New Law To Help Protect Children By Wendy McNamara

New Law To Help Protect Children
By Wendy McNamara
I recently joined the governor and other leaders for the signing of a new law I sponsored that will help protect our children by securing their privacy rights and preventing sexual advances.
The new law stems from a constituent who reached out for help to stop a man who was making inappropriate sexual advances to her 14-year-old daughter. Since there had been no physical contact, the mother was unable to file a restraining order.
This new law could help prevent this type of situation in the future by allowing a restraining order to be filed against people making inappropriate advances to minors.
This law also expands privacy rights for child abuse victims by protecting their identities. The law states that if a criminal case involves DCS, the details must be closed to the public. This change will help protect victims from harmful and embarrassing facts being made public, while still protecting the constitutional rights of the defendant.
Victims need to know that they are safe and have support, and this law takes steps to protect their physical and emotional health.