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Harrisburg, PA Bankruptcy Filing Denied by Judge


A bankruptcy judge on Wednesday tossed out Harrisburg’s Chapter 9 bankruptcy case, putting Pennsylvania’s capital on the path to mitigate its financial malaise under the state’s guidance.

Judge Mary France of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Harrisburg ruled that the Harrisburg City Council did not have the authority to place the city of roughly 49,000 residents under bankruptcy protection. The Chapter 9 petition was filed on Oct. 11.

“For Chapter 9 bankruptcy to work, all of the branches of a municipality must be on the same page,” Judge France said at a court hearing Wednesday afternoon.

State leaders, bondholders and even the city’s Mayor argued for the case to be thrown out of court, saying it violated the state’s rules laid out for financially struggling cities.

Harrisburg faces roughly $300 million in growing debt from a financially failed incinerator project that was meant to turn the city’s waste into energy.

This action allows the State of Pennsylvania to move forward on its takeover of the city’s finances. Late last week, Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett, directed a state agency to ask a state judge to appoint bond attorney David Unkovic as the city’s receiver—a step that would put the finances of the city under his control.

All states are required to lay out rules for municipalities to file for bankruptcy. Nearly half of U.S. states either prohibit or don’t expressively authorize local municipalities to file Chapter 9. Many other states set limits on municipal-bankruptcy filings.

12 Things Entrepreneurs Should Be Thankful For


12 Things Entrepreneurs Should Be Thankful For
by: Dharmesh Shah on Wed, Nov 23, 2011

1. Customers.

2. Getting to pick the exceptional people we work with.

3. An opportunity to add value, big or small, to people’s lives.

4. Not having to ask permission to try something crazy.

5. The patience and understanding of our family and friends — especially when we likely don’t deserve it.

6. Receiving payment for value delivered. There’s no feeling like it.

7. The joy of seeing a sliver of light after some dark, dark, days.

8. The freedom to change what’s not working. It’s sometimes painful, but at least it’s possible.

9. Not having to rationalize to your family and friends why you took that Wall Street investment banking job.

10. Day 2,743, when the world celebrates your “overnight success”

11. The pleasure of helping team members create memories and experiences that will last a lifetime. Most of them good.

12. The chance to try. To fail. To try again and flail around. Then, with some luck, to flourish.

AIRPORT AUTHORITY BOARD: Meeting Announcement and Agenda



The Airport Authority Board will meet on Monday, November 28, 2011 at Evansville Regional Airport in the Conference Room. The meeting will begin at 4:00 pm local time. Please see the agenda for additional information concerning this meeting. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (812) 421-4401.

Meeting Agenda

1. PUBLIC MEETING CONVENES: Meeting will be held at 7801 Bussing Drive, Evansville, IN

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Board Meeting on October 24, 2011

3. INTRODUCTION OF ATTENDEES/PUBLIC TESTIMONY: In an effort to encourage citizen/tenant user participation, attendees may address the Board. Unless approved by the Chairman prior to agenda preparation, comments are limited to five (5) minutes. Presenters should introduce themselves prior to commenting.


5. WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT: David Gunn, Chairman
A. Finance Report – Dennis Guthery
B. Approval of Bills and Payrolls
A. Personnel Committee – Pete Paradossi, Chairman
B. Leases and Tenant Relations Committee – Rick Kaskel, Chairman
1. TSA Lease Renewal
C. Airfield Committee – Pete Popham, Chairman
1. Engineering Update: RW Armstrong
a. Task Orders Presented for Information
b. Task Orders Presented for Approval
c. Other Items Requiring Action

1. Airport Manager – Douglas P. Joest
2. Marketing Manager – Dianna Kissel


A. New Committees
B. Strategic Plan Summary and Communication

A. Next Board Meeting Date: December 19, 2011


CCO Inspires California Writer: Who Needs a Do Nothing Stupor Committee?


Who Needs a Do Nothing Stupor Committee
11/22/2011 12:44 PM PST Palm Springs, CA

We are now more than $500,000,000,000.00 in debt than we were 4 short months ago…

For anyone who hasn’t been watching the news lately, this might come as a surprise, but our Federal Government is approximately $15,000,000,000,000.00 that’s 15 TRILLION dollars.


Now we can point our fingers and blame this party or that party, this President or that President, this “class” or that “class”…all of which does nothing to the $15,000,000,000,000.00 that’s 15 TRILLION dollars of debt that we find our Federal Government in.

