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Occupy Evansville Ordered to Vacate Four Freedoms by 11 pm or be Removed by Force:


Do Not Let This Happen Here

It has been reported by members and observers of Occupy Evansville that they have been notified by the Evansville Police Department to leave the Four Freedoms Monument by 11:00 pm or that they will be forcefully removed.

Update: It has been reported by people at Four Freedoms that the electricity to the monument has been turned off and that the occupation will continue in the dark. It is also reported that the next march scheduled will be in November and that the focus of the march shall be the Vectren Corporation.

It is truly ironic that on public property in a monument to freedom that right here in Evansville that this groups freedom to assemble is being taken away. The City of Evansville is in the midst of an election and our nation is in the worst economic recession since the great depression.

The last thing that is needed is to have a civil rights lawsuit to deal with. It is difficult to understand why this group can’t sit peacefully at the Four Freedoms Monument if they wish to.

This is a developing story and will be updated as more information is gathered.


  1. I second this viewpoint. There is no reason peaceful citizens cannot continue to peaceable assemble after dark. Your rights don’t simply disappear with the sun over the horizon every day.

    Many of the most vocal in this movement have been speaking to lawyers on other issues, so maybe this will become one as well?

  2. Very good opinion…My guess is EPD has some new toys to play with and this crowd makes a good first test…

  3. The curfew at all the parks including the Four Freedons monument is 11:00. Why should it be changed for a few individuals. Bad things can happened after dark, so go home when it is time and set an example of obeying the laws.

  4. Umm civil rights lawsuit? Courts have ruled consistently that cities have the right to limit the size, location, scope, duration, and time of protests. The law is clear, and no freedoms are being violated. One group can’t monopolize a monument, make as much noise as they choose to make, and interfere with the lives of others for as long as they want.

    • Good summation of the law…there aren’t any freedoms being taken away here. In fact, they are exercising them but being asked to do so during park hours. The U.S. Supreme Court has long recognized and upheld these Time, Place, and Manner restrictions on free speech.

      But, it makes for better drama, and instigates the feelings of people to invoke the notion peoples’ rights are being taken away!!! Shakespeare would be proud!

  5. I think that all the leaders of this of this city,that is behind this should all be voted out,and if this happened they need to change the of that monument to Hitler’s post,wakeup america,VOTE THEM OUT BEFORE IT IS TO LATE,our rights have been taken away.find out how or canidates beleive in this matter before you vote for them.

  6. How dare these ruffians and thugs put on a protest demonstration in the Blessed Kingdom of King John the Wienie-Boy Mayor! Why isn’t Whiney-zappel taking the same approach as Our Messiah-in-Chief, Obama the Omnipotent, who actually admires the “Occupy the Place of Your Choice” movement? I call on the Evansville City Council to demand that the mayor let these people fulfill their role as mind-numbed robots of the Obama Regime, so that these people can defecate and take use illegal drugs in full view of the Ohio River so that the whole world can learn from them. All they are Saying, is Give Totalitarianism a Chance! (With apologies to John Lennon and his widow, Yoko).

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