“Occupy Evansville” Planning “Zombie Walk” for Evansville on Saturday


A previously unheard of organization calling itself “Occupy Evansville” has announced a “Zombie Walk” similar to the daily protesters in New York City and in cities that have branches of the Federal Reserve Bank.

The group is organizing this event for Sunday October 16, 2011 at 1:00 pm at 1 Vectren Square. The group that seems to be new has the following message on their website. A link is below.

WE are not Left.
WE are not Right.
WE are the 99%.
and WE will prevail!



  1. Sad thing is that these tree huger types probably have more business sense than our ERC.

  2. There should be enough unemployed, truly homeless nearly suicidal, bled-out Vectren ratepayers to fill the riverfront.
    Will the EPD bust heads, or respect the Zombie Walker’s right to assemble?
    We shall see, what we shall see. …

  3. Epbar says … they SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED to shut down streets and curtail traffic in the middle of a busy and highly conjested area for the Fall Festival. OR – are they going to be in the parade ???

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