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Downtown Today: 11/11/2011


Time 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Location 318
Reminder 15 minutes
TONY FLITTNER @ 492-4126
Categories ROOM 318

KU Electric Rates to Rise to $0.0747/kWh by 2016 due to EPA


The Louisville Courier Journal is reporting that a typical Kentucky Utilities customer using 1,000 kilowatt hours will see electricity rate increases next year, and eventually rising to $0.0747/kWh by 2016. The driving force behind these increases is to make capital improvements that will bring generating facilities into better conformance with EPA requirements.

As a point of comparison, Vectren Corporation that serves the Evansville area currently has a total rate of $0.1576* or just over double the projected 2016 rate for KU customers.

Louisville Gas & Electric will see rate increases of approximately 18% over the same 5 year period.


* Calculated from actual bill that had monthly use of 951 kWh

IS IT TRUE? November 11, 2011


Buy American!!!!!!!!

IS IT TRUE? November 11, 2011

IS IT TRUE that on this Veteran’s Day the City County Observer would like to take this opportunity to thank and honor all of our Military Veterans?…that whether it is the Veterans of WWI, WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Grenada, the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan or any number of special operations that require bravery and risk of life and limb that our Armed Services deserve honor and support from all of us?…that we raise our glass and tip our hats to all American Veterans living and dead?…that without their sacrifices our prospects for life would not be as good as they are?

IS IT TRUE that our Mole Messenger tab yesterday received a message that stated that 3rd Ward Evansville City Councilwoman Elect Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley has resigned from the Central Committee of the Vanderburgh County Democrat Party?…that we went straight to the person accused and Brinkerhoff-Riley confirms that she indeed did resign from her position with the Vanderburgh County Democrat Party on November 2nd?…that she did not provide any particular reason for her action?…that we have confirmed that there are a number of formal complaints that have been filed with the Indiana State Democrat Party that seek to have Evansville City Councilwoman Connie Robinson and Precinct Committeewoman Louise Williams removed from their positions within the Vanderburgh County Democrat Party?

IS IT TRUE that we shall see what happens with the local branch office of the Democrat Party?…that one thing that is for certain and that is that if the Vanderburgh County Democrat Party is to be credible then something must be done?…that if this were a business undergoing a reorganization that the entire group of officers would be fired and the office would be moved so that the dysfunctional organization could start over?…that I am told by those in the know that in politics it just doesn’t work that way?…that the lecture that the CCO was provided stated that in party politics that only loyalty matters and that performance has little meaning?…that this is why our system of choosing leaders just does not seem to be working?…that at a time that our cities are filing for bankruptcy, our states are cutting services, and our country can’t seem to agree that apples are good for you, that loyalty to rusty old POLITICAL MACHINES is the last thing that needs to prevent real talent and merit from having any interest in seeking public office?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #7 tells the CCO that former Chamber of Commerce Vice President Steve Schaeffer is under serious consideration to move into Rose Young’s office as Mayor Elect Lloyd Winnecke’s Chief of Staff?…that Mole #7 also tells us that Vanderburgh County Councilman Joe Kiefer has been in hot pursuit of being appointed to Winnecke’s seat on the Vanderburgh County Commissioners?…that will open up a seat on the County Council and that a couple of candidates are being considered for that position if Kiefer is successful in his lobbying effort to be appointed as a County Commissioner?

22 Years Ago the Berlin Wall Fell: Bold Actions from America’s President Reagan Preceded this Historic Moment


Remember fondly the speech made by President Reagan at the Brandenburg Gate in what was then West Berlin, a divided city that had been parsed apart like pirate treasure at the end of World War II. President Reagan’s speech that day in which the memorable words “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall” is here for you to relive and remember.

The bold words and actions of President Reagan in his speech on June 12, 1987 led to the opening of that wall 22 years ago on November 11, 1989. Eventually the fall of communism and the collapse of the USSR came about after 70 years in practice. When the Iron Curtain fell it was revealed that it had been a house of cards for some time. As a reminder of the beauty of the Russian Federation that was under the domination of communism for 7 decades we make this video of their national anthem which is a very excellent score of music is for your remembrance and enjoyment.

Final Vote Tallies by Precinct & Ward


Ward 1 Precinct 01 341
Ward 1 Precinct 02 387
Ward 1 Precinct 03 392
Ward 1 Precinct 04 247
Ward 1 Precinct 05 385
Ward 1 Precinct 06 403
Ward 1 Precinct 07 115
Ward 1 Precinct 08 297
Ward 1 Precinct 09 386
Ward 1 Precinct 10 498
Ward 1 Precinct 11 262
Ward 1 Precinct 12 430
Ward 1 Precinct 13 458
Ward 1 Precinct 14 61
Ward 1 Precinct 15 357

