Governor Pence Announces More Than $10 Million for School Safety


Governor Mike Pence today announced school safety awards of more than $10 million allocated to 260 local schools and school corporations across Indiana. The Indiana Secured School Safety Board approved the grants.


The Secured School Safety Grant program is a dedicated state grant fund that provides matching grants to school corporations, charter schools, or coalitions of school corporations and/or charter schools applying jointly to:


  • Conduct a threat assessment;
  • Purchase equipment to restrict access to the school or expedite the notification of first responders; and/or
  • Employ a school resource officer (SRO).


“I am thankful today to announce the newest distribution from the Secured School Grant Program for the safety of Indiana’s school children, and for those who teach, mentor and help them at school,” said Governor Pence. “The safety of our kids is our highest priority, and this grant program continues to be a valuable partnership between local schools and the state.”


This year’s funding comes from the account’s $3.5 million original allocation, $3.5 million from excess Indiana Department of Homeland Security admin funds, as announced by Governor Pence in early October, and more than $3 million in unspent and unallocated funds from previous years. These carryover funds continue to increase as grants from previous years go unused and the money is returned to the state.


This is the third time Secured School Safety grants have been awarded.


Of the awarded funding, nearly $5 million will be used to purchase equipment and more than $5.1 million will go to employ school resource officers.


School corporations, charter schools, or coalitions with an average daily membership (ADM) of at least 1,000 students applied for grants of up to $50,000. Eligible entities with an ADM of less than 1,000 students applied for grants of up to $35,000. During the 2014 legislative session, the pool of eligible recipients was expanded to include cooperative career and technical education centers.


The members of the Secured School Safety Grant Program are: Eric Bowlen, Principal at Ronald K. Bell East-Middle School of Martinsville; Doug Carter, Superintendent of the Indiana State Police; Scott Mellinger, Sheriff of Madison County; David Kane, Director of the Indiana Department of Homeland Security; David Murtaugh, Director of the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute; Scott Reske, Executive Director of Public and Governmental Affairs for the Indiana Department of Education; and Greg Zoeller, Attorney General.


A full list of schools and the proposed use for their grant awards can be found attached.



  1. I can’t find the attachment of the list of schools and proposed use for their grant awards. I am a student at The Ohio State University doing research on the topic and was wondering if you would be able to post and / or email me the list?…


  2. I don’t know if my last post went through, but I can’t find the attachment of the list of schools and proposed use for their grant awards. I am a student at The Ohio State University doing research on the topic and was wondering if you would be able to post and / or email me the list?…


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