Home Breaking News IS IT TRUE AUGUST 8, 2016



IS IT TRUE that we encourage our readers to keep and “EAGLE EYE” on the Evansville City Council’s upcoming budget hearings? …that 1st Ward City Councilman and Finance Chairman Dan McGinn (R) is publicly stating It might cost the average property owner only a few dollars a year if Council passes his HOMESTEAD TAX CREDIT deduction resolution?  …he predicts that this move could boost Evansville General Fund revenues by $500,000?

IS IT TRUE Councilman McGinn (R) is saying “we either have to reduce services or we have to fire people” is a typical scare tactic used by tax and spend liberals?  …we wonder why he hasn’t figured out that maybe the taxpayers just don’t want to pay for some city services?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if Councilman Dan McGinn (R) will schedule a “Town Hall Neighborhood” meeting in his Ward to discuses his HOMESTEAD TAX CREDIT deduction resolution?

IS IT TRUE we also are waiting for other City Council members to publicly speak out on the proposed HOMESTEAD TAX CREDIT deduction resolution?  …we look forward to 3rd Ward, 2nd Ward and 4th Ward City Council members Mosby (D), Robinson (D) and Hargis (R) will say about McGinn resolution since they represent the poorest Wards in the City?

IS IT TRUE we would like to know how Council member and Chairman of the Finance Committee Dan McGinn (R) is going to address the projected increases in the City Employee Health insurance coverage?  …we wonder if he will have to address any deficits spending shortfall carry overs from 2016 budget?

IS IT TRUE that Rep. Larry Bucshon announced that his wife and young daughter will soon move to Washington  D.C. to live with him   …that Rep. Bucshon purchased a condo in Washington, DC right after his election to Congress in 2010? … his plush 10,000 square foot, four-acre Warrick County home is up for sale?  …we are pleased to hear Rep. Bucshon isn’t planning to make Washington his official home?  …that  Bucshon’s wife (an anesthesiologist) may practice medicine in Washington, D C.?  …this move is similar to that of Indiana Senatorial candidates Evan Bayh?

IS IT TRUE It has been reported that the city paid $60,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by Milan? …we find this report interesting? …we wonder if the $60,000 settlement figure included the total cost for attorney fees and filing fees to petition the Appeals Court and the United States Supreme Court for hearings?

IS IT TRUE that we hear that statewide internal polling on the Governor’s race has a lot of Hoosier Democrats smiling? … they view Eric Holcomb as weaker candidate for Governor than Governor Pence, who wasn’t looking very good before his abrupt departure to his “higher calling”? …the extremely popular State Auditor and Lt. Governor candidate Suzanne Crouch is seen as a major asset to the  “Holcomb”  ticket, we are sorry to report that voters don’t cast their ballots based on running mates?

IS IT TRUE we would like to wish Evansville own Channel 44 T V a “Happy One Year Anniversary”?  …under the able leadership of News Director, Warren Korff  and General Manager, Jeff Fisher Channel 44 has grown by leaps and bounds?  …we highly recommend that you set you T V dial to Channel 44 for non bias, accurate and refreshing news?

FOOTNOTE:  “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Thursday.

Todays READERS POLL question is: Do you support Councilman Dan McGinn’s Homestead Tax Credit resolution that reduces the percentages of our tax credits?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.

City County Observer has been serving our community for 15 years.

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  1. Larry Bucshon put his home in Warrick up for sale and is moving his family to Washington DC?

    1. In 2018, the 8th District seat is OPEN. Bucshon is not running for re-election.
    2. Bucshon is preparing to retire from Congress and become a healthcare lobbyist.

  2. “Do you see what Bucshon and his wife are doing? This term is his last. We should do that too.
    Here’s why. Honey, we’re not from here. We don’t fit in here. They’ll never accept us, they’re too small minded. And while we will always make a decent living, we can have much nicer things, be members of society, museum boards and be around more people who are like us in Washington DC.
    So, let’s run for Congress, convince idiot gun owners that they need to be scared about losing their guns so they won’t ask us about jobs and economic issues, serve two terms in Congress – it’s only four years – and then make our life in Washington DC in the healthcare lobbying industry so we can stop running for re-election year-round.”
    Richard Moss, MD (Jasper, IN)

  3. Last night Trump swam the 2nd leg of the 100 meter freestyle relay for the Russians. Everytime his ass surfaced, the nasty old hoghead showed his hammer & sickle tattoo in full bloom. He looked like a bobbing rooster’s comb in Phelp’s wake. Very sad. After the event he wouldn’t come out of the water until his people cleared the area and prepared his robe. When asked for comment, he bellowed that Putin said he was a genius.

