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Evansville City Council August 9, 2021 Meeting Agenda


City Council Meeting
AUGUST 9, 2021 At 5:30 P.M. Civic Center





08-09-2021 Agenda Attachment:








A. ORDINANCE G-2021-12 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.10.120 (Ordinances and Resolutions) of the Evansville Municipal Code Sponsor(s): Beane Discussion Led By: ASD Chair Trockman Discussion Date: 8/23/2021 Notify: Josh Claybourn, Jackson Kelly
G-2021-12 Attachment:
B. ORDINANCE R-2021-14 An Ordinance to Rezone Certain Real Estate in the City of Evansville, State of Indiana, More Commonly Known as 2721 N New York Ave Petitioner: Mary Jernigan (Payne) Owner: Mary Jernigan (Payne) Requested Change: M2 to R1 Ward: 3 Heronemus Representative: Mary Jernigan (Payne)
R-2021-14 Attachment:
C. ORDINANCE R-2021-15 An Ordinance to Rezone Certain Real Estate in the City of Evansville, State of Indiana, More Commonly Known as 1110 E. Olmstead Ave Petitioner: Rebecca A. Johnson Owner: Rebecca A. Johnson Requested Change: M2 to R1 Ward: 3 Heronemus Representative: Rebecca A. Johnson
R-2021-15 Attachment:




A. ORDINANCE F-2021-11 An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Evansville Authorizing Additional Appropriations of Funds Within the Department of Metropolitan Development Sponsor(s): Heronemus Discussion Led By: Finance Chair Heronemus Discussion Date: 8/9/2021 Notify: Kelley Coures, DMD
F-2021-11 Attachment:
B. ORDINANCE F-2021-12 Amended An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Evansville Authorizing Transfers of Appropriations, Additional Appropriations and Repeal and Re-Appropriation of Funds for Various City Funds Sponsor(s): Heronemus Discussion Led By: Finance Chair Heronemus Discussion Date: 8/9/2021 Notify: Russ Lloyd, Jr., Controller
F-2021-12 Amended Attachment:


A. RESOLUTION C-2021-14 A Resolution in Support of the Preborn Sponsor(s): Elpers Discussion Led By: President Beane Discussion Date: 8/9/2021 Notify: Josh Claybourn, Jackson Kelly
C-2021-14 Attachment:


A. THE NEXT MEETING of the Common Council will be Monday, August 23, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.


A. City Council Budget Hearings will be held Monday, August 16th and Wednesday, August 18th at 3:30pm and Thursday, August 19th at 8:00am if needed.  Joint Department Hearings will be held Wednesday, August 25th at 3:30pm.  All meetings will be held in Room 301.  Public input will not be permitted at this time, but will be available at a later date.  City Council will simply be receiving information from Department Heads.





Monday, August 9, 2021

4:00 p.m.  Room 307, Civic Center Complex

  1. An executive session will be held prior to the open session.
  1. The executive session is closed as provided by:
  1. I.C. 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)(5): To receive information about and interview prospective employees.
  2. I.C. 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)(6)(A): With respect to any individual over whom the governing body has jurisdiction to receive information concerning the individual’s alleged misconduct.
  3. I.C. 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)(9): To discuss a job performance evaluation of individual employees.  This subdivision does not apply to a discussion of the salary, compensation, or benefits of employees during a budget process.
    1. July 12, 2021  (Cook and Scott)
    2. July 26, 2021  (Cook and Hamilton)
    1. Officers in the Field Training Program.  
    1. Discussion of waiving the time in grade requirement of 3 potential Captain candidates.
    1. Review and adoption of Electronic Meeting Policy.
    1. Discussion/approval of the proposed officer lateral hiring program.
    1. Officers Cory Offerman, Jacqueline Duff, Allison Farmer, and K9 Cash for actions take on April 27, 2021 involving a subject with a gun.
  1. REMINDERS:  The next meeting will be Monday, August 23rd at 4:00pm.


Drug Recognition Experts Recognized For Impaired Driving Enforcement


INDIANAPOLIS — Announced today, the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute recognized 23 law enforcement officers as part of the annual Indiana Drug Recognition Expert Awards Program. A drug recognition expert (DRE) is a police officer who has received specialized training to help identify drivers under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Now in its sixth year, the awards program was created by the agency to recognize the contributions made by Indiana’s DREs. In total, ICJI presented 18 longevity awards for years of service, two leadership awards for going above and beyond and two emeritus awards for contributions made in retirement. Awards were also presented to one officer based on the number of evaluations conducted and to Louisiana-based J.O. Jones Consulting, LLC, for its support of the program.

