O’Brien: New Law Protects In-Person Worship During Public Emergencies


STATEHOUSE (May 24, 2021) – Legislation supported by State Rep. Tim O’Brien (R-Evansville) protecting Hoosiers’ right to gather for religious worship services during future public emergencies is now law.

During the early months of the pandemic, in-person religious services were prohibited, which O’Brien said cut constituents off from critical services and connections. Senate Enrolled Act 263 prohibits the state or other government bodies from restricting the right to worship in-person, classifying religious gatherings as essential. According to O’Brien, other religious activities like food pantries, daycare or school services can also not be more restricted than other essential services.

“There is a balance between recommending restrictions and ordering a facility to fully close its doors, especially considering places of worship can do so much good for a community,” O’Brien said. “Religious institutions provide incredibly important services such as giving families such a space to grieve, worry and work through life circumstances. Protecting Hoosiers’ right to worship in person is critical.”

O’Brien said according to an annual Gallup poll, Americans’ mental health in 2020 was worse than at any point in the last two decades.Frequent church attendees showed the least change in their mental health ratings, which O’Brien said is a strong sign that religious institutions are vital to society.

Senate Enrolled Act 263 is effective July 1, 2021. Visit iga.in.gov for more information.