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IS IT TRUE? November 8, 2011 Post Election Edition


IS IT TRUE? November 8, 2011 Post Election Edition

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer wishes to congratulate all of the winners in the 2011 City of Evansville election?…that the people of Evansville have spoken and what they have chosen is a Republican Mayor with once again a City Council made up of 8 Democrats and Dan McGinn?…that the prospects for sweeping change do not look very good so we need to start encouraging some incremental improvements?…that was more a reflection on the total make-up of the City Council than on any individual members?…that more balance from a party perspective would have been better for Evansville’s ability to have fluid and diverse discussions about what ails the City of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that with that statement the CCO is as pleased as anyone that this election season is over and that the newsworthy things will be more manageable with a small group of content providers?…that a nice normal schedule will be a welcome change for us?…that it was not just Evansville that chose to reject change agents in this election cycle and that unlike national politics in 2010 this year was a good time to be an incumbent in Indiana?…that Hoosiers must be a pretty content bunch with the way things are because we have not yet heard of an incumbent in a leadership elected position that lost?…that as the old folks say. “the more things change the more they stay the same”?

IS IT TRUE that we are sure that there will still be some shuffling of some patronage positions and that Mayor Winnecke will start making a list of nasty people so he can replace them with people who will be nice?…that we support the desire for the public servants in the Civic Center to be more customer friendly and wish Mayor Elect Winnecke the best in making this happen?…that we also pledge to help and support him in his campaign commitment to eradicate the litter in the City of Evansville?…that little things can mean a lot and that having a clean city is essentially free if the townspeople are on board to help?

IS IT TRUE that back to what keeps the readers reading we must remind everyone that in less than 48 hours the real estate tax bills are due?…that this includes the bill that is due from City Centre Properties LLC of just over $10,000 for the McCurdy Hotel?…that just now the Vanderburgh County Assessor’s website indicates that these taxes have not been paid?…that we will be checking regularly but given the rock and hard place that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission has put themselves into that Centre City Properties could just not pay and there will be little that can be done in the way of consequences?…that this is just one of many legacy problems that Mayor Elect Winnecke will need to start familiarizing himself with?…that this gentleman just earned himself a very difficult job.

Winnecke elected Mayor and 8 – 1 Democrat Majority on City Council Maintained


Some are Calling it a Blowout Victory for the Machine

The votes have been counted the Republican candidate for Mayor of Evansville, Lloyd Winnecke has defeated Democrat Rick Davis by nearly 2,000 votes which was 7.7% of the total votes.

In the other races incumbents and Democrats are dominated with incumbent 2nd Ward Democrat Missy Mosby defeating E. Lon Walters by a 19 point margin, Democrat Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley defeated Republican Alan Leibundguth by 9 points in the 3rd Ward, and Democrat Al Lindsey took a 23 point win over Republican newcomer Shaun Short in the 6th Ward.

The race for Evansville City Clerk is a bit tighter with incumbent Alberta Matlock defeating J. D. Strouth by 9 points. The tightest Ward was the 5th Ward where incumbent Democrat John Friend won by an 11 point margin over Republican Brent Grafton.

The at large races are tighter across the board with less than a 4% difference separating first place Dr. H. Dan Adams and 6th place candidate Bill Kramer. Despite the closeness the three Democrats Dr. H. Dan Adams, Jonathan Weaver, and Conor O’Daniel were elected.

Salvation Army Voting Center Traffic is Consistent


The voting center at the Salvation Army located at 1040 North Fulton has been experiencing lines of 10 to 15 minutes throughout the day. The other voting center that has experience strong and consistent turnout has been the 1st Ward voting center at the Washington Square Mall.

Roads to Voting Center Closed Disrupting Voting at St. Theresa


The City County Observer has learned that the voting center at the St. Theresa School Gym located at 700 North Herndon Avenue is having a very low turnout that is being blamed on barricades in the road that block the normal route that people take when going to St. Theresa.

