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IS IT TRUE? November 22, 2011 “More Political Malfeasance”


IS IT TRUE? November 22, 2011

IS IT TRUE that a couple of more people are reported to be leaving their jobs at the Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana?…that this new pair of departures raises the number of recent departures to six?…that former Chamber Vice President Steve Schaefer is considered to be the leading candidate to become the Chief of Staff for City of Evansville Mayor Elect Lloyd Winnecke?…that when defections on this level happen in any organization that it certainly raises the curiosity of the community?…that the CCO shall keep an eye on this developing situation?

IS IT TRUE that the whole designation of what “shovel ready” is has been making both state and national news this week?…that state and local economic development leaders have been vocal about how “shovel ready” designation is a feather in the cap of any site when companies come looking for a place to do business?…that may be so but the decision eventually comes down to the cap and the head that it sets on more so than the feather?…that such designations are only as good as the body that makes them?…that we hope that the State of Indiana and Vanderburgh County will rise to the level of a good hat and body so that “shovel ready” means more than a Black Friday loss leader deal at the local mall?

IS IT TRUE that on a national level it looks as though “shovel ready” or even design ready has no meaning at all unless it can be used as a political tool to shore up votes for the re-election campaign of President Barack Obama?…that a case in point is the Keystone Pipeline project that is capable of delivering Canadian oil from Alberta to refineries in Texas?…that this pipeline project will reduce the dependence of the United States on Middle Eastern oil, will strengthen our economic relationship with Canada, and will create thousands of jobs for American workers RIGHT NOW when they are needed?…that this pipeline will cross the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma on its way to Texas refineries?…that not one of those states is expected to vote for President Obama?…that we may just be dealing with some Electoral College retribution in delaying this decision until after the 2012 election?…that no matter what the opponents to the Keystone Pipeline may be saying regarding the environmentalists support for President Obama that he is the President of the United States and should do what is right for the country as opposed to what a small faction demands?…that the CCO is disappointed that this decision is apparently being delayed for political purposes when Americans could be put back to work on a worthy job creating project?

IS IT TRUE that it has now been 1,669 days since the announcement was made on May 14, 2007 that the McCurdy Hotel was to be refurbished into luxury apartments?…that it has now been 1,522 days since the Evansville Redevelopment Commission at the request of Mayor Weinzapfel approved the spending of $603,000 to purchase the parking lot?…that City Centre Properties and Scott Kosene the developers of the McCurdy project are both listed as contributors to the Weinzapfel for Mayor committee for 2010?…that that there are 39 days remaining in the Weinzapfel Administration?

IS IT TRUE that there are now 340 days remaining in the two years that the EPA had given the City of Evansville to present an acceptable solution to the Combined Sewer Overflow problem?…..that this plan is an expensive and complex endeavor that needs immediate attention to avoid the embarrassment and expense of another round of fines?

Project Labor Agreements and how they effect Public Works Projects


One of the discussion points in the coming discussion regarding the proposed Right to Work legislation in the State of Indiana will revolve around the use of Project Labor Agreements (PLA’s) in public works projects. There are many studies out there with both pros and cons and the City County Observer will be posting many of those and even case studies for the purpose of educating our readers on this subject.

A PLA was signed and adhered to in the construction of the Ford Center and is believed to be in place for the recently announced $50 Million project between the City of Evansville and Johnson Controls. A PLA is also a requirement for the eventual builder of any downtown Convention Hotel.

The executive summary of the study on the link at the bottom of the story follows.


Based on an extensive analysis of the literature, legal opinions, and Congressional testimony on the use of Project Labor Agreements (PLA’s) on public construction projects, as well as interviews with proponents and opponents of their use, the Research Bureau makes the following observations:

• Project Labor Agreements, which are prehire collective bargaining agreements setting the terms of employment on an entire construction project, have been increasingly pursued by unions working on public projects since the U.S. Supreme Court upheld their legality under Federal law in the Boston Harbor case (1993).

• PLA’s are not needed to secure “fair” wages to workers on public projects, since such wages are already guaranteed under “prevailing wage” statutes in Massachusetts and other states.

• The chief benefit that PLA’s on public projects offer to the public is a guarantee of labor harmony, i.e., a pledge to avoid strikes and speedily resolve interunion disputes during the course of the project (Occasionally, however, such pledges have been violated.)

