Home Breaking News OCTOBER 11, 2016 “READERS FORUM”





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    • Ted Cruz to Donald Trump. Donald you are a LIAR. Will the real Ted Cruz please stand up.

  1. Last evening’s display of total ineptness by this City Council was incredible.. The first three years of Winnecke saw deficit spending of $27 Million in operations and this is before the medical bill issue. Weinzapfel gave Winnecke 5.8 million in reserve in the Hospitalization Fund and at June 30, 2016 that fund is NEGATIVE by 7.5 million. They were warned in 2014 that this issue was at the doorstep. Mosby nor Weaver opened their mouths last year about reductions in expenditures nor did McGinn. And lets not forget about the emergency meeting in the Mayor’s office with all those non-profit organizations last year. Woe, Woe, Woe was the mantra by Winnecke and followed up by Mosby, Weaver, and McGinn. We guess thing must have changed in one year. Maybe that is the election of 2015 is over.

    • Oh, lets see? Is it or is it not true that until Mosby joined Tucker Realty, her parents were assisting her in day to day living expenses and is it true that the Evansville Country Club sued her over unpaid bar tabs. But now things have changed. Maybe she needs to be the puppet head for Sir Lloyd Winnecke or those home listings may dry up?

    • You can blame the Democratic party for allowing this to happen, especially Second Ward Democrats. They let parasites win their primary and get on the ticket. We elected the jackasses and we deserve them.

  2. Good job LKB. Standing watch on the sanity ship.

    Trump is on a “Sugar Shocker Cereal” high in his campaign stops now: lashing out, saying stupid things, just swinging and flailing away. Not trying to win anymore. It’s the insecure speech following the five-cocktails at lunch. Even his kids are ready to divorce him. He’s fat. He looks worn out. He looks old. He looks like a loser.

    The CCO’s “drunk OJ Jurors,” Pressanykey and JoeBiden? (I’d include Al Sharpie, but Al Sharpie is like Otis, the lovable town drunk.” Right? Kind of a lovable racist?)

    These guys have 30 more days to spend on the Parent’s credit card. Then, it’s Voting Day. It’s been fun, it’s been entertaining…..but every -single-person-in here KNOWS the ignorant crap they post here is only desperate, 2AM drunken bar fools blasting away before going home alone. Big talk. Going home a loser.

    Whoop it up boys. Cause on 7pm, November 8th, Polls close in Florida.

    I say that cause Polls in Florida close at 7pm on Election Day. 7pm. Don’t have to wait ’til 8pm in Ohio. It USED to be Ohio, but Trump’s on such bad ground, the path has been narrowed even more…now it’s just Florida. Expect all national networks, including FOX, to call the Election after Florida is called. Cause there is only one metric. Florida. (Hear that? They close at 7pm in Florida.)

    Pressanykey and JoeBiden, stop and get some twinkies and cheetos on your way home to help cure that hangover….

    Hey Laura, what the latest RCP today?

    • The answer is:
      “Do you REALLY think a drunk OJ Juror has intelligent conversations?”
      I mean, OJ did it, they even KNOW he did it, but they don’t care. They voted not guilty. There’s no intelligent conversation with a drunk OJ Juror.

      You got 30 days boys.

    • Mr. Becker, I support the Republican nominee over the corrupt unmitigated disaster of Hillary. Even Trump is better for the Country. Hillary = more Obama abject failures for Country and strengthening all enemies, domestic and abroad. Obama/Hillary care more about transgender surgery for military and DOD and the make believe enemy of “climate change”, than the unsustainable domestic debt and real enemies like ISIS and other Islamic terrorists that are being imported into our Country.

      • Actually Obama’s policies have helped the country recover from the major recession that Bush created in his 8 too long years as our President. Which is why Obama’s ratings are well over 55% these days. Obama is more liked now than Bush was when he left office. The smartest thing that Bush did was to keep his mouth shut and out of the spotlight after he left office.

        Hillary is honest and sincere. On the other hand Trump is corrupt, a bigot, fascist, Liar, ugly, out of control, big headed loser.

