerk: Matlock
3. 2nd Ward: Mosby
4. 3rd Ward: Brinkerhoff – Riley
5. 5th Ward: Friend
6. 6th Ward: Lindsey
7. At Large: Adams

Mole #4 Predictions

1. Mayor: Davis
2. Clerk: Matlock
3. 2nd Ward: Mosby
4. 3rd Ward: Leibenguth
5. 5th Ward: Friend
6. 6th Ward: Lindsey
7. At-Large: Adams, Swaim, Mercer

Mole #34 Predictions

City Clerk–Alberta Matlock
At-large–Bill Kramer
Michelle Mercer
Dan Adams
Ward 2–Missy Mosby
5–Brent Grafton
6–Shaun Short

Mole 2.5 Predictions

Mayor: Davis
Clerk: Matlock
At Large: Adams, Mercer, Kramer
Ward 2: Missy
Ward 3: Riley
Ward 5: Friend
Ward 6: Lindsey

Mole #30 Predictions

Mayor: Winnecke
At-Large: Adams, Weaver and Mercer
2nd Ward: Mosby
3rd Ward: Brinkerhoff-Riley
5th Ward: Friend
6th Ward: Too close to call

Mole #40

Mayor: Davis
Clerk: Matlock
2nd Ward: Mosby
3rd Ward: Riley
5th ward: Friend
6th Ward: Lindsey
At-Large: Adams, Kramer, O’Daniel

Letter to Editor: From Joe Kiefer


Dear Editor,

I have known Lloyd Winnecke ever since I’ve been involved in public service and know a few things about him that makes being involved in local government something to be proud of. Lloyd Winnecke is not the stereotypical politician. He is a strong leader who knows how to build consensus. He looks for the win-win solution. He is not always the “party-line” guy, but he is always the “do the right-thing” for our community guy! He is his own man.

Time and time again, I’ve witnessed Lloyd working for the betterment of our community. When it was thought that funding a dental clinic was insurmountable, Lloyd was able to find ways to finance the dental clinic without negatively affecting the county general fund and budget. Because of Lloyd’s leadership and win-win attitude, the dental clinic has served thousands of residents in our community. As Commissioner, Lloyd’s leadership has been evident in creating jobs, improving transportation, and working with our Sheriff to improve public safety. Recently, working with Commissioners Abell and Melcher, he was able to develop a transportation corridor along US 41 that will improve our opportunities for economic development. I’ve witnessed businesses considering sites along this corridor thanks to Lloyd.

As the president of the Vanderburgh County Council, it’s been an honor to work with Commissioner Winnecke. I know that he is an elected official that is approachable, who cares deeply about our community, and is someone who listens to the concerns of our citizens. I am confident that Lloyd Winnecke will do the same for the city of Evansville as mayor!


Joe Kiefer, President of Vanderburgh County Council

Infinity Mole Choose J. D. Strouth by Wide Margin, Mayoral Poll to Stay Open till Polls Close


The readers of the City County Observer have made their choices for the 3 at-large positions that are open on the Evansville City Council: The choices that will be entered in the contest to beat Mole #3 and the other Moles in order of preference are as follows:

Dr. H. Dan Adams

Pete Swaim

Bill Kramer

It is to be noted that Dr. Adams was the runaway leader in the voting with Mr. Swaim and Mr. Kramer taking 2nd and 3rd in a close contest. The 4th and 5th places taken by Conor O’Daniel and Michelle Mercer while close were well ahead of 6th place finisher Jonathan Weaver.

In the 2nd Ward contest the Infinity Mole has picked E. Lon Walters over Missy Mosby by a slight margin of 52% to 48%. As both of these candidates are perhaps the most Facebook savvy of any of the candidates we are sure that they both rallied their cause

In the 3nd Ward contest the Infinity Mole has picked Alan Leibundguth over Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley by a margin of 59% to 41%.

In the hotly contested 5th Ward after 100 votes there was exactly a 50/50 tie between Republican Brent Grafton and Democrat John Friend. This was not a statistical dead heat but an exact 50 to 50 count. We will rerun this tomorrow afternoon to determine the Infinity Moles choice.

The Evansville 6th Ward Infinity Mole has given Republican Shaun Short a 56% to 44% victory over Democrat Al Lindsey. Astonished is the word for this one but Mr. Short is an excellent candidate as is Mr. Lindsey for his war against the machine.

The Infinity Mole has defied foregone conclusions and has given a wide margin of victory to J. D. Strouth for Evansville City Clerk. The Margin was by over 30 points.

IS IT TRUE? November 6, 2011 Politics


IS IT TRUE? November 6, 2011 Politics

IS IT TRUE that Mole #3 is hiding in the basement due to the recent threats made against the CCO and is hedging on its commitment to release his predictions today?…that Mole #3 is not accustomed to the nasty talk no action world of politics and is fearing for the safety of its family as official retirement is near and its identity will soon be known?…that Mole #3 is thinking more about safety and a nice life in Florida than about politics today but that we will continue to twist its arm to follow through so we can post the predictions as we have been planning for months?

IS IT TRUE that our new competitor “the Infinity Mole” is made up of the first 100 voters in our polls that have been posting for about 24 hours?…that the Infinity Mole now has made projections on 7 members of the Evansville City Council and that we are expecting this to conclude today for all races but the race for Mayor of Evansville that will be left open until the real polls close on Tuesday night?…that we hear that early voting is approaching 10,000 ballots?…that we are encouraging the acceleration of the opportunity to vote early tomorrow?…that here is a little contest that may be of interest?…that there is a chance that there will be more early votes cast in 2011 than there were total votes cast in 2007?…that is a reflection on the level of interest that the people of Evansville have in this year’s candidates?

