Official Press Release of Indiana Democrats Regarding Davis Campaign Cash Infusion


October 22, 2011

Indiana Democratic Party launches television blitz in Evansville mayor’s race
New commercial highlights Winnecke’s involvement in secret property tax hike

INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Democratic Party has begun airing a new television commercial highlighting Evansville Republican mayoral candidate Lloyd Winnecke’s involvement in a secret property tax deal that raised taxes on 46,000 Evansville homeowners by $5.1 million.

Winnecke called for and chaired the secret meeting in April 2008 where the decision was made not to renew the county’s local homestead credit. Homeowners didn’t find out until a year later when increased tax bills hit their mailboxes – without the credit.

“Lloyd Winnecke’s record is shameful,” said Indiana Democratic Party Chair Dan Parker. “He led the effort to sneak behind taxpayers’ backs and raise taxes, and now he wants to be Mayor?”

Parker said voters have a right to know how deeply Winnecke was involved in the secret meeting and its consequences.

“Not only did this guy not think twice about raising taxes on property owners as a source of ‘new’ revenue, but he did it behind closed doors and didn’t tell anyone about the deal until a year later,” Parker said.

Parker said voters have a choice between Winnecke and Vanderburgh County Treasurer Rick Davis, who will bring an eye for fiscal responsibility and a commitment to government transparency to the job.

The Indiana Democratic Party is in-kinding the commercial to the Committee to Elect Rick Davis Mayor, which will air on local Evansville television stations. A copy of the commercial and script are available upon request.



  1. I love this little town, I really do.
    Don’t know all the particulars.
    But geeminy , how many of us have been in a situation where we just knew that we should really not be there?
    Like the song “Mama told me not to come”?
    Man, I’ve been there a lot.
    Most of the time I just slid out and tried to get home clean.
    Could it just be for Winnecke just the same kind of scenario?

    I don’t know , and really don’t care.
    But, it seems like it could be cleared up with a simple, truthful, explanation.

    I get the feeling from my little perch here, observing the world, that the “BS Tolerance Factor” is at a historical low.

    I’m getting the feeling that the more the politicians are giving the “cognitive,value added,peer group,blah blah blah” rigamorole , the more people are turned off.

    Just my thoughts.

    • Nice tie-in to the 3 dog night song and very fitting, problem is that Winnecke had a year to come clean he chose not to, he knew they hadn’t voted on the homestead credit and kept his mouth shut, while I don’t know who’s idea it was to not renew the credit for home owners, just like any accusation when you keep quiet knowing the truth you are guilty by association in the very least.


  2. Is anyone in Evansville so naive as to think for just one second that the Democratic Party in this county can effectively govern, given the fact that there has been and there is right now a huge feud between the Whiney-Zapple and Davis clans (klans?) in the party? Just within the last week City Councilwoman and Queen of the Ghetto Connie Robinson has decreed that her voters are to stay home in this election season. And she is no lone ranger in expressing that sentiment. The power struggle between the corrupt Whiney-Boy faction (remember the $1.5 million-ooops, scratch that, $3 million LST dock?). Is there anyone in Vanderburgh County who is so dumb as to think that the Rieckens didn’t pocket that additional $1.5 million as a lifetime sleazebag award for their service to the Democratic Party? How many other city and county projects since 2004 have been subject to the same project-padding to personally enrich scumbag hacks in the Democratic Party? Just how much money did Whiney-Sniffle get in campaign contributions from arena contractors? Wasn’t it shamefully obvious from the inception of the arena project that it was being built to finance Whiney-Boy’s campaign slush fund. Isn’t it perfectly clear that anyone voting for Davis says, “I am all-in for another four years of Whiney-zapple-style corruption via inflated prices for public works projects!?”

    Think, People!

    • Agreed….this is just one instance and the tip of the iceberg as far as under the table back room deals, and it’s obvious that the machine demos are willing to support Winnecke as a seat warmer for their next power broker which would make him just another sock-puppet for the machine.


    • Mayor Weinzapefel’s annual campaign finance reports were released last January and there is isn’t any evidence of kickbacks from arena contractors in that report.

      I have my differences with some of Mayor Weizapfel’s decisions and policies but facts are facts, and you sir in my opinion have crossed the line. Do you have any evidence whatsoever of the allegations you make? NONE that I know of.

      I a have a copy of the Mayor’s campaign finance report and would be glad to send you a copy so you can review it back up the allegations you make.

      Steve Smith
      Treasurer Committed to Elect Rick Davis

      • Populous Group: $2,000
        Krieg DeVault: $3,666
        AF Engineering: $5,000
        Barnes and Thornburg: $2,500
        London Witte: $8,500
        Hunt Construction: $2,000
        Bose McKinney: 6,000

        Dat is just a start. How many of those would have happened without any arena project????? I say ZERO!

      • Steve are you saying as Treasurer of the Committee to Elect Rick Davis that you and the Davis campaign are benefitting from Weinzapfel’s campaign treasury, or just that you support the method of fundraising from city contractors that is now benefitting the Davis campaign?

        • I’m saying if you make an allegation back it up with facts. That is all, no more no less.

          • But as the treasurer of the Davis for Mayor campaign, you do like the fact that Rick is now benefitting from the money Dan Parker and the Indy insiders are funneling back down here out of the donations Weinzapfel solicited from arena contractors and such, right Steve?

  3. The State Democratic party had enough of the disloyal local Democratic splinter elements that refuse to support, and some openly oppose, their own candidate for Mayor. The State Democrats just stepped in and now funded an ad that highlights the April Fools day meeting in their own Democrat Mayor’s office where the secret tax grab decision was made:

    If Chairman Owen and the Mayor had supported their own candidate, it is impossible that the Democratic party would have run this ad which slams not only Mr. Davis opponent but also the outgoing Democratic Mayor and all the other Democrats at the April Fools day meeting when Indiana Democratic Party Chair Dan Parker issues a press release stating the effort to sneak behind the taxpayers backs to raise taxes and not tell anyone for a year shows judgment unfit to hold office.

    • All in the world that old lush Parker is doing is investing $40K in Davis hoping to quadruple his money over the next four years. You see most of that money Weinzapfel sent up to the IDP was to cover staff salaries. I hope Rick is prepared to play ball with Parker and the IDP because payback in politics is part and parcel.

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