“Drug recognition experts are critical to taking impaired drivers off the road,” said Devon McDonald, ICJI Executive Director. “Their efforts have saved countless lives, and it was an honor to recognize their service and commitment to public safety.”

Every year, two leadership awards are presented to one officer and one instructor. Formerly known as the DRE Officer of the Year and DRE Instructor of the Year, the awards were renamed in 2017 in honor of fallen DRE officers: Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department Officer David Moore, who was killed in the line of duty in 2011, and Indiana State Police Lieutenant Gary Dudley, who was struck and killed while participating in a charity bike ride for the Indiana chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors in 2006.

This year, the Officer David Moore DRE Officer of the Year Award was presented to Indiana State Police Trooper Noah Ewing. Ewing, a Pennsylvania native, has been with Indiana State Police for 5 years. After graduating from the 75th Indiana State Police Recruit Academy in 2015, he was assigned to the Jasper Post patrolling Orange County.

Ewing completed his DRE certification in 2019, and although relatively new to the program, for the past two years, he has conducted the most DRE evaluations out of any officer in the state – 35 in 2020. This honor adds to the growing list of awards Ewing has received over the past couple of years including the Jasper District Trooper of the Year, Jasper District’s Top OWI Trooper and the Life Saving Award.

“Our drug recognition experts and instructors are some of the most committed officers in the state,” said Robert Duckworth, ICJI Traffic Safety Director. “They have devoted their entire careers to stopping impaired driving and have acquired the skills and training in order to do so.”

The Lt. Gary Dudley DRE Instructor of the Year Award was presented to Officer Michael Wittl with the Avon Police Department. Wittl began his career with the department after graduating from the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy in 2003. He completed his DRE certification in 2007 and became an instructor the following year. Wittl assumed the duties of Assistant State Coordinator in 2017.

Last year, Wittl was responsible for managing two DRE courses and their accompanying field certifications. In addition, he managed two Standard Field Sobriety Testing Instructor Development courses and instructed numerous Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement courses. He received the award this year, not only for those efforts, but also for his devotion to public safety and mentoring DRE officers statewide.

Indiana DRE Program Coordinator Marshall Depew commended the award recipients. He said the program was created in 1988 in Indiana to enhance enforcement effectiveness and that there are approximately 200 DRE certified officers in the state.

“DREs represent some of the best and brightest of Indiana’s law enforcement community,” Depew said. “They are a true testament to the program and are out there every day working to save lives and keep dangerous drivers off the road.”

The 2021 award recipients were recognized at a ceremony held last Friday in the Youth Pavilion at the Indiana State Fairgrounds.

Photos from the event can be found by clicking here.

County Name Agency Award
Allen Matthew Wilson Ft. Wayne Police Department Longevity Award (5 years)
Bartholomew Corbin Smith Indiana State Excise Police Longevity Award (10 years)
Boone Ben Phelps Lebanon Police Department Longevity Award (10 years)
Dekalb James Bailey Indiana State Police Longevity Award (5 years)
Elkhart Dustin Lundgren Bristol Police Department Longevity Award (10 years)
Floyd Dustin Zehnder Indiana State Police Longevity Award (5 years)
Hamilton Kevin Crask Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department Longevity Award (5 years)
Hendricks Michael Wittl Avon Police Department Lt. Gary Dudley DRE Instructor of the Year Award
Jasper Richard Trail Jasper County Sheriff’s Department Longevity Award (10 years)
Johnson Nathan Tompkins Greenwood Police Department Longevity Award (5 years)
LaPorte Timothy Shortt LaPorte County Sheriff’s Department DRE Emeritus Award
Marion David Bowles Indianapolis Airport Police Department Longevity Award (5 years)
Marion Robert Duckworth Indiana Criminal Justice Institute Longevity Award (15 years)
Marion Chris Smith Indiana State Excise Police Longevity Award (15 years)
Marion Susan Reidenbach Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department Longevity Award (25 years)
Marion Daniel Shragal Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department DRE Emeritus Award
Martin Chris Roberts Crane Naval Support Police Department Longevity Award (10 years)
Orange Noah Ewing Indiana State Police Officer David Moore DRE Officer of the Year Award
Spencer Jason Overfield Rockport Police Department Longevity Award (15 years)
Steuben Matthew Kling Angola Police Department Longevity Award (10 years)
Tipton Adam Moor Indiana State Police Longevity Award (5 years)
Warrick Timothy Huber Newburgh Police Department DRE Evaluation Award
Wayne Adam Blanton Wayne County Sheriff’s Department Longevity Award (5 years)
Joey Jones J.O. Jones Consulting, LLC* DRE Ambassador Award