We can talk about ways to fix the problem, some say tax the rich, tax the oil companies…tax anything and everything some people think that’s the cure. Others say cut spending, cut spending to subsidies, cut spending to foreign aid, cut spending to Social Security and Medicare (something has to be done with these programs before they implode).

I’ve seen many say that we should go back to the higher tax rates under Clinton (even he says it’s a bad idea) or Reagan. Now let’s not just breeze over this suggestion, let’s take it for a stroll shall we?

Under Reagan (Jan 20 1981 to Jan 20 1989) the highest marginal tax rate was 50% for five years before dropping to 38.5% for a years and 28% in the final years of his Administration. Under Clinton (Jan 20 1993 to Jan 20 2001) the highest marginal tax rate went from 39.6% in for the first seven years, then dropped to 38.6% in his final year in office. For the sake of argument we will drop the first year from each Presidents term since it basically was carry over from the previous administration, we will do the same a little later…

Our current highest marginal tax rate is 35%.


Now here is where it gets tricky…I, as a conservative and taxpayer have a hard time dealing with a tax increase, it just doesn’t sit right with me. However, I suggest that we listen to those who want to revert back to the historical tax rates under Presidents Reagan and Clinton. Obviously going to the 1981 rate of 69.13% carry over from the Carter years needs to be taken out of the equation, but quick math gives us a rough average of 41%, 6 % higher than our current rate. I’ll bite, unfortunately I’m not currently in the highest marginal tax rate so it won’t bother me as much as the high earners.

Yes, I just agreed to raise taxes…shocking for most I’m sure, devastating for others, and sweet sweet music to the ears of others.

But…yes there is always a but…

Let’s also go back to the spending under these two Presidents. That’s right we raise taxes, AND cut spending.

Spending under President Reagan ranged from roughly $745,700,000,000.00 in 1982 (first full year in office) to $1,143,800,000,000.00 in 1989. Spending under President Clinton ranged from roughly $1,461,900,000,000.00 in 1994 (first full year in office) to $1,863,200,000,000.00 in 2001. The average Federal spending under Presidents Reagan and Clinton works out to $1,293,875,000,000.00.

In 2008 Federal spending was roughly $2,982,500,000,000.00, 2009 was roughly $3,500,000,000,000.00, 2010 was roughly $3,500,000,000,000.00, and 2011 will be roughly $3,800,000,000,000.00. The Federal spending average for the last 4 years is roughly $3,445,600,000,000.00 or roughly $2,151,725,000,000.00 more than and nearly TWICE that of the average annual spending seen under Presidents Reagan and Clinton combined.


The way I figure it, if we raise taxes to the average of the Reagan and Clinton years while spending levels during those same years are followed we will save trillions per year and payoff our National Debt in a less than seven years time. Of course that assumes that my plan doesn’t create a massive surplus which would quicken the pace and restore the economy to the wonder years seen under former Presidents, perhaps even surpassing those years. Then, once we are debt free we can cut taxes knowing that our future as a Country is secure and maybe even increase spending in a responsible manner.

Source: Mydesert.com (Palm Springs Desert Sun Comment Section)

Video on Buying American Made Toys for Holiday Gifts


IS IT TRUE? November 23, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? November 23, 2011

IS IT TRUE that in today’s EPD Activity Report that there are 36 instances of stealing that are reported just in the City of Evansville?…that the overall report is 15 pages long which is typical for these reports?…that if the reports of stealing is typical that 36 x 365 = 13,140 thefts per year are being subject to investigation each year in a city of only 117,400 people?…that statistically speaking this would lead to an extrapolation that a resident of Evansville has an 11.2% chance of being victimized by theft that results in a police investigation in any given year?…that this is a sobering statistic as it is a well known assumption that most incidences of stealing go unreported?…that the CCO would like to reach out to the people of Evansville and encourage them to stop stealing and littering?…that this will be a better place if these two free lifestyle changes are made immediately?

