OUCC offers winter conservation tips


By Jacie Shoaf


INDIANAPOLIS – In preparation for winter, the Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor is posting advice on its website to help Hoosiers conserve energy and save month.

“Our website offers a host of useful tips that will help you prepare for winter,” said Indiana Utility Consumer Counselor David Stippler. “These tips can add up to either save you money or at least keep your bills in check.”

The OUCC website recommends that Hoosiers get a home energy assessment, which is free for lower income families. To sign up, visit www.energizingindiana.com or call 888-446-7750 toll-free.

The website also suggests cleaning furnace filters, checking insulation, setting ceiling fans to rotate clockwise, turning thermostats down slightly when leaving the house, switching to energy efficient light bulbs, and unplugging chargers and appliances when not in use.

For additional tips, visit www.IN.gov/OUCC or call 888-441-2494 toll-free. The OUCC website features various publications, including free guides that outline electric rates and natural gas utility costs.



  1. Wouldn’t all of us truly like to conserve energy? And no offense but we hear the same lines over and over again. Insulate, turn down the therostat, change to CFLs or LEDs. For most people, it is preaching to the choir. To the others, it is either ignored or not comprehended. I can tell you from experience that the energizing Indiana program was a huge waste of my time. It is simply a way for Vectren to try to look good and does not reach the very people who need to really make changes but who cannot afford to do so.

    Lastly, if you are assaulted by letters stating that your house is using more energy than others in your neighborhood or city call Vectren to have them stopped. They are very inaccurate and are paid for by our Vectren bills each month. From personal experience, we installed solar panels, and were getting great benefit from them. We then received a letter as mentioned above stating that our energy use was very high. I laughed because upon looking at our recent bills, our energy use had been cut greatly, the data on the letter was way off, and in fact going over older bills showed gross inaccuracies all along the line in the letter. Vectren’s attitude is a very sad statement indeed about a corporation who believes they are far above everyone they serve.

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