*J.O. Jones Consulting, LLC, is located in Louisiana.

Red Gold And ISDA Recognize Growers For Conservation Efforts


Elwood, Ind. (Aug. 6, 2021) – The Indiana State Department of Agriculture and Red Goldannounced the winners of the Red Gold Stewardship award. McKillip Farms of Wabash, Ind. and Lievens Bros. of Petersburg, Mich. were awarded first and second place, respectively.

“Red Gold is a reputable agribusiness and valuable partner for the State of Indiana and our farmers,” said Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch. “This award is a wonderful example of how farmers, private agribusinesses and the state can work together to continue to drive soil conservation forward in Indiana and throughout the Midwest. Congratulations to this year’s award recipients.”

This presentation, now in its 13th year, is a partnership between Red Gold and the Indiana State Department of Agriculture. The award is presented to Red Gold growers who value improving soil health and water quality on their operations.

“Red Gold and our growers strive to increase soil conservation year after year and are committed to implementing stewardship practices that improve water quality and enhance soil health,” said Roger Gunning, Director of Ag. “It was an honor to be able to recognize McKillip Farms and Lievens Bros., alongside our many other growers, for continuing to be good stewards of the land and exceptional tomato growers.”

In 1934, McKillip Farms began by growing hybrid seed corn and has since grown into a multi-generational, diverse farming operation. In 2009, they planted their first tomato crop and have been growing tomatoes ever since in addition to corn, soybeans, wheat and seed corn. On their farm, they have implemented several conservation practices such as filter strips, grassed waterways, cover crops and others. Nate Gage is part of the fourth generation on the farm and manages the tomato operation.

“Improving soil health and water quality is important to us as we farm near major watersheds,” said Nate Gage. “We feel it is our responsibility to maintain filter strips and waterways along all each of these.”

Lievens Bros. is a fourth-generation farm. Over the past 100 years, Lievens Bros. have been growing corn, soybeans, wheat and tomatoes on their family farm. They have implemented a multitude of conservation practices on their farm such as cover crops, filter strips, reduced tillage, grass filter strips and vegetative field borders, among others to promote soil health and water quality.

“On our farm we are continuously working to implement new conservation practices to reduce runoff,” said Brent Lievens. “Winning this award would be confirmation we are doing the right thing while also ensuring our farm is productive for many generations to come.”

Indiana is a leader in soil conservation efforts. Hoosier farmers utilize a variety of soil conservation practices and planted over 1.5 million acres of cover crops in 2020.

“Red Gold is an excellent partner for the Indiana State Department of Agriculture and Hoosier farmers,” said ISDA Director Bruce Kettler. “Congratulations to each of this year’s award recipients and thank you for your commitment to soil conservation and water quality.”

As the top winner, McKillip Farms received a $1,000 scholarship and the option to ship an extra truckload of tomatoes per day during harvest season. Lievens Bros Farm was awarded a $500 scholarship and the opportunity to ship an extra half truckload of tomatoes per day during harvest.



August 8- August 14

The Week in Indiana History

Opha May Johnson

1918     Opha May Johnson of Kokomo signed up for the Marine Corps, becoming the first official woman Marine.  She was soon promoted to sergeant and handled critical clerical jobs necessary during World War I.  She was the highest-ranking woman in the Marine Corps during her time in service.  Later she served as a clerk in the War Department.

car 21931     “Take the world with you to uninhabited places” declared Indiana newspaper ads for the Motorola “auto radio.”  New technology made it possible for cars to receive clear broadcast signals as they moved from place to place.  A recent study by the Radio Manufacturers Association indicated that “the new motor-car radio does not increase driving dangers nor distract drivers’ attention.”

flag1945     Japanese forces surrendered, ending World War II.  Cheering crowds filled the streets of cities in Indiana and across America as millions celebrated the end of the war, which for the United States had lasted almost four years.  Approximately 338,000 men and 118,000 women from Indiana were in uniform.

