New art discussion group at the Arts Council

The Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana is happy to host Art Conversations and Critiques — a new monthly artist-led gathering focusing on the pursuits, insights, challenges and language of art.
Art Conversations and Critiques meets at 10:30 a.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana, 212 Main St. in Downtown Evansville.
About Art Conversations and Critiques:
Conversations may focus on art in the Bower-Suhrheinrich Art Gallery, works in progress of participating artists, or other art related topics. Critiques will focus on describing, analyzing and interpreting art in order to increase our understanding of the creative process and the artists’ intentions and meanings.
Art Conversations and Critiques goal is to provide a comfortable atmosphere, not only for artists, but also for anyone wanting to expand their appreciation and support of art in their personal creative journey as well as in our community.
Art Conversations and Critiques 2019 dates:
March 12
April 9
May 14
June 11
July 9
Aug. 13
Sept. 10
Oct. 8
Nov. 12
Let us and your friends know you’re going on Facebook! Click here for the event page.