Open Forum April 12, 2015


 IS IT TRUE last night Guns and Hoses event was the best ever?   …Over $117,000 was raised last night and all the money goes to local charities? …thanks to our outstanding “1st Responders” for all the hard work done on this outstanding event?  …we give special thanks to Evansville Police Sgt. Patrick Phernetton, Police Chief  Billy Bolin and Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Nick Hermann for all the outstanding work they did to help make this event a big success?


  1. I’ve noticed Mosby campaign signage on city bus stops. Any way to find out if she had to pay for that?

    • Those ad-sites are privately owned so if she didn’t pay for them they would/should be on her campaign finance report.

    This weekend’s Wall Street Journal has a well-written article on why there is tension between everybody in the Middle East….

    …….and why something so irrational as ISIS can succeed. I took classes in this in college, but this is like being handed a term paper and being told, “Read this. It easily explains why things are screwed up, real fast.”

    Here’s the article:


    This is for those that still don’t think that Global Warming is real. I hope you don’t like almond as the supply is drying up along with other major fruit and vegetable crops in California. We only get more of our fruits and vegetable from California so look for the food prices to increase when the supplies dwindle downward. Demand will stay high and anyone who can read a economic chart of supply and demand can figure this one out.

      • 1, Now you gone and done it. You are going to confuse Moveon. I’m sure he is a fan of Gov. Moonbeam.

      • Tell me why the Glaciers are melting dummy. That’s directed at both 1countryboy and cowboy in case you didn’t know. Both of you seemed to be more confused that ever these days.

        • Move, You were posting about the Cali. drought not the glaciers. Calling people names isn’t very nice.

        • Because they had their water cut off several yearsf ago for some snail. We’re there not droughts before the combustion engine?

          • Not since mankind evolved to walk on two legs. Next stupid question Mega?
            I know you must have a lot of them store up inside that pea brain of yours.

          • And you with the big brain, how do you know there was no glacier melting prior to the combustion engine? Did you see records from a million years ago?

        • Is that not the same story we were told not too ing ago. Oh all the ice is melting in the poles. The sea level is going to rise and drown everyone. Yet then the scientific team sent to the pole to do a study suddenly got stuck in the expanding ice (that wasn’t supposed to be there).

    • California farming area “drought” is a man-created problem caused by some PETA wackos insisting on diverting water from the farms/growing areas to save some guppy/minnow/snail darter.

      • Yep. That simple. This whole drought problem is because of a fish. Thanks PCD.

        (It’s amazing you hold a job if you can’t be any more sophisticated than that.)

        • someone has to dig ditches quark. You really don’t have to be very smart to dig ditches, flip burgers and a host of other things. And it’s not against the law …yet… to produce stupid offspring.

        • Quark It’s still amazing that people like Mega are so uninformed and stupid. The entire issue is much more than some simple damn fish. Yet all that idiot sees is a fish. He’s blind to the facts that the last two years have been the Hottest ( I use hot instead of warm) on record since human’s have been keeping weather records. And he is blind to the fact that glaciers that took years to forum from snow fall are melting and retreating miles at a time now. Still he can’t figure out that a two degrees change in the air temperature and ground temperature will cause ice to melt. I guess he has no clue as to what specific heat and melting temperature of water means in a global warming sense. One doesn’t need to use much intelligence when talking to these idiots as it would be a waste of effort and only go right over their heads. IE in one ear and out the other with nothing registering in-between.

          The world as a whole is getting warmer so get used to it boy’s and girls. The earth is getting warmer all the time due to man’s activities. Anyone that can’t see that or denies that mankind has a huge impact on this planet needs to take a ride in the space station and watch the earth from above to see the whole picture better.

