Obama Protest Held By Local Patriots

GetAttachment.aspx-2Over Passes to Impeach Obama Saturday morning Time 10a.m.-12- noon or as long as people want to stay at The OverPass at U.S.I.& the Lloyd Express Way at the Eickhoff Rd.exit everyone welcome bring your sighs Flags we well have Banners God Bless You & God Bless America


  1. More of this impeachment crap? This isn’t helping the GOP. Please stop this nonsense.

    • What makes you think this is republicans? We already knew what democrats are just learning.

      • agree……dems waking up to the fact that the commies have taken over their party…….

  2. Who wrote this notice?

    “Over Passes to Impeach Obama Saturday morning Time 10a.m.-12- noon or as long as people want to stay at The OverPass at U.S.I.& the Lloyd Express Way at the Eickhoff Rd.exit everyone welcome bring your sighs Flags we well have Banners God Bless You & God Bless America”

    Good Lord! Go back to school, please. And this time, not a home school.

    Does anyone have photos of the event. I love those illiterate signs (or “sighs” as the writer of the notice calls them) that show up at all these rallies.

  3. We truly are seeing the end of the Republican Party. The GOP puppet masters wanted to stir the base up and make them just crazy, and that’s just what they got. The Republican led House of Representatives, the worst House in the history of our Nation, just let it out that they are working even LESS next year, only 113 days. Why don’t the crazies want to impeach them?

  4. I wonder if they will spit on people like some did in Louisville over the Iraq war. Honk if you are against the war. Don’t honk, get spit on. But I am sure some don’t see these people as crazy cuz they be good democrats.

  5. Unlike those who are *paid* to go to rallies and pretend to be something they are not, these ‘Overpass’ folks are standing up for what they believe in, and they are actually getting up and going out there to protest on their own accord.
    It is easy to bash them for grammatical errors in their posts, and even suggest they spit on cars. However, I am curious if you have logged off the net long enough to actually go out, see who they are and what they are about. They could be your neighbors, co-workers, or fellow faithful in your church.

    I applaud their effort and their energy, and I hope they keep up the good work!

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