    • Yes, and Lily King kicked some cheating Russian butt, too! If Trump became President, he’d probably try to deport her for that.

      • He’d damn sure make her take another drug test while vilifying her swimming ability. His allegiance is not to America. Agent Orange’s greed knows no international boundaries.

  4. IS IT TRUE Councilman McGinn (R) is saying “we either have to reduce services or we have to fire people” is a typical scare tactic used by tax and spend liberals? …we wonder why he hasn’t figured out that maybe the taxpayers just don’t want to pay for some city services?

    I don’t think the taxpayers mind paying their fair share for needed city services, but I do think it is time to consider cutting some of the tax breaks given to businesses. It s the principle of the Homestead Tax credit that matters to many people. I have my doubts about the accuracy of McGinn’s estimates of the real amount that owner occupants save with the Homestead Tax credit, but even if he’s right, why shouldn’t we incentivize home ownership? We do plenty to incentivize business.

    • Not to mention it’s obviously the thin wedge of things to come. Once the 2% is knocked off the credit they will X it all out in short order. We must remember they came for it in the dead of night once before, got caught and had to scramble. They’ve lusted after it ever since.

      They have big plans to fund. We cannot expect less than the usual scare tactics (…reduce services or…fire people) from these folks. Leaving the credit at 8% is like dangling money in front of them. At least it’s a tacit admission of the city’s financial health or lack thereof. I wouldn’t believe anything Fly says. If he said, ‘look, you don’t really own your home, we do.’ I’d probably believe that.

      • Not only was it the dead of night it was April Fools Day ,and know one would own up to it
        Winnecke and Weinzapfel are the ones who tried to pull the tax credit theft

  5. What is sooo amazing? ..Dan Hedden, CPA ..you remember ..the hotshot dude from the accounting firm our City seems to use time and time again ..stood before the City Council proclaiming that a spending plan need to be implemented ..no spending PLAN but we have now the “TAX AND SPENDERS” and we all thought that Republicans were for smaller gov’t and less taxes ..just confused!!!

    • McGinn was in attendance at the last exit conference held in December 2015 by the State Board of Accounts and during that meeting the lead auditor looked directed at Mayor Winnecke and stated, “your budgets are NOT in balance” maybe McGinn needs a hearing aid? They also stated that 10 of the 12 months the General Fund was in a deficit. They also stated that the bank and the city books did not agree (reconcile) each and every month. Just incredible!

    The head of the House GOP Conference, Evan McMullin….is TODAY….going to FILE FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES in a few key States Donald Trump badly needs to win in the Fall Election.
    Likely Press Conference? Same time as Trump’s Press Conference.

    McMullin doesn’t have what it take to win the White House. BUT:
    1. He is an actual, real, staunch Republican conservative – directly the opposite of what Donald Trump is.
    2. He espouses true GOP conservative policies and positions – perfectly.
    3. He is a Wharton graduate. He is a former CIA officer. He has years of experience with the House GOP Conference and the US Congress House Committee on Foreign Affairs. He is a Wall Street veteran from Goldman Sachs.
    4. He is from Utah. He’s gonna get Utah votes. Trump doesn’t win Utah? It’s bad. Really, really, really……bad.
    5. McMullin doesn’t need to win Utah…or any other State….he just needs to bleed votes from Trump. Trump is already struggling in so many States…there is already a likely landslide Electoral College defeat in his future.
    6. McMullin has deep pocketed, sustained “select State” Presidential campaign financial backing.

    The objective:
    “We know Trump is highly vulnerable. We know Trump has blown it and is preparing to lose. But Trump is, and never has been, an actual conservative. And we don’t just want him to lose. We want Trump to lose badly.”

      • Indiana Enoch…It is fascinating to observe you choose the need to overturn the wish of gay couples to be married OVER a dangerous fool Presidential candidate indebted to financing from Russian oligarchs close to Putin.

        EVEN CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER from Fox News said he is uncomfortable with Trump having access to the nuclear arsenal of the US.
        Any price….ANY price I-E….for your definition of cultural values.
        You have a right to vote. Common sense filled reasonable voters abound who know you are wrong.
        I am not rubbing it in. Democracy is working on this one buddy.

        • If you had an attention span greater than a goldfish, then you would have read me state that we do not need to revisit the homosexual marriage decree by the supreme court but need to work towards protecting religious freedom against aggressive law suits designed to force Christians to violate their religious convictions.

          The idea of having nuclear weapons is to instill fear in others. Having a president that our enemies actually fear might be the best thing.