        Millions of good American’s will be out voting for Hillary and not trump.

        • I agree that Trump is corrupt, a bigot, a facist, a liar, out of control, and a narcisist. But ugly? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and shoukd not be used a judgement facror in secting a candidate; no more than if one has green eyes or blue eyes.
          At the same time you are wrong about Hillary. She is not honest. She is only sincere about instituting her left-wing agenda, and she is a psychopathic liar.

          Hopefully we’ll only have to endure one or the the other for 4 years or until Congress impeaches them or the judical system indicts them.

          God help us all, and this country, until they’re both gone.

          • Oh then you must condemn Donald Trump for judging beauty and using it as a factor in talking about Miss Universe? And I prefer Green Eye’s over Blue eyes and Blue eyes over brown eyes. Everyone judges others by their looks at first glance. That is natures way. Some claim we are genetically disposed to picking our mates by their looks. Ever heard of love at first sight?

            I am not wrong about Hillary. She is more honest that you. The left wing agenda is about helping the most people and not just the few at the top. I see that as a great agenda and the Trump agenda as a dangerous agenda. Trump will do what the GOP has done in the past. They have always supported the rich over the poor. Sorry but I don’t agree with that agenda and neither did the vast majority of the people who elected Obama the last two times. You sir are in the Minority and your only chance of getting Trump elected is to prevent the Democrats from voting. The minority GOP is the loudest minority in history. They control the vast majority of the countries wealth including the media.

            And hopefully the majority of the Americans can see though the BS that Trump is selling and elect a Democratic Majority in the US Senate and turn the House back to the people by electing a majority of the democrats to the house of representatives.

            The only thing I don’t like about Hillary is here misguided thoughts that taking guns away will stop the shootings. She is dead wrong about that. I fear that her appointments to the Supreme Court will set back the 2nd amendment to a time before we wrote the bill of rights. It’s already been hacked to death. I’m talking about the 2nd amendment in case you wondered.

            But almost everything else that Hillary stands for is what I want. So I hope that she is our next President. The Alternative is unthinkable. We need cleaner energy and less pollution. We need more medical care for the elderly. We need a very strong defense. We need some one with the guts to call the shots on taking out or number one enemy and that’s Hillary Clinton. She and Barrack guided the US military in taking out Bin Laden. They did what Bush and hit war hawks failed to do for 8 years.

            I’ll take Hillary over that bankrupting bigot Donald John Trump any day.

            We can’t afford to have the USA file for bankruptcy. Donald Trump filed for bankruptcy six times. Donald Trump failed at business six times now. He’s never run for any political office and has ZERO experience in the Public Sector. He is a failed businessman who’s daddy not only got him started but bailed him out more than a few times.

            Who’s going to bail the USA out of a mess when Donald Trump make the wrong decisions.

            Donald Trump would make a great dictator for a small island company who’s demise would not have any impact on the rest of the world. But some one in the GOP needs to FIRE HIM now.

          • Once again more endless leftist rhetoric spewing forth from your from your pie-hole only to assure the the world that you are an illiterate, ignorant prig.
            I do not support or endorse Trump. As I see it, at this time Hillary will be the next POTUS. This country will have to endure the disgrace and result of having two non-viable candidates to opt from provided by the major political parties. The Republicans are solely responsible for failing to properly understand Trump’s appeal to the masses. The Democrats on the other hand failed to provide any choice with real support from the masses. As was stated by comedian portraying Hillary in the Saturday Live parody of the first debate, “Get over it, I know you hate me, but I’m going to keep running until you elect me.” Both Trump and Hillary are disgusting individuals. Both carrying tremendous with them. Hillary IS a pathological liar and she is intent on overturning rights provided for in the Constitution; either by Congressional legislation or judicial empowerment (Damn the Constitution, full speed ahead!) But Trump is far worse as a potential POTUS and scary if he were to be afforded a world platform with the bully-stick that the U.S. offers.
            Get over yourself. Grow up. Move out of your Mommy’s basement. Get a job and pay your dues. Then you’ll understand why the majority of the citizens in this country are disillusioned with what we face following November.

