Old Properties in Evansville Receive New Owners
The City of Evansville has plans to sell the former CVS property at 800 North Main Street and have approved the sale of the garage in the 400 Block of Locust Street.
The North Maine Street location is being leased to Davita Dialysis Center and the purchase of the property will need to honor the current lease. After the renovation on North Main Street this year, the city decided that the property should be put into private hands.
Five of six parties have expressed interest in the property.
The location on Locust Street was purchase by Evansville Health Reality, the organization that owns the properties of the downtown medical school. The garage will additional parking for the medical school and will be a public garage after 5:0PM on weekdays and weekends.
Plans include a pedestrian bridge connecting the garage to the soon-to-be-built Deaconess building.
Hocus Pocus Fourth & Locust.
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