Woodfill1951     Samuel Woodfill died on his farm near Vevay.  A major in the United States Army, he was a veteran of World War I and World War II.  Winner of the Medal of Honor, the Legion of Honor, and the French Croix de Guerre, he was one of the most decorated soldiers of the 20th Century.

Charleston1976     Oscar McKinley Charleston was inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. Born in Indianapolis, he was a batboy for the Indianapolis ABC’s before beginning a long career in the Negro Leagues.  His best season was in 1921 with the St. Louis Giants when he hit 15 homeruns, 12 triples and 17 doubles, stole 31 bases, and had a .437 batting average.


2011     Wind gusts from an approaching thunderstorm caused a stage to collapse at the Indiana State Fair.  A large crowd had gathered to be entertained by the band “Sugarland.”  Just before they came on stage, the storm struck and caused a temporary roof to fall onto a crowd of spectators, killing 7 people and injuring 58.  Above:  The headline from the Bedford Times-Mail.  


Most of the restin’ is done by folks who have no laurels.

(Kin Hubbard, The Indianapolis News, August 4, 1928)


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Indiana Statehouse Tour Office

Indiana Department of Administration

Guided tours of the Indiana Statehouse are offered Monday through Saturday.  For more information, please contact the tour office.

(317) 233-5293

Indiana Quick Quiz

     These historic homes in Indiana offer public tours.  Match each to the appropriate city.

1.  The Reitz Home    2.  The Seiberling Mansion  3.  The J. F. D. Lanier Home    4.  The Culbertson Mansion

A.  Madison        B.  Evansville

C.  Kokomo        D.  New Albany

Answers Below

Hoosier Quote of the Week


“We can bear with great philosophy the sufferings of others, especially if we do not actually see them.”

– – – Albion Fellows Bacon (1865 – 1933)

Born in Evansville, Albion Fellows Bacon was a writer and social reformer.  She is remembered for her work in improving housing standards and the quality of life for children.

Did You Know?

Grouseland 2

     William Henry Harrison served as the Governor of the Indiana Territory.  “Grouseland” was his home in the Territorial Capital of Vincennes.  Completed in 1804, it is considered the first brick house in the state.  It was at the center of government in the early years and sometimes served as a fortress in periods of unrest.  The home is now a museum open for public tours.  It contains period furniture along with artifacts from the Battle of Tippecanoe and Harrison’s successful 1840 campaign for President of the United States.

ANSWERS:  1.  B      2.  C               3.  A      4.  D



 Evansville, IN – Below are the felony cases to be filed by the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor’s Office:

James S. Decker

  Count 1 – HC – Battery by Means of a Deadly Weapon : 5F : Pending
  Count 2 – Leaving the Scene of an Accident : 6F : Pending
  Count 3 – Failure to Remain at the Scene of an Accident with Moderate or Serious Bodily Injury : 6F : Pending
  Count 4 – Battery Resulting in Bodily Injury : AM : Pending

Nathan Joseph Loukx

  Count 1 – Forgery : 6F : Pending
  Count 2 – (Attempt) Fraud : 6F : Pending
  Count 3 – (Attempt) Theft : 6F : Pending

Dearrius Lavar Miller

Count 1 – Operating a Vehicle as an Habitual Traffic Violator : 6F : Pending

Allan Ray Thompson Jr.

Count 1 – Invasion of Privacy : 6F : Pending

Tyrone Kevin Brevard Jr.

Count 1 – Domestic Battery : 6F : Pending
  Count 2 – Criminal Confinement : 6F : Pending

Tyler A. Straub

Count 1 – Possession of Methamphetamine : 5F : Pending
  Count 2 – Carrying a Handgun Without a License : AM : Pending

Under Indiana law, all criminal defendants are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.


