Open Letter to Dave Rector from the Mayans on Destruction


Dear Dave,

We would just like for you to know that we commend you on your efforts to prepare your city for our December 21st “End of the World” celebration.

We have always admired your work in trying to demolish a perfectly healthy building by claiming that a simple roof leak or a crack in the concrete are reasons alone to convert this iconic facility into rubble. But we are equally thrilled to have read in the Evansville Courier & Press today where you are now shutting down Mesker Amphitheatre over a minor $100,000 paint and mold repair bill. We appreciate you spending these last two years reversing all of the work SMG has done on these two facilities.

As a civilization that specializes in collapsing cultures and cities as quickly as possible, we are very pleased in the work that your former boss, Mr. Weinzapfel, has done with your city’s sewer system and Executive Inn. All of that rubble stacked up as high as the sky on Walnut brought tears of joy to our eyes. It reminds us of what our city and civilization looked like shortly before vanishing from Central Mexico due to an unsustainable way of life.

To commemorate the hard work you and your allies have put into prepping Evansville for December 21st, we have now slapped a “Made in Evansville” sticker on our Mayan Ruins. When tourists and guests visit our Mayan Ruins, they will be told about the great work you have done on Roberts Stadium, Mesker Amphitheatre, the Civic Center, and even the brand new Ford Center.

We would also like for you to know that you will not need to worry about Bosse Field as we already have the city and the ECVB fighting all development and ball field projects around it. You also won’t need to worry about the McCurdy as your former boss has done an excellent job getting the lawn, the entrance, and the structure as a whole ready for December 21st.

Lastly, after reviewing the work you have done on the entrance to the brand new Ford Center, we are giving serious consideration to moving our “End of the World” celebration up a few months from December 21st. We never thought you would have been able to get the Ford Center ready for our celebration as quickly as you have Dave.

December 21st will soon be here. The end of the world and civilization as we know it is near…. Thanks to you Dave!

Your Friends,

The Mayans

(Note: This letter is complete satire and fiction and should not be taken as an actual letter from the Mayans or as a notice of the end of the world.)

Source: Jordan Baer


  1. Jordan, please take time and examine who are the members of Evansville Building Authority Board of Directors.

    Do you see any relatives or close friends of any City or County elected officials.

    In case you don’t know the elected power brokers get what they politically by telling appointed members of powerful boards what they want them to do!

    Current example-Evansville Mayor recently appointed new members to a LOAN Board and ask them to approve a $200,000 loan to EARTHCARE group before Evansville City Council approved them for the $4.8 Million loan from the taxpayers.

    Once you find out who the individuals that serve on the Vanderburgh County Building Authority Board then all you have to do a little research and you shall see why Dave Rector keep his job!

    Oh, once you find the answers to the above research question please share it with the CCO readers.

      • The Trustees choose the Directors, for those of you who don’t know Jack. Pun intended.


    • It also seems that both appointees from the City Council to the Area Plan Commission come from the same political party.

      Dr. H. Dan Adams and Steven Melcher are those Two appointees.


      • I should have said “were” here. I am not sure who replaced Melcher as one of their appointments to Area Plan.


        • Oops, brain fart. Only 1 appointee from City Council and one from County Council.

          So Adams and Melcher stand as 2012 appointees to the Area Plan Commission.

          Whew, I thought I was losing it there for a minute.


          • Before you assume political conspiracy regarding the Area Plan Commission appointments, the “city council appointees” you refer to served on the APC by virtue of state statue which requires an elected member of city council (also county council and county commissioners) to serve on the APC board.

            Furthermore, Dan McGinn has served on the APC board by virtue of his elected position, thereby nullifying any assumption that one party tries to monopolize the city council appointments.

            Also, Steve Melcher now serves on APC by virtue of his elected position on the county commissioners, not anything to do with city council. But yes, Melcher also served a term on APC when he was city councilman. If he now serves as a county commissioners’ appointment, that just shows that board also ignores partisan monopoly of APC since the county commissioners currently are 2:1 Republican.

            I’m not sure why APC’s board has anything to do with a discussion of the Building Authority board, but I hope that has been helpful.

          • S2B

            I am not assuming anything. I am merely trying to identify the people holding the positions. I am quite contented to let people make their own associations once they know who those in charge are.

            If the appointees from the city council and the county commission are both democrats, that is just the reality of the situation.


    • It also appears that :

      Roger Lehman

      Principal at RLehman Consulting
      Evansville, Indiana Area | Facilities Services

      Construction Manager at Evansville Vanderburgh School Corp, Principal at RLehman Consulting
      Building Commissioner at Evansville Vanderburgh County Building Commission
      University of Evansville

      * * * * * * *

      Is a member of both the Area Plan Commission and the Zoning Appeals Board.

      Considering his consulting business, I would say he is very well placed to garner favorable outcomes for his clients.


  2. Jordan

    Another issue you might want to research. The Evansville Park and Rec. Board makeup is extemely interesting also. As you well know they work hand in hand with Dave Rector and his Board.

    I bet you find a few family members and real close friends of elected officials serving on this Board. Oh, why would the City allow a Union Rep. to serve on the Parks and Rec. Board when union workers are employed by this Board. See any comflict of interest?

    Do members serving on this Board make $3,000, $4,000 or $5,000 dollars per year for serving on this appointed Board?

    Please share your research information with the readers of the CCO!

    Support the Evansville “OTTERS”!

  3. Hi “Civic Center Mole” when and where does Dave Rector’s Board (Building Authority) meet?

  4. Editor,

    I question the authenticity of this article. 1) the Mayans do not have e-mail (they just received MS-Office last month, still trying to install); 2) it was either the Incas or the Aztecs, not sure which; and 3) are you suggesting Jordan Baer is a Mayan ? Please post birth certificate.

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