O’Brien authors legislation to boost EMS workforce


STATEHOUSE (Jan. 19, 2024) –
State Rep. Tim O’Brien (R-Evansville) recently filed legislation to help address the growing shortage of emergency medical services personnel in Indiana.

O’Brien said his bill calls for a comprehensive study on the status of EMS and how to better support first responders throughout the state.

“One of the most recurring issues I hear from constituents, from everyday Hoosiers who experienced a medical emergency to the first responders who helped them in that critical time, is that these services need extra help to keep up with demand,” O’Brien said. “EMS providers play an important role, and it’s our job to do all that we can to ensure they have the resources they need to save lives.”

According to O’Brien, his legislation would require county executives to report on the status of each local EMS provider in the county to the state, which would utilize the data to explore ways to improve services and address workforce shortages. Emergency medical services are provided by fire departments and public hospitals as well as private entities that have been contracted through local communities and health care providers.

According to a report from the Governor’s Health Commission, there are over 800 EMS provider agencies in Indiana. From 2018 to 2021, Indiana lost more than 300 paramedics and 1,000 emergency medical technicians, with requests for services increasing by 66% in that time, according to testimony given to the commission.