United States Postal Service 3.4/5 rating – Evansville, IN
$18.69 an hour
Applicants must also be a U.S. citizen or have permanent resident alien status. PSEs can be scheduled any hours and the position is intended to be very flexible…
Just posted
Secretary – Payroll Officer
Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation 3.8/5 rating – Evansville, IN
$17.35 an hour
Annual, incremental pay increases are given for each year of service with the EVSC in this role. Benefits: EVSC offers six (6) Anthem medical insurance plans.
1 day ago
Office Assistant – OB/Gyn, Full Time, Days
Ascension 3.7/5 rating – Evansville, IN
Our OB-GYN care team takes the time to know our patients, so we deliver care that is right for each individual patient. High school diploma or GED required.
3 days ago
Administrative Assistant for University Advancement
University of Evansville 4.3/5 rating – Evansville, IN
The administrative assistant is responsible for providing support to the office of Alumni and Engagement which consists of alumni, donor relations, and annual…
Just posted
Attendance Clerk
Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation 3.8/5 rating – Evansville, IN
$10.14 an hour
The EVSC works diligently to ensure employees maintain the position that they are hired for but in some cases, transfers may occur in order to effectively serve…
3 days ago
Medical Receptionist/Hearing Center
Midwest Ear Nose & Throat Surgery PSC – Evansville, IN
$13 – $14 an hour
Answering phones and scheduling appointments. Greeting patients, and checking them in and out for appointments. Collecting co-pays and other fees.
Easily apply
1 day ago
SCI Shared Resources, LLC 3.1/5 rating – Evansville, IN
Ability to work schedule including Saturday and or Sunday and beyond standard business hours. Receives client families and visitors at the front desk by…
Just posted
Front Desk Receptionist
Orthopaedic Associates 3.8/5 rating – Evansville, IN
This is a full-time position, working Monday – Friday, typically 8am – 4:30pm. The Front Desk Receptionist will be cross-trained to do check in and check out.
Easily apply
4 days ago
Business Office Assistant – Brentwood
Golden LivingCenters 3.2/5 rating – Evansville, IN
No waiting period for enrollment. Disability, Critical Illness, Accident & Legal Coverage. Maintains all personnel records, employee medical records, and…
Easily apply
3 days ago
CLERICAL ASSOCIATE – LDRP Full-time – 36hrs/wk – 7a-7p
Deaconess Women’s Hospital 5/5 rating – Newburgh, IN
Benefits include: tuition reimbursement, PTO accrual starting at hire (8.93 hrs PTO/pay), health, vision, dental, disability and life insurance, 401(k) with…
Easily apply
4 days ago
Scheduling Specialist Level 2
Deaconess Health System 3.6/5 rating – Newburgh, IN
Onsite children’s care centers (Infant through Pre-K). Free access to fitness centers, where health coaches are available to help with workout plans.
4 days ago
Medical Office Assistant
Deaconess Health System 3.6/5 rating – Newburgh, IN
Flexible work schedules – Full time/part time/supplemental – Day/Eve/Nights. Level 4 children’s enrichment centers. Shifts will vary based on department needs.
3 days ago
PRN/Part-Time Medical Registration/Receptionist
Mercy Urgent Care 3.4/5 rating – Evansville, IN
We are looking for individuals who have experience in administrative duties, are detail-orientated, professional, trustworthy, and service-oriented with…
Easily apply
4 days ago
Patient Access Receptionist
Orthopaedic Associates 3.8/5 rating – Newburgh, IN
This is a full-time position, working Monday – Friday, typically 8am – 4:30pm. The Patient Access team is expected to rotate between our West and East offices…
Easily apply
4 days ago
Copy Of Psychological Services Secretary
Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation 3.8/5 rating – Evansville, IN
$16.46 an hour
Annual, incremental pay increases are given for each year of service with the EVSC in this role. Benefits: EVSC offers six (6) Anthem medical insurance plans.
6 days ago
Receptionist – Breast Center – PRN
Ascension 3.7/5 rating – Newburgh, IN
Perform receptionist functions for assigned areas. Receive, screen, route and respond to incoming telephone calls. High school diploma or GED required.
3 days ago
Clinic Office Administrator
Bionic Prosthetics and Orthotics 2.5/5 rating – Evansville, IN
$13 an hour
We also offer on the job training, sick/vacation time, health benefits, paid holidays, and 401K with a company match! Must have professional phone etiquette.
Easily apply
3 days ago
Front Desk Agent-Hyatt Place
General Hotels Corporation 2.8/5 rating – Evansville, IN
As part of this job, this individual is required to: demonstrate good computer skills; accurately handle cash and charges; stand for long periods of time;…
Easily apply
Just posted