Ward 1 Total: 5,019

Ward 2 Precinct 01 257
Ward 2 Precinct 02 274
Ward 2 Precinct 03 231
Ward 2 Precinct 05 298
Ward 2 Precinct 06 81
Ward 2 Precinct 07 181
Ward 2 Precinct 08 363
Ward 2 Precinct 09 258
Ward 2 Precinct 10 130
Ward 2 Precinct 11 78
Ward 2 Precinct 12 272
Ward 2 Precinct 13 219
Ward 2 Precinct 14 237
Ward 2 Precinct 15 315
Ward 2 Precinct 16 169

Ward 2 Total: 3,363

Ward 3 Precinct 01 60
Ward 3 Precinct 02 211
Ward 3 Precinct 03 207
Ward 3 Precinct 05 263
Ward 3 Precinct 07 119
Ward 3 Precinct 08 54
Ward 3 Precinct 09 278
Ward 3 Precinct 10 132
Ward 3 Precinct 11 426
Ward 3 Precinct 12 170
Ward 3 Precinct 13 97
Ward 3 Precinct 14 201
Ward 3 Precinct 15 68
Ward 3 Precinct 16 273

Ward 3 Total: 2,559

Ward 4 Precinct 01 322
Ward 4 Precinct 02 270
Ward 4 Precinct 03 168
Ward 4 Precinct 04 212
Ward 4 Precinct 05 37
Ward 4 Precinct 06 103
Ward 4 Precinct 08 82
Ward 4 Precinct 09 239
Ward 4 Precinct 11 131
Ward 4 Precinct 12 182
Ward 4 Precinct 13 122
Ward 4 Precinct 15 181
Ward 4 Precinct 16 334
Ward 4 Precinct 17 190

Ward 4 Total: 2,573

Ward 5 Precinct 01 293
Ward 5 Precinct 02 292
Ward 5 Precinct 03 403
Ward 5 Precinct 04 222
Ward 5 Precinct 05 381
Ward 5 Precinct 06 343
Ward 5 Precinct 07 233
Ward 5 Precinct 08 246
Ward 5 Precinct 09 233
Ward 5 Precinct 10 545
Ward 5 Precinct 11 274
Ward 5 Precinct 12 292
Ward 5 Precinct 13 251
Ward 5 Precinct 14 337
Ward 5 Precinct 15 287
Ward 5 Precinct 16 412

Ward 5 Total: 5,044

Ward 6 Precinct 01 97
Ward 6 Precinct 02 180
Ward 6 Precinct 03 206
Ward 6 Precinct 04 90
Ward 6 Precinct 07 309
Ward 6 Precinct 08 233
Ward 6 Precinct 09 249
Ward 6 Precinct 11 379
Ward 6 Precinct 12 189
Ward 6 Precinct 13 170
Ward 6 Precinct 14 243
Ward 6 Precinct 15 124
Ward 6 Precinct 16 353
Ward 6 Precinct 17 361

Ward 6 Total: 3,183

Grand Total 21,741

IS IT TRUE? November 10, 2011 Cities in Bankruptcy


IS IT TRUE? November 10, 2011

IS IT TRUE that today is the day that the property owners of Vanderburgh County need to pay the fall installment of their property taxes in order to avoid being charge a penalty?…that this deadline applies to each and every property owner including City Centre Properties LLC of Carmel, IN that owns tract #82-06-30-020-005.002-029, aka the McCurdy Hotel?…that the tax bill on that property that is due today is $10,268.66 and that if it is not paid will incur a penalty of 5% on the first 30 days that it is delinquent?…that at day 31 that penalty is increased to 10%?…that the choice to pay or not to pay this tax bill will serve as an early indicator as to whether City Center Properties LLC has the means or intention to move forward with this project?…that a 5% penalty per month amounts to an annualized rate of 60% and that any person or business that chooses to pay an annualized interest rate of 60% is sending a clear message about either its capacity to pay or its intention to do so?…that City Centre Properties LLC does have the City of Evansville and its Redevelopment Commission by the throat on this deal and can probably get by with any stunt that it has the chutzpah to try to pull?

IS IT TRUE that Harrisburg, PA has been followed to bankruptcy court by Jefferson County, AL?…that Jefferson County, AL is where Birmingham the largest city in the state of Alabama is located?…that as of the 2010 census that this county was home to 658,466 people who have been saddled by their County Government with a $3 Billion debt for a failed sewer deal?…that this debt works out to exactly $4,556.04 for every resident of Jefferson County?…that the estimate of the cost to repair the CSO problem in the City of Evansville is about $500 Million or $4,273.50 for every resident of Evansville?…that financial failures such as the one in Alabama which will result in lower expectations of ROI for the debt holders will make places like Evansville trouble in trying to finance the repairs of their own for aging infrastructure?…that the project that sunk Jefferson County, AL began when they entered into a consent decree with the Environmental Protection Agency regarding sewer overflows into the Cahaba River watershed. A total of $3.2 billion of construction was subsequently contracted?…that if this does not sound familiar to the people of Evansville then they must have been living under a rock for the last several years?…that Jefferson County, AL has a form of government called “limited home rule” which is sort of a consolidated government in most aspects with some exceptions but also with some additional activities normally covered by the state?