          If you were running on common sense you would not be working to see one as president who is in opposition to conservative values and hoping that after four years she will not have caused irreparable damage to them or win a second term. But you’re a RINO not a conservative and running on emotion not commonsense.

          BTW, we are a republic not a democracy. If you had the common sense to know why that is important you might find a cure for your ignorance.

      • No, you really, really don’t. There is a lot better chance of surviving four years of her than four years of Trump.

        • If Hillary is elected, think of the US Supreme with Elizabeth Warren ( aka Pocahontas) and Loretta Lynch. Who knows, maybe even the community organizer will be appointed.

          • Obama is certainly qualified. He has a Constitutional Law Degree from Harvard University. He was President of the Harvard Law Review. And he was President of the United States of America for two terms. Other people have different standards…like “will he agree with me on gay marriage?” or some other political standard. But on the law and experience criteria, qualified is “yes.”

        • No it’s not. There is less danger in a president that our enemies would fear than on they can buy.

  7. Sounds like we have another Ross Perot ..you know the guy that placed the Clintons in power the first place.

    • News Flash ..Julian Assange announced that 350 emails will be forthcoming obtained from her home based file server that, according to Assange will be evidence enough for indictment. Wow, Hilliary will be impeached as president-elect?

  8. Former GOP governor of Michigan William Milliken has endorsed The Hildebeast over Trump. The weeklong reining in of the Foul Tangerine has not changed his abysmal showing in the polls. They’ll give him another couple of weeks before essentially abandoning him to start their backup strategy of conceding the Beast 4 years and trying to protect their down ballot races. Might be too late, the senate teeters.

    McMullin is what Trump feared most, an actual conservative that folks can contrast him with.

  9. Now come on all you Hillary apologists, tell us what a smart and qualified person she is.

    • C’mon Press.
      Tell us how you were Saul on the road to Damascus. And how you saw the light, and it was Donald Trump.
      Cause you need some new material.
      My guy Johnson, or McMullin, they’re both actual, real conservatives. Lot of conservative material: low taxes, strong anti-Russian national defense, pro-business, small government…
      You? You got a guy you never talk about: Trump.

        • You? Pressanykey?
          Weeping tears for an Iranian Muslim?
          Crocodile tears….Press. Crocodile tears.

          • It appears he was working for us stupid. I guess you are in the camp that Iran’s “self reporting” of it nuclear developments is all that is needed. In that case you are as stupid as Hillary.

          • Go get up to date on what we are talking about and them come back and expound your 2 cents worth. It is clear from your postings you do not understand the issue, or you just enjoy talking gibberish.

          • No Press. I am merely pointing out that you are suddenly (and conveniently) expressing support for the Iranian Nuclear Agreement. And for Iranian government propaganda, and it is all fake. That one thing we all know is true: Pressanykey could care less about Muslims working on the Global Iranian Nuclear Agreement. Feigning tears over this from you…? Best example ever of crocodile tears.
            Again – you prove you’re not authentic Press.

      • Hillary, and you can look at that little boy and his mother and ask yourself what is going to happen to them now.

        Hillary Clinton is without worth.

  10. And the answer is: Gary Johnson, Evan McMullin and Donald Trump.
    “Who are two conservatives and a liberal!”

  11. Trump’s Economic Plan being announced today includes mushrooming the national debt by $11 trillion dollars.
    That Trump intends to use Debt as a Tool…is his plan.

    ….welcome back to 19% interest rates folks.

    • (i saw that Drudge headline too…This is what you post when things are so bad, when you have run out of rabbits in your hat. It is infantile.)

        • I believe it should be a legal requirement for all candidates to undergo a rigorous physical and psychiatric exam and that they submit their last ten years tax returns. The results shouldn’t preclude them from taking office, but I doubt the voters would elect anyone who Is terminally ill, a tax cheat, or a lunatic. I might be wrong about that, but we should at least have the information.
          It’s a shame we have the kind of congress we do.

        • I think these two Presidential candidates should have an exam by a proctologist; we need to understand just how far they have their heads up their anal orifices.
          Yes, I know a proctologist wouldn’t normally exam Hillary but the rumor is she’s really butch and has a big pair.

          • PCD…..I admire your humor. But were you alive before women had the right to vote?

          • 19th Amendment. 1919. Nope, I wasn’t even a gleam in my Daddy’s eyes then.
            If being female were the only criteria for being POTUS, I’d vote for Condi Rice. Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer, and Diane Feinstein don’t come close.

