Never Take Gun Advice From a Liberal


    What part of “Hey, Kids! Steal your parents’ guns and bring them to school!” sounds like a bad idea?

    If you answered, “All of it,” you may be a conservative.

    A San Francisco production company, Sleeper 13 Productions, created what they call a “Public Service Announcement” video in which a young boy sneaks into his parents’ bedroom, steals a handgun out of a dresser drawer and hides it in his backpack.

    He then carries the gun onto the school bus and into a classroom. After class, he shocks the teacher at her desk by taking the gun out of his backpack and slamming it onto her desk.

    “Can you take this away? I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house,” the boy pouts.

    The “public service” ad then wraps with the tag line, “Our children deserve a safe world. Stop gun violence now.”

    The company’s president and this ad’s producer, Rejina Sincic, has replied to outraged viewers on Twitter that she’s “entertained” by their comments.

    Liberals are not “entertained” by police in schools or military recruiting in schools and have promoted zero tolerance laws that have outlawed skeet and trap club students from having unloaded shotguns in the trunks of their locked vehicles on campus.

    Students have been expelled and denied graduation for such offenses.

    Now, this “progressive” gun control idea is to encourage children to commit felonies by stealing weapons from their parents, carrying them onto school buses and tossing the guns onto their teachers’ desks.

    According to the credits, the video was shot with permission from a local school in Oakland.


    This exhibition of liberal dysphoric mania over guns is also apparent in the recurrent exercise in futility known as “gun buy-backs.”

    The faulty logic is that criminals will give up their guns for a hundred dollars each and this will permanently eliminate guns from the hands of evil-doers.

    How quaint.

    The real result is that hundreds of old, useless guns are dumped for more than they’re worth along with the occasional AR-15 that some widow’s husband never fired.

    A 1999 article in the journal “Law and Order” reported that some people sold guns to police during buybacks and then used the money to buy new guns.

    How reassuring.

    University studies around the country have found gun buy-backs do not reduce gun violence or gun suicides. Not even a little.

    Jon Vernick, a researcher at Johns Hopkins University who has co-authored two studies on the question, says there is no evidence that buybacks reduce gun violence.

    A 2004 report by the National Academy of Sciences called “Firearms and Violence: A Critical Review” said, “The theoretical premise for gun buy-back programs is that the program will lead to fewer guns on the streets because fewer guns are available for either theft or trade and that consequently violence will decline. It is the committee’s view that the theory underlying gun buy-back programs is badly flawed and the empirical evidence demonstrates the ineffectiveness of these programs.”

    “The continuation of buyback programs is a triumph of wishful thinking over all the available evidence,” Garen Wintemute, director of the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California at Davis, told a reporter.

    No fewer than a dozen studies performed by universities, police and newspapers have revealed the same result.

    These facts won’t stop the liberals who also tell kids to steal their parent’s guns and turn them in at school.

    Gun buy-backs are very popular with liberals who know their true value: enabling left-wing politicians to gather more votes from a constituency that truly believes the politician using tax dollars for the buybacks is helping them.

    The real truth is that the politicians know the buybacks are useless in fighting crime and very profitable in getting votes from people ignorant of the buy-back’s failures.

    Let’s hope American school kids haven’t been propagandized by the left to the point of actually stealing their parents’ guns and carrying them to school.

    They’ll find the same treatment liberal policies have given to innocent kids with an empty trap gun in their locked vehicle: a police record and likely expulsion.

    © Copyright 2014 Rick Jensen, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

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    Copyright 2014 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


    1. I have looked at pictures of guns that they have received in the buy backs and think this is not really fair, like it’s stated many are not worth the money but I see more with some worth thousands of dollars like gramp’a old luger or an old civil war colt, do you really believe that they make it any farther than the officers or whom ever collected it own collection????

    2. Not really approving this article or the headline. I belonged to a very conservative professional fraternity that did not allow guns inside the fraternity house. One would be fined big money if they were caught with a firearm inside the house. There were very conservative and obsessive guys living in the house ( 70 member in total) and they would have loved to have caught someone breaking the rules. No alcohol was allowed inside the frat house either.

      So the headline about liberals could just as easily applied to a large group of so called Conservative.

      I should remind the author of the article that you get into trouble when you use labels such as “Liberals”. Not all liberals are anti gun and not all conservatives are pro guns. When you throw out labels like these you are painting with too broad of a brush.

      I vote democratic but that does not make me a liberal on most issues. Most people vote their pocket book.

      • Given your past posts, it’s hard to believe much that you have posted here, other than you vote for Democrats, which isn’t the same as voting democratic.

    3. Rejina Sincic is an Indian film director and screenwriter based in San Francisco. Great, now we have a person from India joining with that twit Piers Morgan (who I think is still mad that we used guns to run the British out around 1782 or so) trying to tell Americans what to do. Other than felony theft of a firearm, illegal possession of a handgun by a minor, having a gun in a school, illegal concealed carry by a minor, brandishing and maybe one or two other crimes; having a child arrested/suspended sounds like a great idea. Since “the video was shot with permission from a local school in Oakland,” this is a perfect example that “educated does not mean intelligent.”

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