No lines have been reported at the St. Theresa voting center all day and the wait has been continuously reported as Zero minutes.

The President of the Vanderburgh County Election Board Tom Massey and attorney David Kent are in route to investigate the complaint that was filed by Vanderburgh County County Commissioner Stephen Melcher who formerly represented the 3rd Ward on the Evansville City Council.

Heavy Turnout Reported at Washington Square Voting Center


The City County Observer has been advised that the turnout to vote at the Washington Square Mall is so high that the support staff is being overwhelmed and lines have been forming all day. It was reported to us that there are 20 voting machines but only 3 people signing voters in who come to the polls.

Several voters have expressed displeasure that one of the poll workers is on his cell phone all the time rather than signing people in and adding to the queue. The CCO will be trying to check on the turnout at the other voting centers as the day goes on.

IS IT TRUE? November 8, 2011 (Mayoral Antics: Two Good Men and One Messed up Situation))


IS IT TRUE? November 8, 2011 (Mayoral Antics: Two Good Men and One Messed up Situation)

IS IT TRUE that the race for Mayor of Evansville really started at the 2010 Fall Festival in what would come to be known as the first of many gaffs within the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party?…that BoothGate started it all when it comes to foul-ups, bleeps, and blunders to have their source within the Vanderburgh County Central Committee?…that what BoothGate really came down to is a sense of entitlement on the part of the Central Committee and its de-facto leader Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel?…that the sheer uncontrolled audacity to think that one is entitled to first dibs on an elected position is the source of all of the Vanderburgh County Democrat Parties maladies?

IS IT TRUE that the hubris really started in the Office of Mayor Weinzapfel on April 1, 2008 when a secret meeting was held to allow the lapsing of the Homestead Tax Credit for the homeowners of Vanderburgh County?…that that king complex that lead to the conclusion that such an act would have no consequences was the genesis of the downfall of the Vanderburgh Democrat Party and became the central focus and rallying cry of the Davis for Mayor campaign?…that County Commissioner Lloyd Winnecke the current Republican candidate for Mayor of Evansville as it turns out has taken the most lashes for the secret meeting that Mayor Weinzapfel’s memo told the people of Evansville the details of?

IS IT TRUE that the campaigns for Mayor of Evansville both were guided in a negative direction that may not have happened if the secret meeting referenced above had never happened?…that if that secret meeting had never occurred that Mayor Weinzapfel may be a serious candidate for Governor of Indiana right now and that there would have been no reports of BOOS during his Dukakis like ride on a Zamboni at the Evansville Icemen’s game on Saturday night?…that the secret meeting has been nothing but an albatross and a burden for everyone associated with it in any way and that starting tomorrow we hope that we bury it in the past and move forward in a positive manner no matter who is elected Mayor of Evansville?…that Troy Tornatta was strong armed by Mayor Weinzapfel and the Democrat Party into not using a “secret meeting” commercial in his race against Marsha Abell for County Commissioner last year?…that his proclamation to “keep on Mayor Weinzapfel’s plan” was his undoing in the primary that made Rick Davis the Democrat nominee for Mayor by a wide margin?

IS IT TRUE that from the arrogance that came with a decisive win over a straw man opponent that Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel may have sown the seeds of destruction of “the Machine” that put him in the Mayor’s office?…that if Rick Davis is elected today that “the Machine” as we have know it will be dismantled from inside and outside?…that if Lloyd Winnecke is elected that his core republican supporters are going to motivate him to keep the “machine” tactics that he himself has strongly criticized from playing a part in his administration?…that it is the wish of the City County Observer that whether there is a Mayor Davis or a Mayor Winnecke that the so called “Machine” is dismantled and never heard from again?

IS IT TRUE that we have been lead to believe that regardless of the outcome that the State of Indiana Democrat Party will force long needed changes in the Vanderburgh County Democrat Central Committee?…that if they can clean the mess in Evansville that they can take on Lake County next as it is even worse?…that perhaps our bloodless revolution started with a feeling of superiority?…that from that maybe just maybe Evansville can launch a march to end the perpetual mediocrity that has enveloped us for 50 years?

