Here are some things we have observed about last night’s City Council meeting that we think deserve some discussion.

What do you think about these things?  Tell us what you think about this or anything else. We want to know what is on your mind.


Council President Missy Mosby make motions while chairing the meeting.  We hear that this may not be permitted under Robert’s Rules of Order.

Mosby provided no opportunity for healthy discussion or respectful disagreement from the public at the end of the meting.

The obvious “RUBBER STAMPED” voting of 9-0 on every issue on the agenda except one.

There was only one dissenting vote cast by a Councilor in last nights Council meeting. That was Connie Robinson , who replied “Nay” to the question about whether or not Evansville should give up its equity in Buckner, and Kennedy Senior Citizens housing in order to get HUD money to update them.  Robinson ascertained that there would no longer be an age limitation on residents of the EHA apartment towers that are now limited to seniors citizens only  Her concern was its possible that I U Medical students could qualify to live in these newly renovated apartments.

Two of the ordinance changes proposed by President Mosby for allowing funds to be transferred between accounts without prior Council approval and the one concerning the public comments on questions before Council were not taken up last night.

Dan McGinn did take time to praise DMD Director Kelly Coures for finding more “lost” money hiding in the DMD coffers. Maybe Coures and City Controller Russ Lloyd should engage in a “job swap” because it looks like Kelly is a lot better finding cash than Russ.

As the meeting closed, Councilwoman Michelle Mercer  told Council that she will be sharing information she learned about the wonderful success of Fort Wayne’s Headwaters Park with City Council and the Mayor. Apparently she feels that the task of selling Robert’s Park to the public has fallen on shoulders  She feels that the plans for Roberts Park should be patterned after Headwaters.

Please tell us what you think about these things or share your thoughts on whatever you’re thinking about in our  todays “Readers’  Forum”.

FOOT NOTES: Our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Wednesday?

Please take time and read our newest feature article entitled “HOT JOBS” posted in this section are from Evansville proper.

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.

Todays “Readers Poll” question is: If the election was held today for the Republican primary for the 8th Congressional seat who would you vote for?

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed


  1. Why would anyone be surprised about Mosby’s failure in protocol. Apparently, she believe she rules over the council and unfortunately our city has become a laughing stock of the midwest knowing “Yellow Bird” has landed.

    • Hey Benedict. Maybe she has to demonstrate to her boss (Carol McClintoch) that she is willing to chair the meeting and make the motions in order to keep those listings coming her way.

  2. I have to commend KC’s handling of the speedy meeting technique. He told the truth, that the City will be giving away the Housing Authority property through the RAD program. He managed to do it without naming the crony who will receive the gift, which will be interesting to learn, I’m certain.

    The meeting reminded me of a whole flock of pigeons flying over, dropping a load of guano on the heads of Evansvillians and making their getaway before we knew what hit us. We should expect more of the same on City Council meeting dates.

  3. Under this current regime, there will be no transparency . .there will be censorship and of course more gifts to come out of Santa LLoyd and Christmas Carol. So when we have such a simpleton as President of the Council and her sidekick, Weaver the Weasel expect more to come.

    • This is what 63% of the pathetic number of people who showed up at the polls in the last City election want for Evansville. I don’t think they’ll notice that anything is wrong until the streetlights go dark, their water bill doubles, or they have to wait twenty minutes for the police while their drunk neighbor threatens them with bodily harm. It will be too late to change things then, but there will be nice bike lanes on North Main and a great dog park at Boeke and the Lloyd.

      • Right LKB. More complaining from the losers bench.
        Will the Democrat Party accept ANY responsibility for that result AT ALL?
        I mean, c’mon LKB. Talk about total lack of accountability.
        Want to know how dull, unaccountable, uninformed, ignorant and pathetic you sound?
        Here it is, a direct quote from LKB: “This is what 63% of the pathetic number of people who showed up at the polls in the last City election want for Evansville.” Blame the voters.
        The voters had a choice, and the Democrats offered no vision, no credibility, no solutions, no pragmatism, instead just more failure. And so they voted alright.
        What a pathetic, clueless post.

        • Becker, who is defending local democrats? At the local level party affiliation means very little. You’re either in the good Ole boy club or you’re not. I’m considered a Democrat I suppose but I think the local democrats are mostly scumbags. Grow up.

          • Break out the donuts. English Bob and I agree today.
            (Those scumbags are all contributing their whining posts today Bob.)

  4. Consistent 9-0 votes in City Council for Mayor Winnecke’s agenda.
    Perfect evidence of the abject failure of the old guard Democrats, who instead of providing the voters with a workable productive, alternative vision and plan for Evansville…..well, they collaborated with Winnecke instead….and handed him the Executive Office and the City Council.
    It proves that Mayor Winnecke is rolling over the old guard Evansville Democrats like he is laughing behind the wheel of a garbage truck.
    Read the comments here. They are perfect evidence of the dominated….whining.

    • I disagree with this one Don. The old guard won, and this is their agenda. Winneke serves the old guard democrats, not the Republicans, which is why I agree that lkb’s comments are quite disingenuous. Aside from Mayor’s party label he’s a democrat all the way.

  5. Nosby and Weasel are who they are and they can’t help it. People who voted them in are just like them. Evansville is in a lot of trouble.

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