IS IT TRUE that some of the merchants in downtown Evansville are in a huff over the inconveniences of the sidewalk repairs that are going on?…that these repairs are both extensive and appealing?…that today’s inconveniences are hopefully something that will yield big returns in the future if the job is finished and the improvements are maintained?…that the CCO encourages these merchants to bear with these positive changes and to do something to complement these improvements when the construction is over in a few weeks?…that all good things in crappy areas start with a demolition and a mess?…that we also encourage the City of Evansville to do things like putting up decorations, installing planters, and doing basic maintenance like snow removal, watering the plants, and sweeping until which time that downtown Evansville has 100% occupancy and the merchants can handle this themselves?…that Evansville has always been pretty good at building but abysmal at maintenance?…that if a maintenance plan is not in place and followed that our nice new downtown sidewalks will turn back into cracked and littered messes within 2 years?…that maintenance has been and continues to be the challenge that Evansville refuses to rise to?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO learned yesterday that Vectren has joined a pilot effort in Marion, Indiana as a partner in an urban revitalization program?…that the other partners are the usual suspects in such efforts such as local government, churches, non-profits, schools, and other businesses that were not named?…that some of the people and activities associated with this effort sound somewhat like Evansville’s dubious Front Door Pride program?…that in the event that Vectren is just advising on efficiency enhancements to structures that they are the appropriate partner and that such services are available to all of their ratepayers anyway?…that if shareholder dollars of a public company are being thrown into any Front Door Pride type of program that the shareholders need to take a good long look at something that is more suited to governments than for profit enterprises?

IS IT TRUE that the State of Kentucky like Indiana is under pressure to do something about disrupting the supply chain of pseudoephedrine based over the counter products that are the active ingredient in meth?…that they are running into the same kinds of objections that Indiana is?…that the meth lobby must be pretty strong here in the part of the country that has urban areas and farms close to each other?…that Kentucky is considering a child molester type of program where only known meth makers are barred from purchasing pseudo based products?…that creating a meth makers registry may be a first step that has some impact on the supply chain but it is really just a chicken **** attempt to appease the meth lobbyists?…that either states with this problem are either going to clamp down on the supply chain or the problem will continue to increase?…that we add the legislatures of every state that is doing nothing to disrupt the supply chain of pseudo to the STUPOR COMMITTEE?

VHS Kicking off the Holiday Season with a “Black Friday” Special!


The Friday after Thanksgiving is one of the busiest shopping days of the year. Let us not forget that there are so many wonderful animals at the VHS waiting to find their loving, forever homes. Many of which, just happen to be Black Dogs & Cats. In honor of “Black Friday”, the VHS will be kicking off the holiday season with our very own “Black Friday” Special.

In hopes that many of our wonderful “Black Pearls” as we affectionately call them, find families to spend their holiday season and beyond with; the VHS will be reducing the adoption fee for Black Dogs & Cats this weekend. Hours are as follows:

Friday, November 25th, Noon – 7 PM
Saturday, November 26th, Noon – 6 PM

For these two days, all Adult Black Dogs will be $50. All Black Cats & Kittens will be $25. Each adoption fee includes the animal’s spay/neuter, up to date vaccinations, microchip, ID tag, and sample bag of food.

Black Dogs & Cats tend to get overlooked in animal shelters for many reasons, the main of which being people are still superstitious. Others think they all look the same or are just too ordinary. As a result, shelters often have to come up with creative ways to showcase the Black Dogs & Cats so that they are not overlooked and have the same chance to find loving, forever homes as the multi-colored animals do.

Here at the VHS, we invite potential adopters to step into our “treasure chest” and find the rarest of all gems, a “Black Pearl”. No jewelry box is complete without one and we hope that our “Black Friday” special will bring plenty of new families in to find their precious gems. We have plenty of them!

The VHS, a non-profit agency, provides a multitude of services for pets and their people in the community. Services include taking in unwanted animals, re-homing those animals, providing low cost spay and neuter services, and assisting with pet food for those who are in need. Every day of the year, staff and volunteers show up to the VHS to care for the pets we serve. We receive no tax-based funding, so we rely on the generosity of the public to continue the services we provide.

Downtown Today: 11/23/2011


Time 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the fourth Wednesday of every 1 month effective 11/23/2011 until 11/23/2011 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 318

Time 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Location 307
Recurrence Occurs the fourth Wednesday of every 1 month effective 11/23/2011 until 11/23/2011 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
BONNIE @ 4927
Categories ROOM 307

Time 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Subject Code Enforcement – Ron Beane
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs every Wednesday effective 11/2/2011 until 11/23/2011 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 318

Time 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Subject ERA
Location 307
Recurrence Occurs the fourth Wednesday of every 1 month effective 11/23/2011 until 11/23/2011 from 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 307

Time 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Location 318
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 318