IS IT TRUE that we wish good people, good planning, and prosperity to tonight’s winner?…that we wish the same for the person who does not prevail tonight?…that Evansville needs educated and ambitious people and that both candidates fit that description?…that after reading the article about how losing candidates have left town or resigned to positions that are less than their talents should merit we must admonish Evansville to STOP WASTING AND DRIVING OFF TALENT?…that we strongly suspect that this was MACHINE ACTIVITY as well?…that to the Machine we say REST, but do not REST IN PEACE for you have brought no peace nor have you brought prosperity? Good Riddance to the Machine!

IS IT TRUE? November 8, 2011 (At-Large and Lawlessness)


IS IT TRUE? November 8, 2011 (At-Large and Lawlessness)

IS IT TRUE that there was a 16 page EPD Activity Report for yesterday?…that is just abit too much in our opinion?…that it is not because the EPD is catching too many lawbreakers that bothers us, quite the contrary the CCO thinks the EPD does a great job?…that Evansville simply has too many lawbreakers?…that between drugs and stealing we are as a community really become a tax on ourselves and degrading our own way of life?…that as we stated on Sunday that healing starts from within and that we hope that the drugs and stealing will at least keep it down to 10 pages per day or less?…that if Evansville wants to be attractive to outsiders with money to invest that these outsiders will need to believe that their money will not be stolen to pay for drugs?…that the people of Evansville are the ones that have to fix this crime problem?

IS IT TRUE that Google Analytics Real Time tracking is a real hoot to watch?…that this very minute we are watching our traffic as it comes in?…that this instant there are 30 people from 9 American cities reading 8 different articles that we have posted?…that if November ended today that the traffic on the CCO would exceed every entire month prior to May of 2011?…that today we shall cross a major milestone?

IS IT TRUE that we suspect a little mischief was made with the CCO Mayoral Poll last night?…that a series of just over 50 sequential votes from random IP addresses with the same text identifier were cast for the same candidate?…that we shall leave it up to our readers to decide whether this was mischief or reality?…that we shall also leave it up to our readers to decide which candidate has digital sophistication on his side in case this was really mischief?

IS IT TRUE that the at-large race for the three available at-large Evansville City Council seats are not as easy to figure out or project as the Ward based seats are?…that every poll and every opinion expressed anticipates that incumbent Democrat Dr. H. Dan Adams will be one of the winners tonight?…that after that it gets pretty hard to pick?…that many polls have put Pete Swaim, Bill Kramer, and Michelle Mercer in the second position but each has also been picked to finish 6th so that brings up another enigma?…that Jonathan Weaver was the top vote getter in the Democrat primary which should have made him the favorite but only one Mole has Weaver in the winner’s circle and that Mole is a well known Republican?…that if Weaver and Rick Davis win their respective races tonight that Weaver’s statements have indicated that he “can’t work with Davis” and that “Davis is not a part of HIS team”?…that a Mayor Davis with a Councilman Weaver would be the most “oil and water” combination possible?…that Conor O’Daniel was being projected by many people for the third slot until his signature was placed on an incorrect campaign finance report for the Vanderburgh County Democrat Party?…that if Mr. O’Daniel who seems to be a deliberative and thoughtful candidate loses tonight he can attribute that loss to being the Treasurer of the Vanderburgh County Democrat Party at a time that it was running wild?…that if he wins it will be in spite of his party?

IS IT TRUE that the two candidates for Evansville City Clerk are also to be commended for keeping it clean and frugal?…that both are excellent people and that the CCO has no worries either way this race turns out?

Jordan Baer’s Letter Regarding the Smoking Ban


Dear Editor

From now until November 8th, Evansville residents have had the opportunity to go to the polls and let their voices be heard on a number of important issues facing the River City. I hope you will make sure to take a few moments of your time to go to the polls as well.