    • Even if this photo is legitimate, which I doubt, she appears to have possibly lost her balance or turned an ankle When you’ve worn your heels for too long, I bet it’s happened to you, too. I would also remind you that one of the greatest world leaders of the 20th century, FDR, spent most of his days in a wheelchair.
      That being said, here’s the latest from Nate Silver. The figures for the model on who would win if the election were held today are really stunning. http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/?ex_cid=rrpromo#now

  12. The Republicans are so sure things will go well if they can just keep Trump from being Trump, and today was to be their triumph. They first forced him to endorse Ryan and read that he holds John McCain and Kelly Ayotte “in the highest esteem” from a piece of paper. Now, they have Evan McMullin taking attention away from Trump’s full surrender today when he performs a speech on economic policy that was dictated to him by a party operative. McMullin will be the end of whatever remote chances he may have had.
    I wonder if Rience Preibus is having Trump’s family held hostage until after he reads the speech. Some major leverage is being exerted to stop the megalomaniac from being himself. This gets more interesting by the day.

    • Holding his family hostage wouldn’t do it. Maybe Reince got ahold of that sly dog’s prioritized listing of possible future wives. Melania is already married on borrowed time. He is said to be scouring the Ukraine for the nextie. Cheekbones not high enough? Bodyguard Keith Schiller can fix that.

      • Ridding himself of Melania is high on his priority list, I’m sure. I wonder if he may not be behind the kerfuffle about her being in the country illegally when she did the porn picture shoot in 1995, and how that could cost her citizenship and be a cause for deportation. If he could just be president, stripping her of her citizenship and deporting her would really beat the daylights out of having to pay out another divorce settlement.
        I do suspect that Ivanka is the only one of his family he would be concerned about, and that is because of how useful she is to him.

        • Yes, his ardor for Ivanka came through loud and clear at the convention. Such a loving, fatherly caress.

          On the other hand, he’ll be sending the little Vampire, the one called Baron, in for a blood test. Now how ironic is that?

          • Trump really, really didn’t want to marry the moronic Marla Maples. He tried to get her to abort Tiffany. She just wouldn’t shut up and go away and she realized she was carrying around a very comfortable income in her uterus, so he finally married her. Sadly for Tiffany, she inherited her father’s teeny, tiny, pouty little mouth. It makes her look like a Japanese anime character.

          • You mean when he groped her rear end and she moved his hand and stepped away ? That was awful.

          • Yes, she seemed accustomed to it. It was an awkward moment for the nation. He had those effete little hands movin’.

  13. I can’t believe we entertain Pressanykey with all of this Trump stuff. He’s all five year old banter.
    At least give us a real Republican candidate….to run against Hillary. Press has NOTHING to talk about….it’s all Kardashian World for him….Baghdad Bob Tweets….and “she’s fat’ reality TV arguments from him and JoeBiden.

    And Trump campaign? They’ve thrown in the towel. The election never starts until they start having success winning votes other than white men. African American voters for Trump now total 1%. Hispanics? Like 5%.
    “We’ll start our campaign next month.” Same crap.

    • They’ve got 2 weeks, max, then it’s baked. The old adage that you can’t win an election in August but you can sure lose it has never been more true.

      Many of the bailing real Republicans are qualifying their exit as they pile into the lifeboats with ‘I’ll be working to elect the down ticket Republicans so we can keep the senate’. I thought they’d give him until Labor Day before changing the focus of their efforts but I was wrong. The national Republican hierarchy has given up on him.

      • I think you spelled that out pretty well Bandana.

        The August adage….it’s obviously true.
        The weight of Trump’s failures to conceal his instability. It’s done him in…
        If Trump did not need the Republican Party……he would not have competed as a Republican.
        He needs the GOP….but shot holes in his own boat.
        When Trump says to voters like JoeBiden, Pressanykey and I-E…”You worthless pieces of crap need me. You have no choice. I am the only one who can help you.”……..THEY buy that.
        But that attitude lost it with the GOP. He needs the Republican Party……if he didn’t, he would’ve run as an Independent.

    • Poor PAK just put himself in the Joe Bidet category in my estimation. The only time I’ll reply to him from now on is when I want a good laugh. I’m going to be busy working in the campaign to spend much time arguing with lunatics on CCO after this week, anyway.

    • This is closer to reality than one would expect. I did notice that Trump is touting doing away with the “death tax” and the sheep in the room applauded like they are going to inherit something.

      • That’s funny. So true! Sold as “for the little guy.”…the elimination of the death taxes thing. None of that affects the blue collar voter – not one bit of it.
        It’s not as good as “they’re gonna take away your guns”….to keep from having to talk about jobs, economy and actual healthcare solutions…..but it’s a close second.

