IS IT TRUE? December 7, 2011
IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission had decided to accept the recommendation that allegedly was in a report from Hunden Strategic Partners to endorse the proposal of the Kunkel Group over the proposal of Prime Lodging to take the next step on the four year journey to attempt to construct and operate a Convention Hotel in downtown Evansville?…that this decision was made over the protest of Marco DeLucio, attorney for Prime Lodging who also submitted a proposal?…that Mr. DeLucio was simply stating that neither he nor Prime Lodging had seen or had discussions regarding any study by Hunden Strategic Partners and that to make such a decision without making the thought process and reasoning behind the decision is unfair?
IS IT TRUE that Mole #44 tells the City County Observer that in reality there is no Hunden Study that has been published at all?…that Mole #44 tells us that there was a powerpoint presentation made recently to the ERC that discussed the plusses and minuses of the two proposals but that there is no formal study that has been published or provided?…that Mole #44 furthermore stated that the main reason Kunkel was favored was because the financing that has not been disclosed will either happen or not happen faster than the EB5 financing that was proposed by Prime Lodging?…that we shall all know the status or existence of any study done or not done by Hunden Strategic Partners for the ERC is 18 more business days because the CCO has filed a Freedom of Information Act request to get that information and has every intention to publish it in its entirety?…that when the people pay for a study that the people have a right to read its contents?…that for Mr. Bob Goldman to refuse to release the so called study today is not only the height of arrogance but constitutes willful refusal to release publically owned information to the public?…that this shall not be allowed to stand?…that Mr. Goldman and the other four members of the ERC stand in contempt of the people that they serve with this cowardly and deceptive action?
IS IT TRUE that in reality even though no basis for any actions was released is the Kunkel becomes the 3rd group to get the endorsement of the ERC to build and operate a hotel?…that an endorsement in no way constitutes a funding source or an incentive package?…that all this means is that Kunkel’s proposal will now go to the next board of political appointees for another recommendation prior to going before the Evansville City Council that must vote to approve all city money to incent this project?…that even then it does not mean that Kunkel will secure a loan for the rest of the project, it only means that they can count on the city to do their part if they get funded privately for the rest?…that my friends is exactly where City Centre Properties LLC has been for the last 4 years with respect to the McCurdy Hotel project?…that is until yesterday when they formally notified the ERC that they can get the financing for the project in the time frame granted?
IS IT TRUE that the five member of the ERC and their attorney were shocked and amazed that CCP wrote such a letter?…that competent members of the ERC, their attorney, and a financially competent mayor should never have been surprised by this?…that to anyone that understands valuation that this has been as plane as the nose on a face since the day the scheme was hatched?…that as long as the people of Evansville elect leaders with no analytical skills who appoint stewards of public money that refuse to use whatever skills that they may have this sort of thing will continue unabated?…that all eyes will be on City Councilman John Friend, CPA when the Kunkel deal comes before council for guidance and a competent line of questioning?…that Councilman Friend knows how to VET and how to ask the right questions of the right people to learn about the financial strength of any company that is posturing to start a $30 Million project that involves taxpayer money?…that Councilman Friend knows that local firm Klenck Construction has not been paid for demolition work on this very project?…that if Councilman Friend does not do proper diligence on this action and rubber stamps an agreement without a documented audit trail then he very much deserves to be Mr. Friend once again?