• The guarantee of labor peace is evidently purchased at the price of reducing the opportunity for nonunion contractors to compete for work on a project, since even if they should be awarded such work, the contractors are then compelled to operate under union rules governing such matters as staffing requirements that undermine the economies that might ordinarily give such contractors an advantage. Thus PLA’s tend to constrict the number of bidders on a project compared with those without PLA’s, and are likely to reduce the savings to the public that would accrue if nonunion contractors who are employed were allowed to follow their customary methods.

• Additionally, PLA’s tend to discriminate against nonunion workers, by requiring them if they are hired on a project either to join the union or else to contribute agency fees to the union as well as pay into its benefit funds, from which they are unlikely to derive benefits themselves.

• Because most smaller contractors are nonunion, PLA’s tend to have a detrimental effect in particular on the opportunities available to small businesses.

• Under Massachusetts State court decisions, PLA’s are allowable under state competitive bidding projects only for projects of large scope and complexity. It seems doubtful that the City Manager’s recent decision to order PLA’s for the North and Vocational High School construction projects will meet this test.

Link to Study:

WRRB MA Project Labor Agreements on Public Construction Projects The Case For and Against

Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Department Crowned Indiana State Champion


Sheriff Eric Williams

The Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Department has been honored as the best in the State of Indiana in the category of Protecting Hoosier Children. The full text of the announcement is below.

Sheriff Wins Award

IS IT TRUE? November 22, 2011


Winner Winner Crow for Christmas Dinner

IS IT TRUE? November 22, 2011

IS IT TRUE that City of Evansville Mayor Elect Lloyd Winnecke is wasting no time in soliciting for people who are interested in entering the world of public service?…that the website “transitionevansville” that has a link at the bottom of the page was established specifically to allow people who are interested in playing a positive role in the Winnecke Administration to submit their resume’s for board appointments and jobs?…that the City County Observer’s readership is the perfect demographic to be capable of making a positive difference and that we encourage each of you who may have the desire to help your community to throw your hat into the ring?…that Evansville truly needs to make a transition from where we are to a better place and that good people are the bridge to cross to get there?…that we thank and congratulate Mayor Elect Winnecke for opening up the entire set of board appointments and openly stating that people of all party affiliations are welcome for consideration?…this is the right thing to do and that the CCO is eager to see just who gets on board?

IS IT TRUE the City County Observer checked the Assessor’s website today and that that the McCurdy Hotel owned by City Centre Properties LLC of Carmel, IN has officially been declared to be delinquent on their tax bill?… that City Centre Properties that owns tract #82-06-30-020-005.002-029, aka the McCurdy Hotel has failed to pay their Fall 2011 installment of their real estate taxes?…that the tax bill on that property that was due last week was $10,268.66 but has now a penalty of 5% is now $10,782.69?…that if they don’t pay this by December 10th they will be popped with another 5% penalty?…that the choice not to pay this tax bill serves as an early indicator that City Center Properties LLC either does not have the means or intention to move forward with this project without public money handed to them to do so?…that it is now a high probability that these taxes will not be paid by the time that the current 30 day extension expires on November 30th?…that all we can say is “here we go again” on the McCurdy Hotel project?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO has been made aware that there was at one time an interested party (local) in turning the McCurdy back into a classic hotel as it should be?…that if City Centre Properties LLC fails again to get that last signature that has been needed for 18 months that it is time to start legally unwinding this deal and for the Weinzapfel Administration to eat the losses, absorb the humiliation and enjoy a big Christmas Crow for many meals?…that there are only so many times that a can should be kicked down the road without looking as effective as the STUPOR COMMITTEE?

IS IT TRUE that the STUPOR COMMITTEE has now accomplished just what it was assembled to accomplish and that is NOT A @*$#*%^ THING but wasting time and digging into partisan citadels?…that the CCO has some fun with our term STUPOR COMMITTEE and that we garnered in some click through readers from the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Huffington Post?…that we may submit yet another word for approval as there seems to be STUPOR COMMITTEES in every city in America including our very own Evansville?…that hopefully Mayor Elect Winnecke’s solicitation for willing talent will rid the City of Evansville of STUPOR COMMITTEES for at least the next 4 years?…that we encourage you all to go to the following link and make yourselves available to end STUPOR COMMITTEES in Evansville?