Some residents have expressed to me that they do not feel like it is important for them to vote, that no election has ever been decided by one vote, or that city leaders do not care about their opinions on key issues. These residents are wrong. This current election will likely be life or death for some of our residents.

As a child, my grandpa Hobert Cooper use to tell me stories about his construction job at Industrial Contractors. He talked about the blistering weather conditions he would have to endure to make sure projects such as Roberts Stadium, the Executive Inn, and the Westside Schnucks were built on time. He couldn’t afford to miss a day or these projects would fall behind.

But even grandpa was no match for the wickedness of cigarette smoking. By his late 50’s, grandpa contracted emphysema due to his chronic smoking over the years. He lived in an apartment complex that had 3 flights of stairs in it. Grandpa was never able to make it up all 3 flights without first sitting down on the bottom steps for over half an hour to catch his breath. In 1993, grandpa lost his battle with emphysema.
Many locals would argue that this path was his choice and his alone. Once more, they are wrong. Every restaurant, hotel, or other public venue he went to lit up a cigarette. Contrary to what the smoking industry wants you to believe, you can’t contain cigarette smoke. Comedian Rene Hicks, who is coming to town on November 5th, contracted lung cancer without smoking one single cigarette.

For four years, I attended the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky. Located in the heart of Tobacco Country, Lexington made a lot of people mad when they enacted their smoking ban. They thought Lexington would fall behind Louisville, and they feared many tourists and young professionals would avoid Lexington.

Today, all of those fears are non-existent in Lexington. Businesses are thriving, local residents are overwhelmingly satisfied with their clean air, and there is little to no opposition against the smoking ban. Lexington’s ban was so successful that Louisville had no choice but to adopt their own smoking ban.
Do you value your right to clean air? Do you take seriously the battle to eradicate lung cancer? Do you believe that Evansville should be competitive with Louisville and Lexington? If so, then take a stand by going to the polls and letting your voice be heard.

As a member of the group Smokefree Communities led by Martha Caine, we have had the following candidates take the following positions on an Evansville smoking ban…
All candidates were invited to attend meetings to voice their opinions, these are the candidates that attended or prepared a statement.


Rick Davis-Would sign anything the city council passed as long as it wasn’t weaker than current ordinance.
Lloyd Winnecke-Would push for strongest ordinance possible.

City Council

At Large
Connor O’Daniel supports a comprehensive ordinance.
Pete Swaim supports a comprehensive ordinance.
Michelle Mercer supports a comprehensive ordinance.
Jonathan Weaver is still undecided on the issue, but would want to exempt private clubs if he were to vote to strengthen the ordinance.
Dan Adams, submitted the statement from his website which reads as follows: As a retired cardiac surgeon and health care advocate, I fully support a smoke free-in-public policy for our community. I support this clean air concept not only from a health perspective, but also in an effort to promote economic development and tourism in Evansville

Ward 1
Dan McGinn supports a comprehensive ordinance.

Ward 2
Lon Walters supports a comprehensive ordinance.

Ward 3
Stephanie Brinkerhoff Riley supports a comprehensive ordinance.
Alan Leibengunth, although he had mixed beliefs and prefers “friendly pressure”, said he would vote for a comprehensive ordinance.

Ward 5
Brent Grafton supports a comprehensive ordinance.
John Friend supports a comprehensive ordinance

Ward 6
Shaun Short supports a stronger ordinance only if it exempted private clubs, but is open to change with further information.
Al Lindsey, supports a comprehensive ordinance.