IS IT TRUE that today’s Courier was full of interesting and nostalgic articles about back in the day when Evansville was a significant player in the manufacturing world?…that manufacturing began leaving the Midwest years ago with some firms heading south and others heading offshore?…that there are a number of reasons for that including government regulations, the high cost of utilities, labor costs, diminishing skills in the workforce, and of course blight and decrepit infrastructure?…that the manufacturing of the 1950’s and the manufacturing of today are as different as a crop duster and a fighter jet?…that in reality manufacturing did not leave the Midwest, but the Midwest did abandon manufacturing?…that the actions of that abandonment are a failure to increase skill levels, the failure to adapt from the boring dogma of old time factory jobs to the clean and efficient processes of today, the failure to keep cities clean and beautiful, the failure to adequately maintain or replace infrastructure, the failure to provide equity capital to young people with vision, and whatever brain dead inactions that lead to a place like the Evansville region being ranked 368th out of 370 in internet performance?

IS IT TRUE that relativity and comparison are what attracts outside investment?…that no company that needs to be at the leading edge of internet performance will even answer a phone call from Evansville?…that the stark reality is not so much that we are only ahead of two regions it is that 367 are ahead of us?…that as educated populations go we also are bouncing off of the bottom?…that when and only when these kinds of problems are solved that this region can even be on the radar screens of attractive outside investments?…that we once again remind our readers that the legacy of the office of Mayor of Evansville is 52 years, 13 administrations, and 4 last names?…that rather than write a dissertation on the myriad of mistakes made locally, on this Sunday we shall quote the Bible as healing and prosperity from the inside is the only real cure for the problems of the Midwest and the City of Evansville?

Jesus said to them, “Surely you will quote this proverb to me: ‘Physician, heal yourself! Do here in your hometown what we have heard that you did in Capernaum.’” Luke 4:23

IS IT TRUE that Jared Dwyer wrote an accurate assessment of the problems behind brain drain and it is on the link at the bottom of the page?…that his assertion is simply that there are no opportunities of interest that offer an educated young professional a career based reason to be here?…that we concur with Mr. Dwyer and encourage our readers to read what he has written?

IS IT TRUE that we agree with both of the candidates for Mayor of Evansville that “machine politics” and even “machine lifestyle” is substantially responsible for the malaise that we find ourselves in?…that the CCO does not make endorsements of candidates?…that what we do encourage our readers when considering who to vote for in any of the 2011 elections is to REJECT AND REPUDIATE ALL MACHINE CANDIDATES?…that if both candidates for any office are perceived by yourself to be a COG IN THE MACHINE then do not validate their candidacy with your vote?…that when General Sherman made his march to the sea that his goal was to leave no piece of the machine that made war against the union of the United States functional?…that the 2011 elections may just be an opportunity for Evansville to do the same?…that the CCO encourages all of Evansville to THINK DIFFERENTLY, TO VOTE WISELY, AND TO RESOLVE TO MAKE THIS PLACE BETTER IN THE FUTURE?


IS IT TRUE? November 6, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? November 6, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the management of the Evansville Icemen has just exhibited and orchestrated what is an act of marketing genius that could have never ever even been understood inside the walls of government?…that during the last several months the Icemen put together a formidable team that looks as though it will be capable of competing for a championship in its first year at Ford Center?…that took money and commitment to excellence?…that Evansville as a city is fairly unsophisticated in its appreciation of the sport of hockey but is famous for its long running love affair with the words FREE and DISCOUNT?…that the Icemen organization has been lighting the phones out making deals that resulted in nearly anyone who knows a small business owner being offered a FREE TICKET to the inaugural game last night?…that the result was an announced crowd of nearly 9,000 (tickets printed but not necessarily used), a visual estimate of the actual crowd of 6,500, and most importantly a WIN BY THE ICEMEN over a traditionally strong opponent?

IS IT TRUE that this is the way to launch a product people?…that the actual crowd was 300% higher than any crowd to see a hockey game in Evansville before and that the experience was positive all around?…that many of those people who attended their first game and many others who missed out will be back for more?…that even street peddlers know the marketing value of a free sample and this first hockey game was masterful marketing by Ron Geary and his team?…that with Butler and IU both having down years that the University of Evansville Aces may just be heading for a great year that is launched with wins over a traditional power and a two time national finalist?…that it looks like the stars are aligning for the first year of the Ford Center?

IS IT TRUE that last night was the first test of the traffic patterns and the parking situation that has been causing loads of fear and paranoia for years?…that we have yet to hear a complaint about parking or traffic at last night’s game?…that the key once again to keeping the parking angst in check is a great experience and a winning team?…that a nine block walk to that hard earned parking place is a breeze if one is talking about how great the game was, how great the next game will be, and how ones favorite player performed?…that as our teams go so shall go the financial success of the Ford Center that is off to a good start?…that the first big concert experience will be on Wednesday night when Bob Seeger and the Silver Bullet Band comes to town?…that good tickets are still available so make the call, spend the $70 and come on down and enjoy the concert?

IS IT TRUE that this writers favorite college football teams being the Stanford Cardinal and the University of Louisville Cardinals both extended winning streaks yesterday?…that Stanford has the longest winning streak in the nation and that UL has the most unexpected winning streak in the nation?…that Stanford will be tested next week by the Oregon Ducks whose mascot really is Donald Duck?…that Disney after it became corporate tried to sue the University of Oregon over the use of the Donald?…that OU produced a hand written letter from Walt Disney himself granting them the never expiring authority to use the image of Donald Duck as their team mascot?…that Walt Disney did the right thing and those lawyers tried to pull a fast one?

IS IT TRUE that there will be another IS IT TRUE today that is focused on local politics but that we did not want to foul up this good news with politics and other things suffering because of politics?