Occupy Evansville to Assemble Again Tomorrow at Four Freedoms


The Facebook page for Occupy Evansville touts a second gathering at the Four Freedoms Monument on the Evansville Riverfront. The occupation will be taking place tomorrow October 22nd from noon until 3 PM.

According to Occupy Evansville this gathering is to reach consensus on pending issues and discuss new proposals, reaching consensus if time permits. This will also be the time that Working Groups report in on their progress, needs, etc. and when any group decisions will be made.

So for the committed and the curious head on down and see what this movement is all about. Our experience covering last weeks occupation was positive and the Occupy Evansville group is substantially different in demographics and demeanor than the Occupy Wall Street protesters that we are familiar with from television news. Holding that thought the group on Wall Street are probably very different than the mainstream media is presenting them to be as well.


  1. I think they’re nuts. Prosperity will come to this country the day Biden & Obama become has-beens, and our Republican President assumes the offfice.

    • LOL. Which republican do you think will actually improve things?
      Pseudo-rep-dem Romney? Pseudo-rep-dem Perry? Mr. 999?

      Both parties have will have weak candidates. Neither will change anything if elected.

      Ron Paul is the only true fiscal conservative with his hat in the ring, and he really can’t win. No matter who wins, spending will not decrease. Reps will spend abroad, Dems will spend here.

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