      • When they hear him offer that particular nothing they have visions of passing down the family tooth in their little haids.

        The estate tax has consequences for around 2 in a 1000 people. Almost certainly none in his ‘crowd’ today. He insulted them right to their faces and they applauded.

  14. I watched some rather attractive young men play beach volleyball in Rio while I listened to Trump’s speech as it was livestreamed. I’m not certain I could have managed the Trump speech if I had both watched the Orange Buffoon and listened to him at the same time. The eye candy made it manageable for me.
    It does appear that Trump was kept on message by the teleprompter, but he did from time to time lapse into word salad. For what was billed as a major policy speech, it was comparatively substance free. He threw out some ideas he wants to enact, like tax credit for childcare and ending the “death tax.” He repeated the lie about US business taxes being among the highest in the world, etc. and did not appear to understand that in the unlikely circumstance that he would be elected that he could not enact laws without congress.
    He did much better not yelling at hecklers, and he had about a dozen of them. In general it was a pretty terrible speech, but not nearly the disaster it would have been without the teleprompter.


    Trump Is Testing the Norms of Objectivity in Journalism

    Jim Rutenberg

    MEDIATOR AUG. 7, 2016

    This clown Rutenberg wonders how he could be expected to report objectively on Donald Trump, when Trump is so void of any redeeming values, in Rutenberg’s view.

    Well, let me tell Mr. Rutenberg that after a quarter century of national politics, I have yet to hear anyone in the MSM discuss how Hillary Clinton was a disciple of Saul Alinsky. Or how her thesis was suppressed.

    So Mr. Rutenberg, when you or one of your associates tell Hillary’s story to the public, people might take your article on Donald Trump more seriously. But since you have not and will not tell the public who Hillary Clinton really is, there is no obligation on the part of the public to take your article as anything other than the left wing shilling for your preferred candidate that it is.


        • Yes LKB. President Trump and his successor President Pence (nice ring to that) will never nominate Pocahontas, Loretta Lynch or dear leader Obama to the US Supreme Court.

          • That’s pretty good Joe.
            It’s a variation of “Who are three people who have never been in my kitchen.” (Cheers reference.)

          • She idolized the communist Saul Alinsky. She did her thesis on him and his “rules for radicals”.


            Just look at Castro’s Cuba. Dirt poor people with a communist dictator who lives like a king. Altruism is the first thing to fall by the wayside when these people take over, and Hillary and Bill Clinton are already proving with their nefarious deals with unsavory characters that they would be no different. The “Clinton Cash Documentary proves that without a doubt.

          • Hey Press…blah, blah, blah Gruber…blah, blah, blah Alinsky…blah, blah, blah “insert Sean Hannity” mindless drivel talking point.

            Truly, Fox New’s dumbest show host.

    • PRESSANYKEY……with his MSM reference today……has officially started “this is the excuse I will use when Trump doesn’t accumulate enough votes to win.”
      “Its the media’s fault.”
      I guess that means its over for Press.
      Blame the media and turn out the lights. Everybody’s going home.
      August. It’s hot in August Press.

    • Some days, all you catch is Gar. You got a boatload of Gar there JoeB?
      (the good news is…..after this is all over Joe, we can go fishing!)

      • It will be the first time you’ve ever fished with a bro in a straight jacket Becker.

        And the reason you better make sure he’s in a straight jacket is so he can’t show you his concealed carry permit.

        Odds are he’ll still catch more fish than you.

        So he’ll probably want to make sure you’re not carrying before you go also.

        I’m not one to gossip, so this Becker – Biden fishing trip needs to get a second opinion.

        What do you think about it Laura?….

    • Ouch! Good post LKB…

      Congrats Lilly King! Gold Medal……!! (SHE does not cower to the Russians….)

    • The numbers appear to be starting to solidify.

      In Detroit today Trump looked like he was running out of steam.

      Congratulations Lilly King.

  16. Congratulations to Lilly King F. J. Reitz Graduate and IU freshman swimmer for your victory in the 2016 Summer Olympics 100 meter Breast Stroke Event. Gold metal’s are nice. Especially when you win the event fair and square without doping.

  17. DAMN!

    If women didn’t have the right to vote, or Blacks, or Asians, or Gays, or Latinos, or Hispanics, or our intelligence community, or our Generals and Admirals, or Millenials, and college educated brats, we’d have this election in the bag.

    For One Hundred Dollars, What Do You Believe Joe Biden Is Presently Thinking?



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