    • Becker’s back!

      I was hoping you were in therapy getting your thinking straightened out, but glad to see you’re back anyway. I look forward to eight years of reminding you how wrong you were and how you let your grandchildren down.

      • Indiana Enoch:

        Yep. You are right. That is part of the bargain. I acknowledge that.

        But you’ll struggle convincing me it would have been better under Trump I-E.

  3. Boy! It is nice to know that Penguins before Police has ruled the day. The Zoo has been running deficits of nearly 4 million per year and the author of the Giant Flower Pot McGinn like the Flower Pot did not ask how much will the Penguin exhibit cost in maintenance. So, McGinn’s new name? Zoolander McGinn. Zoo dirt for brains.

  4. Bongo Burgers and Brew at the zoo. Save the date. It could be a second Fall Festival with all of those delectable exotic treats.

  5. In all fairness it is medical costs that are demolishing city budgets across the nation and Evansville is no exception. $36 Million in medical debt and $20,000 per employee per year is just not sustainable. It is probably not sustainable for two more years.

    Unfounded obligations such as public pensions and healthcare costs are going to have the same negative impact on local governments that the housing crisis had on homeowners. If you look at the root causes they are the same. Big government mandating social programs through regulations on private business will once again create a financial crisis. The chickens hatched after the election of 2008 are coming home to roost in the form of unaffordable healthcare.

    Obamacare will fail if it isn’t drastically altered in 2017 and it is going to take lots of cities, counties, and states with it. Social Security reportedly has 15 years left at its current spend rate. Sanity must prevail and growth must return or financial hell will break lose again.

    • Joe. One way to reduce the medical costs if to have healthier living conditions. We are living in a Sea of Pollution from the Surrounding Coal Burning Power Plants in this area. We are surrounded by huge coal burning power plants and some of them don’t even provide power to those of us living in this area. They give pollute our air, land and water but ship the power that they produce up to Northern Indiana and Michigan.

      We have power plants to the South of us. Big Rivers. We have them to the North of us. Duke Energy Gibsons Plant. To the West of us. AB Brown. And to the East of us Culley. Then there is the one in Rockport, IN. I&M.

      The amount of toxin flowing out of these smoke stacks has increased the cancer rates in our area. Not only do we have higher levels of Ozone because of the emissions coming out of these power plant’s smoke stacks but they are also leaving the burned coal ash on the ground where it’s toxic metals are leaching out into the ground waters. They use river water to cool the power plant and for the make up water and dump these waters back into the Rivers or Cooling ponds. The cooling Pond at Gibson’s Power Plant is so polluted with metals that people can’t fish there anymore. They closed it down due to high selenium levels in the water. This is the direct result of burning coal in this power plant.

      When people breath polluted air it sets up a chain reaction in their bodies. They experience more breathing problems and end up having more heart and lung disease. Cancer rates increase as well. These are the diseases that can be reduced by cleaning up the air, land and water.

      We have so many people that we are polluting ourselves to death and creating more sickness. We would not have so many of these problems if the air, land and water were not so polluted.

      So when the health cost go up and up it’s something that was predictable and that could have been prevented.

      • I agree with you that air quality and water quality and big contributors to poor health. I also agree that to some degree they are predictable and therefore controllable.

        Here is what having perfect air and water will not mitigate. They will not mitigate high rates of smoking, sedentary lifestyles, alcohol abuse, opiates, and eating a terrible diet. Evansville has those problems to the extreme.

        Cleaning up the environment is an expensive long term undertaking. Cleaning up an individual lifestyle is actually pretty inexpensive and has immediate returns. I am for both, but creating nirvana for a population that lives like there is no tomorrow won’t solve public health problems.

        • It’s difficult cleaning one’s self up when Big Top burgers are a 10-15 drive.

  6. Courier and Press article this morning that sewer and water rates are going up 25%!

    • Truthfeed???? Is that like Fox News which is unfair and unbalanced. It’ amazes me the trouble some people go to to try to make their points. To the point of twisting the facts and just plain out lying and cheating to get their way. I call them the far right wing radical republicans. They have taken over the republican party and given us the likes of Donald John Trump the biggest cheater who fails to pay his taxes and then brags about it to the rest of us. He’s basically calling all the rest of us STUPID for not being able to do what he did.

