New auditor Sawyer resigns for ‘family and personal concerns’


November 26, 2013  |   Filed under: People,Top stories  |   Posted by: 

By Lesley Weidenbener

INDIANAPOLIS – State Auditor Dwayne Sawyer has resigned – just three months after he accepted the position – saying that due to “family and personal concerns” it would be best for him to step down.

Dwayne Sawyer - shown here in August when he was appointed state auditor by Gov. Mike Pence - has resigned the post for what he said are personal reasons. Photo by Megan Banta,

Dwayne Sawyer – shown here in August when he was appointed state auditor by Gov. Mike Pence – has resigned the post for what he said are personal reasons. Photo by Megan Banta,

Pence named Sawyer to the post in August after a long search that included interviews with more than a dozen candidates. The appointment made Sawyer – formerly the president of the Brownsburg Town Council – the first black Republican to serve in a statewide office.

Now, Pence will be tasked with finding a new person to fill the position, which had been held by Republican Tim Berry until he left the job to become chairman of the Indiana Republican Party.

Pence said Tuesday that he had accepted Sawyer’s resignation.

“I respect his decision to step aside,” the governor said. “Hoosiers can be assured that Mr. Sawyer’s resignation had nothing to do with his fiduciary responsibilities for the state or his execution of his duties as auditor.”

In his letter of resignation, Sawyer said, “I have come to the conclusion that it will be in the best interests of my family and the people of Indiana whom I have been honored to serve that I resign from the office of Indiana auditor of state.”

In August, the governor said he had been searching for four specific qualities – professional competence, experience in public office, a history of political activism and the character to oversee our state’s finances with integrity – when he named Sawyer to the post.

He had said then that Sawyer was the strongest candidate among the many he had interviewed.

“It was a pretty touch choice,” Pence said in August. “We had some outstanding men and women that we interviewed from all over the state of Indiana for this position. But again and again it was Dwayne Sawyer who emerged as the best choice for all the people of Indiana.”

Sawyer has private sector experience in financial systems, information technology and project management. He had most recently worked in software development for Positron. Sawyer also worked on financial management solutions while employed by Roche Diagnostics, Dow AgroSciences and Eli Lilly & Co.


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  1. Could it be that he was forced out because the Governor told him to cover up major mistakes made in the City of Evansville 2012 Audit? Sawyer told the Governor no and the rest is history.

    Word is that the Mayor has ask the Governor to tell the State Boards of Accounts to down play the obvious bookkeeping mistakes in the upcoming City of Evansville 2012 audit.

    Also the city audit was due on Nov. 1, 2013. Now I hear that the city will get it in Jan., 2014. Cover up anyone?

    Thank God that Pence shall be a one term Governor.

  2. taxpayer–You must lay awake at night to dream up such stupid no basis totally illogical comments.

  3. Hey, Wayne, sources indicate that the Audit should have been complete by November 1, In the past history of the Evansville Audit cycle they came in on March 1 and were complete on by July 1 of the year proceeding the audit. What the hell is going on with the SBOA? We will be in the next audit cycle before the prior year audit is complete…so, let’s see, we have a republican mayor (a reminder the one who orchestrated the denial of the homestead credit, and the one that was involved in the IT cover-up assessment and a republican Governor. Let’s connect the dots?? For instance, the Septmeber 2013, financial have been release, however, according to reliable sources, the consultant for the council has NOT received the bank reconciliations. How, in the hell do you publish financial statements and do not have bank reconciliation supporting the release. G. Gordon Litte would classify this as ” Nitwittery”!!!!

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