        • Actually Quark. You are a little too dense to get his point and are too sarcastic to admit it. Let me simplify it for you. There is a lack of water. The reason is because the envorinmentalists passed (unconstitutional) laws forbidding the transfer of water to this area. They passed these (unconstitutional) because they claimed that a little delta smelt was going to become extinct if they didn’t do so. So his statement is correct, the drought issue is caused by the fish’s supporters or the fish is an indirect cause.

          And as for your snide racist comment to the Dutchman, what the hell does sophistication have to do with with making a comment on a message board? I think maybe you should go back to your little ole college you were bragging about and take a class on common decency and common sense.

      • PCD, just an observation but droughts seem to occur alot in deserts where cacti grow. This may help Moveon understand why there is less rain in California’s Inland Empire, than say its mountains.

        • Joe,

          You can’t convince those types with actual common sense or facts. They believe what they are told to believe by their leftist puppeteers.

  4. Guns and Hoses makes money for charity. But why does about half of the money raised go to one particular charity that deals with a really rare disease that only affects a few children? And one of those kids is the dauther of the Guy who started the Guns and Hoses Charity. I think this is a good event but there is a reason why the vast majority of pharmaceutical research is devoted to diseases that effect large groups of people and not small groups of people. Putting large amounts of money to a rare diseases research is not the normal.

    Good luck finding a cure for this rare disease that only a few kids have these days. That’s a big hill to climb. To find a cure for this type of disease won’t be easy. It’s a shame that it costs to much to discover cures for the diseases that man kind suffers from.

    We have been researching a cure for cancer for many years not and recently in the past few years much excitement has developed with the fact that using viruses that are manipulated so that they can’t produce the disease that they are know for but they can still invade our bodies and attack the cancers inside our bodies. This could be the miracle that we need to help us fight cancers better. You never know when a break though will be found.

    Congratulations to the men in Red.

    • Bravo to Guns N Hoses and to the father of that child. If all the money went to that cause it would be fine by me.

    • Moveon have absolutely NO CLUE! But I’ve decided it’s not worth explaining to you what a fantastic organization 911 Gives Hope is. If you haven’t bothered to find out by now, you’re not worth wasting time on.

    • Move On: The money being raised for Prader Willi Syndrome is not going to research. It is being raised to build a group home for people with this horrible disease. This disease causes the person to be constantly hungry, no matter how much they eat. These folks cannot live on their own, and must live in a controlled environment. There are very few group homes for these people, and not one within over 500 miles of here. If ALL of the proceeds went to this, I would still gladly participate. Happily, 911 Gives Hope gives to many other great charities as well, please go to the website, and look into some of these charities, some of them are very unique, and offer amazing opportunities to kids with disabilities!

  5. Is it true that this column should have extended “special thanks” to the rest of the 911 Gives Hope board as well? Chris Reiter, Davis Weis, and Matt Garnett are Evansville Firefighters also on the board? So is Daren Harmon from the Vanderburgh Sheriff’s Dept.? That there is also an Advisory board consisting of many more members who ALL worked very hard to make this event what it is? This is not to suggest Sgt. Phernetton, Chief Bolin, and Prosecutor Hermann did not work hard, they did! All of that being said, I would like to personally thank everyone who came out to support this AWESOME event! I am truly blessed to be a part of it, and cannot wait to get back in the ring next year! Extra special thanks to Mike Doran for brow beating me into participating in the First Guns and Hoses. I’ve been here ever since, and hope to be for many more!

  6. Move On: The money being raised for Prader Willi Syndrome is not going to research. It is being raised to build a group home for people with this horrible disease. This disease causes the person to be constantly hungry, no matter how much they eat. These folks cannot live on their own, and must live in a controlled environment. There are very few group homes for these people, and not one within over 500 miles of here. If ALL of the proceeds went to this, I would still gladly participate. Happily, 911 Gives Hope gives to many other great charities as well, please go to the website, and look into some of these charities, some of them are very unique, and offer amazing opportunities to kids with disabilities!

  7. How did Hillary become the bench mark by which all presidential candidates are measured?

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