IS IT TRUE that as cities with financial problems go the State of Michigan is becoming a debtors prison for failing cities?…that the latest to fall into an official state of “financial emergency” is the City of Flint?…that this will involve among other things having the State of Michigan appoint an “emergency manager” to run the city while a long term recovery plan is developed for approval?…that the Michigan cities of Pontiac, Ecorse, and Benton Harbor along with the Detroit school district are already under the management of state appointed “emergency managers”?…that Detroit Mayor and former Detroit Pistons star Dave Bing who followed the now jailed former Mayor Kwame Kirkpatrick into office is having substantial difficulties as well?…that Detroit may be facing a day when the State of Michigan appoints an “emergency manager” to run its affairs too?…that the issues cited in each of these troubled cities are deindustrialization, population shrinkage, brain drain, excessive contractual obligations with respect to union contracts, and a half century of substantial control of the City Council by the Democrat Party?…that once again, anyone that can’t see the similarities with Evansville has been living under a rock?

IS IT TRUE that these other cities with similarities to Evansville that have fallen on times that make our hard ones look like a Sunday School Picnic should serve to emphasize the size and importance of the tasks that are facing Mayor Elect Lloyd Winnecke as he forms his new administration and puts together his plans for moving Evansville forward?

VHS Pet of the Week: “Izzy”


Happy November from Izzy, a 1 ½-year-old spayed DSH. Izzy is an affectionate little girl who will always be waiting by the door to great her new family when they come home. Izzy loves to play with toys, everything from toy mice to laser lights. She loves the company of other cats but will also do just fine in a home where she is the center of attention. Izzy would love it if she could find a family with some children that she could not only play with but cuddle with as well. At the end of the day, she’ll be reaching for your love and attention. For more information on how to make Izzy a part of your family, visit www.vhslifesaver.org or call 426-2563.

EVSC Schools to Host Veteran’s Day Assemblies


Thursday, Nov. 10

Many EVSC schools will host Veteran’s Day assemblies tomorrow to honor local veterans. Below is a list of programs that will be conducted in EVSC schools.

• North Junior High School, 8 a.m. – North Jr. High will celebrate Veteran’s Day with special guests Gina Moore and the Veteran’s Memorial Unit.

• Scott School, 8:40 a.m. and 9:22 a.m. – Parents are invited to attend to hear music performed by the choir and veterans in the audience will be recognized.

• Central High School, 9 a.m. – Guest speaker will be Stephen Melcher, Vanderburgh County Commissioner and U.S. Army Veteran. Central choir will sing and the band will play. There also will be a special honor guard tribute to all Veterans who have served in the Armed Forces. There also will be a tribute with the Unknown Soldier Flag and Wreath. Veterans from military organizations in the area were invited to the program.

• Cynthia Heights, 9 a.m. – The school will honor Veteran’s Day from the parent’s point of view this year and have Amos Morris, director of Mesker Park Zoo, speak as the father of a son who is serving in the Air Force and Kittye Kuester, teacher at Cynthia Heights as a mother of a son serving in the Navy. A Marine Color Guard will also perform.

• Reitz High School, 10 a.m. – Guest speaker will be Frank Ebenkamp, US Navy from 1943-1946, and music provided by Reitz Choir and orchestra members. At 9 a.m. there will be a reception in the cafeteria for all visiting veterans and their guests.

• Lincoln School, 12:45 p.m. – Central High School JROTC will help Lincoln honor and recognize Veterans.

• Tekoppel Elementary School, 12:50 p.m. – The Color Guard from Charles Denby Post 2953 will present the Flags and explain the color guard. Tekoppel boy scouts will lead the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a moment of silence for fallen veterans. Guest speaker will be ex Marine Dan Fuller. Student’s relatives who are veterans were invited to attend the program.

• Harper Elementary School, 1:20 p.m. – Harper students will gather and sing patriotic songs, led by fifth grade students and the school choir, and recognize family members who have served in one of the military branches.

• Helfrich Park STEM Academy, 1:50 p.m. – Helfrich Park will introduce guest veterans, sing songs, view a PowerPoint and hear readings from VFW Patriot Essay submissions. There also will be a reception for veterans at 1:15 p.m.

Downtown Today: 11/10/2011


Time 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Location 318
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 318

Time 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs every Thursday effective 11/3/2011 until 11/24/2011 from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Sharon Evans @ 4982
Categories ROOM 301

Time 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Subject ITAC
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the second Thursday of every 1 month effective 11/10/2011 until 11/10/2011 from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
GARY HECK @ 2468
Categories ROOM 318

Time 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the second Thursday of every 1 month effective 11/10/2011 until 11/10/2011 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
KATHIE @ 5228
Categories ROOM 301

Time 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Location 307
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 307