City-County Observer Christmas Wish List

Santa Claus holding a wish list and reading it

City-County Observer Christmas Wish List

by Johnny Kincaid

DECEMBER 24, 2024

When we at the City-County Observer sat down to write our list of what we wanted for Christmas, we found that the gifts wouldn’t fit into a box wrapped with pretty paper and tied with a bow. But what wonderful gifts they would be.

So, Santa, if you’re listening: We want an end to the petty partisan fighting that keeps people apart and bickering. We want a federal government that curbs spending, keeps its nose out of our business, and works for the people.

We want politicians who put country over party, principles over partisanship, and who seek to understand the needs of all their constituents, not just those who wrote them checks.

We want synchronized traffic lights and streets that are not full of potholes. We want the Department of Transportation to find somewhere to store those orange barrels other than the middle of traffic lanes.

We want city officials to realize that Evansville is in debt and tighten their belts. Reeling in spending would reduce the need to borrow.

While we’re on the topic of money, Santa, could you rig the lottery for our office pool to win?

We want to drive from Newburgh to USI without feeling like cursing because of traffic.

After reading about shots fired calls on Evansville Watch, we want our neighborhoods to be safe and crime free.

We want accountability and transparency with regard to every tax dollar spent

We want to be able to eat bacon without needing a note from a cardiologist.

And we want to be more grateful for the gifts we’ve already got.

We are thankful for the gift of writing about this great community that we live in and we’re especially grateful for the readers that follow the City-County Observer.

Merry Christmas. We’re wishing that your Christmas wishes come true.