Richard Moss MD: Response To Story of April 16, 2016, Evansville Courier Press
With respect to the article regarding my relationship with my wife as reported in the Evansville Courier Press on April 16th 2016, I offer the response as volunteered by my wife, Supit Moss, on April 19, 2016 in the same newspaper about the nature of our relationship. It sets the record straight. (Go to:
It should come as no surprise in this political season of mudslinging that some opponent of mine would resort to the strategy of smear and character assassination in order to gain an advantage. As both responses given by Supit and the prosecuting attorney at the time 23 years ago who dismissed the case as a misunderstanding, the advantages sought have proven groundless. Their attempts at casting aspersions upon my name have brought shame and a crushing defeat upon themselves instead.
So, after this short unhappy interlude from the ongoing campaign to bring a conservative voice to southwest Indiana, it is time to call out my liberalized opponent Congressman Larry Bucshon and his abysmal voting record. He has run in the 8th district three previous times, and now for a fourth time, as a staunch conservative when, in truth, once elected he has proven to be an establishment Republican casting his precious votes for a liberal agenda.
He has voted to fund Obamacare, amnesty, the anti-coal EPA, the importing of Syrian refugees, and Planned Parenthood, all while happily driving up our national debt along with so many other free-spending, debt-happy career politicians who empower themselves today on the backs of our children tomorrow. Indeed, Congressman Bucshon has never met a spending bill he didn’t love. He has voted for massive education and transportation bills, fast track-status for Barack Obama, the TPP, and the Import-Export Bank, all so much crony capitalism to ensure his campaign coffers remain filled.
He has twice voted for John Boehner as Speaker of the House, no greater example of the inept, unprincipled Republican Establishment than he. He claims the mantle of conservatism during election season only to return to Washington to vote like the liberal that, after six years, he appears emphatically to be.
I ask also if any one knows the whereabouts of Congressman Bucshon? We have challenged him publically to a debate on several occasions in which he should defend his representation of the voters of the 8th Congressional district and make clear why he is so right and they are so wrong. But he has gone missing. Why does he dodge the voters he claims to represent?
Congress is held in very low esteem by the American public. As I have written before: “The people are angry as hell and hold the federal government, Washington, and the Republican Party, in particular the Congress, responsible. We are tired of the backroom deals, the political patronage, favoritism, and cronyism. We cannot abide an inept, unprincipled Republican Party in Washington that can’t surrender soon enough. We have had it with the career politicians that betray the base that wins them stunning, landslide election victories as we did in 2010 and 2014 – and get nothing for their trouble.â€
The conservative base is frustrated and sick of the stand-for-nothing Republican ruling class in Washington – and their loyal foot soldiers like Congressman Bucshon.
In closing, I will reiterate the simple truth as stated by Supit Moss, my wife, in her April 19, 2016 response to the Evansville Courier Press article of April 16, 2016. There was no battery or physical contact 23 years ago – or ever. Supit and I have been happily married for 26 years with four wonderful children. This is the real story of the Moss family – the only story worthy of print. The shame that should be felt by my political opponents for resorting to dirty tricks and noxious slurs should not be underemphasized.
I am Dr. Richard M. Moss, your conservative alternative in the Republican primary May 3rd 2016. You may review my positions at Let’s restore a sense of dignity and conservatism to the 8th Congressional District.
FOOTNOTE:  This letter was posted by the CCO without opinion, bias or editing.  todays “Readers Poll” question is:  How would you rank State Representative Wendy McNamara job performance over the last several years?