Downtown Today: 11/22/2011


Time 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the fourth Tuesday of every 1 month effective 11/22/2011 until 11/22/2011 from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
SARAH @ 7825
Categories ROOM 318

Time 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the fourth Tuesday of every 1 month effective 11/22/2011 until 11/22/2011 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Scott Bedwell 812-882-1291
Categories ROOM 301

Time 4:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the fourth Tuesday of every 1 month effective 11/22/2011 until 11/22/2011 from 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 307

Time 4:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the fourth Tuesday of every 1 month effective 11/22/2011 until 11/22/2011 from 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 301, ROOM 307

VHS Pet of the Week: “Lacy”


Greetings from Lacy, a loving 1-year-old DSH. This cross eyed cricket is sure to bring a lot of love and joy into your home. Lacy loves the company of other cats but will do just fine in a home where she is the center of attention. She enjoys chasing toy mice and pouncing on paper sacks. Lacy has not lived with children but her laid back personality will fit quite nicely into a home with kids. She would prefer to find a home without a K9 companion as they make her just a tad bit nervous. For more information on how to make Lacy a member of your family, visit www.vhslifesaver.org or call (812) 426-2563.

EVSC Schools Advance to State “We the People” Competition


North and Reitz high schools and Thompkins Middle School “We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution” teams advanced to the state competition after participating in the district competition held Nov. 15. North finished first in the high school competition with a score of 866. Reitz finished second with a score of 865 and qualified for the state competition through a wild card slot. Both teams will participate in the state competition scheduled for Dec. 18. Thompkins Team A completed the competition with a score of 843 and will compete at the state level on Dec. 17. Both middle and high school state competitions will be held at Plainfield High School in Plainefield, Ind., west of Indianapolis.

The program teaches young people about the principles and values that the Constitution and Bill of Rights embody, and aims to give students a thorough understanding of their rights and responsibilities as American citizens. The program forces students to analyze constitutional principles and apply them to day-to-day life.

A panel of judges test the expertise of the teams in various areas based on the We the People text designed for the competition. Students address topics such as the history and philosophical ideas underlying the Constitution; the development and expansion of the Bill of Rights; and the roles of citizens in American democracy.

Other schools who placed at the district competition, but did not automatically advance to the state level, include: Bosse High School that placed third, with a score of 733; Helfrich Park STEM Academy that placed third with a score of 803; and another team from Thompkins Middle School that came in fourth with a score of 799.

Sheriff Takes Down Wesselman Thieves


Sheriff Eric Williams

The Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Department has arrested the two alleged thieves who robbed the Wesselman’s Market on Pollack Avenue in October.

Sheriff Takes Down Wesselman Thieves

Should States Adopt Right to Work Laws? by: John W.Cooper


The City County Observer is pleased to provide our readers with a scholarly study on Right to Work laws from the perspective of employers, employees, unions, and wealth creation. This topic promises to be one of the more important and controversial ones that the Indiana Legislature will be addressing this year and we want to be a part of educating our fellow Hoosiers about this topic so that an our representatives truly understand the will of the governed after the governed have taken the time to read and understand a subject that we are sure will draw much attention.

This scholarly study is only 54 pages and is not partisan so please dig in and enjoy.


Right to Work Battle Lines being drawn in Indianapolis


November 21, 2011

News Release

STATEHOUSE – “Today marks the beginning of the freedom campaign for Hoosier workers. While we are the envy of the Midwest in our job creation efforts, economic development experts tell us that removing the last barriers to job creation in our state will help the quarter of a million unemployed Hoosiers get back to work. That is why my top priority this session is to make Indiana the 23rd Right to Work state in the nation.

“Right to Work isn’t about Unions – it is about freedom and economic opportunity. It is about giving all Hoosiers the freedom to choose a job, decide how their hard earned money is spent and bring more employment opportunities to Indiana.

“With the national economic malaise, and our unemployment rate stubbornly hovering around 9 percent, we can’t afford to not address this issue this session. Right to Work means back to work for the unemployed. This is America, Hoosiers deserve this freedom.”

Senate Pro Tempore Senator Long (R-Fort Wayne) issued the following statement following a joint press conference where he announced he will pursue Right to Work legislation this session to bring more economic development opportunity for Hoosiers:

STATEHOUSE – “While we’ve been aggressive in drawing businesses to our state, the realities of the current global economy are clear: without a Right to Work law in Indiana, companies will continue to overlook us and take jobs either out of state or overseas. Hundreds of thousands of Hoosiers are unemployed and we must do everything in our power to ensure Indiana is the best place for jobs to locate. A dynamic and growing economy is critical to our state’s future. To ensure that becomes a reality, we must remove any additional barriers preventing companies and businesses from expanding or locating in Indiana.”

Source: Indiana House Media Department, Indiana Senate Communications.