      • You need to look in a mirror. You’d see a pot calling a kettle black.

    • PussyPress

      Hey, did you enjoy your government funded holiday on Monday? I guess you’re back up there in your cushy office on the Civic Center 3rd floor.

      Which sycophant are you in Room 302?

      Maybe we should do a FOIA on Internet traffic for employees wasting time on the clock for the Civic Center, especially sine the ranting troll crap you post adds zero to intelligent conversation

  7. That proves what a turd Cruz really is. He’s so focused on trying to run in 2020 that he will even publicly kiss up to the “man” who insulted his wife and father.

    • in yours Roger Ailes Dreams. Trump is going down come November. His days of making a mockery of the Presidential Election Process will be over for good. He can tuck his tail back between his legs, go get a real haircut (Donald your are 70 years old and all the Beatles are almost gone now son) and sneak back into his Trump Tower and try to figure out how to pay all the Russians their money back. He’s in hock to the Russian Mob to the tune of billions of Dollars. None of the US banks would lend him any more money after he filed for bankruptcy six times already. The Russians are funding Trumps campaign. Every one can see that.

    • Every citizen in the United States, regardless of their party choice should be alarmed and dismayed by the content in this video.


    New Wikileaks emails released just moments ago include a shocking admission by Clinton campaign manager John Podesta that Hillary Clinton “has begun to hate everyday Americans”.

    The whistleblower organization dumped part 3 of its Podesta email release today and this has to be the most jaw-dropping revelation yet.

    The email, sent by Podesta on April 19, 2015, contains a discussion on what talking points Hillary should use in framing her candidacy for president in order to get a good head start.

    “I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I’m running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion,” writes Podesta.

    “I think if she doesn’t say it once, people will notice and say we false started in Iowa,” he concludes.

    • I think this fairly sums up Hillary Clinton and her campaign. It is all just a word game to her campaign because they understand that the ONLY thing that matters to Hillary Clinton IS Hillary Clinton! Nothing else, and no one else matters in her warped mind.

      • “Since Obama took office in 2009, seven people have been charged under the Espionage Act — all for leaking classified or sensitive information. Five — Kiriakou, Shamai Leibowitz, Chelsea (previously Bradley) Manning, Jeffrey Sterling, and former State Department official Stephen Kim — got jail time.”

    • Don

      You are ABSOLUTELY correct. I think they will need to put a restraint harness on the chair PussyPress uses in Room 302 at the Civic Center. The level of being unhinged gets worse every passing hour

  9. Hillary Clinton would lose this election even if the Republican candidate was someone other than Donald Trump. She and her bought media want to make this race about personalities, gotcha, in order to divert people’s attention away from what this election is really about, which is: doing away with the old legacy liberal system that has taken this Country down the road to ruin, and trying something new. Hillary Clinton, aside from being one half of the most corrupt criminal enterprise duo ever to operate in American politics, offers nothing new for the American voters. Her ideas are as old as last weeks garbage, and as we have all witnessed, her particular form of liberalism has destroyed many cities and continues to destroy families and jobs for out of work Americans.

    There is a contest going on in this Country, but it is not pointed out to the public for obvious reasons. That contest is between the mainstream media and Donald Trump. A contest that is being waged to see if the Media can promote the most flawed and corrupt person who has ever run for the office of President of the United States, Hillary Clinton, to that office.

    The gloves are off, and for the Media they have been off for the whole campaign. They are coordinating their efforts to take down Donald Trump by any means possible, and thereby insure that the American public remains in the chains forged by the liberals over the last 40 years. The Establishment Globalist Liberals have declared war on Donald Trump and the millions of true Americans who support him in order not only to hold onto what they have, but also to further their Marxist Socialist agenda for America.

    With the Lord’s help, we can show the corrupt Clintons the door in this election, and the Nation can begin to heal.

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