New EWSU video series and public education tools available to residents; neighborhood and community groups



Resources help inform the community about the long-term plan to improve Evansville’s sewers

The Evansville Water and Sewer Utility (EWSU) today unveiled a series of five educational videos and announced additional tools to help inform and educate residents about the City’s long-term capital improvement program to upgrade the City’s sewer system and comply with federal mandates.

The videos, housed on the Utility’s YouTube channel named “WatchEWSU”, feature EWSU professionals on location and include animated graphics to explain one of Evansville’s most important, yet unseen assets – its sewer system. Topics include:

  • ï‚·  What’s a CSO? – Watch the animated demonstration of combined sewer overflows and the pollution problems they pose for our waterways.
  • ï‚·  Renew Evansville – Engineers and Utility management discuss the government- mandated program driving Evansville’s proposed 28-year, $540 million plan to upgrade the City’s sewer system to comply with the Clean Water Act.
  • ï‚·  What’s Bee Slough and Why We Should Fix It – Take a look at Evansville’s unique sewer challenge along Veterans Memorial Parkway.
  • ï‚·  Maintaining Our Sewer System – A Valuable, Yet Unseen Asset – Evansville has a vast sewer system. See how the Utility is addressing needed repairs and maintenance, and upgrades to operations.page1image17984 page1image18144

 Investing in Evansville’s Sewer System – This video explains why sewer rates are increasing to help fund the mandated repairs associated with our City’s largest public works project.

Additionally, the Utility is committed to educating residents about Renew Evansville projects. Community groups, neighborhood associations and other civic organizations are encouraged to take advantage of other resources offered by the Utility, including:

  • ï‚·  A speakers bureau available to make presentations. Contact to schedule a speaker for your group.
  • ï‚·  A public website,, that contains information about the agreement with federal and state regulators, the timeline for implementation, copies of many of the submissions the Utility has filed with the EPA since November 2010 and information for residents.
  • ï‚·  A variety of downloadable fact sheets and maps on Renew Evansville website’s Community Resources tab.
  • ï‚·  A series of short videos at
  • ï‚·  An active Twitter feed, @RenewEvansville, releasing breaking news and periodic



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