On election day, fight for those who will fight for a smoking ban!
Jordan Baer

IS IT TRUE? November 8, 2011 (Wards and Heartburn)


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? November 8, 2011 (Wards and Heartburn)

IS IT TRUE that our IndyMole tells us that former Vanderburgh County Sheriff, United States Congressman, and current Vectren President of Something Brad Ellsworth was overheard making a statement about two Evansville politicians?…that Ellsworth was overheard saying that “there is a guy down in Evansville by the name of Friend that is giving me heartburn”?…that we assume that former Congressman Ellsworth was speaking of Evansville City Councilman John Friend, CPA?…that the IndyMole says that the name of Indiana House of Representatives member Gail Riecken was mentioned in the heartburn conversation too?…that the Republican 2nd Ward candidate for Evansville City Council E. Lon Walters must not be making Ellsworth’s heart burn?…that even though he was not mentioned in the conversation that Walters really was the first candidate to start collecting signatures on a petition to reign in future rate increases by Vectren?

IS IT TRUE that as heartburn and Lon Walters goes we hear from reliable people on the ground that his door knocking efforts are giving his opponent Democratic incumbent City Councilwoman from the 2nd Ward some serious heartburn and sleepless nights?…that after word of a Democratic poll leaked out last week that Mosby was only hanging on to a 2 point lead and that this traditionally Democrat seat was actually in play followed by Walters win in the CCO online poll that both heartburn and anxiety became motivating factors for Councilwoman Mosby?…that we know Missy will keep her game face up and will not show the pressure though, because game on is just the way she is?…that it is positive to see a real contest for the 2nd Ward seat and that the contest will make the winner stronger?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO would like to congratulate the 3rd Ward Candidates for running what has appeared to be one of the cleanest and most competent pairs of campaigns in Evansville’s history?…that we are confident that either Stephanie Brinkerhoff- Riley or Alan Leibundguth will meet our hope for all members of the Evansville City Council of conducting OUR BUSINESS in a transparent, honest, deliberative manner?…that both seem to have the depth and diversity of thought to do an admirable job?…that the campaign for the 3rd Ward was conducted as all should be?

IS IT TRUE that the 5th Ward campaign that finished the CCO poll in an exact tie is also expected to be down to the wire?…that things got a little nasty on both sides at the end with negative mailers hitting the mailboxes of the northside on behalf of both Brent Grafton and John Friend?…that one of the mailers for John Friend according to Councilman Friend was done without his knowledge or authority by the Vanderburgh County Democrat Central Committee?…that this particular mailer was cited by CCO Publisher Joe Wallace for using a picture that HE OWNS without paying for the rights to do so?…that Mr. Wallace has been legally advised that his case is rock solid but that his $3,500 bill is too high?…that today he will be sending a bill of $350 that reflects what other such pictures have brought for political uses in Vanderburgh County Indiana?…that another mailer being done on behalf of Councilman Friend of an even more negative nature was aborted on Friday after wise counsel advised the printer and the Vanderburgh County Democrat Central Committee that some things are just off limits?

IS IT TRUE that the 6th Ward campaigns must have set a record for low budget politics and for never saying a bad word about each other?…that even in the debates that Shaun Short and Al Lindsey treated each other with the respect of a couple of Reitz fans at a football game?…that we would not be surprised if these two voted for each other as there is really mutual respect between them?…that while Shaun Short is a person that appears to be a rising star in Evansville politics, Mr. Lindsey would not have even made it to the ballot without the courage that he exhibited to take on the Royal Family of West Evansville politics and prevail in lawsuit after lawsuit that challenged his residence?…that it seems as though the 6th Ward seat on the Evansville City Council will be in good hands whichever way it goes in today’s election?

IS IT TRUE that the weather this morning is the most favorable that any of us here at the CCO can remember for an election day in Evansville?…that Mother Nature wants you all to vote but that the CCO wants you all to THINK BEFORE VOTING and DO AS MUCH DAMAGE TO THE MACHINE AS YOU CAN?

Downtown Today: 11/8/2011


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Time 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
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Time 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the second Tuesday of every 1 month effective 11/8/2011 until 11/8/2011 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
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Scott Bedwell 812-882-1292
Categories ROOM 301